god system

Chapter 322 Stone Tower

Chapter 322 Stone Tower
The stone pagoda is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the ground is not made of anything, and it is also full of white mist. It seems a little soft to step on, but if you feel it carefully, the ground is still hard.

The sky in this world is not an ordinary blue, but a holy white. With this white world, this place feels a bit like a fairyland.

There are no roads, no pavilions, no vegetation and trees, and no birds, beasts and insects here, as if it is a dead zone.

Around the stone pagoda, there is an indescribable majesty, as if the stone pagoda is the largest in the world, and there is no higher-level existence than the stone pagoda.

The stone pagoda that dominates this space, just standing there quietly, gives people a sense of towering towering, making people want to look up, but dare not look up!

It was already difficult to take his eyes off the stone tower. This stone tower had an inexplicable suction force, and everything became small in front of him.

On the steps leading to the stone pagoda, many disciples were already walking up, trying to step onto the stone pagoda. There is no doubt that the so-called inheritance of divine power must be carried out in the stone pagoda in front of them.

However, the disciples on the stone ladder moved slowly, some disciples were still gasping for breath, and some disciples were even walking backwards.

The disciples looked exhausted. So far, none of the disciples had stepped on the stone ladder, which was about three feet long.

Behind Xiao Ye, after the space warped, Lu Tianping appeared there. Like Xiao Ye, he had syncope symptoms. The difference was that Xiao Ye's first reaction when he appeared here was to observe the surrounding environment and his own situation.

And Lu Tianping's first reaction was to lock onto Xiao Ye with his breath!

Xiao Ye didn't care about this, he walked towards the stone pagoda, and it was only at this moment that Lu Tianping noticed the stone pagoda and the surrounding environment.

This is a space for the inheritance of divine power. If there is no accident, it should be left by the ancestor of the Xiao family. The stone pagoda looks like a hidden universe. Xiao Ye has come here. Lu Tianping can't stop anything. Now, what Lu Tianping has to do It is to get the inheritance of divine power and let Xiao Yebai take a trip.

Here, he doesn't need to fight Xiao Ye, let alone kill Xiao Ye. After all, this space was left by the ancestor of the Xiao family. Who knows what will happen here?
Besides, if Xiao Ye was killed, it would be difficult for the most powerful Xiao family to explain, and it would not be good to be seen with so many Xiao family disciples here.

Thinking of this, Lu Tianping immediately got the true energy in his body, like a streamer, passing Xiao Ye's side.

Xiao Ye walked unhurriedly, not because he lacked speed, but after he came to this space, he had a feeling, a feeling that those who are destined can get it.

This space does not necessarily depend on strength, if it is obtained by someone with predestined relationship, then it is useless to rush like Lu Tianping.

Since Lu Tianping only wanted to obtain the inheritance of divine power, he wanted to surpass Xiao Ye with all his heart, and he didn't care about being destined or not. For Lu Tianping, this inheritance of divine power should belong to him!
Lu Tianping's speed was extremely fast, and he stepped on the stone ladder in a few blinks. The moment he stepped on the stone ladder, Lu Tianping's speed slowed down significantly.

It wasn't that he slowed down on purpose, but that the stone ladder was weird, which affected Lu Tianping's speed.

All the disciples on the stone ladder were not fast, but Lu Tianping was the fastest.

Although it was late to set foot on the stone ladder, Lu Tianping still passed all the way, and soon passed the one-foot-long stone ladder.At this moment, Lu Tianping's speed slowed down significantly again, but he was still much faster than other disciples.

Looking at Lu Tianping's expression, although he was a bit dignified, he didn't seem to take the stone staircase seriously.

Afterwards, some disciples kept stepping on the stone ladder, but Xiao Ye stopped in front of the stone ladder.

Because he didn't see Xiao Jun's shadow on the stone ladder, according to the analysis, the opening of this space should be caused by Xiao Jun, so Xiao Jun should have entered this world long ago, has he already passed through the stone ladder?
Xiao Ye looked up, and found that the tower connected to the stone ladder was covered with misty clouds, and the line of sight was completely blocked, and there was nothing to be seen there.

Xiao Ye didn't know whether Xiao Jun entered it, but Xiao Ye had a doubt, why did he go up this stone ladder?
Xiao Ye paused in front of the stone ladder, and sat down cross-legged. Looking at the disciples climbing wildly on the stone ladder, and the disciples gradually joining behind, Xiao Ye was quite calm.

He lay cross-legged on the ground, but flipped his hands and took out the Snake Flame Cauldron, which was floating and spinning above Xiao Ye's palm.

With a little finger from Xiao Ye, the Snake Flame Cauldron was opened, and a fiery elixir was ejected from the Snake Flame Cauldron, and Xiao Ye caught it in his hand.

This elixir is just a elixir on the outside, but in fact it is a kind of flame bomb, which was made by absorbing Lu Tianping's energy from the Snake Yan Baoding before.

This is also one of the energies of the Snake Flame Ding, the attack strength of the flame bomb depends on the amount of energy absorbed by the Snake Flame Ding!And the Snake Flame Cauldron is not able to absorb all the energy, the strength of the energy he absorbs still depends on Xiao Ye.

It does not depend on Xiao Ye's real strength, but on Xiao Ye's soul strength.

good!The Snake Flame Ding uses the soul to absorb power, and the strength of the soul directly determines the ability of the Snake Flame Ding.

