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Chapter 347 The Swordsman

Chapter 347 The Swordsman
Xiao Jun?The Xiao family?Are these people from the Xiao family?

City Lord Fuling felt his mind explode. He thought that Xiao Jun had given up on Fu Xiaorou long ago, and that's why he hadn't contacted him for a long time, and he didn't even have a chance to regret the marriage.

But now it appeared at the most critical time. Is the Xiao family trying to kill him?

City Lord Fu Ling wants to kill Xiao's house now, and ask Xiao Jun, what the hell do you mean!
Ma Feng's expression on this matter was even more exciting. Originally, City Lord Fu Ling told him that the local family of the few people in front of him was sent by them. In Ma Feng's eyes, they were not even a fart, and Fu Xiaorou was oppressed and entangled.

So Ma Feng was full of confidence from the very beginning, and even said some things that he now thinks are stupid and idiots!This was a mistake that would never be made in the past, but today it has been made several times in a row.

Ma Feng feels that he has been played from beginning to end, and his self-confidence is simply an idiot in the eyes of the other party.

What kind of local family, what kind of entanglement, what kind of oppression of Fu Xiaorou, these are all fake, all fights are Ma Feng's self-righteousness, since meeting Fu Xiaorou until now, Ma Feng has never said a single correct word, he All acting like a clown.

Ma Feng has never felt ashamed as he is today, this kind of shame Ma Feng cannot bear, it makes him feel more ashamed than stripping naked in public!

As the eldest son of a second-rate family, he had such an encounter in Fuling City today. If he hadn't really had something to do with him, he would have made everyone present disappear forever!
And all of this is the fault of City Lord Fu Ling, as well as Xiao Bing, Xiao Ye, and Xiao Xiaojia, the Xiao family members.I didn't go to provoke you, but you came to the door yourself!

"Young master, the Xiao family has already participated in this matter, so you should think twice before doing the next thing!"

After learning everything, Ah Fu was also annoyed, but at this time it was related to the Xiao family, but Ah Fu had to be careful.

"Cut!" Ma Feng spat in disdain: "Ah Fu, from now on, don't tell me that you don't offend the Xiao family and other nonsense! I can't swallow my breath today. I want to use Fu Ling for the time being. Spare this old bastard first, and as for those disciples of the Xiao family, even if you don’t kill them on the surface, you have to scare them and punish them, and then secretly, I want none of them to go back! Do you understand?”

Ma Feng's sound transmission means that he is completely angry!If no one pays a painful price for this, the fire of anger in my heart cannot be extinguished!

It was the first time Ah Fu heard such harsh words from Ma Feng. He already knew that he could no longer stop his young master.

"Hey! It seems that the Xiao family will inevitably confront each other. I hope the Xiao family has nothing hidden. With the current strength of my Ma family, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Xiao Ye."

Ah Fu thought in his heart, and didn't say anything more, he couldn't help but tremble when he saw Ma Feng's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

He had never seen such an expression on Ma Feng's face. Even Ah Fu was shocked by this expression!Ah Fu knows Ma Feng's way of dealing with things, even if there is a little bit of trouble, if Ma Feng gets angry, he will kill him.

Once at an auction, there was a man who competed with Ma Feng for a treasure. In the end, the man was so rich that he was on par with Ma Feng. In the end, Ma Feng spent a lot of money to get the treasure.

Then Ma Feng found out the origin of that person, and a massacre happened in the next ten days, and all the people in a small town were killed!There is only one reason, that is, the person who confronts Ma Feng is actually the lord of a small town!

The city lord offended Ma Feng, he washed the small town with blood in his stool, and lost countless innocent lives in those ten days.Ma Feng usually speaks kindly and smiles, but under this smile hides a cruel killing heart.

It is because of his cruelty and ambition that Ma Feng is highly regarded in the Ma family and has great power, but he is not big enough to take over the Ma family.

The construction of the Ninth Base is an important task for Ma Feng. After completing him, it is basically a certainty that Ma Feng will become the heir of the Ma family.

It is precisely because of this importance that Ma Feng acts cautiously. He chooses to be safe when it comes to some things that are feasible or not. Most things are done according to A Fu's instructions.

For example, don't provoke the Xiao family!

But now, Ma Feng is completely enraged, and his anger can completely anger the entire Fuling City and the entire Xiao family. If it weren't for the construction of the Ninth Base, he might have already begun to prepare for a bloodbath.

But now, no one can stop him from getting Fu Xiaorou, getting Fuling City and building the ninth base.

Those who block him in front of him must die!

"Miss Xiaorou, are you planning to go to Xiao's house and leave me here?" Ma Feng, who had suffered a great humiliation, could still maintain a smile at this moment, and his tone was already full of displeasure.

"En!" Fu Xiaorou nodded very seriously.

"So that's how it is!" Ma Feng was not angry, but instead opened the feather fan and shook it lightly, and at the same time, it fell on the City Lord Fuling: "I came here from a long distance, but you were the one who planned it, and everything was said yesterday." It’s alright, but you’re showing me this scene today, City Lord, what do you mean?”

