god system

Chapter 336 Xiao Bing's Strategy

Chapter 336 Xiao Bing's Strategy

The guards were surprised by Xiao Bing's strength. After all, Xiao Bing looked so young, so he shouldn't be very strong, but the aura he exuded at this moment showed that Xiao Bing was already a strong martial artist.

Fu Lingcheng is not afraid of such a strong man, but the guards generally will not choose to offend. Among the guards guarding the gate, only one person has reached the level of a great martial artist, and the others are all at the level of a martial artist.

If people at the level of a great martial artist want to enter a town, they will usually let them go directly.

The reason why the guards didn't see the strength of Xiao Bing and the others this time was because they were too young, and the second was because of Xiao Bing's series of practices.

Great martial artists usually walk with momentum, and they don't pay attention to the guards at all.The guards have been guarding the gate for many years, and they have already developed sharp eyes. Basically, whoever enters the city is the uncle, and they can tell at a glance.

Xiao Bing and the others came on horseback and bribed them with spirit scrolls. They were all ordinary people and had nothing to do with great martial artists.That's why the attitude of the guards was forced by Xiao Bing to get worse and worse. Now that Xiao Bing exposed his strength, the guards couldn't help but smile wryly in their hearts.

At this point in the matter, they have completely offended the other party. As guards, they want to settle the matter, but they cannot implicate Mr. Dong in the carriage because of this matter.

When even a guard came to Prince Dong's carriage: "Young Master, we have a little matter to deal with. Please enter the city. The Patriarch is still waiting for you."

The reason why the carriage stopped was because he felt the danger, and the danger was emitted by Xiao Bing. Now after hearing what the guards said, the carriage continued to start and headed towards Fuling City.

In this regard, Xiao Bing did not stop her. It was the guards who offended her, not the carriage. On this point, Xiao Bing was quite sensible.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia were at a loss at the moment. Xiao Bing came to Fuling City to inform Fuling City Lord and Fu Xiaorou about the news of the Xiao family's change of ownership.

It stands to reason that it depends on the owner to beat the dog. Even if Xiao Bing wants to ride a horse again, he should look at the face of the Lord Fuling and not embarrass the guards.

But everything that happened now is clearly Xiao Bing deliberately finding fault.

"He sent her away, what about my girl's explanation?"

Xiao Bing still looked aggressive, and she asked the guards to give her an explanation.

But the guards really didn't know what to say. Xiao Bing's horse could not enter Fuling City at all. It was stipulated that the reason why Mr. Dong's carriage could enter was because of the permission of the city lord.

It is useless to explain these at the moment, Xiao Bing is now furious, and from the perspective of a guard, he will never offend Xiao Bing again.

"Girl, we did something wrong before! We will pay for your horse, I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

The guards guarded the gate all year round, encountered many people and things, and handled a lot of things. In the face of such seemingly innocent things, they were still able to bend and stretch, and they sincerely apologized to Xiao Bing.

After apologizing, the guard handed over the spirit scroll, which was enough to compensate Xiao Bing's horse.

If this were the world where Xiao Ye was originally in, it would be very difficult for the guards to apologize, at best they would lose their jobs.But it is different in this world. If you offend someone, your life may be taken away at any time.

So when they found out that the other party was a great martial artist, the guards were doomed to bow their heads. Even if they were not afraid of Xiao Bing, they couldn't guarantee that there was any terrifying force behind Xiao Bing.

Sitting in the position of guards, it is obvious that there is no huge backer, they have to be careful in dealing with others.

In the eyes of Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia, what the guards did was the biggest concession, but in Xiao Bing's eyes, it seemed that this was far from enough.

"I don't want your spirit scrolls, but I accept your apology. As long as you get back my horse, this matter will be over."

Xiao Bing returned the spirit scroll. This girl didn't want the spirit scroll, but asked the guards to retrieve her horse. This seemed natural, but it was obviously a bit embarrassing to guard.

Fuling City is not too big, so it is not difficult to find a horse, but the guards have their own responsibilities, and they leave their posts without authorization to find a horse, and it is not easy for them to hear the news of the city lord.

But looking at Xiao Bing's appearance, it seems that there is only one way to solve the problem.

"Ake, you accompany this girl to find a horse."

The guards finally made a concession and let one of the guards accompany Xiao Bing and the three into the city to look for horses.

Although the guard said he was unwilling, he could only accept it in this situation, and led Xiao Bing and the three of them in with a smile.

The result of this treatment surprised Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia who were preparing to fight.

But so far, they don't know why Xiao Bing did this. How does this seem to represent the Xiao family to meet the city lord?It was clearly here to make trouble on behalf of the Xiao family.

"Junior Brother, this Fuling City is not as simple as you think. Although Fu Xiaorou and your brother have a marriage contract, in recent years, the Lord Fuling City has strongly opposed this matter, and even wanted to cancel the engagement several times."

