god system

Chapter 329 **Spiritual Art

Chapter 329 Spiritual Art
This question really shouldn't be asked, once asked, Xiao Zhan's expression became weird, but Xiao Ye wanted to take it back, but it was hard to get back.

"This spiritual technique combines the law of yin and yang. The yin and yang qi are reconciled. If a man practices alone, then the yin qi must be too strong. If a woman practices alone, the yang qi is too strong. The final result is up to you. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhan didn't continue to talk, and Xiao Ye had already guessed all kinds of things, so he couldn't help but wipe off his cold sweat!
A man is a masculine body, if the yin energy is too strong, wouldn't he become neither male nor female?The opposite is true for women, but the result is the same, and they must become neither male nor female.

"Father, I think it's good to use this spiritual technique to harm people. If someone doesn't know that this is a dual-cultivation spiritual technique and accidentally cultivates him, then the result..."

This time it was Xiao Zhan's turn to wipe off the cold sweat. People used spiritual arts to practice, but Xiao Ye had a good idea, and actually used spiritual arts to harm people. This trick is really poisonous, but it is also wonderful!
"Okay! The gift has been given, go back and stay with your little girlfriend. After Jun'er has absorbed the energy, I will send you all out. Remember, you must never mention this space to outsiders, even you That little girlfriend can't tell either. As for meeting me in this dimension, she naturally needs to keep it a secret, I believe you can do this."

Xiao Zhan became serious again, this time he is really going to leave, this will be a parting between him and Xiao Ye, and the time will definitely not be short.

Little Red Potion can suppress Xiao Zhan's injury, Xiao Ye wants to keep a few bottles, but the reality does not allow it, Xiao Ye can only practice hard, and strive to see Xiao Zhan again as soon as possible, then hand over Little Red Potion to Xiao Zhan , or get other medicines that can completely cure Xiao Zhan's injury.

Xiaohong Potion, this kind of potion that can almost bring the dead back to life, can't cure Xiao Zhan. Xiao Ye has long been amazed by the miraculous injuries in his body, but he believes that the magic costume system must find a way to cure Xiao Zhan.


Xiao Zhan's energy enveloped his body, and when he opened his eyes again, Xiao Ye had already appeared in front of Xiao Xiaojia, and they were still facing a desperate situation.

"Brother Xiao Ye, where is the Patriarch?" Seeing Xiao Ye again, Xiao Xiaojia was obviously a little nervous, because she was afraid that Xiao Zhan was by her side, and that was Xiao Ye's father.

Xiao Ye shook his head, and didn't say much about Xiao Zhan, but said: "Xiao Jia, don't let any news about seeing my father today, this matter is related to the life and death of the Xiao family, once the news is leaked, the Patriarch will Bloodline is afraid that it will fall completely, do you know the seriousness of the consequences?"

Xiao Xiaojia could see Xiao Ye's solemn expression. Although Xiao Xiaojia didn't analyze too much, he could feel the seriousness of the matter from Xiao Ye's attitude.

"En!" She nodded heavily: "Brother Xiao Ye, don't worry, even if someone puts a knife on my neck, I won't say anything I shouldn't say."

"I believe you!"

Xiao Ye smiled, hesitant to speak, he was really a little hard to say about the spiritual art that Xiao Zhan gave him.Doesn't this dual practice of spirituality represent a showdown with Xiao Xiaojia?
A man is a man, it is difficult to turn back, and when some things come to the head, you still have to muster up the courage to do it.

"This is a gift from your father." Xiao Ye took out the jade slip and handed it to Xiao Xiaojia.

"Give it to me?" Xiao Xiaojia was both surprised and delighted. Xiao Zhan is a legend in the Xiao family, so what he gave was naturally not trivial.He is Xiao Ye's father again, giving him something...

The most important thing is why Xiao Zhan gave himself something?Xiao Xiaojia's status in Xiao's family is very low, she is still the lone star of Tiansha, and even met the head of the family from a distance, is there any reason for Xiao Zhan to give something to such a fate?
The only explanation is because of Xiao Ye, Xiao Zhan gave him something because of Xiao Ye.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help shrinking his neck, and the jade slip in his hand tightened slightly: "Brother Xiao Ye, what is this jade slip?"

"Uh, it's a spiritual art, you can see it by inputting energy." Xiao Ye scratched his head and replied.

Xiao Xiaojia was not slow, he directly input spiritual energy into the jade slip, and as a result, spiritual skills appeared in his mind: "What a complicated spiritual technique."

Xiao Xiaojia's first impression was that this spiritual art was complicated. She had already had a lot of experience in practicing spiritual art. If she thought it was complicated, it was naturally complicated.

"Because it's a dual cultivation technique." Xiao Ye pursed his lips, finally revealing the truth.

Xiao Xiaojia: "..."

At some point, Xiao Xiaojia had already withdrew her aura, even though she was quite tough-minded, her cheeks were flushed at this moment, and her skin seemed to have an extra layer of rosy glow, which was very cute.

It's a pity that most of Xiao Xiaojia's face is covered, and Xiao Ye can only vaguely see some of it.

"From now on, I will practice this spirit technique with you. Do you have any objections?" Xiao Ye chased after the victory, but he had already reached this point, so he just had to be shameless!


Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiaojia nodded without hesitation. Such a decisive and straightforward answer involuntarily drew the distance between the two of them closer, and Xiao Ye even took a step forward involuntarily.

The two were a foot away from each other, and they could clearly feel each other's heartbeat and breathing. At this moment, Xiao Ye's hands began to be uncontrollable, and he always wanted to lift his hands itchy.

In the end, Xiao Ye still couldn't control it, and wrapped his hands around Xiao Xiaojia's waist, which he couldn't bear to hold, and hugged Xiao Xiaojia tightly in his arms.

There was no struggle, no resistance, this time Xiao Xiaojia fell into Xiao Ye's arms obediently, and later Xiao Xiaojia's hands became unnatural, and unconsciously, she had tightly grasped Xiao Ye's waist.

The two hugged each other tightly in this desperate place, completely unaware that someone was secretly laughing, and muttered to themselves: "It seems that the time to hold a grandson is coming soon, Ye Er, Ye Er, I don't expect you to have any achievements in cultivation!" Terrible breakthrough, I only hope that you will be the first to pass on the bloodline of the Patriarch. The reason why the book of dual cultivation spirituality is called dual cultivation spirituality, there is another function that the old man did not mention, that is, after the dual cultivation, the relationship between both parties will be sublimated, then At that time, you will no longer be able to control it, how can this little hug satisfy you? Hahahaha!"

It never occurred to him that the Xiao family, the supreme existence that intimidates the branch of the superpower, would use such a small trick.In order to hold his grandson, Xiao Zhan did everything.

When Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye hugged each other tightly, Xiao Jun was still absorbing the energy of the formation left by Xiao Zhan, while Lu Tianping was overwhelmed by the stone man.

The other disciples of the Xiao family were all trapped in the Jedi. Some disciples even tried their best and couldn't even walk the stone ladder in the end.

But at the Xiao Family Mountain, neither the Xiao Family branch nor the Xiao Family's most powerful person could close their eyes at the moment. They were always paying attention to the changes in the Xiao Family Mountain, because they believed that the inheritance of divine power was coming to an end.

Who has obtained the inheritance of divine power?
Needless to say, the divine power left by the ancestors can destroy the world, but with the divine power of the ancestors, why not be the Patriarch of the Xiao family?
Xiao Zhan has disappeared, and his life and death are unknown. Now the Xiao family has no leader, and the blood of the head of the family is still in conflict with the branches of the Xiao family, and civil wars may break out between the branches at any time.

At this moment, a Xiao family who is enough to convince the crowd and has the inheritance of the ancestor's divine power, who else would not accept it?
Even if they are not convinced, only those old monsters are not convinced, and the other young disciples will definitely obey. As long as this is the case, the old monsters will not dare to make mistakes. How dare they take action against the disciples who inherited the divine power of their ancestors?
To get the inheritance of the ancestor's divine power, to put it in a layman's terms, that is the apprentice of the ancestor, what kind of status and honor is this?
The focus of the question now is, who is the disciple who has received the inheritance of divine power?

For the most powerful members of the Xiao family, no matter which disciple they are, with the inheritance of divine power, they will definitely be able to deter the branches of the Xiao family, and they will do their best to assist and maintain the stability of the Xiao family.

As for the Xiao family branch, they certainly hope that the disciples of the Xiao family branch, perhaps Lu Tianping, will receive the inheritance of divine power!

Although this kid is regarded as a pawn, if he can get the inheritance of divine power this time, then he will be overturned, and the Xiao family branch will also be overturned because of this.

The only thing that the Xiao family branch does not want to see is that the person of the blood of the head of the family gets the inheritance of divine power. The blood of the head of the family naturally refers to Xiao Ye. After all, they don't know that Xiao Zhan is also in that space.

Waiting is difficult, but it is only natural to wait for the inheritance of divine power.

In the so-called extradition space, Xiao Zhan was going to leave after finishing the last thing, but at that time, he met someone, which made him stop.

Somewhere in the void, Xiao Zhan was floating in the air, with a somewhat humble appearance, floating in front of him was a slightly obese Uncle Wei with a machete in his hand.

"This junior has met Senior Wei."

In front of Uncle Wei, Xiao Zhan, who dominates the Xiao family, can only condescend to the younger generation, but judging by his appearance, he knows Uncle Wei.

"Boy, have your wings grown hard? Created such a space. In the beginning, even the old man was deceived by you, thinking that the old thing really left some inheritance, which made the old man come for nothing."

Uncle Wei's tone rarely contained a trace of joke. As he said, even he thought it was left by the ancestor of the Xiao family in the face of the signs of the opening of this space.

Not wanting to enter this space, Uncle Wei saw through it at a glance. This space is quite rough, and the power is also very weak. It cannot be left by the ancestor of the Xiao family, and then quickly locked on to Xiao Zhan.

It's just that Xiao Zhan's matter hadn't been dealt with yet, so Uncle Wei didn't bother.

"The junior's petty tricks can only scare the disciples of the Xiao family, how can they escape the eyes of the seniors, and please don't make jokes."

Facing Uncle Wei, even Xiao Zhan seemed very cautious.

He didn't know Uncle Wei's identity, but he knew that Uncle Wei was terrible. He was a strong man who must not be offended. If he got angry, the Xiao family would be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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