god system

Chapter 334 Leaving the Xiao Family

Chapter 334 Leaving the Xiao Family
Xiao Ye's words clearly meant a bit of a joke. It was inevitable for him to leave, and talking too much would only make him more reluctant, but it might be better to leave in such a relaxed atmosphere.

According to the current situation of the Xiao family, Xiao Jun, who has received the full support of the extremely strong, will definitely stabilize the Xiao family in a short time.

Because of the inheritance of the ancestor's divine power, the Xiao family branch did not dare to make other changes. The stability of the Xiao family is inevitable. The next thing to look at is Xiao Jun's personal ability, whether he can reunite the fragmented Xiao family ?
To be honest, none of these Xiao Ye can help. If there is anyone who can help, it is the Great Elder, Elder Xiao Ming, and the strongest.

However, now Xiao Ming no longer wants to deal with the affairs of the Xiao family. When he came out of closed doors and saw the situation of the Xiao family, it was inevitable that he would be shocked. However, his life may not be able to return to the way it was before, because he has decided to go back. The path of cultivation, this is not something that will be changed by some changes in the Xiao family.

Xiao Jun wants to take the road of leadership, and Xiao Ye wants to take the road of games. The two paths may not conflict, but it is impossible for Xiao Ye to stop here.

"Hey! After you leave, if you have time, go and see Big Brother. With Big Brother's ability, it is impossible for him not to be aware of such a drastic change in the Xiao family mountain. If he has noticed, he should come back, but it is over now. But there is no sign of him yet, which makes me a little worried about him."

Before Xiao Ye left, Xiao Jun mentioned Xiao Ding, and his expression was slightly dignified.

Prior to this, Xiao Ye had already learned from Lu Tianyou that Xiao Ding was missing, but Xiao Ye had no time to pay attention to it.Now Xiao Jun is worried about Xiao Ding again, which is in line with the statement that Lu Tianyou disappeared.

"Second brother, what kind of supernatural power does eldest brother have? Why does everyone feel a little afraid when mentioning elder brother? Is he really that strong?"

Xiao Ye finally asked such a question. Outsiders mentioned Xiao Ding not once and for all. Whenever Xiao Ding was mentioned, everyone's expressions were a little weird.

No one seemed to understand Xiao Ding. Xiao Ding, who was a big brother in Xiao Ye's mind, became more and more mysterious, and Xiao Ye couldn't help becoming interested.

When Xiao Ding was mentioned, Xiao Jun was also silent for a while. As Xiao Ding's younger brother, even Xiao Jun was like this. It can be seen that this Xiao Ding is indeed extraordinary.

"Brother is indeed special. I can't tell you the specifics for the time being. In short, you have to know that he is our elder brother. No matter what, he will only take care of us and will never hurt us. That's enough!"

Xiao Jun thought for a while, and then said: "Brother, forget it, don't worry about it, go live your own life, in the future, after my brother and I unify the Xiao family, no one in the Zhengyuan Continent will be able to hurt you anymore. , the three of us stayed in the Xiao family with our father, and continued to grow the Xiao family until we became the masters of the Zhengyuan Continent.

Regarding the matter of Xiao Ding, Xiao Jun didn't want Xiao Ye to join in. As for Xiao Jun's so-called great ambition, Xiao Ye didn't care much.It doesn't matter to Xiao Ye whether the Xiao family becomes the master of Zhengyuan Continent.

He just didn't expect that even Xiao Jun would be unwilling to tell him about Xiao Ding. It seems that his elder brother is really special. Could it be possible for the warm-hearted and seemingly good-tempered elder brother in his heart to hurt himself?
Xiao Ye could still see the slightest bit of meaning hidden in Xiao Jun's words.

The secret hidden in Xiao Ding, it seems that Xiao Ye can only figure it out by himself, but now, the place he is going to is Dongluo City, and he must first find Xiao Dongliu and others.

For more than a month, Xiao Ye was really worried about the safety of Xiao Dongliu and others. They were going to Dongluo City. No matter whether they found any useful clues, they should return to Xiao's house immediately.

Although Dongluo City is a bit far away, with the spirit bird, they should have arrived early, and there is enough time to return to Xiao's house.

But now there is no news of Xiao Dongliu and the others, so what happened to them in Dongluo City?Or what happened on the way?
Xiao Ye didn't know, so he had to rush to Dongluo City to see what happened.

In the end, Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Jun had a meal, and then said goodbye.

At this moment, Xiao Ye had already appeared in Xiaojia Town at the foot of the mountain, and arrived at Xiao Xiaojia's house!
This is the house Xiao Xiaojia has been living in since he lived alone. The flower garden in front of the house is also taken care of by Xiao Xiaojia himself. Apart from being quieter, there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Ye was standing outside the house, while Xiao Xiaojia entered the house. She didn't do much, but was reminiscing about her hut, the place where she lived since childhood.

Xiao Xiaojia is also a human being, and she also has her own feelings. Even if she bears the title of the lone star of the evil spirit when she was a child, she cannot deprive her of her rights as a human being.

