god system

Chapter 406 The Weird Xiao Ye

Chapter 406 The Weird Xiao Ye

"If there are no accidents, it should be in the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb by now." Mu Qingshu thought about it and replied.

When he answered, he thought carefully in his mind, and he was deciding whether to tell Xiao Ye about this matter.

"Slayer Sword Tomb? Where is that?" Xiao Ye scratched the back of his head, as if he didn't know anything. In this Cangman Mountain, he really had no news.

Seeing that Xiao Ye didn't even know about the tumultuous Tumojian Tomb recently, Mu Qingshu was really speechless.

"Back then, the demons invaded and fought against the Zhengyuan Continent. In the end, the demons were repelled. Some demons who did not want to leave entered Cangman Mountain and established a small stronghold in it."

Mu Qingshu explained: "Later humans and monsters united to besiege the stronghold. It is said that the battle was extremely tragic. In the end, all the demons were wiped out, and the stronghold became a ruin. Because the battle was too fierce, then The energy fluctuations of the ruins are very strong, and the space is extremely unstable, no one can safely pass through it, so I ignore it for the time being."

"Later, Warcraft signed a contract with human beings, and human beings above Wu Zun were not allowed to enter Cangman Mountain. Since then, human beings have forgotten the ruins. It was not until the residual energy of the ruins dissipated that humans turned it into the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb. But the ruins have been transformed by monsters, even though there are many treasures inside, they are still full of dangers, and no one has dared to enter them."

Generally speaking, the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb is a treasure house left over, where all the demons died in battle.However, for some unknown purpose, the monsters rearranged the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, making the ruins a dangerous place again.

"Don't you want to chase the demons? Why do you want to enter the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb?" Xiao Ye was puzzled.

"Treasure hunting." Mu Qingshu's answer was simple: "In fact, not many people want to meet this demon clan. The opponent's strength is too strong, and many people have died in his hands. Besides, Cangman Mountain is so big. It is even more difficult to be alone, and if you have the opportunity, you will naturally go hunting for treasures and get some benefits, wouldn't it be much better than chasing and killing demons?"

Mu Qingshu explained: "Of course, there is another important reason, that is, everyone suspects that the demons entered Cangman Mountain for the purpose of slaughtering the Demon Sword Tomb and getting something back from it."

There are so many treasures in the Tumojian Tomb, who can not be tempted?In addition, the people of the Demon Race entered Cangman Mountain, and it was hard to guarantee that they did not want to retrieve something from the Demon-Slayer Sword Tomb, so for a while, the Demon-Slayer Sword Tomb became the most popular place in Cangman Mountain.

Whether they were chasing demons or hunting for treasure, they immediately chose to enter the Demon-Slaying Sword Tomb, but this is not something that can be entered casually. Now Mu Qinger and others should still be in the Demon-Slaying Sword Tomb.

"Senior Xiao, are you going to the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb?" Mu Qingshu asked again.

"I guess it will take a while, but I need you to tell me about the specific location of the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb." Xiao Ye didn't hide it, and naturally he wouldn't know whether Mu Qing'er was an enemy or a friend. Tell Mu Qingshu.

"There is no need to worry about this matter. Tie Niu and I are also preparing to rush to the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, but Tie Niu was seriously injured and needs to be recuperated for a long time. I wonder if Senior Xiao is willing to wait for a while?"

Mu Qingshu was planning to go to the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, but she ran into a one-horned unicorn, and Tie Niu was injured in the battle and needed some recuperation.

"Haha! It would be great to have someone lead the way, just wait, no problem."

In front of a big tree, Tie Niu sat cross-legged against a big tree, meditating to recuperate her wounds, while Mu Qingshu was protecting her, but Xiao Ye had long since disappeared.

He didn't leave, but went to check the situation nearby. He just came to Cangman Mountain, but Xiao Ye was touched by a mission.

It was hunting monsters again, and picking spiritual grass, Xiao Ye was actually doing simple tasks.

In the mountains and forests, Xiao Ye walked slowly among the big trees in the sky. Xiao Ye seemed to be casual, but in fact, the waves of investigation had already enveloped the surroundings. He found that there were indeed many monsters in the Cangman Mountain.

There are countless monsters lurking in the dark, and these monsters are much smarter than the outside world. They first detect the enemy's breath, see if they are strong or weak, and then decide whether to attack or not.

Moreover, their ability to hide is very strong, and it is not easy to be discovered by others.

No matter how psychic a monster is, it is a beast after all, and it shouldn't have such a good heart. This Cangman Mountain is really no small matter.

When Xiao Ye walked forward, he would pick a kind of spiritual grass from time to time, and then occasionally jumped up a big tree, and then there was a scream, as if he had killed something.

In this way, Xiao Ye strolled leisurely in the vast mountain, relaxed and free, and his appearance really made people sigh.

Cangman Mountain is a World of Warcraft paradise, extremely dangerous. Humans who enter Cangman Mountain are very careful, fearing that they will be attacked by monsters, so they basically enter in groups.

