god system

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
It was obvious that Purple Cloud Sect had made complete preparations. The strong men they sent out before led the enemy away, and after confirming that it was safe, they activated the spirit bird.

And their route is very clear, it is clear that they have already explored it, the enemy's defense is the weakest on this route, and all the enemies have been drawn away.

There are endless mountain peaks outside the Purple Cloud Sect, and the enemy's encirclement circle stretches at most one mountain peak, so it only needs to fly over one mountain peak, then it is considered safe, and the strong King Wu can return to the sect!
Thirty Martial Kings guard a spirit bird, this kind of treatment is not available to everyone, and with the help of the strong Wu King, the flying speed of the spirit bird is not the same.

If this continues, it only takes half a stick of incense for the spirit bird to reach a safe place, and then it will be considered a success.

But at this moment, Xiao Ye in the spirit bird no longer has any sense of crisis. The thirty Martial Kings outside are not particularly fierce.
That is to say, from now on, Xiao Ye is considered safe, and Shu Han has lost the capital to threaten Xiao Ye.

The two of them competed patiently until now, it was really interesting.

When Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, Shu Han slowly opened his beautiful eyes, and his eyes fell directly on Xiao Ye.

And Xiao Ye also opened his eyes. At this moment, Shu Han has no advantage.

"Xiao Ye, you are quite courageous. You dare to leave Ziyunzong in this way. Are you not afraid that the strong Ziyunzong will find you and kill you?"

It wasn't until this moment that Shu Han opened his mouth. If he had said this earlier, Xiao Ye would still have to take care of it. Right now...

"Ha ha!"

A simple chuckle was Xiao Ye's answer, and if Shu Han wanted to make trouble at this moment, Xiao Ye would not be afraid at all.

Shu Han didn't seem to care about Xiao Ye's attitude. She said via voice transmission: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't intend to threaten you from the very beginning. The enmity between you and the major forces has nothing to do with me. relationship, I don't want to get any benefits from you, let alone threaten you, not just now, not even now."

"Oh?" Xiao Ye shuddered in his heart: "Then what can I do, Miss?"

According to Shu Han, from the very beginning, she was not prepared to threaten Xiao Ye, and she would not get any benefits from it. In this way, this Shu Han is quite interesting.

If she didn't have any intentions towards Xiao Ye, why did she get close to Xiao Ye?And she could pretend that she didn't care about anything until the big breakup, and then she suddenly spoke at this moment, it definitely wouldn't be for no reason!

"I chose to speak at this moment to dispel the doubts in your heart. I believe that even if your identity is exposed at this moment, you have the ability to escape, so you should not have any psychological burden now, right?"

Shu Han did not directly explain the purpose of coming, but analyzed the matter to Xiao Ye.

This made Xiao Ye, who was originally relaxed, tense up again. Unexpectedly, this woman Shu Han had already considered this step. In this way, it was not that this woman lost her money carelessly, but that this was her original plan!

In other words, everything is still in Shu Han's calculations, so is he really safe at this moment?

What is this woman hiding, and what does she want to do?
Xiao Ye suddenly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. His feeling at the beginning was indeed right, the farther away from this woman the better.

"Huh! Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?" Xiao Ye calmed down. It seemed that it was useless to speculate on Shu Han's intentions, so he could only continue to ask.

"It's not a big deal." Shu Han smiled lightly: "It's just curiosity, and I want to see the final result. Zhengyuan Continent, the time for real changes has come, and you may be a key piece in this change. "

Shu Han's words were a bit cloudy, but Xiao Ye didn't quite understand.

Obviously, Shu Han also knows the current situation in the Zhengyuan Continent, and she knows it relatively deeply, but why does she think that she is a key pawn?

Are you familiar with her?
"who are you?"

Xiao Ye frowned, and asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time.

"You shouldn't ask this." Shu Han shook his head: "Sometimes it is enough for us to know who we are, and we don't need to know who others are. Maybe there will be no more intersections between you and me in the future. The encounter on the bird may seem cloudy to you, and you will be more curious about me, but I won't answer you, and I don't need to ask you for help, just chatting with you."

Shu Han's face was covered with a veil, so Xiao Ye couldn't see through this woman at all, let alone what she was thinking.

"Just a few words?"

Xiao Ye felt an indescribable discomfort in his heart. This woman said everything as if it had nothing to do with her, as if the Zhengyuan Continent had been turned upside down, and she couldn't hurt a single hair.

This can't help but make Xiao Ye think, is Shu Han not from the Zhengyuan Continent?She is also from another interface?
Now Xiao Ye already knows the existence of the interface, such as the demon world, the spirit world, and the thunder world. Since Lei Niu can live in the Zhengyuan Continent, creatures from other interfaces can naturally also.

