god system

Chapter 320 Extradition space, inheritance of divine power

Chapter 320 Extradition space, inheritance of divine power

No one can stop the phenomenon of heaven and earth from happening, and the formations suspended from the sky slowly began to transform into the gates of space.

The earlier the transformed space gate, the stronger the suction force. Later, suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the space gate, passed directly through the restriction of the Xiao family mountain peak, and landed in the Xiao family.

That was the earliest formation. The energy emitted by the space gate he transformed formed a beam of light between the Xiao family peak and the space gate, about the size of a person.


The first beam of light seemed to be a meeting point. After he fired it, other space gates also shot out beams of light one after another. These beams of light went down vertically and there were so many of them that the disciples were terrified for a while.

The unknown is always frightening, and the disciples began to evade frantically.


But the attention came too suddenly, and the speed was not slow. It was inevitable that some disciples who were not strong enough to dodge were hit by the beam of light.

As a result, the disciple who was hit did not die because of it, but turned into a ray of light, was sucked into the sky by the beam of light, directly penetrated the restriction of the Xiao family mountain peak, and entered the gate of space.

This sudden scene still terrified the disciples, and they continued to dodge, but the superpowers in the sky and the Xiao family branch powerhouses on the ground, their eyes lit up at the same time, and they quickly dug out the information in their minds, and finally A legend about the Xiao family appeared in their minds.

"Spatial extradition, divine power inheritance!"

As if they had made an appointment, the strong men of the Xiao family all over the sky and the strong men of the branches of the Xiao family on the ground uttered these words in unison.

"Disciples of the Xiao family, grab the beam of light with all your strength and enter it!"

"Xiao family branch disciples, desperately enter the beam of light!"

The strong Xiao family and the strong Xiao family branch said almost the same thing again. The disciples didn't know what they were talking about, the extradition of space and the inheritance of divine power, but judging from their tone, this should be a great thing .

Bang bang bang!
All of a sudden, the disciples changed their tactics, and rushed towards the beam of light that fell from the sky, letting the beam of light lead them into the weird space gate above.

Although there are many pillars of light, how can there be many disciples of the Xiao family? Compared with the number of disciples of the Xiao family, the number of pillars of light is less than 01:30.

What's even more strange is that those experts from the Xiao family and branches of the Xiao family just let their disciples enter the beam of light, but they didn't move.

There is clearly greed in their eyes, but they refuse to act. What are they thinking?
Not only them, even some slightly older disciples of the Xiao family, almost over 40 years old, did not participate in the competition for the beam of light.

Judging from their excited expressions, it's not that they don't care, but for another reason.

Xiao Ye kept thinking about why, and he didn't understand until he saw a strong man from the Xiao family branch who couldn't help it enter the mask.

After the strong man from the Xiao family branch entered the beam of light, he was not teleported into the space gate in the void, but was ejected by a huge energy, so he vomited blood to the end and was seriously injured.

Spatial extradition, divine power inheritance, this must be something left by the ancestors of the Xiao family, or a legend of the Xiao family.The legend must have mentioned what kind of people are qualified to participate, and those disciples who are not qualified to participate, if they dare to participate without authorization, there will only be one seriously injured.

After one of the disciples was injured, the excitement and greed of the other disciples obviously subsided a lot. They knew that the era of the Xiao family was no longer theirs, so let the younger generation of disciples fight for it.

"Junior Brother, what should we do?" Xiao Bing and Xiao Ye have not acted yet. Although the beam of light is constantly being occupied, it is not that there is no time to choose.

Both Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing don't quite understand space extradition and divine power inheritance. Moreover, both of them know that the phenomenon of heaven and earth was caused by Xiao Jun, and the reason why Xiao Jun was able to cause it is because of the clues left by Xiao Zhan.

Thinking about it this way, even if Xiao Zhan wants to leave anything behind, only Xiao Jun should benefit. Why did he arrange such a huge scene today?

What is Xiao Zhan's intention?Or did this step not go according to Xiao Zhan's plan at all?
Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes, and all the clues in his mind were connected in quick succession, and a completed chain loomed indistinctly.

"Great Elder, Xiao Yi, Xiao Jia..."

Xiao Ye had a vague understanding, he felt that what Xiao Zhan left must be to fight against Xiao Jun personally, and that was a great benefit.It's just that something went wrong during the process.

In the link between the Great Elder and Xiao Yi, if Xiao Ye is not mistaken, the missing Great Elder must be thinking of a way to save Xiao Jun, and then take Xiao Jun to Xiao Yi to get things.

It's just that before the Great Elder arranged everything, Xiao Ye stepped forward and rescued Xiao Jun. Unfortunately, Xiao Yina's things were taken by Xiao Xiaojia again, which led to the current series of situations.

Although such a series connection is completely guesswork, and there are some puzzling places in it, it has to be said that there is some truth.

"It would be great if Xiaojia was here. I don't know how she is doing now."

The shadow of Xiao Xiaojia appeared in Xiao Ye's mind, and his gaze also fell in the direction of his own courtyard, but the distance was too far to perceive it.

"Junior brother, why are you in a daze? There are not many beams of light left, and that guy locked on us just now. It seems that he is not going to let us enter the beam of light. If he doesn't act, it will be too late."

