god system

Chapter 448 Negotiation! 3 years contract

Chapter 448 Negotiation!three year agreement

As soon as the strange-looking man opened his mouth, he revealed his identity, and it turned out that he was actually a member of the Tang Sect.
Dare to confront Dongfang Zhantian, there is no doubt that he must be the head of the Tang Sect!
Killing Mu Qing'er was unsuccessful, but he actually moved out of Tang Sect's sect master and the boss of East Courtyard. Xiao Ye had never expected such a change.
Nothing is 100% sure at this time, if you want not to be affected by changes in events, then you have to have a very strong power.
Xiao Ye had already realized this point when he was retreating three years ago. Although his strength needs to be accumulated slowly, he is obviously much smarter than before. What appears here at this moment is just a clone, and there is no danger at all!
At this moment, Dongfang Zhantian and Xiao Xuanfeng are facing each other, Xiao Yeluo is at ease, not saying a word, it's a good show!
"Little Xuanfeng, I don't have time to argue with you today. The grievances between you and me will have a chance to be resolved. My personal grievances, you don't care about them in the end!"
Dongfang Zhantian's complexion was very gloomy and cold. He had already experienced the difficulty of this little whirlwind, but he never thought that he would meet this little whirlwind just after he left the customs!
Really bad luck!
"Personal grievances?" Xiao Xuanfeng raised the corners of his mouth and replied coldly: "Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense. As far as I know, this Xiao Ye has no grievances with you Sulai. When it comes to personal grievances, you and I are the ones. And that Mu Qing'er and Xiao Ye."
"How about I settle personal grievances with you, and you release Mu Qing'er to let her settle personal grievances with Xiao Ye?"
Little Xuanfeng's words were full of ridicule, which made Dongfang Zhantian's complexion turn purple.
He can fight Xiao Xuanfeng, but Mu Qing'er has no power to fight anymore, how can he fight Xiao Ye?
"What? The majestic Dongfang Zhantian, a very hot character that even Ziyunzong doesn't look down on, so you're afraid?" Little Xuanfeng was aggressive and vowed not to stop until Dongfang Zhantian was angered.
"These two seem to have a lot of grudges."
Xiao Ye watched the fun from below, Dongfang Zhantian and Xiao Xuanfeng were facing each other, and Xiao Xuanfeng was obviously slightly better in the courage of the tongue!
"Hmph! Little Xuanfeng, don't play tricks on me, and you don't need to wear a high hat. I, Dongfang Zhantian, am also a member of Ziyunzong. As for the so-called personal grievances, if no one intervenes, I, Dongfang Zhantian, will not say anything about it." Half a sentence of nonsense! Just now it is clear that this person has joined forces with some evildoers to seriously injure Mu Qing'er, otherwise, with his strength, how can he be Qing'er's single-handed enemy?"

Dongfang Zhantian just took action to destroy the magical beast. Dongfang Zhantian had never seen that thing before, and he didn't want to know about it, but he knew that Mu Qing'er's strength would not lose to Xiao Ye's!
"Monster?" Xiao Xuanfeng looked around curiously, and said with a smile: "Then, where is this monster right now?"
"Dead." Dongfang Zhantian said impatiently.
"Dead? There is always a corpse. Even if there is no corpse, traces should be left. Dongfang Zhantian, you are blind, do you think I am blind?"
"court death!"
Xiao Xuanfeng spoke eloquently, Dongfang Zhantian was really not his opponent, at this moment the aura of the two of them had already started to soar, to the point where their swords were on the verge of breaking out.
"Are you really going to stop me?" Dongfang Zhantian gave Xiao Ye the last chance.
"I like this kid, I'll save him, how about it?" Little Xuanfeng didn't show any weakness!

The two extremely powerful men in Ziyun Sect collided with each other just for Xiao Ye. Seeing this scene, Xiao Ye suddenly said: "There is no need to argue about this matter. One person does the work and the other bears the burden. I want to kill the tree." Qing'er, it is true that he has united with others, Dongfang Zhantian, what do you think?"

As soon as Xiao Ye said this, the corners of Dongfang Zhantian's mouth turned up immediately, and Xiao Xuanfeng rolled his eyes.After exhausting his tongue, he managed to gain the upper hand in terms of words. All this was to attack Dongfang Zhantian and save Xiao Ye's life.

Who knew that this kid was so ungrateful that he lost the chain at a critical moment!

"Boy, do you admit that you used despicable means to deal with Qing'er?" Dongfang Zhantian's mocking voice came.

Regarding this, Xiao Ye categorically vetoed it: "If I want to kill her, I will kill her. Is it despicable? To say it is despicable, this Mu Qing'er was willing to sacrifice her life five years ago in order to get my Xiao family's Jiuyou Soul Suppressing Pill." Feelings and body, come to deceive me, if I use despicable means, then wouldn't she be obscene and shameless?"

"shut up!"

In front of Dongfang Zhantian, Xiao Ye had no chance to humiliate Mu Qing'er, but everything he said was true and there was no need to add embellishments.

"Hahahaha! Good! Well said! You dare to act bravely. Although your methods are a bit ruthless, at least you won't hide them. Unlike some people, you have to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway. It's obviously shameless. , but also to be a gentleman, I just want to say, why don't you fucking die!"

