god system

Chapter 303 Re-entering the Slaughterhouse

Chapter 303 Re-entering the Slaughterhouse

"Xiao Ye, the old man will pass on all your decisions and stubborn thoughts. From today onwards, you will face the entire branch of the Xiao family."

The extremely strong member of the Xiao family branch left, and when he left, Xiao Ye didn't even know his name.

Xiao Ye didn't know the status of this person in the Xiao family's branch, he only knew that this person was the leader of these branches who lived in the Xiao family's mountain peak, and his strength was not bad.

There was no sound in the back mountain of Xiao's house. Xiao Ye stood alone at the foot of the back mountain, but his thoughts were unusually clear.

He was not intimidated by the big scene just now, nor was his mood affected by the conversation with the strong man. The only thing he regretted was that it affected Uncle Wei and others.

Just when Xiao Ye felt guilty, the originally peaceful back mountain suddenly became noisy again. It was the sound of talking, laughing and beheading chickens and ducks coming from the slaughterhouse.

This is strange. When the Xiao family branch surrounded the slaughterhouse, there was a dead silence in the slaughterhouse without any sound.Now that the Xiao family branch has dispersed, why is the slaughterhouse suddenly bustling?This man can hold his breath and not make a sound, but how did the beast do it?
"Uncle Wei is really getting more and more mysterious. What is the background of the slaughterhouse? Even the seniors of our Xiao family are in awe. If this is the case, with them sitting in the Xiao family, why will the Xiao family never fall?"

There were too many doubts in Xiao Ye's heart. The slaughterhouse was too mysterious for people to see through. In the end, Xiao Ye could only shake his head and sigh, the slaughterhouse was beyond his ability to guess.

"Since I have disturbed Uncle Wei and the others, I still have to apologize."

Xiao Ye was eager to return home, and wanted to go back and see what Xiao Xiaojia had gained.However, he has a great responsibility for the impact on the slaughterhouse, and Xiao Ye cannot back down from this responsibility.

He walked towards the slaughterhouse and rolled up his sleeves at the same time.

Every time I go to the slaughterhouse, a killing is inevitable, and this time is probably no exception.

"Hey third child, your silly second girl is not young anymore, it's time to get married."

"Get the fuck out of here, my second girl is not stupid, I'll let you call her stupid. I agree with her wanting to marry, but it has nothing to do with your son of a bitch, so stop thinking about it."

"Hahaha! Speaking of which, just now outside our slaughterhouse, there were some mad dogs barking. They barked fiercely."

"It's a pity that it's a mad dog. I can't eat it. Otherwise, I'll kill Grandpa and let him go to hell to call him."

"We are human beings, how can we be as knowledgeable as a mad dog? It's better to hold the knife well, and we can cut down the fallen chickens and ducks first."

As he approached the slaughterhouse, Xiao Ye heard familiar voices talking. The uncles in the slaughterhouse were still so open-minded. They all wore rough clothes, and their tone of voice and topics were rough. Only the knives in their hands were shining brightly, as if they could Blind people.

Uncle Wei stood in front of the butcher's stand, with a knife up and down, ending the lives of chickens and ducks neatly.The siege of the slaughterhouse just now seems to have nothing to do with these butchers, and it seems that it has nothing to do with the slaughterhouse.

The arrival of Xiao Ye did not attract the attention of any butchers. The butchers were still doing their own jobs and taking care of their own jobs. They lived a leisurely life without being disturbed by the world.

Xiao Ye came up behind Uncle Wei on his own, and wanted to speak several times, but seeing Uncle Wei's serious butchery appearance, he kept his words in his heart, and only waited for Uncle Wei to finish his work before apologizing to him.

Uncle Wei's knife was very fast, and there was no sound when it fell, and the heads of the chickens and ducks were separated.

Looking at Uncle Wei's eyes, movements and expressions, they are all full of respect. Although he reveals the temperament of a butcher, he can't make people feel the slightest blasphemy.

This is a butcher, a butcher who respects life.He looks calm, but he hides a huge background and methods. Even the most powerful members of the Xiao family are afraid of him and dare not have any conflicts with him.

The knife rose and the knife fell, and the light bloomed in an instant. At first, Xiao Ye prepared something to say to Uncle Wei. Later, after watching Uncle Wei beheading chickens and ducks for a long time, Xiao Ye suddenly had a feeling that Uncle Wei Feeling attracted by the knife work, he found that his eyes could no longer leave the butcher knife that killed life.

"what happened?"

Xiao Ye shook his head, woke up abruptly, and found that Uncle Wei had stopped the work of beheading, and Xiao Ye was sweating coldly on his forehead, unconsciously feeling a chill in his heart.

"What happened just now? My soul seems to be sucked in by that knife."

Xiao Ye no longer dared to take another look at the knife in Uncle Wei's hand. The feeling of being sucked into his soul and being uncontrollable made him very afraid. He didn't know the reason, but he knew that it was part of Uncle Wei's terrifying strength. performance.

"When your soul is attracted by something, you only have half of your life left. And when your soul cannot extricate itself after being attracted, then your life is gone. Boy, you were already dead just now."