Xiao Bing pulled Xiao Ye out of his thoughts, pointed to not far away, and followed her gaze, Xiao Ye was surprised to find that Lu Tianping was staring at him with a half-smile.

Seeing his gaze, Lu Tianping smiled back, but this smile didn't have any kindness, instead it felt creepy.

The beam of light was not much left, so instead of snatching the beam of light, Lu Tianping locked Xiao Ye instead. It was very obvious that Lu Tianping wanted to prevent Xiao Ye from entering the beam of light, and he himself had absolute confidence to enter the beam of light at the last moment.

"Xiao Bing, you enter the beam of light. This person is fighting against me. I will find a way to enter the beam of light." Xiao Ye said to Xiao Bing quite solemnly.

"I said, Junior Brother, are you planning to be a hero? Forget it, that kid is very powerful, and the girl is too lazy to fight him, so you can handle it yourself."

Xiao Bing was not too polite, and had to criticize Xiao Ye before leaving.

Xiao Bing was not slow, and quickly grabbed a beam of light, entered it, and disappeared immediately, while Xiao Ye was still standing where he was, looking at Lu Tianping.

Lu Tianping is very strong!Xiao Ye knew this very well. This guy was a strong man at the level of King Wu. If he competed with him or confronted him head-on, Xiao Ye would have no choice but to die. He knew this even more.

Now that Lu Tianping stared at him to death, he was clearly planning to prevent him from entering the door of space extradition, so that he would lose the opportunity to inherit divine power.

As for Lu Tianping himself, he has absolute confidence that he can inherit the divine power.Who else is qualified to possess the supernatural power of the Xiao family except himself?
The enemy is strong and we are weak, Xiao Ye must find a way to get rid of Lu Tianping and enter the beam of light.

All of this was very difficult, and this was the first time Xiao Ye faced a Martial King-level existence. Although it was impossible for Lu Tianping to kill Xiao Ye under such circumstances, some actions that affected Xiao Ye's entry into the beam of light were still allowed.

He locked onto Xiao Ye, and all his breath fell on Xiao Ye, even if there was a beam of light close at hand, and no disciples entered, he would not be moved.

For Lu Tianping, entering the beam of light is just a matter of anytime and anywhere, what he has to do now is to make things difficult for Xiao Ye.

That day Xiao Ye defeated the disciples of the Xiao family branch in front of him, and then defeated Lu Tianyou, which made Lu Tianping very upset, because he thought that Xiao Ye should not win, Xiao Ye should lose.

The Patriarch's bloodline is no longer good, you just can't compare with our Xiao family branch, you live to lose!
At that time, Lu Tianping was about to make a move, but the powerful Xiao family warned Lu Tianping that he could not fight with Xiao Ye, for no other reason than that Lu Tianping had already absorbed the spiritual energy body, and the cultivation bases of the two were not at the same level superior.

In other words, Xiao Ye was not as good as Lu Tianping, but before he really defeated Xiao Ye, Lu Tianping was unhappy.

To this day, the most powerful members of the Xiao family have indicated that they will no longer participate in the fight between the blood of the family master and the branches of the Xiao family, which means that Lu Tianping can fight Xiao Ye, but he can't use heavy hands and killers.

Before, when Lu Tianping left the customs, Xiao Ye disappeared, and his disappearance also made Lu Tianping suffocate. Until now, with the vision of the Xiao family, Lu Tianping rarely seized the opportunity, so how could he easily give up?

He has completely locked onto Xiao Ye, so he wants to see what kind of disturbance Xiao Ye can cause this time?Lu Tianping didn't have much to do, as long as Xiao Ye was not allowed to enter the extradition space, it would be enough to blow Xiao Ye's arrogance.

"Xiao Ye, aren't you going to enter the beam of light to compete for the inheritance of divine power?"

Lu Tianping's mocking voice came, obviously, he was trying to provoke Xiao Ye, meaning that even if you want to go, I will not allow you to go.

"Inheritance of divine power is passed on to those who are predestined. If there is no predestined relationship, there is no need to force it. But since the beam of light has descended on Xiao Ye, it is not a bad idea to go and have a look. What does Brother Lu say?" Xiao Ye calmly faced Lu Tianping, speaking The tone is also relatively peaceful.

Although Lu Tianping deliberately made things difficult for him, he was Lu Tianyou's elder brother after all, and Xiao Ye had promised Lu Tianyou that he would not take Lu Tianping's life.

Then the best way is to keep the well water from the river water and not create major conflicts, so let alone kill Lu Tianping, Xiao Ye and Lu Tianping won't even have any feuds.

With this mentality, Xiao Ye naturally didn't want to fight with Lu Tianping. Compared with Lu Tianping's smell of gunpowder, Xiao Ye was much calmer.

"Those who have the ability to inherit the divine power will get it. I, Lu Tianping, will naturally go to find out about it. There is no doubt about it." Lu Tianping's implication is that the inheritance of divine power is specially prepared for me, Lu Tianping, and other small fish and shrimps should stay aside. It's better to stand still, lest the master strike too hard and take the life of so-and-so!
(End of this chapter)

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