god system

Chapter 479 Xiao Jun VS Lord Taijian

Chapter 479 Xiao Jun VS Lord Taijian

"The forces of all parties, spread the news of today's events back, and mobilize all the major families, and all the eyeliners of the various sects, all of them are mobilized by the old man."

"Emperor Wu personally covered this matter. If the family does not take action, it should be determined by itself."

"The forces sent by the five major sects will be doubled again, and a thorough search will be made for the land of righteousness."

"The number of search teams of the people of the Demon Sect has also doubled, and they will first go to the Zhengdao realm to search."

"The Xiao family must be fully opened, and cooperate with us to accept the search!"

"Anyone who provides clues to Xiao Ye will be rewarded with a million gold scrolls!"

After Emperor Wu left, Venerable Wu Sheng Tai Jian issued six orders in a row, one of which even directly challenged the Xiao family, asking the Xiao family to be opened to outsiders for inspection.

This is too funny, the Xiao family will obediently obey his orders?

And somewhere in the Demon Sect's realm, Xiao Ye had already taken back all the treasures. Although his face was a little pale at the moment, his mental state was not bad.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful existence in this world, breaking my cave-heaven molten fire array. But it seems that it is a little bit reluctant to break. As long as my strength enters Wu Zun and then activates the cave-heaven molten fire array, it will be so strong It is not so easy for those who want to destroy it. Of course, it must be the night of the full moon, when the energy of the melting circle in the cave doubles."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath. This was the first time he used the cave-heaven molten fire formation, and it was controlled beyond the distance. I have to say that this cave-heaven molten fire formation is really magical, and there is no distance limit at all.

Even if it's across the interface, if you leave your divine thoughts and arrange everything, you can still use the cave-heaven molten fire array across borders.

As for the consequences caused by the melting fire formation in the cave, Xiao Ye does not know for the time being, but he knows that there must be a lot of people beheaded this time, and it will definitely cause bigger incidents.

But presumably everyone thinks that the current self is in the realm of righteousness, so Xiao Ye's actions are easier and safer.

"It's time to meet up with the clone."

Thinking about it, Xiao Ye had already escaped into the void, and quickly shot in the direction of Cangman Mountain.

Xiao Ye started to act, and his avatar has already comprehended some secrets of Xiaoniu Town at this moment, and he has basically mastered the method of guiding thunder. Now there is only one last step left. As long as Xiao Ye's real body is recognized by Shi Niu, this I am afraid that the matter of the thunder and lightning pituitary gland can be done!

The time has come for the avatar and the main body to reconcile. At this moment, there will be basically no obstacles in the Demon Sect's territory except near the eternal iceberg.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to say that it was like entering an uninhabited land, as long as he was careful, he should not be discovered.

Xiao Ye started to act, Zhengyuan Continent, and the frantic hunt for Xiao Ye also started. All the forces that were originally unwilling to join forces, because of the Lord Taijian, more or less participated in it.

At this moment, Venerable Taijian was searching around Tailong Mountain. He thought that Xiao Ye had set up such a large formation here, so others were already nearby, so there must be some clues left behind.

Surrounding the Tailong Mountain that has turned into a magma river, Venerable Wu Sheng Tai Jian carefully explored, and in order not to be affected by others, the surrounding strong men had already been dismissed.

He searched round and round, and the scope of his search was getting bigger and bigger. For Venerable Taijian, as long as Xiao Ye showed some clues, he would be captured by him.

He is a majestic martial artist, and he wants to arrest Xiao Ye. If this fails, then Venerable Taijian will not be able to hold his face.

"How can a mere Xiao Ye escape from the palm of this old man? No matter what kind of character you are, if you dare to behave wildly in my Tailong Mountain, there is absolutely no reason for you to keep stock!"

Venerable Taijian's eyes flickered, and with his identity and strength, it was natural to kill Xiao Ye.

If you can't find Xiao Ye here, then go to Xiao's house and turn Xiao's house upside down. I don't believe you can't find Xiao Ye.

Regarding the fact that Xiao Ye was expelled from the Xiao family, Venerable Taijian didn't believe it at all. He thought it was a superficial effort by the Xiao family and Xiao Ye, and it was for everyone to see, and the purpose was not to hurt the Xiao family.

There is another point, that is, the Tailong Mountain incident. If you don’t dare to look at it, it seems that Xiao Ye can’t do it alone. It seems that there are tentacles pushing it. Could it be the Xiao family?

Venerable Taijian has a very bad impression of the Xiao family. The so-called ancient clan is nothing in the eyes of Venerable Taijian. If things get serious, it's best for the entire Xiao family to suffer!

