god system

Chapter 286 Looking for clues

Chapter 286 Looking for clues
When Xiao Zhan disappeared, only Xiao Jun was still in the Xiao family. If there was anyone Xiao Zhan wanted to leave a message for at that time, that person would undoubtedly be Xiao Jun!
It's just that Xiao Zhan didn't expect that after he disappeared, he was betrayed by the elders. The Xiao family branch entered the Xiao family mountain immediately, and Xiao Jun was also imprisoned, and he didn't even have time to enter the cabinet armory to investigate.

Ever since he started looking for Xiao Zhan's whereabouts, Xiao Ye's thinking has been in the wrong direction.

When Xiao Zhan disappeared, Xiao Ye was still in Ziyunzong. How could Xiao Zhan think that Xiao Ye would come back?

So if Xiao Zhan left any clues at that time, it must not be left to Xiao Ye, nor to Xiao Ding, but Xiao Jun must be the one who can keep it.

So if there is any information left in the cabinet arsenal, it is estimated that only Xiao Jun can unlock it.

"It seems that the second brother still has to be saved first."

Xiao Ye thought about it but did not give up on the investigation. Even if the information Xiao Zhan left was for Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye would do his best.

True Qi and Spiritual Qi kept sweeping across the shelf that Xiao Zhan had emptied, and those were the two most conspicuous places. If there was anything Xiao Zhan wanted to leave behind, it must be on that shelf.

After checking over and over again, they never left any news for Xiao Ye.

"Hey, these pair of knives are suitable for my girl, Smelly Xing Xingxing, come here and introduce me to this girl." Xiao Bing's excited voice came from behind, her eyes were shining brightly, and she fixed her eyes on a pair of silver double knives on a certain shelf .

Although separated by the restriction, he could still feel the aggressive aura coming from the two sabers, and those two sabers were clearly no small matter.

This time Xiao Xingxing did not refuse. He came to Xiao Bing and introduced him. In a blink of an eye, the two seemed to have become friends.

In this way, no one is staring at Xiao Ye, and Xiao Ye's investigation is more relaxed.

The cabinet armory is one of the important places of the Xiao family, and the weapons contained in it are all very high-level existences, no matter whether it is the winter rain bottle or Shura Tianshu that Xiao Zhan took away, they are all terrible.

In addition, every forbidden weapon in the cabinet arsenal has unexpected supernatural powers. It is not that the Xiao family is unwilling to distribute these weapons, but that there are very few people who can control these weapons. Extremely difficult to control.

The horror of these weapons has reached the point where they can still kill people even if no one controls them.That's why they were banned and sealed, lying in the cabinet armory.

This is an important property resource of the Xiao family, and it is also an existence that the Xiao family must carefully keep. That's why his location is in the Xiao family's castle, and outsiders cannot easily enter it.

Any investigation here will actually be more or less blocked by weapons, just like Xiao Ye's investigation, which cannot completely follow his own wishes.

Sometimes there are even some weird voices in his head, these voices are affecting Xiao Ye's judgment, which is very annoying.

Obviously these are all issued by the weapons themselves, and the impact of this is not too big at the moment. Thinking back to when Xiao Zhan disappeared, several groups of people came to the cabinet armory. weapon.

At that time, the weapons even launched an attack, and many people suffered a lot. As a result, they had to return all their things to their original places when the investigation was completed, which saved the weapons from their subsequent anger.

This place is not a dead place as it appears on the surface, and these weapons cannot be offended here. Strictly speaking, this is a home where the weapons temporarily live.

Although the intervention in the investigation was not significant, it was enough for Xiao Ye to return without success.


Xiao Ye withdrew all the investigation fluctuations, and let out a deep breath. There are too many weapons in the cabinet armory that cannot be offended. Xiao Ye knows this well, but he did not offend these weapons. Why did they hinder him?
Is it because Xiao Zhan really left behind something, and he is not the one who should get the clue?

Xiao Ye couldn't help thinking this way in his heart, but after a second thought, he had another thought.They don't let themselves know, so who are they going to know?

Could it be that before Xiao Zhan left, he did something here and changed these weapons?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Does Xiao Zhan really have such supernatural powers?Can he make the weapons in the cabinet armory obey his orders?

This is somewhat unlikely, but recall, Xiao Zhan stayed in the cabinet armory for a long time, what did he do during that time?
He couldn't figure it out, and Xiao Ye couldn't think about it either. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Bing and Xiao Xingxing. The distance between the two of them was still far away from him, and they were all focused on the pair of knives, so they obviously didn't pay much attention. Own.

Probably because they didn't believe they could find out anything, so they simply did their own thing.

Xiao Ye moved his finger secretly, and a trace of blood immediately flowed from the fingertip. What he had to do was very simple, that was to use his own blood to test the gaps in the two empty shelves, and maybe there would be something wrong with it. Effect.

