god system

Chapter 360 The Horse Hunter

Chapter 360 The Horse Hunter
Ah Fu was completely reduced to a prisoner, and it was Xiao Jun who sealed his power, and it was impossible to undo it by his own ability.

But at least his life has not been threatened now, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as he doesn't die, there is still hope. Of course, what he can do now is to play by ear. He can clearly see Xiao Ye's cruel methods before, and he is afraid in his heart. I really don't want to be treated like this.

The wings of soaring spread, Xiao Ye carried Ah Fu, Xiao Bing carried Xiao Xiaojia, and the group shot into the void, turned into streamers, and flew towards Fuling City.

The fluctuating battle in the mountains and forests, because it is at the level of King Wu, lasted for a long time, and it has already made the surrounding creatures hide in fear. At this moment, when Xiao Ye and others turned into the void, the whole world seemed extremely quiet, even the singing of birds, beasts and insects could not be heard. never heard.

night!It was eerily quiet, but in Fuling City, because of what happened in the City Lord's Mansion, it was extremely lively. Many people were discussing the matter, and even the teahouses and restaurants were full.

There is no tense atmosphere in the sealed towns, only excited discussions and negotiations.It turned out that during the tenure of Fuling City Lord, he was not loved by the people. In addition to Zhou Zong, a vampire, the people had already complained.

Now the Fuling City Lord's Mansion has undergone major changes, and some people even made trouble and organized to go to the Fuling City Lord's Mansion to ask him to step down.

City Lord Fuling lost more than half of his subordinates and lost his son. When he was in grief, someone came to make trouble again. Naturally, he was irritable and wanted to kill someone.

At the critical moment, Zombie Zhou has disappeared, even his wife has disappeared!In my most difficult time, the closest people left me, which really added fuel to the fire.

Even Mr. Ma Fengma, who had always supported him, disappeared without a trace. Is this being abandoned by the whole world?

City Lord Fuling sat in the room blankly, today was the biggest accident he encountered in his life, this accident destroyed everything he had, and all of this was caused by Fu Xiaorou and Xiao's family.

No matter what, he must survive, he wants revenge, and the Xiao family must pay the price!Those who want to betray themselves will all die tragically...

Just as City Lord Fuling was thinking viciously, a powerful coercion suddenly penetrated into the house, locking on City Lord Fuling!

The powerful coercion made Fu Lingcheng unable to take the initiative. He was familiar with these auras. Aren't these the same people who took Fu Xiaorou away before?

Why are they still coming back?Is it to kill the weeds?
The house was shattered, and Xiao Ye kicked into the residence of Fuling City Lord. After sweeping his eyes, he went around the Fuling City Mansion, but found no trace of Ma Feng.

"Where did Ma Feng go?" Xiao Ye's cold culture was transmitted to the head of Fuling City Lord.

Ma Feng?City Lord Fuling also wanted to know where he had gone, his biggest backer, his only chance to rise, where the hell did he go?
At this moment, the enemy is powerful. Although the Lord Fuling wanted to avenge his son and cut Xiao Ye into pieces, he still suppressed his anger in his heart, shook his head and said, "I don't know, after you left, Ma Feng also disappeared. .”

The person who killed his son was right in front of him, and City Lord Fu Ling could bear the burden of humiliation at this moment, but he was destined to have no chance of revenge. Fu Dongsheng's death was [-]% to be blamed on City Lord Fu Ling himself.

Before inquiring, Xiao Ye had already searched Fuling City Lord's Mansion all over, and there was indeed no trace of Ma Feng, but he could not be sure that Ma Feng was not in the mansion, after all, there was a mirror in Li Ming's house back then.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Ye denied this idea again.

First of all, Ma Feng is the son of a second-rate family. It would be an insult to his personality to ask him to hide. With Ma Feng's attitude, he should not do this.

Furthermore, the strong men sent by Ma Feng to the experimental base must be full of confidence in their hearts. Xiao Ye and others will not be able to go back alive, let alone Xiao Ye and others will come back.

That is to say, Ma Feng did not sense the crisis, so he would not hide, which means that Ma Feng is indeed not in the city lord's mansion.

"Old man, you should know where Mr. Ma is, right?" Xiao Bing's half-smile look made Ah Fu's heart tremble.

"I think it should be at the Ninth Base, I know that." Ah Fu very cooperatively told everything he knew.


With a flash of light, Xiao Ye and others disappeared in the City Lord's Mansion, and went to the so-called Ninth Base under A Fu's identification.

"Junior brother, there are a lot of strong people in the Ma family's experimental base, we will definitely die if we break into it directly." On the way, Xiao Bing sent a voice transmission to Xiao Ye.

"I know that. Let's investigate the outside first, and play by ear." Xiao Ye also knew that Ma's experimental base should not be forcibly broken into. If Ma Feng hid in it, it would not be easy to catch him out.

