god system

Chapter 352 Fierce Fighting Martial King

Chapter 352 Fierce Fighting Martial King

Facing his powerful Martial King, it stands to reason that a mere great martial artist should already be terrified.But Xiao Ye is not only not afraid, but also in the mood to joke.

What kind of courage is this?
With two treasures and the ability to escape from the confinement of his own space, do you think he can be so arrogant in front of him?
Ah Fu smiled coldly, that smile seemed to hide a knife that could kill people!
"Junior, are you here to stop this old man? Do you think that by gaining such a little time, you can let your companion escape successfully? This old man won't be hit by your illusion again!"

Although he has absolute confidence, after all, he was swayed by Xiao Ye before, at this moment Ah Fu is still quite cautious, trying to find out Xiao Ye's reality with words.

A master is a master, with extremely rich combat experience. Before, because of the disparity in strength, Xiao Ye was underestimated, so he was put together.Now that Ah Fu is fully prepared, it is not so easy for Xiao Ye to simply block him.

At this moment, Ah Fu looks like a real Martial King. When his aura locks onto Xiao Ye, the surrounding space has been completely imprisoned.

Xiao Ye couldn't move at this moment, but Ah Fu knew that Xiao Ye had some means to break free from the confinement of the space, but breaking free did not mean that he could move freely in the confinement space, he would still be bound by the confinement space.

Space confinement is nothing more than a comprehension of space. Xiao Ye comprehended it in the weightless space that day, and as a result, he could move freely in the weightless space.

This confinement is exactly the opposite of the weightless space. Xiao Ye only needs to reverse his comprehension, and he can also move freely in the confinement space.

At first, this anti-comprehension was really difficult, and Xiao Ye was not used to it, but now, Xiao Ye can really move freely in the weightless space.

The absolute suppression of the Wu Wang powerhouse on the subordinates is the space confinement, and now the space confinement is ineffective for Xiao Ye, so the strength gap between Wu Wang and the great martial artist has been greatly narrowed.

Ah Fu's advantage over Xiao Ye lies in the quality of his true energy, but don't forget that Xiao Ye still has spiritual energy, sword heart art, and various supernatural powers, all of which can make up for the absolute gap in strength.

So at this moment, Xiao Ye is not unable to move, but intentionally does not move. He has quietly mobilized various magical powers.

"You are the senior of the Ma family. The Ma family and my Xiao family have always been in harmony with each other. You should know that Fu Xiaorou has already entered into a marriage contract with the head of my Xiao family. Is the Ma family opposed?"

Xiao Ye's attitude changed, and he suddenly became serious. Ah Fu's face changed slightly when he said that the Xiao family was against the Ma family.

"Have a marriage contract with the head of the Xiao family? Junior, don't fabricate the facts. The old man remembers that Fu Xiaorou is only engaged to Xiao Jun of your Xiao family."

Ah Fu followed Ma Feng, so he naturally knew the important news. Now Xiao Ye actually said that Fu Xiaorou had a marriage contract with the head of the Xiao family, which is really absurd.

"Oh? You still know me, the Patriarch of the Xiao family?" Xiao Ye smiled, with a hint of teasing in his smile.

"The Patriarch of the Xiao Family?" Ah Fu was startled: "You mean that Xiao Jun has become the Patriarch of your Xiao Family? How is this possible? Where is Xiao Zhan?"

Ah Fu had already figured something out, and he couldn't help frowning: "You kid is delaying time? Forget it, I have nothing to say to a junior like you. If you take your life, your companions can't run away!"

Ah Fu thought he had seen through Xiao Ye's intentions, and when he waved his hand, a yellow circle of light appeared in front of him, which was incomparably agile, and at first glance it was a talisman, a yellow chain shining all over.

Ah Fu pointed a little, and the yellow chain was thrown down violently. The speed was so fast that it turned into an afterimage, and the terrifying force completely tore apart the void.

This is a blow from the strong King Wu, an attack using the magic weapon of life, the Snake Flame Cauldron can't resist it!

The true qi and spiritual qi in Xiao Ye's body reached their peak at the same moment. The blue sword qi in his left hand and the yellow sword qi in his right hand clapped his hands together. The two sword qi combined together to form a three-foot-long handle. Golden sword energy.

With a bunch of palms in Xiao Ye's hands, the golden sword energy shot out fiercely, blocking the yellow chain that fell from the sky.

"Not bad sword energy, it's a bit like Zongjian Villa's supernatural power!" Ah Fu didn't care about it, and with his fingers, the energy around the yellow chain was even stronger, and with a flick of it, it directly smashed Xiao Ye's body Golden Sword Qi!

The chain was only slightly hindered, and it was thrown down violently. At that moment, Xiao Ye had already clenched the Lieyan Knife in his hand. Facing the dropped chain, the Lieyan Knife flashed an extremely dazzling fire-colored light, and greeted him. With one blow, it seemed to hear a dragon chant, and it collided with the chain.

"Huh?" Ah Fu squinted his eyes, and his talisman was actually blocked by Xiao Ye's attack. What's going on?

Xiao Ye's Lieyan Knife is obviously not a powerful treasure, it's just a natal magic weapon, how can he block his own natal magic weapon?

