god system

Chapter 332 Hidden Killing Intent

Chapter 332 Hidden Killing Intent

So far, the battle of Liwei is over, Lu Tianping is in a coma, and Xiao Jun is extremely powerful to deter all disciples.

At this moment, including the disciples of the Xiao family branch, everyone knelt down and bowed down. They were shocked by Xiao Jun's strength, and with all the visions that happened here before, they believed that Xiao Jun had obtained the inheritance of divine power, which belonged to the ancestor of the Xiao family. divine power!
Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia put on a show, although they didn't kneel, they bent down to show their respect.

The beasts around and the birds in the sky were transformed by Xiao Zhan, just like those clay figurines that blocked Xiao Ye's way.

In Xiao Zhan's hands, there must be some kind of treasure that can create all these illusions. In short, even if the fact that Xiao Jun obtained the inheritance of divine power was false, it has become true at this moment.

Not to mention that Lu Tianping is in a coma at the moment, even if he returns to the peak, Xiao Jun can still turn him back with one move, and he will never be able to stop Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun got the energy left by Xiao Zhan, and his current strength is not what Lu Tianping can look up to, and even in the future, Lu Tianping has no possibility of catching up with Xiao Jun's pace!

Xiao Jun flew into the sky again, and with a big wave of his hand, the space began to twist violently. At the same time, a wave of energy radiated from Xiao Ye's body, covering all the disciples present in the bubble.

"The inheritance has ended, the stone tower has been destroyed, and the foundation of space is full. This place is about to be destroyed, and it is time to leave."

Xiao Jun's voice descended from the sky, full of majesty, as if he was the master of this world.

The disciples below couldn't help feeling a sense of insignificance in their hearts.

The space collapsed quickly, and there was a doomsday scene in front of my eyes. The collapsed space seemed to be smashed down by huge boulders, all of which were blocked by the air bubbles around the disciples.

Without such a bubble protection, the disciples would have died in the collapsing space. In other words, Xiao Jun saved one of them just like that, even if he didn't want to admit it, it was a fact.

In the face of such a fact, the disciples couldn't help being grateful in their hearts. Among other things, the disciples present had no excuses for Xiao Jun.

The Xiao family mountain peak suddenly experienced violent vibrations in the space, which lifted the spirits of the Xiao family disciples who had been waiting for a long time. They knew that the disciples who had entered the extradition space were coming back.

Who has obtained the inheritance of divine power?Is it Lu Tianping?
The most powerful members of the Xiao family are waiting. No matter who receives the inheritance of divine power, they will fully support them. They will use this inheritor of divine power to stabilize the situation of the Xiao family, and then slowly unify the Xiao family.

If the person who has obtained the inheritance of divine power is the person of the Patriarch's bloodline, then revive the Patriarch's bloodline and let the Patriarch's bloodline unify the Xiao family.

If the person who received the inheritance of divine power was a member of the Xiao family branch, then the Xiao family would no longer have the blood of the head of the family!
This is the thinking of the extremely powerful Xiao family. What they have to do now is to fully assist the owner of the inheritance of divine power, no matter who it is.They have already seen the scene of the Xiao family returning to its glory again. The Xiao family of the ancient family will return in a short time.

These people in the Xiao family branch have only one thing to wait for, and that is to wait for the disciples of the Xiao family branch to win the inheritance of divine power. In this case, no other efforts are needed!


Under the attention of everyone, the space of the Xiao family mountain peak exploded violently, and shadows were thrown out of the space, which were all the disciples of the Xiao family.

They are wrapped in air bubbles, and they don't cause any pain after falling to the ground.

"This, this is... Lu Tianping?"

Lu Tianping's comatose appearance was quickly discovered by the disciples. Originally, the Xiao family branch pinned [-]% of their hopes on Lu Tianping. Seeing Lu Tianping being thrown out in a coma now, it is obvious that he has not received the inheritance of divine power!
Lu Tianping didn't get it, could it be that Xiao Ye got it?
The disciples soon found Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia by the way. This made the disciples of the Xiao family branch heave a sigh of relief. At least Xiao Ye did not get the inheritance of divine power. In this way, the one who got the inheritance of divine power was definitely not the head of the family. blood.

If it's not the Patriarch's bloodline, then the Patriarch's bloodline will almost disappear from now on, and their Xiao family will usher in unification without the Patriarch's bloodline and return to their peak state!
At this moment, almost all the disciples thought this way, but when the void exploded for the last time, and a figure floated in the air, all the disciples were deeply shocked by it.

Wasn't that person floating in the void, with dazzling golden light all over his body, and with a strong aura, Xiao Jun who escaped from the cage of the Xiao family branch not long ago?
Why is he there?What happened to his breath?Why is it so strong?

Also, why did the disciples who returned to the mountain look at Xiao Jun with respect in their eyes, as if they were looking at the Patriarch?
Could it be that……

The strong members of the Xiao family branch twitched all over. They couldn't accept such an ending. They obviously didn't see Xiao Jun enter the extradition space!
Although the strong members of the Xiao family were shocked by such an ending, it doesn't matter, they can accept it, whether it is the blood of the Patriarch or the branch of the Xiao family, their only purpose is to stabilize the Xiao family and make the Xiao family better !
For this reason, after Xiao Jun appeared, the most powerful members of the Xiao family flew up one after another to verify whether Xiao Jun had received the inheritance of divine power.

