god system

Chapter 477

Chapter 477
The meteorite that passed through the fireball did not have any impact on the fireball. The tiny meteorites smashed into it like a meteor shower.

boom boom boom...

In an instant, the earth trembled, and even the nearby mountain peaks clearly felt the tremor, and the surrounding space was also violently distorted.

All the strong men's faces became serious, they could only watch the meteorite smash into the flame ball, but they could do nothing.

And inside the flame ball, the meteorite group that suddenly fell from the sky was extremely fast, powerful, and too numerous.

When it fell, many strong men had already been smashed to death, and even if other strong men escaped, they were more or less affected.

"Damn it, it's as hot as a stove in here. The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the ground is about to be cooked. Even without these meteorites, we can't last long."

"Let's work together to see if we can break the blockade."

"Concentrate your strength in time and aim at one side. Everyone, don't hold back your hands. If you hold back your hands, you will lose your life!"

All the strong people in the flame ball were mobilized. While avoiding the meteorite falling from the sky, they used extremely powerful attacks to break the flame ball together.

But the defensive power of the flame ball is indeed astonishing, and the energy of devouring power is very high. Although it is not like the outside world that swallows no matter how strong it is, it seems impossible to break it from the inside with these people.

And as the meteorite landed on the ground, it would bring a huge amount of heat, and the meteorite would not disappear. It would be embedded in the ground when it hit the ground. If this continued, sooner or later, they would not even have a place to stand.

Although the vast majority of strong people can fly, even so, the rising temperature and the endless stream of meteorites are enough to kill them all.

The strong inside the blockade are struggling to hold on, but their death rate is too fast, they can't figure out what happened, why is this blockade so great?
They tried their best internally, but also wanted to rely on the help of strong outsiders.

In the outside world, besides being able to chop the meteorite into pieces, the Taijian Venerable can't stop the meteorite. Even the Martial Saint can't do anything about it, so what can the Martial Venerable be able to do?
"Honor Taijian, please go and get Emperor Wu out, otherwise the anomalies in Tailong Mountain may not be stopped."

"That's right! This son Xiao Ye is insane and wants to kill. I don't know what kind of magic he used. He must not be allowed to succeed!"

"I believe that as long as Emperor Wu's powerhouse takes action, the danger can be saved. No matter what, these powerhouses from Tailong Mountain must not be allowed to die here."

"Three years ago, the Demon Sect blocked Tailong Mountain and almost wiped out all the righteous experts in Tailong Mountain. At that time, everyone escaped because of Xiao Ye. Today, three years later, Xiao Ye set up a blockade on Tailong Mountain. But from saving to killing!"

"Everyone knows that he made meritorious service in Tailong Mountain three years ago, but three years ago, we betrayed him and wanted to hand over his life to the Mozong. If it were me, I'm afraid..."

The scene in front of them reminded the strong men of Tailong Mountain three years ago. Now Xiao Ye is obviously taking revenge, taking revenge, but is his revenge unreasonable?

Three years ago, Xiao Ye rushed out of the blockade and called in reinforcements. Not only did he save a large number of righteous experts, but he also wiped out the Demon Sect, and finally took down Weiyang Town.

At that time, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Xiao Ye was a hero.

But to treat the hero, but to hand over the hero's life to the Mozong, it would be sad for anyone.

When they hand over Xiao Ye's life to Mozong, they should be ready to meet Xiao Ye's wrath!


Venerable Taijian shouted angrily: "For the peace of Zhengyuan Continent, what's the point of sacrificing just one person? It is his honor that Xiao Ye can die for Zhengyuan Continent. Instead of being grateful, this son is thinking of revenge. , doing such a heartless thing, are you still sympathizing with him?"

Venerable Taijian's voice was so stern that it made the strongmen bow their heads. Although what Venerable Taijian said was righteous, this kind of righteousness was one-sided. Xiao Ye's opinion was never consulted, and no one would Do you think this is an honor?
"Wait here, try to delay the time, the old man goes to invite Emperor Wu, and we must not let this kid succeed!"

Venerable Taijian dropped his words and shot towards the Senluo Palace. With his strength as a martial saint, there is nothing he can do now.

In the outside world, the Martial Masters tried their best to make the meteorite as small as possible, otherwise the meteorite with a diameter of several feet would be hard to estimate.

Inside Tailong Mountain, the strong are constantly falling in a pool of blood, and everyone is struggling to support them. All of this, almost everyone regrets coming to Tailong Mountain.

"Unexpectedly, this formation is really amazing. Before anyone was present, you can build such a large formation with a ray of spiritual thoughts left behind. Brother Xiao, brother Xiao, your growth is really amazing!"

Lu Tianyou looked at the battlefield of Tailong Mountain with his eyes flooded, and he had already forgotten to drink at this moment. Even Lu Tianyou was full of praise for Xiao Ye's approach.

