god system

Chapter 294 Drug Store Level 2 Authority

Chapter 294 Drug Store Level [-] Authority

There is no gravity, no true qi and aura, no energy recovery, and no freedom of movement. This weird space gives people an extremely depressing feeling.

The energy loss in the body cannot be recovered, which leads to less and less energy that Xiao Ye can use, and every time he uses it, it will decrease by one point. In the end, there will definitely be no energy to use.

This seemed like extremely bad news, but after thinking about it, Xiao Ye couldn't help but smile.

There is no power to use, and Grandpa Bai doesn't care about it. From the side, it shows that you don't need to rely on energy to move freely in this space.

This also greatly saves Xiao Ye's time. Relying on energy is a detour, so don't rely on energy now.

Invisibly, Grandpa Bai gave Xiao Ye a huge reminder. Maybe Grandpa Bai didn't do it on purpose, but this can't change the ending.

Xiao Ye withdrew all the energy in his body, and gave up the recovery and absorption of energy. At this point, he suddenly had a kind of understanding.

If a person or an object wants to move freely in a space, it must first adapt to the space.

Whether it is space pressure, air, or everything in this space, you need to adapt.

Human beings are adapted to the surrounding environment when they are just born, so when they are strong enough, they can move freely.

The current space is a brand new environment for Xiao Ye. His body is rejecting everything in the space, and if it is repelled by the space, he cannot move freely.


Xiao Ye finally understood what he should do in the first and only step, and also understood why Grandpa Bai's body has been floating disorderly in this space.

Because Grandpa Bai's body is also adapting to this space, the so-called adaptation is to go with the flow, when his body completely fits with the space, it is the moment when Xiao Ye succeeds.

Xiao Ye's body is different from others. The whole body strengthening pill and marrow washing pill, the consumption of these two pills gave his body a strong adaptability, which no one else has, not even Grandpa Bai.

Xiao Ye closed his eyes, let go of all his senses, and tried his best to adapt to this gravity-free space.

The body began to float in the void, and all the senses were adapting to the world. This speed was very fast, beyond Grandpa Bai's imagination. After all, Grandpa Bai was not aware of Xiao Ye's physical condition.

"The task is released, adapt to the weightless space, the task rewards twenty gold coins, and the permission of the drug store is upgraded to the second level."

The Divine Clothing System released a long-lost mission. The reward of this mission made Xiao Ye very jealous. It turned out to be an upgrade of the authority of the drug store. This is great news.

Of course, with such a huge benefit, the conditions for triggering the mission are a bit too harsh. If Xiao Ye hadn't thought correctly, came all the way to this so-called weightless space, and accepted the deal with Grandpa Bai, then this mission would not have been triggered.

Unable to trigger this task, who knows when the next opportunity to upgrade the authority will come?
With the task as a foreshadowing, Xiao Ye is full of strength, and has greater confidence in adapting to the space and moving freely in this space.

Every inch of Xiao Ye's skin has a sensitivity that is different from that of ordinary people. Whether it is the air or the small airflow changes in the space, Xiao Ye's skin can capture it very well.

But catching does not mean adapting. To adapt to a space, one must learn to integrate into it.

To integrate into him, the first thing to do is to understand him, calm down, and let your breath blend with the breath of this space.

Grandpa Bai has obviously done this, but he will not teach Xiao Ye, everything depends on Xiao Ye's own perception.

As time went by, Xiao Ye became more and more accustomed to the space, and several days and nights had already passed outside the castle of the Xiao family.

They didn't dare to be distracted, for they were afraid that they would accidentally miss something important.

The more concentrated their energy is, the longer it takes, the more tired they will feel, and they will not care about other things. This kind of wear and tear will continue until they reach their limit.

Another point, while Xiao Xiaojia was waiting patiently, was not in a hurry because of this. The surging undercurrent in the entire Xiao Family Mountain was all about Xiao Ye and the Xiao Family Castle.

To be precise, everything revolves around Xiao Zhan, and Xiao Zhan's whereabouts are what the Xiao family branch cares most about.In other words, the only one who can affect the situation now is Xiao Zhan.

"Brother Tianyou, when will Brother Tianping leave the customs? With the current situation, we must suppress Xiao Ye's arrogance. Only Brother Tianping can suppress him."

In a certain space tree, Lu Tianyou was watering flowers and planting trees leisurely, but around him, there were many disciples from the Xiao family branch, and they were asking about Lu Tianping's news.

These days, the disciples of the Xiao family branch held their breath. They were so oppressed by Xiao Ye that they could not breathe. At this moment, they only wanted to save face, and currently only Lu Tianping could do this.

With a smile on his face, Lu Tianyou was full of contentment, he was still doing his own thing, and didn't make any answer.