She has joys, sorrows, sorrows, and now she is leaving the Xiao family mountain, and she doesn't know when she will come back, maybe she will never come back, so she also wants to come to miss it.

Xiao Ye has no objection to this. Although Xiao Ye is very concerned about the disappearance of Xiao Dongliu and others, he will still give Xiao Xiaojia this time.


The door opened, Xiao Xiaojia stepped out, and she took a deep breath.Coming to Xiao Ye's side, he naturally took Xiao Ye's arm.

After embracing each other in the extradition space, the distance between Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia has become very close. Although the two did not reveal their identity as the couple of Shuangxiu, they both knew it clearly in their hearts.


Behind Xiao Ye, the golden brilliance spread out, and the wings of soaring spread out, rubbing Xiao Xiaojia's hands tightly, Xiao Ye asked in a low voice: "Are you ready?"

"En!" Xiao Xiaojia nodded.

Between the flapping of the soaring wings, the airflow increased rapidly, Xiao Ye hugged Xiao Xiaojia, turned into a golden light, and flew away through the air.

Now with the true energy in Xiao Ye's body, it is not a problem to support the Wings of Soaring for a long time. Many restraints, calculated as a whole, are about [-] times faster than the speed of the spirit bird.

Soaring Wings flew very fast at low altitude, and it was the first time Xiao Ye was in the mood to appreciate the scenery passing by below.This is also the first time he has used Soaring Wings to travel. Now he is a sixth-level great martial artist and a third-rank great spiritualist. In terms of strength, he can be regarded as an elite in Zhengyuan Continent.

Beside him is Xiao Xiaojia, who is also a third-rank great spirit master. Together, as long as they don't fly too high, they will basically not be in any danger when they meet those Wu Wangs who are on their way.

There is an interesting rule in Zhengyuan Continent, the higher the flying, the higher the status.

Therefore, those who are above the King of Martial Arts will generally fly as high as possible, while those who have the function of flying with swords will fly low.

In fact, those who can fly with the sword and travel for a long time are generally at the level of eighth-level martial arts masters, and they are not far from the Martial King.

There is also a kind of flying expert who is a spiritual master who has learned the flying technique!

The so-called flying technique, just like the soaring wings on Xiao Ye's back, is quite rare in the Zhengyuan Continent, and it is not so easy to obtain.In the Xiao family, only Xiao Ming learned it.

Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye have never been exposed to flying spirits, and they can only rely on Xiao Ye's soaring wings to fly for the time being.

That's enough!

"The air in the sky is so nice."

Xiao Xiaojia closed his eyes and enjoyed the air in the sky. As a practitioner, he yearned for a wider sky.

"According to our speed, we should be able to reach Dongluo City within three days, but we should stop at some towns along the way. During the past ten years of staying in Xiao's house, we actually don't know everything about the outside world, and it should be slow now." It’s time to get to know slowly and integrate slowly.”

In Xiao Ye's plan, the towns on the way are to be stopped depending on the situation, and no matter whether they have always lived in Xiao's family and Ziyunzong, it is Xiao Ye who came here through time travel.

He didn't know much about this world, and all he knew after that was about the Xiao family.

I have to say that Xiao Ye's knowledge is too narrow, and his knowledge of Zhengyuan Continent is too little. Although Ziyunzong has gained some knowledge, it is far from enough. Starting from raw water, you must first understand this place.

Although he started late, Xiao Ye still had to do it, understand Zhengyuan Continent, and finally fully integrate into Zhengyuan Continent.

"Brother Xiao Ye, our Xiao family is already intriguing, and people's hearts are unpredictable. When we go to town, the more people we meet, don't we have to fight with them?"

Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye have different ideas. She is used to living in her own small world. It is best not to let her know about the outside world, and he just needs to be himself.

"It is precisely because the world's people are sinister, so we have to contact him and adapt to him, so that we can live better. Xiaojia, we can't lie to our ears and think that some things have nothing to do with us if we don't understand them. As a practitioner, life and death Sometimes you can’t get everything done by being strong. A certain strategy and scheming will make you live better.”

Xiao Ye used an educational tone: "You can use these according to your heart, and you don't need to learn them specially. If you don't like some things, you don't need to go along with them. You just need to know the truth. You just need to know how to avoid danger."

Each person has their own characteristics and habits. Xiao Ye is used to observing people, is used to start with small things, and also likes some tricks and the like.

But Xiao Xiaojia is different, she is like a blank sheet of paper, she can be said to be a single-minded person in doing things, occasionally she may turn such a corner, let Xiao Xiaojia deliberately see through people's hearts, don't say she can't do it, even if she really does, that's it Forced to come out, at that time, will Xiao Xiaojia still be Xiao Xiaojia?
"I know Brother Xiao Ye. Look, there is a town in front of you. It looks so lively. Shall we go and have a look?"

Xiao Xiaojia nodded heavily, and at the same time pointed to the front. There is a lively town there, and there are noisy sounds from a distance. Although the area is small, there are many people.

(End of this chapter)

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