god system

Chapter 440 Suppressing the Flesh, Stripping Consciousness

Chapter 440 Suppressing the Flesh, Stripping Consciousness

After Huo Wu disappeared, Xiao Ding reappeared. He looked at Xiao Ye and said with a smile, "Third Brother, do you understand the plan of the Demon Race?"


Xiao Ye stared at Xiao Ding, obviously there was nothing unusual about Xiao Ding in front of him, but according to what Huo Wu said, Xiao Ding's consciousness was not clear, it seemed to be some kind of fragment of consciousness, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

"It's almost enough. Oh, by the way, where were we talking?"

After only two sentences, Xiao Ding started to get confused. In the previous conversation, Xiao Ding just said one sentence to another, and the topic changed continuously, which caused more and more doubts in Xiao Ye's mind.

"Brother, do you want to take a break?" Xiao Ye asked tentatively.

Xiao Ding's eyes seemed to brighten: "This suggestion is good, I have to rest and rest, third brother, wait a little longer."

The sound fell, before Xiao Ye could roll his eyes, Xiao Ding had disappeared without a trace.

What is Xiao Ding's current state?What the hell happened to him?Where is this again?Can I get more information from Xiao Ding?
Xiao Ding disappeared again, leaving Xiao Ye alone in this space.

The way he met Xiao Ding was absolutely unexpected to him. He is not the real body, and Xiao Ding is also not the real body. The most important thing is that Xiao Ding's consciousness is still so chaotic.

Xiao Ye felt that it was unrealistic for a confused person to solve the doubts in his mind, but it seemed that Xiao Ding did know something, and Xiao Ding needed Xiao Ye's help for something, so Xiao Ye had to stay for the time being. it's here.

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Ye tried his best to calm his thoughts. First of all, he already knew the plan of the demons, so he should do a little analysis at this moment.

When the demons invaded the Zhengyuan Continent, they were defeated in the end because the bodies of the demons were not the best energy carrier, so the demons established the Demon Slaughter Sword Tomb in Cangman Mountain.

In name, it was the remnants of the demons who refused to recede. In fact, the demons had already begun to make arrangements at that time, planning to attack the Zhengyuan Continent for the second time.

The remaining demons all know that their final misfortune is death. They used their own lives to lay out a big situation, which has been brewing until today.

Everything is to create a Demon Realm Seed, and now the Demon Race has obtained the Demon Realm Seed and brought it back to the Demon Realm.

The seeds of the demon world are already there, and a part of the spiritual spring is also there. The growth of the demon tree cannot be stopped.

This is the biggest problem facing Zhengyuan Continent now.

"The plan of the demons is known, but the flame man..."

Xiao Ye thought of the flame man who rescued Nie Tiandao three years ago. At that time, the flame man said that Zhengyuan Continent would have a catastrophe within ten years. If the two ways of righteousness and demons did not unite, then Zhengyuan Continent would perish.

Three years ago, the seeds of the demon world hadn't appeared yet, and humans obviously didn't know about the seeds of the demon world, otherwise they would just destroy them, but the flame man was able to predict so accurately, what's going on?

"Perhaps Nie Tiandao knows something. After all, the flame man rescued him directly." Xiao Ye thought in his heart, leaving the time of the flame man behind for the time being. After all, there are too few clues to link them together.

"Now that the demons have obtained the seeds of the demon world, in order to make the demon tree grow faster, they will definitely enter the spirit world again and seize the spiritual spring."

When Xiao Ye thought of this question, he thought of the meeting that was going on in Cangman Mountain at the moment. What kind of gorilla, what kind of king, and everyone in the spirit race, if such news can be delivered to them, then the growth of the extended magic tree will be greatly improved. It will be of great use.

However, he didn't know where the meeting was held, and Xiao Ye couldn't convey the news for a while.

The matter of the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb has been clarified. The plans of the demons and even their next plan are already known. What needs to be clarified now is what happened to Xiao Ding.

Xiao Ding participated in the death experience, obviously he narrowly escaped death, but what is his current state?
And why did he come together with Huo Wu, that Huo Wu was a demon, and was discovered outside Cangman Mountain, but now it seems that Huo Wu came out from Cangman Mountain again.

Cangman Mountain, this is one of the most mysterious places in the Zhengyuan Continent. There are countless powerful monsters hidden in it. If this demon survived and hid in Cangman Mountain after the battle of Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, then Impossible not to be detected.

Therefore, this demon clan should not belong to what was left in the Tumojian Tomb, so he just arrived in the Zhengyuan Continent recently. Combined with the experiment of the Ma family, it shows that the demon clan has some way to reach the Zhengyuan Continent quietly. Yuan Continent.

Of course, this method is not that simple, otherwise the Demon Race supporter just now would not need to open the interface channel directly in Cangman Mountain.

As a demon, Huo Wu did not attack the Zhengyuan Continent with the big team, but mixed with Xiao Ding, and informed Xiao Ye of the demon's plan. From Huo Wu's tone, Xiao Ye vaguely heard that she was Let yourself help humans and stop demons.

