god system

Chapter 430 The top three join forces!

Chapter 430 The Three Powers Join Forces!

He is a life, a life that has just been revived. After he opened his eyes, the original pure and impurity-free eyeballs were suddenly replaced by an indescribable ferocity.

His body injected a black energy into the stone pillar below, and then the masks that trapped the strong men suddenly flashed a yellow halo. The next moment, He Dong's attack landed on all the masks.

He Dong's attack was not pure energy, but using space power to attack. The energy-absorbing light shield was absolutely unable to absorb it. However, the light shield did not break open, and they still firmly trapped all the strong people. He Dong's attack was blocked!
Everyone's complexion changed dramatically at this moment, and they all turned their gazes to the awakened Heavenly Soul spiritual energy body, and found that his body was still changing, but his opened eyes looked strange.

It is clearly incomparably translucent and pure, but also unprecedentedly ferocious, like a child with a pair of monstrous eyes.

Facing the eyes of the strong men, Tianhun's spiritual energy body showed no expression, and then he closed his eyes, continued to absorb energy, and let his body continue to change.

"Huh? The mask absorbs the energy body three times faster!"

The powerhouses also discovered the difference in the light mask in an instant. The light shield transformed by the spiritual energy body of the sky soul can absorb energy three times faster. At this moment, the powerhouses all showed signs of panic.

The speed of energy absorption is three times faster, and the defense of the mask is stronger. It seems that He Dong can't easily destroy it.

"He Dong, save us quickly, don't let our power be absorbed by the demons."

"Yes, if we die, the demons will only become stronger and stronger. Rescuing us is destroying the plan of the demons!"

"We are of the same race, save us first!"

The powerhouses panicked. At this moment, Nie Tiandao and Mu Qing'er also stood up.

The energy absorbed by the mask was really too fast, and even they couldn't keep calm and calm.

Xiao Ye looked at this scene, frowned slightly, still did not take any action, his energy will not be sucked away, now it seems that there will be no spiritual energy body of the sky soul, and the recovered guy is also the demon race, but It seems that it is not easy to break all this.

What concerned him the most was the organizer behind it. Who arranged all this?He has to wait and see what happens, and at the same time he has to be careful. In fact, at this moment, the mask is the best place for him to protect himself.

"Everyone, it seems that you can only rely on your own strength. This mask is no small matter. Even if I want to break it, I need to consume a lot of strength and take a little time. I only have one person, and I don't have much energy. I can't do this. I can only do my best to prevent the recovery of the demons, so I can do it myself!"

He Dong, who everyone was trying to rely on, frowned and thought about Xiaohui at this moment, and finally came up with this answer. With his ability, it is possible to break open the mask, but the power consumed is too large, and the time is not short. One mask is okay. There are so many masks here, it is impossible to break them one by one.

When he finished breaking it, the demons would have already recovered.

The powerhouses became even more terrified. Inside the mask, their little energy lost even more, and more people became enchanted, and their energy was sucked dry.

At this moment, almost everyone started attacking the mask frantically.

He Dong didn't say anything more, he clenched a long sword in his hand, and directly slashed at the recovering demons. Since he couldn't destroy the masks, he would kill the demons in their cradle!

"Go away!"

At this moment, a shout of anger came from above, followed by a sharp black sword descending from the sky, extremely powerful and faster, it arrived in front of He Dong in the blink of an eye.

In front of this sudden sharp blade, He Dong was about to change the gravity of the surrounding space, but suddenly found that the surrounding space was tightly locked, and he couldn't change it.

"He Dong, your gravity control is just an understanding of some special space laws. Now that I have locked the space, how do you still use it? Die!"

Behind the black blade, Ma Feng appeared with a ferocious appearance. His body had completely changed into that of an orangutan, and there was a group of black wings on his back. The sharp sword was covered, and its power changed He Dong's color.

In desperation, He Dong immediately fought back with his sword, only to hear a bang, and the mighty He Dong was blown away, a black thread lingered around his shoulder, and finally left a bloody mouth about a foot long. .

Puchi Puchi!

The flapping wings on Ma Feng's back made him float in the void. His ferocious appearance made his aura completely different from before. He stared coldly at He Dong who was flying backwards, and with a movement of the saber in his hand, he The man took a knife, turned into a black line, and directly rushed towards He Dong, wanting to kill He Dong!


The old man shrank his pupils, and was about to rescue him, but Ma Feng's nine subordinates launched a frenzied pounce, entangled the old man for a while.

He Dong was injured and his gravity was restrained. Now his body is empty, and he can't gather strength at all. If Ma Feng approaches him, he will definitely die!
At this critical moment, two loud noises exploded, Mu Qing'er with a halo of seven colors, and Nie Tiandao, who was surrounded by black energy, broke through the mask and killed them!
"You brat from the Ma family, don't be too arrogant! He Dong must die in my hands, it wouldn't be you!"

