god system

Chapter 458

Chapter 458
In Xiao Dongliu's eyes, that kind of fear was hard to express in words, as if the whole person was frightened stupid.
The deep fear seemed to come from the soul. Although Xiao Dongliu opened his eyes, he didn't see everything around him at all, and his consciousness was still immersed in the endless fear.
Everything he experienced was the fear that penetrated deep into his soul. Xiao Dongliu didn't really wake up. He opened his eyes, but he was thinking about the terrible things over and over again in his heart!
"The breath of life is rapidly disappearing. Under that kind of fear, I have completely lost the will to survive!"
Murderous intent flickered in Xiao Ye's eyes. If the main body is here and there is aura in the body, Xiao Dongliu's emotions can be stabilized very well. Otherwise, Xiao Dongliu will undoubtedly die if this continues.
Although Ling Zixin possesses strong true energy, she is too deadly to help Xiao Dongliu at all. If this continues, Xiao Dongliu's life will be lost.
When he was worried, Huo Wu shot again, injecting energy into Xiao Dongliu, stabilizing Xiao Dongliu's heart, so that his breath of life would not be lost.
"Thank you."
For Huo Wu, Xiao Ye expressed his gratitude. Judging from Xiao Dongliu's situation, if Huo Wu didn't make a move, it would be the same as being dead.
Huo Wu always made a move before others said anything, as if she didn't need to think about it at all.
The fear in Xiao Dongliu's eyes gradually dissipated, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
This time, you can see the ups and downs of Xiao Dongliu's heart, as well as the occasional changes in his expression, he finally fell asleep like a normal person.
Xiao Ye found that the energy in Xiao Dong's fluid had basically stabilized, knowing that at this moment, he was out of danger.It's just that it will take some time to wake up, because he is too tired!
"It's not the way to go on like this, we have to find a safe place to live."
Xiao Ye thought about it, and if it was dark, he should be able to find a safe place.
"Huowu girl, please help me take care of it. I have to find a place to live temporarily, even if it's a cave." Xiao Ye had to do it himself, Xiao Dongliu needed self-cultivation, and they couldn't stay in the mountains forever, besides They need information on the Eternal Iceberg, and even the entire Zhengyuan Continent.

Huo Wu nodded, with the level of her trust in Xiao Ye at the moment, she could do this, and she would never agree to it before.

Xiao Ye turned into a stream of light and blended into the night.

It was already late at night, and most people had already fallen asleep, not to mention the barren mountains and wild mountains, naturally there was no one.

Most of the strong men who chased him before had already died in the self-detonation of the flame gun, and the rest will probably go to convey the news. In addition, the matter of Xiao Ye, the righteous and the evil, has not yet been made public, so Xiao Ye's actions are still unknown. No need for much camouflage.

What's more, this is the territory of the Demon Sect, how many people can recognize him?

As long as you act carefully and don't show your face in front of some powerful people, it is still safe for the time being.

This place is too close to Cangman Mountain. Since Cangman Mountain has a lot of natural resources, people will enter it from time to time, so there are more than three towns nearby.

Lots of people, lots of hotels, lots of shops!

Needless to say, there are so many people, in front of treasures, no one is tempted.

Hotels provide accommodation for foreigners, and their business is booming.

The shop sells and recycles all kinds of treasures, and because of its proximity to Cangman Mountain, many people come here especially for its name.

In short, the nearby towns are very lively, there are many hidden powerful people, and the news is circulating extremely quickly. In these towns, Xiao Ye's appearance is likely to be locked in an instant.

So what Xiao Ye meant was to look for towns farther away. He didn't dare to hope that no one would recognize him, at least he wouldn't be targeted as soon as he appeared.

The distance between one town and another is not close, just like the orthodox sect, they usually take a spirit bird or a hearse.

Because Xiao Ye is a clone, his zhenqi is not too strong, and the speed of controlling the flying wings is not fast, but at least it is much faster than the spirit bird.

Flying in the night, he flew over three cities. Before the fourth city, Xiao Ye thought about it and stopped.

He didn't enter the city, but groped in the mountains near the city. Sure enough, he found some temporary and abandoned stone houses in the nearby mountains.

In the dead of night, it is obviously unwise to go to the city, and you can't live in a hotel. It's lucky to find such an abandoned house in this mountain.

Choosing the most secluded stone house near the top of the mountain, Xiao Ye cleaned it aside, used his true energy to get rid of the stench in the stone house, and found a big stone, placed it on the ground, and spread some dry straw , this hut can barely accommodate people.

Xiao Ye erected a stone tablet outside the house, on which it was written, "This house has an owner, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

Naturally, he wrote this to prevent his achievements from being taken over by others. When tidying up the house, Xiao Ye noticed that the house was full of dust, and no one took care of it for at least half a year. It was obviously an ownerless thing.

Otherwise, Xiao Ye would not occupy other people's things.

