god system

Chapter 462 The Angry Stone Bull

Chapter 462 The Angry Stone Bull
In Xiao Dongliu's eyes, there was no figure at all, only doubts. He looked at Xiao Ye and the others, then at Stone Niu, and then put his hands on the ground and got up.

Scratching the back of his head, frowning, Xiao Dongliu seemed to be thinking, and then smiled honestly at Xiao Ye: "Where is this...that, who am I?"

Although Xiao Dongliu lost his memory, his appearance and tone were still mature.

He didn't know who he was, where this place was, and who the people in front of him were.But he is not afraid, because in his memory, the most cleanly erased thing is fear.

"Your name is Xiao Dongliu, and this is... Leijie, your homeland." Xiao Ye replied with a smile.

"Xiao Dongliu? Thunder Realm?"

Xiao Dongliu scratched his head, looking as if he didn't quite understand. To imbue him with a brand new memory, it can't be done in just two or three sentences.

Seeing Xiao Dongliu's appearance, Xiao Ye couldn't express his emotions, but at least Xiao Dongliu was alive instead of a dead body.

Because Xiao Ye will leave this space soon, he didn't have too many conversations with Xiao Dongliu, lest Xiao Dongliu remember himself.

It was Taurus who came up to lead Xiao Dongliu down. From today onwards, this is where Xiao Dongliu lives.

A human being wants to dance with a group of thunder cows, Xiao Ye doesn't know if Xiao Dongliu will live well, he can only pray and bless.

"Don't worry, our Leiniu clan is very hospitable, and now that humans have given us a home, we will treat him kindly." Stone Niu's voice came.

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Ye didn't know what to say besides thanking him. After all, Xiao Dongliu was able to survive thanks to Stone Niu. It's much worse now.

"The matter has been resolved, you can leave."

Shiniu acted decisively, and after Xiao Dongliu's affairs were completed, he immediately issued an order to expel the guests.For Shi Niu, he really didn't want a demon to stand in front of him.

He has already done what he can do, and he has been a great help to Xiao Ye and others. Now that he has issued the order to evict guests, it is already polite and benevolent.

Huo Wu naturally had no objection, she knew that her apology was in vain, so after Stone Niu issued the order to evict the guest, she immediately saluted with fists.

Xiao Ye didn't want to leave like this. He pursed his lips, clasped his fists at the stone cow and said, "Senior, this junior is very interested in the method of tempering the body of the Thunder Realm. I wonder if the senior can teach me a thing or two? If the junior's question is abrupt Yes, and I ask the senior to make amends."

This statement directly pointed to the topic without detours. Although it was indeed a bit abrupt, at least there was no hidden conspiracy.

Xiao Ye told the truth, if Shi Niu disagreed, he would not say much, but if Shi Niu agreed, the benefits would be self-evident.

"Your body can't withstand the lightning strike, let's go." Regarding Xiao Ye's question, Shi Niu was extremely calm, he didn't see through Xiao Ye's body as a clone, he only knew that Xiao Ye's body was too weak, Couldn't stand the lightning strike at all.

"Senior, this is not my real body." Xiao Ye confessed truthfully.

Shi Niu was still drinking water, but he was silent at this moment. No one knew what he was thinking, and even more could not see the slightest clue from his expression and unchanging movements for thousands of years.

Huo Wu still chose to remain silent. She didn't know anything about Xiao Ye's desire to temper his body with lightning, but there was no need to stop it, after all, it was Xiao Ye's private matter.

To enter the Eternal Iceberg, it will take time to prepare, and it will not be overnight, and they can afford this amount of time.

Besides, the Thunder Realm is also a good hiding place, at least it is considered safe here.

"Thunder body tempering has very high requirements on the body itself. Even the monsters in the Zhengyuan Continent may not be able to bear it. You are a human being, and your body cannot withstand lightning strikes without special transformation. And my tempered body in the Thunder Realm Fa, it's not an ordinary lightning strike, human beings, you can't bear it, so retreat quickly."

After thinking about it for a long time, Shi Niu still persuaded Xiao Ye to retreat. Their Lei Niu's body is very strong, and their bodies are already suitable for absorbing lightning, so they can use the method of tempering the body with lightning.

Xiao Ye, a mere human being, is so weak, how can he withstand lightning strikes?

Of course, these are Shi Niu's own opinions. After Xiao Ye has undergone the effects of the whole body strengthening pill and the marrow washing pill, his body is already very strong. Besides, Xiao Ye also has his own opinions on absorbing lightning, otherwise he would not just rely on the powerful The flesh makes such demands.

"Joining that my body can withstand it, and my body also has a little ability to refine lightning. I wonder if senior can teach me the method of tempering the body with lightning?"

Xiao Ye asked earnestly. For him, all the conditions were indeed met, otherwise he would not place so much importance on the Lightning Tempering Body.

"Are you satisfied with everything? Kid, you are a bit arrogant!"

