god system

Chapter 350 Escape

Chapter 350 Escape
As soon as the illusory lamp came out, colorful lights lingered out. Ah Fu was surprised to find that the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and he appeared in a desert.

There are nine suns in the sky, their directions cannot be distinguished, and there is no one in the endless desert.

The City Lord's Mansion is gone, the City Lord Fuling is gone, Xiao Ye and others are all gone, and the only thing left is the sun and the desert!Even the detection fluctuations were blocked, and it was impossible to leave this desert.

Knowing that everything in front of me is an illusion, but my body can't connect to reality, what's going on?

"Is it that treasure? It's a good thing."

A Fu's eyes were even more greedy. Although he had been in the Ma family for so many years, although he had received a lot of benefits, but such treasures as the Three Medicine Glazed Lamp and Snake Yanding, A Fu hadn't even seen a shadow.

I don't want to accompany Ma Feng to such a small place as Fuling City this time, but I can come across such treasures. If I can get these two treasures, my strength will be raised to a higher level.

If the treasure is sold, what kind of sky-high price will it be sold for?
He's just a great martial artist, what qualifications do he have to possess such a treasure?

At this moment, Ah Fu really wanted to kill. Originally, because the other party was from the Xiao family, Ah Fu was still thinking about whether the conflict would not intensify. There was still a little luck in his heart. Get out of your sight.

The energy in his body skyrocketed crazily, Ah Fu slapped this space with his powerful palm.

Although the Three Medicine Glazed Lamp is an extremely powerful treasure, after all, Xiao Ye's strength is not enough to use him. In the face of King Wu's extremely strong continuous attacks, this illusory space finally collapsed.

It was the Fuling City Mansion that appeared before him, but Xiao Ye and the others had disappeared. The Fuling City Lord half-kneeled on the ground, weeping at Fu Dongsheng's body.

Ma Feng frowned and stood in front of Ah Fu, his face was ashen.

"Where's that group of juniors?" Ah Fu was puzzled, he only took a few breaths into the illusion, why did the enemy disappear when he recovered?

"Ah Fu, what were you doing just now? In half a stick of incense, people have already left." Ma Feng was extremely angry at the moment, and for some reason, Ah Fu suddenly stayed where he was, and used his true energy to protect himself, unexpectedly He watched helplessly as Xiao Ye and the others fled.

After half a stick of incense, Ah Fu came back to his senses, and his face was full of doubts, which made Ma Feng even more upset. What happened just now to lead to such a result?
"Half stick of incense?" Ah Fu was also taken aback, and then he realized that the time in the illusion must have been adjusted, and he felt that half a stick of incense had passed after a few breaths.

In this way, the power of the treasure is still above my estimate.

This made Ah Fu even more greedy, he must get the two treasures in Xiao Ye's hands.


Ah Fu's first thought was stopped by Ma Feng.

"Ah Fu, it seems that the opponent's strength is a bit strange. You should immediately mobilize some reinforcements from the Ninth Base and let them block the way back to Xiao's house." Ma Feng gave such an order to Ah Fu. If in the past, Ah Fu He will obey unconditionally, but at this moment he wants to get the treasure from Xiao Ye, and he doesn't want other people to intervene in this matter.

"Why Ah Fu? Is there a problem?" Ma Feng frowned.

"The subordinates think that now is the best time to pursue. If they miss it, they are afraid that they will have some reinforcements. It will be even more difficult to let them return to Xiao's house."

What Ah Fu said is not unreasonable. Once Xiao Ye and others escape, they don't know the direction they are fleeing. Whether they are taking a spirit bird or a hearse, if you want to stop them on the road, you need to try your luck, and it may cost a lot of money. manpower and energy.

"So?" Ma Feng frowned: "Okay! You go to chase first, and I will mobilize the reinforcements myself. If you let them escape back to Xiao's house, then I will go to the clan to mobilize troops and horses to raz Xiao Xiao." Home!"

Ma Feng's anger has already involved the entire Xiao family. In fact, he doesn't need to be angry at all. Even if Xiao Ye takes Fu Xiaorou away and kills Fu Dongsheng, as long as the owner of Fuling City helps, he can still easily create a power.

The reason why they didn't do this at the beginning was because their Ma family also had enemies. As the eldest son of a second-rate family, many people were secretly observing Ma Feng's every move.

The matter of the Ninth Base does not want to be discovered by the outside world, so Fu Xiaorou has to be used, so as to avoid the suspicion of the outside world.

Now that things have come to this point, Ma Feng can only take advantage of the Xiao family's troubles, and while fighting with the Xiao family in Fuling City, he quietly proceeds with the construction of the ninth base.

The plan has been completely destroyed, but it can still be carried out, but Ma Feng is too unhappy with the actions of the Xiao family. He wants the Xiao family to pay the price, at least the three people who ruined their good things must die.

"Your subordinates will go after them now." Ah Fu only has two treasures on Xiao Ye's body in his mind at the moment, he doesn't care what Ma Feng is thinking, and after getting permission, Ma Feng goes to pursue them immediately.