"Brother Tianyou, the situation has developed to this point. As disciples of the Xiao family branch, we should unite the front. How can we be so leisurely? This is related to the entire Xiao family branch, and even the entire Xiao family."

The disciples kept persuading Lu Tianyou, but they couldn't make Lu Tianyou fall in love.

It wasn't until Lu Tianyou finished watering all the flowers and plants that he calmly smiled at his disciples: "I can understand everyone's feelings, but it's useless for you to find me now. My elder brother is in retreat, and it is impossible to leave the retreat state just because of this matter." Besides, the elders of the Xiao family have already said that my elder brother's identity cannot fight Xiao Ye for the time being, otherwise you don't need to say, the elders have already asked the elder brother to fight, so don't worry about it, just do what you have to do. "

Lu Tianyou said, and added: "I will leave the Xiao family mountain in the next few days, and you don't have to look for it anymore. As for the Xiao family's affairs, do your best, and don't deliberately care about winning or losing."

"Brother Tianyou, you can be open-minded. Our Xiao family branch has been growing outside these years, but this is all on the surface. There are still many forces secretly oppressing us. If our Xiao family can be reunified this time, it will be a good time for us. On the mainland, who else dares to bully us? This is the chance for us to feel proud, do you think everyone can take it easy?"

What Lu Tianyou said, the disciples already knew about it, but they never expected it to come to this point.

They were anxious to save the situation, but they didn't know that the war between them and Xiao Ye would not affect the final result at all, and only Xiao Zhan could affect the final result.

That's why the high-level members of the Xiao family branch have been paying attention to Xiao Ye's whereabouts, instead of sending someone to teach Xiao Ye a lesson. These are meaningless.

"Everyone, it's a wonderful time for the outside world to be facing a war between righteousness and evil. In the final analysis, the affairs of the Xiao family cannot be changed by disciples of our generation. I am going to play on the battlefield of righteousness and evil. As for what you are going to do?" , that is your own choice, everyone please."

Lu Tianyou knew that no matter what he said or how much he said, it would be difficult to change the minds of Xiao family disciples.

Now Lu Tianyou's mentality is still very good, he is ready to start cultivation in the realm, and the best way is to go to the battlefield of righteousness and evil. For him, the battle of righteousness and evil is a good opportunity to experience, and he doesn't want to miss it.

In the end, the disciples in the space tree still had no choice but to take Lu Tianyou, and finally found Lu Tianping, they were even more unable to do so.To them, Xiao Ye was like a giant standing on their shoulders, weighing them down so hard that they couldn't breathe.

But they can't do anything, they can only turn to others for help, but unfortunately this other person has been restricted, and they are currently unable to make a move.

The grievance in their hearts will not be able to vent for a while, and according to their news, Xiao Ye has also entered the Xiao family castle. It is difficult to find Xiao Ye at this moment, so how can they defeat Xiao Ye?
The disciples of the Xiao family branch gradually worked hard to strengthen themselves because of the pressure brought by Xiao Ye.

The disciples of the Xiao family are like this. The arrogance in their bones makes them unwilling to admit defeat. At any time, they want to be better than others. The pressure from Xiao Ye cannot defeat them, but will make them work harder and harder, trying their best to make themselves become stronger.

This is the disciples of the Xiao family. As disciples of the ancient Xiao family, their arrogance is sometimes a huge disadvantage, and sometimes it is an advantage that forces them to improve.

Even Xiao Ye couldn't deny this point, there was a compelling desire to be strong among the disciples of the Xiao family.

In the weightless space, Xiao Ye is like a piece of gravel in the universe, floating in it without a track, front, back, left, right, floating without the slightest sound, occasionally touching the edge of the space, it will bounce back softly, and then continue to float.

In this weird floating state, Xiao Ye actually fell asleep, completely asleep.

He felt more comfortable than lying on the bed, and his mental power was completely relaxed in this world.In this state, his body is quickly adapting to this space and slowly blending into it.

At some point, Grandpa Bai had stopped floating aimlessly. With his eyes open and his feet in the air, he just observed Xiao Ye carefully, and there was a faint light in his cloudy eyes.

"Although this kid is not as heaven-defying as Xiao Zhan, he still has some traits that ordinary people don't have. Could it be that the blood of the Patriarch has been completely awakened in Xiao Zhan's line? Whether it is Xiao Zhan, Xiao Jun, or Xiao Ding, Even the current Xiao Ye is not simple."

Grandpa Bai thought in his heart, although there was a trace of solemnity on his face, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The blood of the Patriarch, after all, is the most precious thing left by the ancestors, there will always be times when he shines brightly. Now it's the Patriarch's blood." The bloodline is on the verge of the most crisis, and the old man wants to see if the Patriarch's bloodline can rise again in the end and change the status quo of my Xiao family!"

(End of this chapter)

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