This is considered a traitor!

Why is she doing this?Could it be that the demons treated her unfairly?Or is there another reason?
This point can't be verified yet, judging from Huo Wu's attitude towards Xiao Ye, she will never tell Xiao Ye.

The relationship between Huo Wu and the Demon Race may be related to whether the Demon Race's invasion plan can be implemented normally. After all, Huo Wu knows the Demon Race very well. Destroy the magic tree.

Once a demon tree is broken, the demons will not be able to mutate, and the demons that will not become stronger will not have enough time to attack the Zhengyuan Continent, and the crisis will be resolved by itself.

It's just that Huo Wu is a member of the Demon Race after all, why would she do this for humans and the Spirit Race?

In Xiao Ye's consciousness, Huo Wu didn't seem to be able to do this.

Aside from Huo Wu, there are also many doubts about the new race that appeared in Xiao Ye's sight, and that is the Spirit Race!

The old man from the Spirit Race seemed to know something too. After he discovered the seeds of the demon world, he immediately took action to stop them, using a series of strange runes, which was no small matter.

In the end, the people of the spirit race took off their human skins, leaving only a mass of energy, so what kind of existence is this spirit race?
What kind of relationship exists between the Demon Realm, the Zhengyuan Continent, and the Spirit Realm?
According to the only clues so far, does it mean that the Demon Realm is independent and that the Zhengyuan Continent and the Spirit Race are friendly to each other?

What Xiao Ye cared most about was the last words left by the demon woman when she left, about Xiao Ye's life experience!

The demon girl seemed to see that Xiao Ye was not of pure human blood. According to what the demon girl said, she might have the spirit blood in her body. Could it be that Xiao Zhan was so mysterious that he married a wife of the spirit tribe?

"Third Brother, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Just as Xiao Ye was slowly sorting out the information in his mind and putting it together, Xiao Ding appeared in front of Xiao Ye again.

This time Xiao Ye was much calmer than before, even if Xiao Ding disappeared for no reason, Xiao Ye would not care.

"Brother, can you tell me what happened to you now?" Seeing that Xiao Ding didn't disappear immediately, Xiao Ye immediately asked. Obviously, after Xiao Ding rested for a while, the thoughts in his mind would be clearer.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the physical body is sealed, and the consciousness is torn into many pieces in the spiritual world."

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Ye immediately rolled his eyes. According to what Xiao Ding said, can he still stand here alive?

But after questioning Xiao Ye, he gradually discovered that Xiao Ding's words seemed to be true. His physical body was really suppressed, his consciousness was divided into three parts, and he stayed in the spirit world.

It turns out that this death trial is really dangerous, not only for the body, but also for the soul, and even the consciousness. Xiao Ding persisted through gritted his teeth all these years, but he has become what he is now.

Only he survived alone, and he was still half dead, but Xiao Ding's growth was also terrifying.

"Sen Luodian has always wanted to train an extremely strong person. Their training method is completely challenging the physical limit. After challenging the limit, and then continuing to challenge, this is actually tantamount to murder, but fortunately, I persevered. It's a pity that I haven't even tried my own strength to live in the end, my body can't bear it anymore, and I have to suppress myself in the end, and even my consciousness has to be stripped."

Xiao Ding's ability to survive in his current state shows that he has completely changed during his training, and his strength has even reached an unfathomable level. However, he has suppressed his physical body and stripped his consciousness. Get it back, that's a no-brainer.

Knowing these things about Xiao Ding, although not in detail, the sadness in it can be known without elaborating.

He was supposed to gain supernatural powers without dying through practice, but the experience of practice made his body and mind almost collapse. Xiao Ding was almost in a state of madness at that time, but fortunately he made a decisive decision to suppress his own body and his own consciousness, so he saved his life.

However, Xiao Ding's energy has exceeded his own expectations, and he found that he still has a way to do some actions and arrangements, so he slowly, slowly created this space.

What kind of existence this space exists, Xiao Ding can't say it himself, and Xiao Ding doesn't even know what role it has here. He only knows that he can present ideology and appear in this space.

It can even occasionally attack the outside world.

Xiao Ding himself didn't know what was going on, and Xiao Ye didn't even know about it.

"That day Huo Wu was pursued and was almost slaughtered. I saved him with an itchy hand."

Xiao Ding said with a chuckle: "Maybe it's been closed for too long, and I don't want to be lonely, but after all, Huo Wu is a demon. I imprisoned him at first, and then I slowly discovered that Huo Wu escaped from the demons. of."

At this point, Xiao Ye also became serious, and Xiao Ding finally became conscious, and there was no confusion after this series of words.

When Xiao Ye was waiting for Xiao Ding to continue, Xiao Ding suddenly scratched the back of his head. When he moved, Xiao Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes. It seemed that Xiao Ding's consciousness was confused again.

"Third brother, if you rest for a while, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Sure enough, after leaving this statement, Xiao Ding disappeared again!

(End of this chapter)

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