"Let's stay here reluctantly, at least let the elder brother save his life."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, picked up the escape light, and returned with the escape shot.

After going back and forth, the sky was already bright, and when Xiao Ye arrived at the mountain peak again, Xiao Dongliu was still sleeping soundly, but Xiao Dongliu's appearance seemed to be even weaker.

"He needs water." Huo Wu reminded.


Xiao Ye nodded, and said: "I found a temporary safe place to live for a few days, the town is right there, and I can easily find water sources. It's not too late, let's go now."

Xiao Ye carried Xiao Dongliu on his back, shot into the void, and led the way ahead.

For a cultivator, after reaching a certain level of strength, the cyclone in the body will slowly rotate, and will naturally absorb the energy of the outside world, and will absorb all kinds of nutrients and water. Even if there is no water for ten and a half months, there will be no problems.

However, after Xiao Dongliu experienced the experiment, the energy in his body has long been disordered, and he cannot absorb external energy independently, so he not only needs water, but also needs sufficient food to supplement nutrition.

In this deep mountain and wild forest, it is absolutely impossible to give Xiao Dongliu good treatment.

Huo Wu followed closely, and Ling Zixin was at the rear guarding the surroundings. The group of four blended into the night.

All this went very smoothly. At dawn, Xiao Ye and others arrived at the stone house smoothly, and finally had a shelter from the wind and rain. Xiao Ye quietly left the stone house to fetch water for Xiao Dongliu.

The town at the foot of the mountain is called "Xiaoniu Town". Although the name is not gorgeous, the town is very rich and luxuriously decorated. There are many strong people hidden in it. When Xiao Ye stepped in quietly, he was also caught Surprised.

This town is already a certain distance from Cangman Mountain, yet it is still so rich. Although no special aura has been detected, the faint aura revealed in the town shows that there are countless powerful people hiding here.

It was already dawn, but Maverick Town was completely silent, as if people were still asleep and hadn't woken up.

Looking around, there are no messy shops here, and every house looks like a private house.

"It's kind of weird."

Looking at the town, Xiao Ye frowned.

No matter what kind of town, there should be a distinction between rich and poor, and everyone here seems to be very rich, which leads to no one running shops in the town, and people are habitually lazy, unwilling to get up at dawn.

Although Maverick Town is weird, it is very easy to find water in the town, because there are many public wells in the town, maybe no one comes to fetch water on weekdays, and all the wells are full of water.

It's really weird here, but Xiao Ye didn't care too much. After getting the water, he left Maverick Town directly.

During the whole process, Xiao Ye never met a single person. This is not a dead city, because he can clearly perceive the existence of many people.

But at this moment, no one came out. For some reason, when Xiao Ye turned to leave, he felt a chill down his back, and an extremely ominous premonition lingered in his heart.

Not caring much, Xiao Ye sent the water source to the stone house.

After drinking the clear water, Xiao Dongliu's complexion improved a lot, and Xiao Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his thoughts flew to the Maverick Town.

Gorgeously decorated towns, rich without merchants and shops, hiding powerful people, but no one walks at dawn.

How did such a strange town exist?Who are the people living in the town?

"This town is really weird, but the weirder the better."

Xiao Ye pursed his lips, but he didn't intend to leave the town.

Now his identity is extremely sensitive. It can be said that there are hidden dangers everywhere in Zhengyuan Continent, and it will be exposed if he is not careful.Now that Maverick Town is so weird, it seems that they don't have much communication with the outside world.

That being the case, the weirder the better, at least they won't discover Xiao Ye's identity.

Just as Xiao Ye was thinking, there was a sudden thunderstorm outside the house, and the clear sky just now was shrouded in clouds and mist at some point.

This matter seemed a little unusual, Xiao Ye and Huo Wu walked out of the stone house at the first time, only to find that the outside world had completely darkened, looking up, both Xiao Ye and Huo Wu were deeply shocked.

I saw above the void, in front of the thick clouds, lightning flashed and thundered, electric snakes intertwined, and the thick electric snakes were glowing purple, even Xiao Ye's air felt numb because of the attack of the electric snakes.

These are not the key points, the key point is that there are black spots floating in front of the electric snake, densely packed, full of void!

In front of the black cloud intertwined with electric snakes, no creature can avoid it, so why do some people swim against the current and float in front of the black cloud?
With his spiritual eyes opened, he saw clearly the black spots all over the sky, and found that the black spots were actually big buffaloes with black bodies and two feet!
right!It's the buffaloes, they are flying in the sky, and the Maverick Town is directly below!


Xiao Ye had just seen the appearance of the big buffalo, and from the calf town, he shot hundreds of rays of light in succession, pierced through the air, and floated in front of the black cloud.

As the light dissipated, a big golden buffalo emerged from it. He was different from other buffaloes, not only was his body more than ten times bigger than other buffaloes, but he was standing upright!

(End of this chapter)

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