After all, they are both Xiao Zhan's sons, what's the difference, the blood should be the same, right?
Xiao Ye quietly stretched out his hand to the vacancy of the shelf. This was his last attempt. If it failed, there was no need to stay in the cabinet arsenal any longer.

"Stop, let Xiao Jun come."

Just when Xiao Ye was about to touch the gap in the shelf, a strange voice suddenly came from his mind.

The tone and tone of this voice were very dry, as if a person who could not speak at all was forced out of desperation. What was even weirder than this was that this voice did not seem to come from a human mouth.

Xiao Ye retracted his blood-stained fingers immediately, and looked around carefully, trying to find the source of the sound.But unfortunately, the sound came too suddenly and weirdly, without any clues to follow.

"Is that voice reminding me?"

Xiao Ye had a clear understanding in his heart, since the voice was reminding him, it meant that his method was correct, he really needed blood to touch the gap in the shelf, and it couldn't be ordinary blood, it had to be from Xiao Zhan's lineage.

What's even more strange is that before Xiao Ye touched him, something already knew his identity, and his blood can be easily recognized, which shows that Xiao Zhan is not easy in the cabinet arsenal.

"Boy, have you finished the investigation? Have you found anything?"

At this moment, Xiao Bing's urging voice came from behind.Turning her head to look, she saw Xiao Bing's face full of displeasure. It seemed that she didn't succeed in that pair of swords.

The cabinet arsenal is not something you can take as soon as you see it. First, you have to break the restriction, and second, you have to conquer the weapon before you can take it away.

As for the application, there is absolutely no need in the cabinet arsenal. What you have to test here is your own ability.Of course, if you want to enter the arsenal of the cabinet, you have to be a little heavy.

"It's been a long time since the first scene has been destroyed, and probably the clues have also been destroyed." Xiao Ye sighed: "This time I'm going to trouble you two, let's go."

Saying that, Xiao Ye lifted his foot and left, as if he didn't want to stay.

"Hey, don't go, what are you doing in such a hurry? This is the cabinet armory, you may only be able to enter it once in your lifetime. Now there is still time, why not choose and choose, and see if there are any suitable weapons?"

Xiao Bing's sudden words made Xiao Ye pause. He came to the cabinet arsenal. His original purpose was to confuse the line of sight, and check for any clues of Xiao Zhan by the way.

He never thought about where the cabinet arsenal was, and he should choose weapons when he came here.

Now that Xiao Bing said this, Xiao Ye remembered that there are rare weapons everywhere, and it is rare for him to come in once. When he has time, why don't he see if there is anything he can take away?

There is no need to apply for all the weapons here, as long as you can take them away, you can take them all away.

No formalities, no application, no responsibility, just take it away, it's that simple.

Anyone who enters here will try to find weapons that can be taken away. Xiao Bing valued a pair of double knives before, but it is a pity that the two knives did not value her. In the end, Xiao Bing couldn't even break the restriction on the double knives.

If the weapon rejects you, he will automatically transmit power to the ban, making the ban invincible.

Weapon accepts you, or you conquer Weapon, then he will break the restriction for you, and finally leave with you.

"How is it? Is your heart moved? But the heart is in the heart, it is impossible to take away any weapon here. Just like the Haoyue Sword in the hand of the smelly star, in order to get this sword, he has to go all out. I lost half my life and almost died in the cabinet armory. If you were there back then, with your cultivation level, you could have competed with the stinky stars for the Bright Moon Sword, but now...hehe!"

Xiao Bing obviously asked Xiao Ye to try, but he also said a lot of blows to Xiao Ye. If Xiao Ye was discouraged, this girl would seize the slightest chance, and others would feel uncomfortable if she didn't give a good blow.

Xiao Xingxing didn't comment on this, and Xiao Ye just smiled. He glanced around the armory, and a scorching air suddenly radiated from his body.

His eyes, his skin, and even his eyebrows quickly turned into flames, as if his flesh and blood were suddenly filled with pulp, and his whole body looked as if it was going to explode.


Xiao Bing and Xiao Xingxing immediately became cautious. They didn't know what happened to Xiao Ye, but when Xiao Ye's body changed, the entire cabinet armory made a huge sound of weapons. They are catering to Xiao Ye.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Bing and Xiao Xingxing were dumbfounded, but before they were surprised, something even more surprising happened.

bang bang bang bang...

There was a loud explosion, and countless restrictions were opened in the cabinet armory, and strange weapons and treasures floated out of it, approached Xiao Ye, and then lingered around Xiao Ye, floating and suspended.

The excited long beeps of the weapons came one after another. These weapons hovering around Xiao Ye's levitation rotation all have one thing in common, that is, they all contain extremely terrifying fire attributes!
They are all hot guys with strong attacks!
(End of this chapter)

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