god system

Chapter 408

Chapter 408
Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu didn't know about Xiao Ye's strength, but they did know that Xiao Ye's "flash" ability was absolutely top-notch.

He is like air, with extremely fast speed and incomparable dexterity. Sometimes he is clearly within the attack lock of the monster, but he can easily dodge it with a flash.

At the beginning, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu couldn't figure out Xiao Ye's movement skills. After watching too much, they gradually studied Xiao Ye's movement skills, and even occasionally saw his dodging movements clearly.

For some reason, Xiao Ye's body is surprisingly soft, and every time he dodges, his light body seems to melt into the space, and he has already avoided the danger without even seeing how hard he is.

With Xiao Ye's ability to evade, the possibility of being hit is very small. If he has such an ability, he will not be allowed to gallop among thousands of troops.

"What kind of agility is this?" All the way in amazement, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu both followed Xiao Ye in the end. Fortunately, Mu Qingshu would point out the direction in advance so that Xiao Ye would not be led astray.

Of course, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu took care of all monsters blocking the way, and Xiao Ye chose to avoid them as usual.

The mountain roads of Cangman Mountain are not always flat, many places are full of potholes and extremely muddy, making it very inconvenient to walk.

This place is suitable for monsters to survive, but humans will be seriously affected here, and the more you go in, the more monsters, Xiao Ye can avoid it, and Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu also seem to be struggling.

"Senior Xiao, there are dense trees ahead, we can walk on the trees."

When Mu Qingshu proposed, he had already ascended the tree with Tie Niu, jumping forward on the tree.

"Walk on the tree?" Xiao Ye's eyes lit up: "By the way, we have been running, why not just fly? Wouldn't it be simple?"

Martial kings and strong men can fly, and monsters are powerful, so naturally there are many flying ones, but the pressure in the sky is much less.

Mu Qingshu gave another blank look: "The space in Cangman Mountain is very special, it has been changed by monsters, our Martial King's comprehension of space doesn't work here, so the space laws we mastered can't fly here."

Cangman Mountain is inhabited by extremely powerful monsters. Those powerful monsters even delineate the boundaries of Cangman Mountain and change the laws of space here. flight.

"Huh? I really can't fly."

Xiao Ye made a special attempt, but it didn't fly, but after that, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Behind Xiao Ye, the golden wings spread out, and between beatings, Xiao Ye was taken up into the air, and it actually flew up!
Seeing Xiao Ye flying away, all the monsters were stunned, their unwilling eyes seemed to be watching a cooked duck fly away from under their eyes.

"Depend on!"

Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu swear again, saying that they can't fly, but this guy really flew, although he relied on the Soaring Wings, but the result remained the same!

The space law of Cangman Mountain has been changed, but the soaring wings are the magic weapon of flying, not controlled by the law, as long as there is energy injected, it can fly with Xiao Ye.

This is not the treasure of Zhengyuan Continent, but a design blueprint, created by the divine outfit system.Now under Xiao Ye's vigorous energy infusion, the flying speed is really not slow.

There are all kinds of monsters. Some monsters are so huge that they can attack Xiao Ye in the sky, and some monsters have the ability to fly, and Xiao Ye is also within their attack range.

However, there are not many magical beasts blocking the way in the void, and there is plenty of room for movement. Coupled with the proficiency in the control of Soaring Wings, Xiao Ye easily dodged it.

Under the roaring night of the monsters, the monsters launched a crazy counterattack, and the strong human beings advanced at full speed, either being hunted and killed by the monsters, or crazily fleeing for their lives.

No one would choose to entangle and fight at this moment, unless you have a very strong team. Of course, such a team exists in Cangman Mountain, but it is definitely not the three of Xiao Ye.

Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu are jumping forward on the tree, this trick is quite effective, but this is because the trees in front of them are flourishing, after walking for a while, they have to jump off the big tree and continue running wildly .

"Senior Xiao, if you don't do anything, at least attract some firepower for us. The monsters are too dense, so it will be difficult to persist until dawn."

Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu gradually felt the huge pressure. They had been on the outskirts of Cangman Mountain before, but now they kept going deeper, and the enemies they encountered became more and more powerful.

Huge pressure was like a mountain, suppressing Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu, their forward speed obviously slowed down, and they might fall into the attack of monsters at any time.

Before Xiao Ye was on the ground, he could still draw the attention of monsters ahead, but now, Xiao Ye is flying, and all the monsters flock to Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu. This is not a good sign.

"Huh? There is a team ahead, I think it's safer for us to join them."