Uncle Wei's plain voice rang in Xiao Ye's ears like thunder, blowing Xiao Ye awake completely.

Uncle Wei seemed to know what happened to Xiao Ye just now. His words seemed to be teaching Xiao Ye something, but he seemed to be talking about his own feelings, so he couldn't tell.

"Soul sucked?"

Xiao Ye chewed on this sentence, recalling the scene just now, and again, Xiao Ye still felt powerless, and he had no room to resist at all.

The soul was attracted by Uncle Wei's knife, and it was easy for Uncle Wei to unscrew his head, but the question is, how did Uncle Wei attract his soul?

That knife is ordinary, how can it be done?

"Is this soul cultivation? Uncle Wei is strong enough to cultivate soul? He is in the slaughterhouse to cultivate soul power?"

Xiao Ye couldn't help thinking that, he knew that after reaching a very high level of cultivation, he would walk on the road of cultivating the soul.The stronger the soul, the deeper the perception, the stronger the strength.

Uncle Wei can affect his own soul, does it mean that he has reached the realm of cultivating the soul?

"Boy, one thousand ducks, one thousand native chickens, let's start."

Uncle Wei threw a machete to Xiao Ye, and ordered naturally, as if Xiao Ye should kill a thousand ducks and a thousand native chickens for him.

Xiao Ye also took the machete naturally, and walked to the butcher's stand. Just as he was about to strike, he realized that he was here to apologize, and he couldn't do without saying this.

"Boy, besides killing chickens and ducks, nothing else matters here. If you don't want to do it, you can leave right away, and don't come here again."

Before Xiao Ye could speak, Uncle Wei had already blocked his mouth.

What else can Xiao Ye say?Uncle Wei obviously didn't want himself to mention the matter of talent just now, so if that's the case, then he should seriously kill chickens and ducks, and take the thousand ducks and chickens as an expression of apology.

With the knife in hand, Xiao Ye started the cycle of killing ducks and chickens again.

As before, no matter how much Xiao Ye's strength grows, the ducks and chickens slaughtered in this slaughterhouse will still produce murderous aura, and will continuously integrate into Xiao Ye's body.

Murderous indistinctness has become a means of Xiao Ye's cultivation. The more Xiao Ye adapts, the easier it is to calm down in big scenes.

Because murderous aura is one of the most terrifying auras at this time, even he has gotten used to it, what else can't he get used to?
The murderous aura entered the body, and was naturally refined by Xiao Ye, blended into the dantian, into the flesh and blood.

When Xiao Ye was killing ducks and chickens, his eyes no longer turned blood red like before. At this moment, his expression was calm, and his eyes were full of respect for the creatures under the knife.

Xiao Ye's strength has improved, and the speed of killing has also accelerated. He doesn't know whether the Xiao family needs to eat so many native chickens and ducks. He doesn't even know where Uncle Wei got these animals, or To say that these animals are simply illusions.

In short, the process of killing ducks and chickens has become a way of cultivation for him, which cannot be changed.

In Xiao's courtyard, Xiao Xiaojia had already returned, and locked herself in the house, never going out.

She got what Xiao Ye wanted, but in order not to arouse suspicion, before Xiao Ye came back, she hid in the house and would not take any action.

Dongzi continued to wander freely in Xiao's house, and Xiao's branch quietly monitored people who they thought might know Xiao Zhan's whereabouts after closing the team.

At this time, in the cage of the space tree, there are only three days left before the cage is reset.

The scarlet soul and the magic weapon stayed in the cage of the space tree for nearly a month, and it is not known whether they have hidden themselves or have been discovered.

The Xiao family is no longer peaceful, and the war between the family bloodline and the Xiao family branch has reached a point of tension.At this moment, the Xiao family branch thought they had a good chance of winning, but they couldn't help but worry.

This kid Xiao Ye is really weird, he can play them around out of thin air.

Not only that, since Xiao Ye returned to the Xiao family, his various supernatural powers and rapid advancement caught the Xiao family branch by surprise, and even Lu Tianyou was accidentally defeated by Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye's performance along the way was really astonishing, and he entered the slaughterhouse later, as if he had gained something, and he also had the ability to temporarily disappear from the sight of the Xiao family branch.

Xiao Ye like this is full of unknowns. At this juncture, the Xiao family branch can only keep a close eye on Xiao Ye.

They can't let Xiao Ye get out of their sight again, and they can't let Xiao Ye make any waves, but their plan is destined to be impossible to perfect, and Xiao Ye won't do what they want.

For example, Xiao Ye in the slaughterhouse, it is impossible for the Xiao family branch to detect, they can only wait outside the slaughterhouse, and if Uncle Wei helps Xiao Ye at this time, Xiao Ye can easily get out of the Xiao family branch's sight .

It's a pity that Uncle Wei didn't seem to have any intention of making a move from the beginning to the end. His only request in the slaughterhouse was to let Xiao Ye keep killing ducks and native chickens. As for other aspects, Uncle Wei never said a word. carry.

(End of this chapter)

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