At this time, the strong men of the Xiao family branch turned into streaks of light, blocking in front of the extremely strong men.

Their strength is not the opponent of the most powerful Xiao family, but they dare to stand in front of the most powerful Xiao family, because they want to determine whether Xiao Jun has really obtained the inheritance of divine power, which cannot be left to the most powerful Xiao family.

In this regard, the strong Xiao family did not show anger, but deliberately slowed down, leaving this right to the strong branch of the Xiao family.

Because the extremely strong Xiao family must also be confirmed by the members of the Xiao family branch, and with their confirmation, the Xiao family branch will all believe it, so what the extremely strong Xiao family will do next will be a matter of course.

Xiao Jun just floated in the air, not caring at all about the arrival of the powerful members of the Xiao family branch who were eyeing him.

There are 23 strong people from the Xiao family branch, who are at the level of Wuwang. They surrounded Xiao Jun in the void. Among the 23 Wuwangs, some of them even reached the eighth or ninth level.

The gap between each level of Wu Wang is very huge, and these 23 Wu Wang released their momentum at the same time, covering Xiao Jun.

Under such an aura, if it was an ordinary person, they would have collapsed and died unexpectedly.Even ordinary Martial King powerhouses can't bear this purposely unleashed aura at all!

However, Xiao Jun was still floating in the void like a normal person, which made the strong members of the Xiao family branch tremble and shouted that it was not good!

Xiao Jun was originally just a strong martial artist, not even a great martial artist, but now he was able to withstand the aura of 23 martial kings.

Needless to say how amazing this change is, Xiao Jun's strength has grown to an unspeakable level, which can only be achieved by the inheritance of divine power.

But the strong members of the Xiao family branch still don't give up, they have to confirm 100%, after all they don't want to accept this fact.

You must know that in order to make the bloodline of the Patriarch decline and disappear, the Xiao family branch split off, and then established itself to strengthen itself.Finally, it completely surpassed the Xiao family, and now it has pushed the blood of the Patriarch to a desperate situation step by step.

Seeing that the Xiao family branch was about to defeat the Patriarch's bloodline, a space for extradition suddenly popped up, the inheritance of divine power, and the inheritance was also won by Xiao Jun.

This makes the Xiao family branch unacceptable. They have worked so hard to get to the current situation. Is it because of a divine power inheritance?

They naturally have to obey the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Xiao family, but they are unwilling. The only thing they can do now is to confirm whether this matter is true or not. As long as this matter is false, the situation will not change.

This is the only thing these 23 powerhouses can do at present, and they have even reached a consensus through mind-to-heart communication.

If it is possible, Xiao Jun will be killed in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the fact that the most powerful members of the Xiao family are not paying attention.

When a person dies, no matter whether he is the inheritor of the Patriarch's bloodline or not, it will no longer affect the situation of the Xiao family.

They were already gaining momentum, no matter what, they wanted to kill Xiao Jun with one move.

Regarding this point, the most powerful members of the Xiao family hadn't thought about it. They couldn't imagine that these people in front of them would sacrifice their lives for the Xiao family branch, even if it was against the ancestors of the Xiao family, they were willing to fight.

After all, Xiao Jun is the one who received the inheritance from his ancestors. After all, these strong men should respect him, but now he wants to kill him. It's really nonsense.

Unexpectedly by the strong Xiao family, Xiao Jun vaguely sensed the aura of danger. He was not afraid of it, nor did he ask for help. Instead, he mobilized the energy in his body and got ready!

"These guys want to kill my second brother!"

On the mountain peak, Xiao Ye squinted his eyes, murderous intent arose in his heart.

His body has undergone the transformation of the whole body strengthening pill and the marrow washing pill, and his perception ability is different from that of ordinary people. He also feels somewhat of the killing intent hidden in the heart of the strong branch of the Xiao family.

These strong members of the Xiao family branch had already decided to sacrifice themselves to kill Xiao Jun. Although Xiao Ye felt it, he had no intention of making a move.

The moment Xiao Zhan handed over the Xiao family to Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye knew that the matter of the Xiao family would be resolved by Xiao Jun. With Xiao Jun's current strength, dealing with the current situation was not a big problem.

"Xiao Jun, you said that you have obtained the inheritance of divine power, maybe it can be proved?" A strong man from the Xiao family branch asked.

"I prove it? How do you know that I have obtained the inheritance of divine power?" Xiao Jun's rhetorical question was quite playful. Before that, he never said that he had obtained the inheritance of divine power.

They thought that Xiao Jun had inherited divine power, but Xiao Jun hadn't admitted it before, but now they want to prove it?

Obviously, the strong members of the Xiao family branch wanted to kill Xiao Jun. At this moment, they just continued to ask questions to distract Xiao Jun. At the same time, the companions needed a little time to gather energy, after all, they wanted to kill with one blow!

Sure enough, the moment Xiao Jun finished speaking, the strong men from the Xiao family branch stopped answering, and strong breaths burst out from 23 strong men respectively!

(End of this chapter)

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