Xiao Ye found a large group of bright lights in front of him. It was a rather huge team. They were stationed in place, releasing powerful aura fluctuations together, making the monsters around them afraid to approach.

While Xiao Ye relieved the pressure on Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu, he led the way above and rushed forward.

"No, there are too many monsters in front, and we can't squeeze in at all. How can we reunite with the team?"

Just because there is a large team in front, the monsters are like iron barrels, surrounding the big team, and it is extremely difficult to kill them. Once Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu make a move, they will either be killed by the monsters. Shred, or fight in blood, kill the blood.

"Just this way, let me take you for a ride."

Xiao Ye smiled, picked up Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu one by one, and went up to the sky.

Mu Qingshu was fine, Xiao Ye was able to grab it easily, but Tie Niu was not light, that huge body really took a lot of effort for Xiao Ye.

In the brightly lit place ahead, there was a large team of about a hundred people. They occupied an open space and temporarily stationed there. They only set off again when the beast tide receded.

"Huh? Do you see what is that in the sky?"

"Could it be that the monster chose to attack from the sky?"

"Hahaha! This old man's archery skills don't allow such a thing to happen, let me spread out and see if I can shoot accurately!"

"Wait, it's humans flying over!"

"Damn! Why didn't you say it earlier, the old man's arrows have all gone out!"

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Ye took Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu with him, and was about to enter the team, but a sharp sword was shot in front of him!
At first it looked like one sword, but when it got closer, the sharp sword spread apart and turned into 36 swords, sealing off all directions of Xiao Ye.

He was about to join, but he was attacked, and it was so fierce that even Xiao Ye's easy-going face was slightly chilled.

"Defend against arrows." Xiao Ye said to Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu.

The faces of the two changed drastically: "Senior said it simply, these arrows are powerful, we can't stop them, so let's hide quickly."

Both Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu felt the power of the arrow, and it was not easy to block it. What's more, they were in the void at the moment, being carried by Xiao Ye, and they couldn't use much strength. They tried to block it forcibly, for fear of serious injury Miserably.

"With you, how can I hide?" Xiao Ye also yelled, and said, showing a hint of playfulness: "How about I throw you into the group of monsters, and then hide him myself?"


As soon as these words came out, Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu broke out in cold sweat, looking at the dense group of monsters below, they were still dead if they were thrown down.

"Huh? Someone flew out from there, so fast!"

At this moment, Tie Niu suddenly gave a cry of surprise, followed her gaze, and saw a red shadow shooting out from the team, and caught up with the 36 arrows in a flash.

The red shadow dissipated and turned into a petite woman. The woman was dressed boldly in red, and only the important parts of her body were covered with red cloth.

As soon as the woman Fang appeared, she opened and closed her big hands, and a burst of red energy exploded in front of her, turning into a barrier, blocking all 36 arrows.

All this happened too fast, and the woman resisted it very easily.

After resisting these arrows, the woman turned around, and her eyes fell on the three of Xiao Ye. She actually stepped on the air?

No!In Xiao Ye's spiritual vision, there is nowhere to hide the pair of almost transparent runners under the woman's feet, and that pair of runners should be the treasures that help her fly.

"Who are you? Where are you from?" The woman asked coldly with a cold expression, but there was a hint of evil at the corners of her brows.

"Hehe! We are from the Ziyun Sect, and we are just three ordinary martial artists. Because there are too many monsters around us, we can't defend them, so we want to take refuge in your camp, and ask the girl for help."

Xiao Ye was very polite, and did not intend to surprise the woman's strength at all. As for Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu, they wisely chose to remain silent.

"People from Ziyun Sect?" The woman frowned, then looked at Xiao Ye and the other three, and after noticing any dangerous fluctuations, she just waved her hand and said, "Follow me."

The woman just asked about her background, and decided to help Xiao Ye and the others.

"Thank you, girl." Xiao Ye smiled, flapping his soaring wings, and followed the girl to her residence.

"Third Miss, this old man's mistake was unintentional, absolutely unintentional. I didn't intend to kill them. The old man thought it was a monster attacking."

As soon as Fang entered the place, an uncle with a bearded face apologized repeatedly, and gave Xiao Ye and the other three apologetic looks.

"They are people of the righteous way. Arrange a place for them to rest. We will go our separate ways at dawn." The woman in red waved her hand, made arrangements, then entered one of the tents and disappeared.

Hearing what she said, the surrounding powerhouses and the three of Xiao Ye changed their colors at the same time, which clearly meant that these people in front of them were the powerhouses of the Demon Sect.

When they heard that the three of Xiao Ye were righteous people, everyone around them were just startled, and then the old man with a bearded face arranged a resting place for the three of Xiao Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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