Xiao Bing's voice transmission suddenly sounded in Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia's minds: "It should be because I saw the decline of the Xiao family and felt that the Xiao family had no future, so I stopped it all the time. These years, your brother and Fu Xiaorou were not even allowed to meet. Now I Come here as an envoy, do you think City Lord Fuling will meet me?"

When they heard this, both Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help feeling cold. It seemed that the Fuling City Lord was not a good person.

"Why didn't you say it before?" Xiao Ye's tone also became cold.

"Haha! Of course, this girl has to keep some secrets, so as to be able to catch people by surprise." Xiao Bing smiled, and said: "My horse is not an ordinary horse. It was given to me by your second brother. It is said that the horse will find Fu directly. Xiaorou, as long as we follow the guards, we can see her."

"Aren't we going to see the city lord?" Xiao Xiaojia was puzzled again.

"The city lord? He won't see us at all. All we have to do is to meet Fu Xiaorou directly, and then play it by ear. Although the city lord has been strongly opposed to this, Fu Xiaorou still has feelings for your second brother. For this reason, it seems that the city lord I've been put in confinement, and the matter I came here to deal with this time is not as simple as a summons, otherwise, why would I need my hand?"

Xiao Bing finally revealed the real purpose of coming here. It turns out that this girl has an important mission, and this mission sounds so difficult.

It's no wonder that Xiao Bing wanted to make a fuss at the gate of the city. It turned out that his plan was to let the horse enter Fuling City, and then let the guards lead the way to find Fu Xiaorou before proceeding to the next step.

After learning all the truth, Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help but admire Xiao Bing. This girl looks stupid, but she really has a lot of skills.

It is estimated that she even counted the reactions of the guards, and her plan was going smoothly at this moment. The only doubt is, did Xiao Bing even count the carriage of Mr. Dong?
Just when Xiao Ye was puzzled, a ray of light suddenly descended from the sky outside Fuling City. It was a white-haired old man who came to Fuling City with a white-washed young man holding a feather fan in his hand.

The white-haired old man is blunt and immortal, and he doesn't exude any aura from his body, but he gives people a sense of majesty, as if this guy is the supreme existence of the world.

The old man was holding a feather fan in his hand, and the young man dressed in fancy clothes had a slender figure and looked quite feminine.

He shook his feather fan lightly, and with a graceful appearance, he came to the guards with a warm smile on his lips.

"I don't know what this son is talking about coming to Fuling City?"

The two fell from the sky, which proved that at least one of them could fly. If there were no accidents, the white-haired old man should be at least a strong man at the level of King Wu.

This kind of existence rarely appeared in Fuling City. The guards had to ask carefully, and their attitudes were naturally very friendly. They were afraid that the person in front of them would accidentally anger them, the guards.

The young man shook his feather fan with a crisp voice like a woman: "My surname is Ma, and I was invited by your city lord."

"Surnamed Ma? Invited by the city lord?"

When they heard these two pieces of news, the guards were stunned. According to the young man in front of them, aren't they the Young Master Ma invited by the Patriarch?

But just now Mr. Ma clearly entered Fuling City in a carriage, why did a second Mr. Ma appear in front of him?
"What? Didn't your city lord inform you?" Seeing that the guards hadn't moved for a long time, the young man didn't know how to be angry, and he still looked amiable.

"No! No, no! The city lord has already notified you, and invited Mr. Ma and this senior to enter the city. The city lord is already waiting for you."

Regardless of the avatars of the person in front of you and the carriage that entered the city just now, there is no doubt that the person in front of you is an extremely strong person above King Wu, the guards can't afford to offend them, and the end will always be to let them go, so have nothing to say.

"En!" The young man nodded, and walked into Fuling City together with the white-haired old man behind, leaving only the guards who were confused.

Is it Mr. Ma in the previous carriage, or the person who appeared later is Mr. Ma?Or maybe the city lord invited two young masters?

The guards couldn't figure it out, they just felt that there were too many strange things today, and the gatekeepers needed to be careful.

"What? Even the carriage was disguised by you? But why do you know that the Lord Fuling has invited someone, and he is well-known, and even has an invitation card?"

When Xiao Ye got this information from Xiao Bing, Xiao Ye smacked his lips. All of this was actually planned by Xiao Bing earlier.

"Fu Lingcheng Hu has been contacting some second-rate families over the years, trying to marry off his daughter. This has not happened once or twice. The family he went to this time is the Ma family, which is also very high in the second-rate family. Ma Feng Nai is the eldest son of the Ma family, this marriage with Fu Ling City Lord is very important, we got news from it, the day they meet is today."

Although the Xiao family's news system is not very advanced, but with intentions, they were able to find out some news. Xiao Bing took advantage of this rather important news and planned everything today!
(End of this chapter)

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