Beside him, Xiao Jun sneered. He was very supportive of Xiao Ye's approach. If he were himself, he would be even more exterminated. If he had the strength, he would directly destroy the Ziyun Sect and let the other four sects take over. So what?
On another mountain peak, Dongfang Zhantian and Mu Qing'er were speechless, they were deeply shocked at the moment, Xiao Ye's growth made them feel uneasy!
The big formation in front of him, even the martial sages have no way to do it, how did Xiao Ye arrange it without being present?How far has he grown now?
It has only been more than ten days since the meeting at Cangman Mountain. Could it be that ten days can bring about such a huge change in people?
It was another mountain peak, Lu Tianping clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flickered with gloomy light, on this mountain, Dongfang Bai had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Yes, Dongfang Bai was killed by Lu Tianping, mercilessly!
"Xiao Ye, I will find you!" Lu Tianping muttered to himself in a low voice, his tone full of murderous intent.

Tailong Mountain is already full of grief, but the meteorite does not mean to stop at all. In the realm of the Demon Sect, Xiao Ye is sitting on the ground, the Nine Buddha Beads on the tip of his forehead are spinning rapidly, and the surrounding magic weapons provide the Nine Buddha Beads with an endless stream of flame power , the full moon hanging high in the sky will double his power!
It is precisely because Xiao Ye left a ray of divine sense, or a ray of divine soul, to control the melting fire array at such a long distance. Xiao Ye was able to communicate with it by virtue of this rate of spiritual sense, and directly melt the melting hole in the sky. The fire array was chosen at Tailong Mountain.

Of course, he couldn't see the changes in Tailong Mountain, but at this moment his heart was extremely cold.

Now that he decided to make a move, he decided to go all out, the melting fire formation in the cave, but Xiao Ye is confident that he can fight against Wu Zun and Wu Sheng.

Of course, Martial Saints will not easily fall into the cave of melting fire, this is just a hypothesis.

"Zhengyuan Continent, experience my anger. I, Xiao Ye, have a good temper, but not to the point where anyone can bully me. Since you are so ungrateful, then I, Xiao Ye, don't need to show any sympathy!"

"Everyone who comes to Tailong Mountain, no matter whether they have any hatred or not, they all want to harm me, Xiao Ye. You should have been prepared to die long ago!"

"From now on, there will be no Tailong Mountain!"

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered with murderous intent. His molten fire array could have been used to deal with the invading demons, but now it is used on humans. They are all to blame for this!

Xiao Ye let out a low shout, and the Nine Buddha Beads on the tip of his forehead shone brighter.

"Damn, the meteorite has grown bigger!"

"Trench digging, don't talk about saving people, Tailong Mountain will definitely not be able to keep it."

"Isn't the Emperor Wudi strong yet? Tailong Mountain has already died in the previous article. Did you see that Tailong Mountain is sinking rapidly, and it is about to be smashed!"

On the outskirts of Tailong Mountain, the powerhouses have limited abilities, and what they can only do is to crush the meteorite. However, they did not see the meteorite's strength weakening. Instead, they saw that the meteorite appeared faster and bigger!
There is no way!Helpless!I can't resist it at all!

This flame formation has completely made the strong people despair. If they were in Tailong Mountain just now, they would be in dire straits at this moment.

Seeing Tailong Mountain sinking down quickly, and seeing the meteorite falling from the sky, the strong felt powerless in their hearts.

One could hear the sound of wailing for help coming from Tailong Mountain, the sound was extremely desolate and heart-piercing.

In Tailong Mountain, most of the strong people have died, and those who are still insisting at this moment are relatively strong. They no longer have any hope of breaking the flame ball, and now they can only rely on people from the outside to save them.

The current Tailong Mountain has long been changed beyond recognition, with potholes everywhere, burning flames, and the temperature inside exceeds [-] degrees. Even if there is no meteorite landing, they can't hold on for too long.

Even the land is being burned, such flames are really too terrifying.

The fireball was burning slowly, and Tailong Mountain quickly fell to the ground. From looking up at the beginning to looking down now, the whole process was really fast.

Even inside the fireball, the howling sound was no longer loud. No one knew how many people were alive.

But everyone knows that there are more than [-] strong people in Tailong Mountain. If they all die...

The rescue never stopped, but everyone was helpless, and the Martial Saint Taijian Venerable who went there had not returned for a long time. At this moment, fear spread in the hearts of all the strong people.

This is revenge!It belongs to Xiao Ye's revenge!
After today's battle, Xiao Ye's reputation will spread throughout the Zhengyuan Continent. How terrifying is a person who can ruthlessly kill three thousand strong men?
"No reason!"

At this moment, a shout of anger resounded through the heaven and earth, and then a majestic force descended from the sky, and those meteorites that fell rapidly were fixed in the void by these energies!
Immediately afterwards, as if the fireball surrounding Tailong Mountain had encountered some irresistible force, it scattered with a "bang"!

(End of this chapter)

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