Anyone who entered Cangman Mountain, who didn't feel chills all over, and had to be cautious even when walking, who could completely let go?

Only Xiao Ye can do it, he treats it as his own home, and clearly perceives that there are many monsters around, but it seems that it has nothing to do with him at all.

hoo hoo hoo!
In front, there was an angry roar of the monster. Hearing this sound, the monster was very powerful, and it was not comparable to the unicorn.

Xiao Ye frowned slightly, and then walked towards the place where the roar was coming from. After turning over a bush, he saw a bloody scene in front of him.

The ground was stained with blood, and three human corpses fell on the ground. They were already bloody and bone-strewn. One of them was covered in armor. It looked like a pangolin, but a monster with a cheetah head was trampling on their bodies, crushing their bodies. All the bones were crushed.

As if swearing its own victory, the monster would roar to the sky from time to time, appearing crazy and excited.

This monster covered in armor was more than ten feet five feet tall, and it was very huge. A pair of tiger eyes were like copper bells, shining red, which was very frightening.

On the right side of the monster, there is a six-color plant with round leaves, holding a yellow fruit in the middle, which is very bright and delicious.

The three of them seemed to enter the territory of the monster because of that fruit, and they were finally beheaded by the monster and trampled into pieces.

When the monster roared, it was astonished to discover that a human had entered his territory at some point.

This human was silent, not only entered his own territory, but even came to the six-colored plant, and was squatting at the moment, observing the fruit.

This person didn't seem to see the bloody scene around him at all, and he didn't seem to notice the monster, so he actually observed the fruit in this environment.

There is no doubt that this young man who has entered no man's land is Xiao Ye.

"It's such a strong aura fluctuation. If you eat him, your strength will increase a lot." Xiao Ye said to himself, not even noticing that the aura of the monster had locked him.


With two angry roars, the monster's huge claws descended from the sky and slapped Xiao Ye. The bloody gust made people tremble involuntarily.

The monster is huge in size, but the speed of clawing is very fast, almost like teleportation.

When his life was threatened, the lazy and casual Xiao Ye swayed violently and disappeared in place. The monster's sharp claws naturally fell to the ground and missed.

One claw missed, the monster was extremely angry, but when he looked again, the monster was dumbfounded, and he found that the fruit he was guarding had disappeared.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The monster was furious. During the investigation, there was no trace of human beings. Could it be that the fruit he guarded disappeared like this?
"Good stuff, brother, thanks."

There was a voice from above, and he looked back in astonishment, and found that Xiao Ye was squatting on the branch of an uncle tree in front of him, playing with the fruit in his hand, and then flicked his sleeve, the fruit disappeared.

He took away the fruit in front of his own face, put it away, and finally thanked himself with a smile. Has this human brain been kicked by a donkey?
The monster was furious, and its sharp claws pierced the air. This time, it used all its strength, and the surrounding space trembled violently. The space in Xiao Ye's place was more like glass, and there was a feeling of shattering.

Xiao Ye, who had always been casual, narrowed his eyes sharply at this moment, and a majestic aura erupted from his small body. The breath of the monster made the violent and crazy monster feel like falling into an ice cave, and the movements in his hands slowed down unexpectedly.

In the end, the monster stopped attacking completely. After bowing its head to Xiao Ye, it turned around and ran wildly, choosing to escape.

Such a powerful monster is not twice or twice stronger than the unicorn unicorn. When it was about to take Xiao Ye's life, it was scared away by Xiao Ye's sudden burst of breath. What's going on?

Looking back at Xiao Ye, his expression has returned to being casual, even a little lazy, with a flat smile, a harmless appearance to humans and animals.

It's hard to imagine that the person in front of him scared away the monster just now.

Xiao Ye jumped down from the big tree, glanced at the three bloody corpses, frowned, waved a ball of flames, and burned the three corpses.

After finishing all this, Xiao Ye didn't stay any longer, but went back the same way. Calculating the time, it was almost time for Tie Niu to recuperate.

Beside the tree, Tie Niu breathed out slowly, and when he opened his eyes, there was a gleam of light in his eyes. The first thing he did was to take out the repellant from his arms, and gnawed on it.

"Tie Niu, eat less, too much of this stuff is bad for your health." Mu Qingshu frowned.

"Hehe! It's related to the young master. I'm just used to relying on it. If there is no drug stimulation, my body should have jumped a long time ago. So let me continue to eat."

Regarding Tie Niu's insistence, Mu Qingshu just shook his head and sighed, and didn't say much.

"Can we go?"

Xiao Ye's voice came from behind. At some time, he had quietly appeared there, without making a sound. If he didn't make a sound, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu didn't notice it at all.

"Come with me."

Mu Qingshu can see through Xiao Ye's strength completely, since he can't see through, then don't guess, just lead the way ahead with a word.

(End of this chapter)

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