Shi Niu sneered, but there was interest in his tone. Looking at Xiao Ye's appearance, it didn't seem like he was lying. From Shi Niu's perspective, there is not a human being who can satisfy the thunder and lightning quenching body. conditions of.

Of course, the so-called human beings do not include those extremely strong people who have reached unimaginable cultivation, and that kind of extremely strong people are naturally not what Xiao Ye can achieve today.

"In front of the seniors, the juniors don't dare to fight with each other. I just want to know the real thoughts of the seniors. Is this lightning body tempering technique not to be passed on to the outside world, or do you not want to pass it on to the juniors, or is it not taboo to spread this technique?"

Xiao Ye completely looked like a junior. If he wanted something from others, he naturally lowered his posture. Besides, Shi Niu was really kind to him. At least he also rescued Xiao Dongliu. For Shi Niu, Xiao Ye is grateful .

Stone Niu was silent again, he was still drinking water from the stream, Xiao Ye didn't understand, it was clearly Stone Niu, what was he drinking water for?
The flowing stream seems to be nothing special. The only thing that is special is the stone ox. How does it exist and why is it made of stone? Apart from drinking water, does it have no other actions?
The silence lasted for a long time. It was obvious that Shi Niu had considered Xiao Ye's question for a long time. After all, lightning quenching was unique to their Thunder Realm and had never been taught to outsiders.

Of course, there are no rules in their Thunder Realm, and they must not pass it on to outsiders. Now that the Thunder Realm has been destroyed, there are not many Thunder Bulls left. They just want to live in peace. Of course, if they can take revenge one day, They will never give up.

"Boy, you can stay in Mavericks Town first, and I will make a decision when your real body appears in front of me." Shi Niu had a statement, but it was not direct, but asked Xiao Ye to stay temporarily, and waited. Xiao Ye's main body arrived, and then he made plans.

This is reasonable, after all Shi Niu has never seen Xiao Ye's body, Xiao Ye himself said that he can withstand lightning quenching, that is one-sided rhetoric, not credible.

Xiao Ye naturally understands this, but the body is still in Ziyun Sect at the moment, and it will take time to get here.Besides, Ziyun Sect was not something that Xiao Ye could break through casually, and now everyone is looking for Xiao Ye's trace.

"Senior, this junior is with Huo Wu, if this junior can stay, please also keep Huo Wu."

Xiao Ye made a request. In fact, for them, this is a very good refuge, but Lei Niu's clan has a deep taboo against Huo Wu after all.

The demons destroyed their home, they didn't kill Huo Wu, but now they want to keep Huo Wu?

A fierce murderous aura emanated from Shi Niu. This was the first time Xiao Ye felt the change of Shi Niu's aura. Obviously, Xiao Ye's request was beyond Shi Niu's acceptance range.

"Senior, I know that you Lei Niu hate the demons, but hatred should also be used in the right place. It is absolutely wrong to hate the demons unilaterally. I always believe that no matter what race there is, there are good and bad Senior, can you guarantee that the Leiniu clan has never produced a person who has no conscience? If outsiders blame the entire Leiniu clan because of that person who has no conscience, what will senior think?"

Facing the murderous intent, Xiao Ye did not back down. He continued: "Huo Wu is a Demon Race, but she opposes the Demon Race from invading other interfaces. I believe she has also prevented the Demon Race from invading the Thunder Realm, but she is weak. It didn’t work out. She didn’t do anything wrong, but kept apologizing, and I don’t think seniors should look at her with hatred.”

"Perhaps my seniors will not take my words seriously. It is true that I yearn for the Lightning Tempering Body, but it does not mean that I will give up my friends and stay here alone."

He told the truth, his tone was a bit harsh, but every sentence was sonorous and forceful. He argued hard, maybe Shi Niu would be furious because of this, but Xiao Ye did it anyway, not for anything else, just because he is not the kind of person who abandons friends !

right!Huo Wu is already considered a friend in his eyes. From Huo Wu's performance all the time, what Xiao Ye sees is sincerity and kindness. Such a character, even if it is a demon, is worthy of Xiao Ye's friendship.


The simple two words made Huo Wu's heart tremble deeply, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, but he was strong enough not to shed them.

She never thought about getting someone's forgiveness, because as a demon, she was not qualified to be forgiven.

She never thought that Xiao Ye would say the word "friend". She still remembered that when they met for the first time, Huo Wu was very disgusted with Xiao Ye, and Xiao Ye didn't seem to be interested in Huo Wu either. .

But at this moment, Huo Wu saw a trust from Xiao Ye, and when a human being revealed this kind of feeling to herself, Huo Wu was touched inside.

For some reason, she thinks Xiao Ye is very cute now, that's all.


Shi Niu let out a cold snort, and the space around him twisted violently, and the fluctuations in that space were extremely strong, as if it wanted to crush Xiao Ye's body.

"Boy, the demons are my enemies in the Thunder Realm. If the Demons are your friends, then you are also my enemies in the Thunder Realm. I can kill you right now!"

When Stone Niu got angry, the world changed!

(End of this chapter)

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