Looking again, Ah Fu found something strange, Xiao Ye actually poured twice as much true energy into the Lieyan Knife than ordinary people, which greatly enhanced the strength of the Lieyan Knife.

Rather than saying that Xiao Ye is resisting with Lieyan Dao, it is better to say that Xiao Ye is resisting with an endless stream of true energy.

"Junior, let me see how much qi you have to block the old man's attack!"

Ah Fu smiled coldly, and the zhenqi poured into the natal magic weapon increased again, and a huge force suddenly came from the yellow chain, pressing Xiao Ye's Lieyan knife to his neck.


Behind Xiao Ye, golden rays of light bloomed, and the wings of soaring spread out. During the beating, Xiao Ye's body retreated violently, and the Lieyan knife in his hand was separated from the yellow chain, finally escaping the blow.

"Don't try to escape!" Xiao Ye's soaring wings made Ah Fu's eyes brighten, and he became more determined to kill Xiao Ye. Immediately, he pointed, and the natal magic weapon turned into a poisonous snake in the void, and turned to Xiao Ye. Bite it.

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he waved out a fire-colored ball, which was exactly the ball formed by the energy absorbed by Lu Tianping that day.

The sphere collided with Ah Fu's natal magic weapon, and immediately exploded in the void, endless energy spinning crazily.

"This is……"

Ah Fu only felt his body tremble, his talisman suffered a little damage in this collision, how could a mere great martial artist launch such a terrifying attack?

For a moment, Ah Fu was a little startled. The boy who thought he could be easily taken down actually hurt his own talisman. Isn't this too heaven-defying?

"Huh? The breath...disappeared?"

When Ah Fu was shocked, the aura that was originally targeting Xiao Ye suddenly disappeared. Xiao Ye disappeared within sight and in his aura.


Behind Ah Fu, a blazing light flickered, Xiao Ye held the Lieyan Knife, and the blade was less than a foot away from Ah Fu.

"not good!"

Ah Fu was shocked and turned around quickly, but the energy of the Lieyan knife in Xiao Ye's hand had already exploded, and the violent fire attribute energy swallowed Ah Fu in an instant.

Holding the Lieyan Knife, Xiao Ye, led by Soaring Wings, dodged a few times and disappeared into the void. When Ah Fu broke free from the sea of ​​flames, Xiao Ye had already disappeared.

"You bastard!"

Ah Fu was shocked, the gas he breathed from his mouth already had a scorched black smell, and there were several scorched spots on his body surface. The situation was urgent just now. If it wasn’t for Ah Fu’s strong true energy, which consumed a lot of true energy to resist, this sudden blow Hitting really kills him directly!

Concealing the breath, this is a supernatural power that many superpowers can't learn, and the breath will definitely be revealed at the moment of launching an attack, but why Ah Fu didn't feel it at all.

How did Xiao Ye do it?Could it be that there is such a hidden treasure on his body?

Ah Fu became more and more greedy for the treasures on Xiao Ye, but at this moment he couldn't help but become cautious. Xiao Ye hid, and his attack power was not weak. If he was not careful, he would really die on the spot.

Ah Fu completely imprisoned the surrounding space in order to use the imprisoned space to search for Xiao Ye's aura, but unfortunately, Xiao Ye has disappeared without a trace, and there is no way to detect it.

Ah Fu recalled his talisman, and glanced around with menacing eyes, but under the night, there was no trace of Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye seemed to blend into the night, it was hard to detect!

Ah Fu vaguely felt that Xiao Ye was around, and under the night, there was hidden danger. As long as he relaxed his vigilance, Xiao Ye would launch an attack.

Obviously he is the king of martial arts, but he is caught in the crisis set by the great martial artist, which makes Ah Fu a little unacceptable!

Ah Fu landed on the ground, leaning against a boulder, looking around cautiously.

He has already entered the highest alert stage, and at this moment, he has fallen into a disadvantage in this battle.

"This kid has a lot of treasures on him. If you kill him and snatch all the treasures, it's hard to say how many steps the old man's strength will go up! Young Master has already mobilized the power of the Ninth Base. If I don't solve it as soon as possible, let the Ninth Base participate. In this matter, the treasure will definitely not belong to the old man."

The thoughts in Ah Fu's mind changed rapidly. The reason why he always ended up with Xiao Ye was to get those treasures.

He knew that Ma Feng's Ninth Base would not let Xiao Ye and others go back alive, but if the Ninth Base joined in, the treasure would not belong to Ah Fu.

Before the ninth base arrives, Ah Fu must take down Xiao Ye and others, at least kill Xiao Ye and get the treasure.

"Junior, just keep shrinking like a tortoise, the old man is looking for your companion!"

As soon as his eyes rolled, Ah Fu suddenly drove the fast-moving streamer, planning to chase Xiao Bing and others directly.He thinks that Xiao Ye is delaying time, as long as he goes after Xiao Bing, Xiao Ye will show up.

Sure enough, at the moment Ah Fu drove the light, a cold wave suddenly rolled up in the void.

In the cold current, countless ice arrows flew from the front, densely packed, covering Ah Fu's sight.


Ah Fu snorted coldly, and just waved his hand, all the Frostbolts in front of him collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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