The Snake Flame Cauldron itself is a Horcrux, and its level is so high that Xiao Ye shouldn't be able to control it. It just so happens that Xiao Ye's soul has been cultivated in the slaughterhouse and the divine outfit system, so he can control the Snake Flame Cauldron , even if it is only controlled a little bit, it is enough to absorb Lu Tianping's not full-strength attack.

The flame bomb spit out by the Snake Flame Cauldron is more powerful than the palm print used by Lu Tianping back then. If the Snake Flame Cauldron had not possessed such a strange supernatural power, the strong Xiao family would not have been so surprised when they saw him .

The treasures stored in the Xiao family's cabinet armory are all the best of the best. It is a great chance to get one at random. That day Xiao Ye collected more than 20 pieces at once, which is also the best of luck.

"This flame bomb is enough to surprise Lu Tianping! Combined with Snake Yan Baoding and my current strength, it is not impossible to draw with Lu Tianping, and if we cooperate with him..."

Xiao Ye flipped his hand over, and there was an ancient khaki lamp on the palm of his left hand, waiting for the flame inside to be extinguished.

This is also the treasure that Xiao Ye obtained from the cabinet armory. It is called the Three Medicine Glazed Lamp. He has unpredictable supernatural powers, and he only needs enough flame energy to activate him.

For Xiao Ye, the effect of this three-medicine glazed lamp is probably no less than that of the Snake Flame Ding.

The Snake Flame Cauldron, the three-medicine glazed lamp, and the current Xiao Ye, after thinking about it, Xiao Ye was surprised to find that he seemed to have the capital to defeat Lu Tianping.

But after all, he has never fought to the death with Lu Tianping, and Xiao Ye has never experienced the true strength of the Wuwang level. Xiao Ye can't say that he has 100% confidence in whether he can defeat Lu Tianping, but if Lu Tianping wants to kill himself, It is almost inevitable to pay a heavy price.

Xiao Ye put away the Snake Flame Treasure Cauldron and the Three Medicine Glazed Lamp. Xiao Ye is going to use these two treasures first, and it is best to be able to master them!Unless necessary, Xiao Ye will not use other weapons for the time being.

Too many things lead to chaos, too many supernatural powers, and sometimes you don't know how to fight in battle. Only by integrating the same supernatural powers can you exert the most powerful power.

In Xiao Ye's space and spirit world, taking out even a single treasure can cause a bloodbath. The treasures in the Xiao family cabinet's armory are for those who are destined to get them. Xiao Ye got so much at once, even if it was Grandpa Bai that day I was also surprised.

This is also one of the reasons why Grandpa Bai accepted Xiao Ye as his apprentice. Xiao Ye has taken in so many treasures. Even if his own achievements are limited in the future, those treasures will make Xiao Ye an absolute powerhouse.

Cross-legged in front of the stone pagoda, watching the disciples in front of him keep moving forward, Xiao Ye's mind was kept very quiet for some reason. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into a fairy in the sky, and what he saw in his eyes were all ordinary people's. Every move.

On the stone ladder in front of him, Lu Tianping has also entered the stage of going all out. He is only half a foot away from the top of the stone ladder, but this half foot he is clenching his teeth and walking up step by step.

During the rest, he did not forget to turn around and look at Xiao Ye who was cross-legged under the stone ladder. The corner of Lu Tianping's mouth curled up into a mocking smile. That smile seemed to be provoking Xiao Ye, meaning that if you have the ability, you can just sit there for the rest of your life. , When I get the inheritance of divine power, no matter what bloodline you are from the Patriarch, you have to get down on the ground!


Guanghua suddenly flashed behind Xiao Ye, who had been banned for a while, and a familiar figure appeared there, it was Xiao Xiaojia with a dazed face.

"Brother Xiao Ye..."

Xiao Xiaojia saw Xiao Ye at first sight, was overjoyed immediately, and walked up immediately.Before Xiao Xiaojia was trapped in the space tree, she didn't know what happened outside, but there was a sudden suction force from the scroll in her hand, and when she opened her eyes again, a person appeared here and saw Xiao Ye.

Xiao Xiaojia was surprised and delighted by this sudden scene, she finally saw Xiao Ye again.

"Xiao Jia, are you alright?" Xiao Ye didn't expect to see Xiao Xiaojia in this situation, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that when Xiao Ye was saving Xiao Jun, Xiao Xiaojia was the only one in the courtyard who was holding his own. , Sometimes he was really worried whether the Xiao family branch would hurt Xiao Xiaojia.

"I'm fine, Brother Xiao Ye." Xiao Xiaojia stood beside Xiao Ye, and did not ask where Xiao Ye went or what he did after he lost his breath. Instead, he looked around and tried to hand over the scroll when no one was around. To Xiao Ye, she always felt that this scroll was very important.

"Well! Let's talk about some losses on the way, now let's go to the stone tower first."

Xiao Ye smiled, and finally stood up. He grabbed Xiao Xiaojia's arm, a golden light shone behind him, and his flying wings spread out.

Originally, he wanted to fly upwards, but after flying to a certain height, there was an obvious barrier in the void, which meant that Xiao Ye could not fly directly to the top of the tower.

Being unable to fly to the top of the tower does not mean that one cannot fly to the place connected at the end of the stone ladder!
(End of this chapter)

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