"My son, my son, you died so miserable, so miserable..."

City Lord Fuling cried and yelled. It seemed that because of his voice, Zombie Zhou also rushed into the garden. When he saw his grandson lying in a pool of blood, Zombie Zhou turned pale.

His grandson, the one he thought could make his way to the top, is now in a pool of blood. What is going on?

"City Lord, now is not the time to be sad, we should avenge Young Master Ling. The enemy is fleeing at the moment, and the Fuling City Lord should be sealed off as soon as possible. All hearses, spirit birds and personnel must go through strict inspections before they can enter and leave. It's a priority right now."

Ma Feng came to Fuling City Lord and urged Fuling City Lord to act.

Although the Lord of Fuling City is not powerful, he really has power in Fuling City. All the major forces have given him face. It is not difficult for him to seal the city with one order.

Although the action seems a little slow now, it is better than nothing.

City Lord Fuling lost his son and was distraught. Ma Feng and Ah Fu are also responsible for this matter. How could City Lord Fuling not keep it in mind?
He hated Ma Feng, Ah Fu, and Xiao Ye and the Xiao family even more!

At this moment, he has to endure, to make a comeback with the help of Ma Feng, and then take revenge!Even Zombie Zhou had exactly the same thoughts as him on this point, so at this moment he would not offend Ma Feng, but wiped away his tears, and shouted at Zombie Zhou: "Have you heard what Mr. Ma said? Go do it!"


Zombie Zhou didn't know exactly what happened, but he could make a guess. At this moment, he was naturally grieving, but he knew better that it was a critical moment and he needed to help City Lord Fuling.

Zombie Zhou arranged everything immediately, and Zombie Zhou himself had other arrangements in the process.

Fu Dongsheng is dead, and Fu Ling's city lord has become a polished commander. Although there is still a big tree like Ma Feng, Ma Feng must be very upset about Fu Xiaorou's affairs. I don't know if Ma Feng will get Fu Xiaorou in the end.

In other words, even if Ma Feng is really with Fu Xiaorou, he has nothing to do with City Lord Fu Ling. At this moment, following City Lord Fu Ling has no future.

Zombie Zhou has acquired a lot of wealth over the years, and now he can take his daughter to leave Fuling City and live the life of a wealthy businessman in another town.

Anyway, Fu Dongsheng, who held them back, is dead, and they have nothing to worry about in Fuling City. As for Fuling City Lord, he has always been the tool of Zhou Zombie's mother and daughter. Now that the tool has no effect, is it still called a tool?
Zombie Zhou has decided to go, but it just needs a little preparation.

In Fuling City Lord's Mansion, a huge change swept Fuling City like the wind. The specific news is unknown, only the daughter of Fuling City Lord ran away with someone, and even the son of Fuling City Lord was beheaded. .

Such news was undoubtedly a huge thunderous news in Fuling City, and it spread throughout Fuling City in an instant.

In the small Fuling City, people's eyes are all around Fuling City. Even the appearance of a small great martial artist is big news, let alone such a big event happened in the Fuling City Lord's Mansion!
Fuling City has been completely sealed off, and Ma Feng has also issued a secret signal to mobilize the forces of the so-called Ninth Base.

In another place, Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia, Xiao Bing, Li Ming and Fu Xiaorou had already escaped from Fuling City.

They didn't stop and didn't dare to stop all the way. After all, there was Ah Fu, the Martial King. If they didn't run desperately, being caught up would not be a small problem.

"Father, are your injuries all right?"

A group of people were there, Li Ming was seriously injured, and his face was pale at the moment.

"Don't worry, I can't die! Finding a safe place is the top priority now." Li Ming didn't care about his injuries at all, and the only thought in his mind was to send Fu Xiaorou to a safe place.

Xiao Bing said: "Follow me at ease, the place is ready!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Xiao Bing had come prepared. Now that the enemy was a King Wu, running away aimlessly like this was not an option.

Fortunately, Xiao Bing arranged everything. If that's the case, then just follow Xiao Bing's actions.

"Junior brother, these treasures on your body are really amazing, just use two and let the Wu King stay where he is, and use a few more, wouldn't it be able to kill the strong Wu Wang?"

During the escape, Xiao Bing looked very relaxed, and his joking tone made Xiao Ye even roll his eyes.

What they were facing was a strong King Wu, and it would be very difficult to win a draw, let alone beheading Xiao Bing?

"Treasures are easy to obtain, but it is not so easy to control them. Now these two treasures are somewhat difficult to control, and more treasures will not be able to exert their power, but will be restrained."

Xiao Ye still explained it to Xiao Bing. In fact, Xiao Ye had a question, why was Xiao Bingnian so relaxed?
Before, Xiao Bing should have thought that Xiao Ye could not deal with the strong King Wu, but in the garden, when the strong King Wu showed his power, everyone was shocked, only Xiao Bing looked indifferent.

Isn't Xiao Bing as simple as it seems on the surface?
(End of this chapter)

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