god system

Chapter 436

Chapter 436
With three consecutive slaps, the three demons were easily killed, and the demons were also teased in the process, which also did not give the demons any chance of survival.

As he said, when he arrived here, he had only one purpose, and that was to kill three demons!All the questions and so on are just small episodes, a means for him to tease the demons.

He wanted to kill three demons from the very beginning, and now he was done.

The three demons were dead, and the gorilla turned around and left without saying anything to the humans.

"King Kong, wait a moment!"

At this moment, a streak of golden energy floated up into the void, and floated in front of the gorilla. Hearing the sound made by the energy, it turned out to be the same as the old man who had just escaped at the first moment.

"You old man from the Spirit Race, you entered my Cangman Mountain without authorization, and Ben King Kong hasn't settled with you yet, why do you dare to block the way?" The gorilla was a little displeased.

"Great King Kong, I know a little about the invasion of the Demon Race this time. I came to Cangman Mountain this time to share news with the Zhengyuan Continent." said the old man of the Spirit Race.

"Oh? You old bastard knows the news? What kind of avatar do you have? Your strength is mediocre, and you are just a young man in the Spirit Race. Why should Ben King Kong trust you?"

The gorilla seems to be very interested in the news of the Eldar, but in his capacity, how can he believe in a strange Eldar at will?

"The old man's strength is just being suppressed, that's not the case." The old man seemed to transmit a breath of energy to the gorilla, and a flash of inspiration flashed in the gorilla's eyes.

"Yes, you have the right to speak if you have such strength. But you have to tell Ben King Kong first whether the news you know is important or not." The gorilla asked.

"Very important!" The old man of the Spirit Race said very seriously.

This old man obviously has some status. Although they don't know what kind of spirit race they are talking about, it seems that they don't belong to Zhengyuan Continent.

Humans, demons, and spirits, these three major races have already appeared. Zhengyuan Continent and Warcraft are the four major races. It is not known whether there are other races.

With the growth of strength, as expected, more and more knowledge!
"King Kong, come back quickly, the king of men has arrived, and we have important matters to discuss!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly fell from the void, without hiding it, it was clearly transmitted into the minds of Xiao Ye and others.

"Oh? The human kings are here. It seems that the demons are indeed making a big move this time. Old man of the spirit race, let's go together. Just talk about the matter in front of the human kings. It seems that the world has been peaceful for a long time. , It's about to start shaking!"

As the gorilla said, a gust of wind blew up, and then he and the Elder Elder disappeared in place, as if they had never appeared before.

A great battle ended in this way.

The demon girl took away the seeds of the demon world and escaped successfully. The gorilla appeared and killed the three demons.Then there is the old man of the Spirit Race, the king of men. It seems that there are quite a few strong people gathered in Cangman Mountain at this moment.

The matter was over, but the shock brought to everyone could not be subsided for a long time. Everyone did not choose to leave immediately, but frowned, sorting out all the thoughts in their minds.

Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, although the demons suffered a disastrous defeat in the first battle, they left behind a huge layout, which has been manipulated by the demon girl.

Until recently, the layout has matured. In order to make the devil seeds complete the final step and absorb human energy, they used the spiritual energy body of the sky soul as bait to introduce Mu Qing'er and others into the demon-slaying sword mound, and there was that terrible scene.

Immediately afterwards, the old man of the spirit race appeared and tried to stop it, but his strength was suppressed. In the end, he failed to stop the demon woman and allowed her to successfully take away the seeds of the demon world.

Later, the demons came to meet her, but the gorilla discovered that the demon girl escaped successfully, but three demons died.

Then came the appearance of the King of Man, and Cangman Mountain started a secret meeting.

Such a terrible process can be said to have narrowly escaped the death of those present. There were more than 100 people, and now there are only a dozen people left.

What Xiao Ye cared most about was the magic weapon. Did this guy also participate in the secret meeting?If so, wouldn't it be possible to get the news out of his mouth?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye began to sense the existence of the magic weapon with his mind, but after trying it, he was surprised to find that he couldn't sense the existence of the magic weapon.

"What kind of restriction can achieve this? Or are you not in the same space at all?"

Xiao Ye frowned, but at this moment, with his powerful perception, he suddenly discovered a strange aura nearby, not human beings, not magical beasts...

"who is it?"

Xiao Ye turned his head violently, and woke up all the strong men with a loud shout, and then saw a bush in the distance, a black shadow flashed quickly, and fled towards Cangman Mountain, very fast and with a strong breath.

"Not human!" Mu Qing'er frowned.

"It's not a monster either!" Nie Tiandao's pupils shrank.

He Dongdao: "Do you still remember what the demon girl said after she left? She once said that the demon we are looking for is not her. Now, could it be that the person who escaped was the Demon Race, and he has been hiding in the dark?"

"No! He must have some special means, otherwise with the strength of the gorilla just now, it is impossible not to find it." Xiao Ye frowned.