Ma Feng's anger had already fallen on City Master Fu Ling, his cold words made City Master Fu Ling twitch again and again.

City Lord Fu Ling never expected that such a thing would happen. He gave Li Ming a hard look. This subordinate who usually listens to him, but today he firmly stood by Fu Xiaorou's side.

No wonder, he is Fu Xiaorou's father, even if he risked his life to fight for Fu Xiaorou's happiness, how could he sacrifice Fu Xiaorou?

Seeing that Li Ming didn't express anything, City Lord Fu Ling became even more flustered. If Li Ming and Fu Xiaorou didn't cooperate, he wouldn't be able to pass this level, not to mention that he couldn't make it to the top in the future.

The Ma family, that is a second-rate family, one finger can kill Fuling City Lord without a place to bury him!
Why did things develop to this point, why didn't they proceed according to their own plan?

City Lord Fu Ling was not reconciled, and he quickly transferred his anger to the Xiao family, Xiao Bing, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye.

Without their appearance, the matter would not have come to this point, and all this would not have happened.Fu Xiaorou will marry Ma Feng, he will be taken care of by the Ma family, and Fu Dongsheng will also get more guys because of the power of the Ma family.

The future territory of their rich family is no longer a small Fuling City, they will expand rapidly, and even create a good family!

But now everything is ruined, he can't let the Xiao family ruin his plan, absolutely not.

"Young Master Ma misunderstood, this matter..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I will give you a stick of incense time to deal with it, and if you can't deal with it, give me an explanation!"

Ma Feng didn't want to listen to the nonsense of City Lord Fu Ling anymore, he was completely superior at the moment, and after saying this, he sat in the gazebo, looking at the scenery with his feather fan, completely ignoring the affairs of this place.

He returned the matter to City Lord Fuling, and these were originally the affairs of City Lord Fuling. He just wanted to use Ma Feng's power to solve them at first, but he didn't expect that Ma Feng would return the matter in the end.

Ma Feng has already given a time limit, which is the time for a stick of incense, and at this moment, Ah Fu's breath fluctuations have locked the entire back garden.

As for Xiao Ye and the others, they were naturally not afraid of a fight, and Fu Xiaorou had already made up her mind, and Li Ming even desperately stood by his daughter's side, and the situation became stalemate for a while.

"Fu Xiaorou, come here for me!"

City Lord Fu Ling was finally angry, and he yelled at Fu Xiaorou. If it had been before, Fu Xiaorou would have timidly knelt in front of City Lord Fu Ling, but at this moment, Fu Xiaorou remained steadfast in Xiao Bing Beside, motionless.

"You... do you want to rebel?" City Lord Fu Ling was furious.

"Father! This is the last time I call you, no matter you used to be good or bad to me, at least you were my father! Now, I am going to find my own happiness, please don't stop me!" Fu Xiaorou With tears in his eyes, he was extremely firm.

"Bastard!" City Lord Fu Ling's eyes spewed fire: "Little girl, her wings are hardened when she grows up, she even dares to disobey the old man's words! You really are unfilial!"

City Lord Fu Ling was furious, and his eyes fell on Li Ming: "You old man, this City Lord has saved your life, and you dare to disobey the old man's order? Hurry up and give the old man a good discipline!"

"City lord! The subordinates are sorry!" Li Ming rejected the city lord without any hesitation.

No matter what others think of him, whether they call him a traitor or say he is ungrateful, in short, he will never sacrifice his daughter's happiness, even if his reputation and life are on the line!

"You all turned against each other! Come on!"

City Lord Fu Ling was so angry that at the command, a group of guards led by Fu Dongsheng rushed into the garden and surrounded Fu Xiaorou and others.

Fu Dongsheng's expression at the moment was also very gloomy. He did not show his face in Fuling City, so that he would become a blockbuster after gaining power one day.

The long-awaited opportunity finally came, but it was destroyed by the Xiao family!Now even if it is tied, Fu Xiaorou has to marry Ma Feng!Otherwise, don't talk about rising to the top, even his life may be in danger.

For a moment, swords were on the verge of breaking out in the garden, Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing, Xiao Xiaojia, and Li Ming guarded Fu Xiaorou in the middle together.

"Xiaorou, my father will give you one last chance. If you persist in your obsession, don't blame my father for keeping these people alive." City Lord Fu Ling took a deep breath, and his tone became even colder.

Soft is not enough, he is ready to come to hard people.

Fu Xiaorou doesn't want to hurt everyone, but it's about her own happiness, and Fu Xiaorou will never bow her head in this respect.She believed in Xiao Jun, and believed that Xiao Jun would not leave her alone here, so facing the threat of City Lord Fu Ling, Fu Xiaorou's eyes remained firm.

"Hmph! You're so stubborn! Dong Sheng, tie Fu Xiaorou to Lao Tzu, and leave none of the others behind!"

Finally, City Lord Fuling issued a cruel order!
(End of this chapter)

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