But now they must act, Xiao Dongliu and others may be in danger at any time!
Under Ah Fu's identification, Xiao Ye and the others escaped into the mountains one after another. The aura in the deep mountains was not very strong, so there were not many plants and trees, and they looked bare.

There are no people in such a place during the day, and it is dead silent at night, with almost no sound.

Flying in such a deep mountain, if there is any accident, even if you die, no one will find out.


Just as Xiao Ye and the others were flying, a few flashes of light appeared at the bottom of the distant mountains, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be a few torches!Someone is walking in this deep mountain with a torch.

In a deep mountain where there are not even people in the daytime, there are people walking forward at night, which aroused the vigilance of Xiao Ye and others, and their eyes all fell on Ah Fu in unison.

Ah Fu smiled wryly, and didn't dare to hide it: "These are the hunters of the Ma family. They are responsible for finding targets to capture the martial artists, and bring them to the ninth base. Because they are afraid of being discovered, they all choose to operate at night."

The experimental base needs experimental subjects, and these experimental subjects are all human beings, and their acquisition is done by Majia hunters.

The so-called Ma family hunters are trained by the Ma family themselves, and usually their strength has reached the level of a great martial artist or a great spiritual master!They have been cruelly trained since they were young, and almost every one of them acts cautiously and decisively, and their cruelty is enough to make people frightened.

They will never betray the horse family, and they have a lot of experience in choosing targets. Because they are careful, they rarely make mistakes.

Appearing not far ahead were people from the Ma family hunter organization. They were pulling two carriages. There were at least five people in sight.

While walking forward, these hunters are still throwing something into the air, which is very strange.

"Hey!" Ah Fu suddenly sighed, hesitated for a while, and said: "What they scattered in the air is a kind of creature, invisible to the naked eye, but able to detect the existence of the enemy. If you follow like this, you will be found in an instant .Once the hunters find you, they will send out a signal, and the Ninth Base will receive it immediately and send reinforcements!"

Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing didn't notice this matter, and they didn't ask Ah Fu, it was Ah Fu who said it himself.He didn't want to help Xiao Ye, because Ah Fu knew that even if the Ninth Base found Xiao Ye and others, they were not 100% sure to take their lives. Once Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing escaped alive, it would be Alfred.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. In order to save their lives, Ah Fu could only temporarily stand by Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia.

Xiao Ye squinted his eyes, and opened his spiritual eyes fully. Under his spiritual eyes, there were really tiny bugs in the air.

The vital signs of these bugs are very weak, and general inspections can't find them at all. However, these bugs have no eyes, and they can't see anything. They can only be discovered by touching them.

And their bodies will send out weird signals, and it happens that horse hunters have the ability to capture such signals.

As soon as Xiao Ye waved his hand, Xiao Bing and the others stopped in the void. As long as they moved three feet forward, they would be discovered.

"Junior Brother, what should we do?" Xiao Bing, as the King of Martial Arts, had nothing to do in this situation. The other party was really too careful, and the Ma family hunter was really cautious.

In terms of strength, Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing, and Xiao Xiaojia absolutely suppress each other, but suppression is not enough, everything must be done without being discovered by the Ninth Base.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me!"

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, the Xuanbing fighting spirit in his body awakened, strands of ice-attributed energy quietly drifted away, and a layer of pure white mist appeared in the air. Anyone touched by this mist could not be seen by the naked eye. The bugs will lose their breath in an instant, and they will die without a name.

Following closely behind the white mist, Xiao Ye and others slowly approached the Ma family hunter.

"How do they send a signal to the base?" Xiao Ye asked Ah Fu again.

"The Ma family has a special sound wave signal. Once it is sent out, it cannot be stopped. It will definitely be transmitted to the Ninth Base. The only limitation is that it takes a little time to prepare. If they are discovered by them in the distance, they will definitely not be able to stop them from sending out the signal."

Horse Hunter, the transmission signal is a special sonic signal, except that it takes a little time to prepare, there is no other weakness!
There are at least five enemies, and the carriage should be full of captured test subjects, and it is not ruled out that there are other people!Xiao Ye and the others had a way to approach them quietly, suppressing or even beheading them at the same time.

But it all had to be fast, and once the fight started, no one could be given free time, or they would signal.

Xiao Ye frowned, thought for a while, and sent a voice transmission to Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia: "We'll do this..."

After some discussions, Xiao Ye and the others were less than five feet away from the Ma family hunter.

On the mountain road, two carriages moved forward slowly. Five men with gloomy faces were beside the carriage. Three of them were holding torches, one was constantly throwing something into the void, and the last one was always paying attention to the surroundings and the situation inside the carriage.

The five people had a clear division of labor, and there were occasional strange sounds from the two carriages, which seemed to be groans of pain.

In this way, there should be no companions in the five carriages.

The five people who were so careful would not allow the enemy to approach quietly at all, but at this moment, Xiao Ye and the others were less than two feet away from them!
(End of this chapter)

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