Many strong men have just experienced an extremely huge change, which can be said to be impossible to forget in their lifetime. Now that their thoughts have not turned around, another demon has appeared.

"The mission is released, capture the demons, and the mission reward interface will send a scroll!"

At this moment, the Divine Clothing System released a mission. The mission reward this time is a bit interesting. It turned out to be an interface teleportation scroll. Could it be said that if you get it, you can cross the interface and leave the Zhengyuan Continent?
"Everyone, since this Demon Race did not leave with that Demon Race girl, it is not with that Demon Race girl. If we can catch her, we may be able to get unexpected gains!"

Xiao Ye immediately said this to the strong men around him, and when the sound fell, he himself took the lead and chased after him.

Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu, who had already slimmed down into a beautiful woman, looked at each other, and the two looked at Mu Qing'er again, without thinking about it, they stepped out and caught up with Xiao Ye.

"Senior Xiao, wait for us."

"Xiao Ye, I have something to discuss with you!"

The sound transmissions of Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu sounded in Xiao Ye's mind at the same time.

In the rear, the powerhouses looked at each other, and after a while, He Dong, Mu Qing'er and Nie Tiandao also stepped forward and chased after them.Xiao Ye was right. Since the demons did not escape together, not only were they not in the same group, but there might be conflicts. If the demons could be caught, unexpected gains should be inevitable.

Although I don't know the strength of this demon, but even the people who have gone through the big event just now are extremely courageous at this moment. They don't want to come to Cangman Mountain for nothing. They have already reached this point, so they continue to pursue Bar!

All the strong men chased after that demon.

Xiao Ye locked onto the breath of the demon. Although the demon was very fast, Xiao Ye's speed was not a joke. He took the lead and quickly chased the demon.

"Xiao Ye, I want to know, what is the relationship between you and Mu Qing'er?"

Behind, Tie Niu brought Mu Qingshu, her speed was very fast, although not as fast as Xiao Ye, she followed up unexpectedly.

Xiao Ye was a little surprised. After the change of Tie Niu, her strength has improved so much. The chance she got in the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb is not trivial.

Moreover, the vitality of Tie Niu's body was already very weak, only a few years, but now it has fully recovered, which is strange.

"Why do you ask this?"

The matter related to Mu Qing'er, Xiao Ye had to be cautious, Tie Niu chose to have a showdown with him at this moment, probably because Tie Niu also has a lot of power, and thinks she has the capital to negotiate?
"This matter is very important to us, please answer." Tie Niu spoke very seriously.

"Hehe! It's not impossible for me to answer, but at least you have to answer me first, right? What's the relationship between you and Mu Qing'er?" Xiao Ye sneered, the other party didn't indicate his position, he just wanted to know his own thoughts. Is it too naive?
Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu were silent for a while, obviously thinking, after a long time, Mu Qingshu came over via voice transmission: "He is my sister."

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Ye was not at all surprised. He had already seen that the relationship between the two was unusual, but he did not expect that they were siblings.

"But we are also mortal enemies. There is no room for the two of us in this world. It is inconvenient to elaborate on the specific reasons. Is this relationship satisfied, senior?"

"You and Mu Qing'er are mortal enemies, and that is a mortal enemy. It has nothing to do with me. Why do you want to specifically ask about my relationship with Mu Qing'er?" Xiao Ye replied.

"How could it have nothing to do with it?" Tie Niu frowned, "We already knew about your relationship with Mu Qing'er. You stole..."

Before Tie Niu finished speaking, Xiao Ye had already interrupted her: "I've forgotten about the old things of adulthood, so there's no need to mention them at this time."

"Then tell me about your relationship with Mu Qinger. Why did you find her when you first came to Cangman Mountain? We want to kill Mu Qinger. If you are Mu Qinger's helper, then I'm sorry, we will leave immediately. In the future, I will find opportunities to deal with Mu Qing'er by myself, if not, please give me an accurate answer."

Relying on her improved strength, Tie Niu already has a lot of confidence in speaking, she dared to negotiate terms with Xiao Ye!

Regarding this, Xiao Ye smiled coldly in his heart, but since Tie Niu made it clear, he was not afraid to answer.

"I want to kill Mu Qing'er, this is the relationship, are you satisfied?" Xiao Ye returned coldly.

Such an answer made Mu Qingshu and Tie Niu's eyes brighten: "Is what senior said true?"

"Could it be fake?" Xiao Ye asked back.

"This is even better. How about we cooperate with seniors to kill Mu Qing'er?" Mu Qingshu's words were filled with excitement.

"It's good that I want to kill Mu Qing'er, but why should I join forces with you?" Xiao Ye shrugged, and he didn't seem too interested in cooperation, after all, he had absolute confidence.

To this, Tie Niu's answer was simple: "Because Mu Qing'er is very strong, her superficial strength is only a small part. Is this reason acceptable?"

(End of this chapter)

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