Little Xuanfeng of the Tang Sect burst out laughing, and his words were so vicious that Dongfang Zhantian's face twitched. In fact, Dongfang Zhantian and Xiao Xuanfeng knew that it was impossible for them to have a large-scale fight in Cangman Mountain, otherwise it would arouse Cangman's anger. Mountain monsters, they can't eat them and walk around!
All they can do is to be brave with their tongues. Although the victory or defeat at this moment will not harm the body, it will greatly affect the mood swings.

When the cultivation has reached their level, even the fluctuation of mood will affect the cultivation in the future!

Dongfang Zhantian's complexion has turned completely livid, he has always been aware of this little whirlwind's mouth, but he never expected that Xiao Ye is also a lip-smacking trainer!
"Dongfang Zhantian, don't you think I can't beat Mu Qing'er? Let her come out, and I will have a good fight with her. If you want to be upright, then I will be upright and kill him in front of you, how about it?"

Xiao Ye spoke again, this time pointing directly at Mu Qing'er, this remark made Xiao Xuanfeng hold back his smile.

Xiao Ye, Dongfang Zhantian had already said that Mu Qing'er was seriously injured, how can you fight with him?Now that you move out again, you obviously want to slap Dongfang Zhantian in the face again!

But this move is good, Xiao Ye's lethality is actually much greater than that of Little Xuanfeng, because Xiao Xuanfeng's strength is after all on the same level as Dongfang Zhantian, and they are old enemies. They have been fighting for many years, and they are familiar with each other. Routine.

No matter how insulting Little Xuanfeng was, Dongfang Zhantian couldn't get angry, but Xiao Ye was different. In Dongfang Zhantian's eyes, he never looked at Xiao Ye, such a small person, at all.

Because he didn't face it squarely, Dongfang Zhantian didn't even think that Xiao Yelian had the right to have an equal dialogue with him. Who would have thought that this kid would dare to humiliate himself face to face, and even speak righteously, as it should be!
Dongfang Zhantian didn't want to talk about Mu Qing'er's serious injury, but Xiao Ye and Xiao Xuanfeng were so aggressive, they really put Dongfang Zhantian to death!

"Xiao Ye, don't play tricks if you have the ability. If you really dare to fight Qing'er head-on, I will give you a chance. Half a year later, at Ziyun Sect, you will fight Qing'er. How dare you? "

Dongfang Zhantian took a deep breath, and finally came up with a solution, he made a half-year agreement on behalf of Mu Qing'er!
"Dongfang Zhantian, this is interesting. If you want to fight, you can fight now. Why does it take half a year?" Xiao Xuanfeng laughed.

To this, Dongfang Zhantian did not make any response. At this point, it is useless to play tricks. What we need to do is to solve this incident!

"Xiao Ye, how dare you?" Dongfang Zhantian was condescending, staring at Xiao Ye with a compelling gaze!

"I don't dare to say, Mu Qing'er and I can fight alone, and you can choose the location in Ziyunzong, but you can't decide everything! The half-year event needs to be changed, so what about three years?" ?”

Xiao Ye is not afraid of Mu Qing'er half a year later, but has scruples about Dongfang Zhantian. If he kills Mu Qinger himself in half a year and Dongfang Zhantian makes trouble, wouldn't he be in danger then?

In three years, what Xiao Ye wants to do is not to surpass Mu Qing'er within three years, but to have the ability to kill even the Eastern Zhantian within three years.

Even if you can't kill Dongfang Zhantian, at least you have to be able to contend with him, that's enough!

Dongfang Zhantian frowned. For such a small person as Xiao Ye, wouldn't the three-year agreement be too long?But Xiao Ye has Xiao Xuanfeng's support at the moment, and he has indeed set the location at Ziyunzong. If he didn't bully Xiao Ye, the time should really be determined by Xiao Ye!

"Okay! Today, three years later, Ziyunzong, Qing'er will fight with you!" Dongfang Zhantian finally agreed.

But the matter is not over yet, Xiao Ye said: "There is a three-year agreement, so within three years, I will not touch Mu Qing'er, and at the same time, she can't take the initiative to cause trouble, and your Eastern Court can't use other methods To deal with me, for example, you personally strike and kill me before the agreement! These are the most basic conditions, do you agree?"

"Hmph! How could I do such a stupid thing?"

Dongfang Zhantian rolled his eyes. Since there was an agreement, if he secretly made a move within three years, then if the news got out, Dongfang Zhantian wouldn't need to stay in Zhengyuan Continent anymore.

"Okay, okay! There will be a good show in three years!" Since Xiao Xuanfeng appeared, he had always been smiling. Until the dust settled, he was actually relieved.

Dongfang Zhantian glanced at Xiao Xuanfeng and Xiao Ye, unwilling to linger any longer, he pointed a little, and the void in front of him was torn open a space, he was about to step into the space and leave this place.

But at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly changed, and the space opened by Dongfang Zhantian closed itself together. Immediately afterwards, from all directions, one after another super strong breaths approached quickly, and the stench that belonged to beasts rushed towards him!
"Since you're here, why bother to leave? I, Cangman Mountain, don't just come and leave as you please!"

A cold voice came, followed by the resonance of all beasts. Incomparably powerful monsters seemed to appear suddenly. The ground, sky, trees, and all around were densely packed, all surrounded by monsters!

In the void, slowly floated a magical beast, with a silvery white body, a slender figure like a human being, with two feet flying in the air, big ears, a slender tail, sharp teeth and huge eyes, It all means that this is an ermine floating in the void with an upright body!

(End of this chapter)

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