"A mere experimenter, a pseudo-demon, how can he run wild in my Zhengyuan Continent!"

No matter how much hatred Nie Tiandao and Mu Qing'er have, at this moment the two battle lines are unified, and they join forces to kill Ma Feng!

The two are extremely powerful, how dare Ma Feng neglect them?If he forcibly tried to kill He Dong, then he would be seriously injured by the two of them and beheaded in the end.


Ma Feng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "The strongest and most dazzling people in the battlefield of righteousness and evil are here now, so good! Let me, Ma Feng, send you to hell together today!"

Amidst Ma Feng's loud laughter, a sword stabbed out, covering Nie Tiandao and Mu Qing'er.

Nie Tiandao was holding a magic axe, he didn't retreat or evade, and met the attack head-on, while Mu Qing'er used one to melt nine, and then nine to melt one, condensed a sword, and stabbed in the past!

The joint attack of Mu Qing'er and Nie Tiandao was blocked by Ma Feng with ease, and the two of them felt trembling all over, as if some strange energy had entered their bodies, which was very difficult to deal with.

"What a weird method!"

Nie Tiandao and Mu Qing'er's complexions changed, and after they landed, they quickly gathered together. At the same time, He Dong also recovered and stood upright on the ground.

None of them can fly, only Ma Feng floats high in the sky, condescending.

"This person has been tested, and his energy has exceeded our imagination, and he is unstoppable." He Dong said via voice transmission.

"He Dong, your gravity should be very powerful. I will be responsible for breaking his space constraints later, you use gravity to influence him, and Mu Qing'er is responsible for attacking, how about it?" Nie Tiandao immediately had a plan.

"It's small to deal with this person, but it's big to destroy the birth of the demon clan, and there should be someone who hasn't made a move in the dark, so we have to take precautions." Mu Qing'er expressed her understanding.

"Three juniors, hang on to this person for a while. This old man needs some time to deal with these nine monsters. Remember, if they can be destroyed, the demons must not be born." The voice of the weird old man also came over.

He Dong, Mu Qing'er and Nie Tiandao looked at each other, the three of them nodded, and Nie Tiandao took the lead to kill Ma Feng.

Nie Tiandao is extremely fast, which Xiao Ye had learned three years ago. The moment he activated it, the magic ax appeared in front of Ma Feng. With one stroke of the ax, Ma Feng was the center, with a radius of one foot. They were all covered in the attack range, and the extremely powerful force exploded before hitting Ma Feng!

"Tips for carving insects!"

Ma Feng smiled coldly, swiped the saber in his hand, and blocked it in front of him, and the endless energy around him couldn't move him at all.

Today's Ma Feng already possessed the terrifying power of the demons, so he didn't put Nie Tiandao and others in his eyes.

In front of him, Mu Qing'er turned nine into one, and the nine Mu Qing'er attacked with their respective abilities.

Nine Mu Qing'er, nine strange energies did not make Ma Feng feel the slightest threat, he gripped his saber tightly, ready to eliminate all threats with one blow!

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, and Ma Feng suddenly found that his body was out of control, and the surrounding space seemed to have changed!
"Gravity Control!"

Ma Feng's pupils shrank, and only then did he realize that the gravity around him had changed. It turned out that Nie Tiandao's previous attack was not to kill him, but to break the space blockade and let He Dong control the gravity.

Once the gravity of the activity space is controlled, Ma Feng will no longer be able to freely control his attacks, and the energy in his body will also lose control, and even the attacks he sends out will be affected.

At this moment, Mu Qing'er had arrived, and attacks of various attributes crazily bombed out, covering Ma Feng's body. At that moment, Ma Feng could only protect himself with his saber.

He felt a sense of crisis. The three most dazzling people on the battlefield of righteousness and evil, it seems that they are not as simple as he thought, and they just made a mistake!

He Dong and Mu Qing'er teamed up to temporarily entangle Ma Feng, while at the other place, Nie Tiandao killed the demons who were about to wake up.

Now, talking about the Heavenly Soul Spiritual Energy Body is simply a joke. There is no Heavenly Soul Spiritual Energy Body in front of me, only the Demon Race that is about to recover and Ma Feng who was tested as a Demon Race!
Both Mu Qing'er and Nie Tiandao knew that sooner or later the righteous and the evil would unite, and the current matter might be related to the battle situation. No matter what kind of grievances there are, we will wait until this matter is resolved!

They teamed up, including He Dong, the three superpowers at the peak of the Martial King teamed up, and their explosive strength was extraordinary, and with the help of that strange old man, this power was beyond Ma Feng's expectations.

"Whether you are a demon or a spiritual energy body, there is only one fate for you now, and that is death!"

Nie Tiandao held the magic axe and pierced through the air all the way, injecting all the strength from his body into the magic axe. If the ax hits, the unrecovered demons will definitely die!
(End of this chapter)

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