Isn't this Shu Han a human being?
Xiao Ye thought about it, but didn't continue to ask. He still had a decision in his heart, that is to stay away from this woman. As long as this woman doesn't come to provoke him, he can talk about anything else.

Just as Xiao Ye was thinking, the spirit bird suddenly vibrated violently, and then there was the sound of fighting outside, but it stopped soon.

"What's going on? Why did the spirit bird stop?"

The disciples turned pale from fright, and the sudden stop of the spirit bird made them a little bit at a loss.

"People of Ziyun Sect, listen up, you are already surrounded, surrender obediently, we will not hurt your lives, if you resist, you will be killed!"

A sound came from outside the spirit bird, this sound made Xiao Ye's eyes light up, after all, he was very familiar with this sound, it was none other than Xiao Bing, this woman!

The breath probed out, and found that all directions had already been blocked. Headed by Xiao Bing, hundreds of strong men from the Xiao family blocked Ziyunzong's way!

Even those Martial Kings gave up their resistance after struggling for a while, let alone a mere spirit bird?
The spirit bird landed slowly, and the hearts of the disciples had already sunk to the bottom. Among them, some timid ones covered their hearts, fell to the ground and twitched, looking like they were going to be scared to death.


Xiao Ye suddenly discovered that Shu Han beside him had disappeared.This woman disappeared on the spirit bird for no reason?
Xiao Ye was extremely shocked. He immediately released all the investigation waves, but he couldn't find any trace of Shu Han on the spirit bird. After looking again, he found that there was a hole above the spirit bird. It is believed that this woman used some kind of evasion technique to escape quietly.

"It's really a mysterious person, and I don't know what level her strength is. She can escape calmly in the Xiao family's encirclement, so she must be a simple person."

Shu Han's sudden news naturally made Xiao Ye very concerned, and at this moment the spirit bird had landed on the ground, and as the spirit bird's gate opened, a majestic aura enveloped the spirit bird, making the disciples tremble , dare not move.

"Come out one by one, as long as we don't resist, we won't kill people at will!"

Following the sound of Xiao Bing's order, the disciples finally stepped out of the spirit birds one by one. In this dark forest, all directions have already been surrounded, and the Wu Wang powerhouses of the Purple Cloud Sect have also been controlled by the Xiao family powerhouses. , sealed the strength.

Xiao Ye didn't get up, he stayed among the spirit birds. In fact, he had already noticed that Xiao Bing's breath had locked him. Obviously, Xiao Bing sensed his own existence.

I believe that she will not leak her information, she will take care of the outside world, and she naturally does not need to leave the spirit bird.

Except for the spirit bird, the members of the Xiao family quickly controlled all the disciples, and then transported them away with other spirit birds. They obviously had a base nearby, and all the Ziyun sect disciples they captured were detained in the base.

At this moment, what the Xiao family wanted to do was not to kill people, but to intimidate Ziyunzong, so that they would not dare to take action against Xiao Ye easily, and even asked them to cancel the deal with Mozong.

As for whether Xiao Ye appeared, it naturally didn't attract much attention. After all, except for Shu Han, who else could notice him in such a chaotic situation?

The noisy outside world soon quieted down, Xiao Ye felt a wave of aura leaving the place, and in the end only Xiao Bing stayed.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Bing finally stepped into the spirit bird after confirming that the surrounding area was safe.

She was still wearing an exaggerated military uniform, neat and tidy. When she saw Xiao Ye, she was startled for a while, and checked her breath several times before reconfirming Xiao Ye's identity.

"Junior Sister, don't come here unharmed." Xiao Ye said with a smile.

"Junior brother, you are the one who is safe and sound!"

Xiao Ye called his junior brother to confirm Xiao Bing's thoughts even more, but neither of them said directly, after all, this place is not too safe, who knows if there is any special existence secretly eavesdropping?
"Junior brother, you have caused quite a commotion. The entire Xiao family has been mobilized. Originally, we wanted to hold back for a little longer, because you moved everything ahead of time."

Xiao Bing sat in Shu Han's original position and began to use sound transmission.

"Hey!" Xiao Ye sighed and shook his head: "Let's not talk about this matter, at least you are still alive now?"

"Junior brother, you can't be so casual. Now the Xiao family is dispatched for you, which is a big deal. If you are so casual, if you lose your life, wouldn't my Xiao family be ashamed this time?"

Xiao Bing said, and then said: "This time we did not directly destroy Ziyunzong, because the current situation in the mainland is a bit unexpected, if we do too much, it will be even more detrimental to you, but you have to believe that the Patriarch will not put you in danger."

"Junior Brother, come back to Xiao's house with me, let's see who can touch you in Zhengyuan Continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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