Thinking of the fierceness, Venerable Taijian showed a ferocious expression on his face, and his search was still slowly expanding.

With the search of Venerable Taijian, the night became darker and the light of the moonlight gradually faded. In the cold and bleak night, Venerable Taijian searched alone. Because of his order, no one dared to approach this boundary.

In the night, there seemed to be a pair of eyes hidden. As Venerable Taijian probed deeper, he always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him.

Is this a sign that Xiao Ye is about to be discovered?Did I catch something wrong?

Venerable Taijian seemed to ask himself, but in the end he denied it, because he couldn't catch those dark eyes at all, as if only the other party was watching him.

"Is it a hallucination?"

Venerable Taijian thought so, with his strength, who in Zhengyuan Continent can monitor him?Who dares to spy on himself?
Venerable Taijian didn't care, he continued to check around.

"It's unreasonable, this damned Xiao Ye, did he escape quietly during the chaos?"

"It took so much effort for a mere Martial King. This time, this old man will definitely make the entire Xiao family feel uneasy!"

Venerable Taijian gave up the search around Tailong Mountain. He was already preparing to gather a large number of strong men to go to Xiao's house and turn Xiao's house up and down.

Even if Xiao Ye could not be found, the loss of the Xiao family would be immeasurable.

Thinking of this, Venerable Taijian showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the early years, Venerable Taijian had enmity with the Xiao family of the ancient clan. He has always been displeased with the Xiao family of the ancient clan, which is why he opposed the Xiao family. Now that he has the opportunity, of course he would make a big fuss!

Just as Venerable Taijian was thinking ferociously, he suddenly frowned, and there was a figure floating in front of him under the night.

The figure in the night is very calm, but exudes a domineering and murderous look all over his body. He is none other than the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Jun.

"Junior, what are you doing here? Did you transfer Xiao Ye away?"

Venerable Taijian gave a cold voice. He clearly remembered that no one was allowed to approach Tailong Mountain during his search. Now that Xiao Jun is here, could it be that Xiao Jun moved Xiao Ye away?
"The surrounding area has been blocked by me." Regarding the questioning of Venerable Taijian, Xiao Jun said calmly.

"It seems that you are indeed the one who transferred Xiao Ye away. Now that the big crime will implicate the entire Xiao family, there is no need for the ancient Xiao family to exist." Venerable Taijian said coldly.

"No one can hear the sound here, and there will be no reinforcements." Xiao Ye still said the wrong words.


Venerable Taijian smacked his lips, looked around carefully, and found a hidden blockade line. The blockade line is very large, and it will not be possible to arrange it for a while.

"When did you set up the blockade?" Venerable Taijian felt that something was a little unusual. Such a blockade looked like he had just started to set up the blockade when he was searching for Xiao Ye's trace.

"Just now you were telling stories in front of Emperor Wu. I didn't refute it, because I didn't want to refute a dead man." Xiao Jun still talked to himself, and didn't care about the appearance of Venerable Taijian at all.

"You kid, do you really want to court death?"

Venerable Taijian was furious, and the sword energy was surging all over his body, and the sword behind his back was already clenched in his hand.

"Xiao Ye was indeed expelled from the Xiao family. He is not from the Xiao family and has nothing to do with the Xiao family. But he is my third brother, so he has something to do with me!" A golden light was emitted slowly, blocking the sword force of Venerable Taijian.

"So I said boy, don't you want to live anymore?" Venerable Taijian has been completely angered by Xiao Jun, a mere junior, dare to act wild in front of the old man.

"For those who slander my third brother, there is only one word, kill!"

Every time Xiao Jun said a word, his aura rose a bit. In this dark night, his whole body shone with golden lights, his short hair like steel needles stood upright, and that sense of domineering spread throughout his body.

"Fuck you to death!"

Venerable Taijian didn't want to talk nonsense with Xiao Jun anymore, he raised his sword, and hit a huge slash at random.

Although it was done at will, this slash is no small matter, and no one below Wu Zun can resist it.

Regarding this, Xiao Jun just flicked his sleeves, and a ball of golden light pierced through the air, collided with the sword light in the void, and destroyed the sword light silently.

"What? You kid..." Venerable Taijian was startled, his slash was so easily blocked, how could this be possible?

"I'm going to kill you! Right here, so..."

Xiao Jun squinted his eyes, and the aura on his body finally exploded at this moment. The thick energy gathered on Xiao Jun's fist. With a movement of his body, he took a hundred steps with one step, just clenched his fist like this, and rushed towards Xiao Jun. Venerable Thai Sword!
"you will die!"

The last three words, Xiao Jun said sonorously, that domineering tone, is not expressing anything, but telling the Venerable Taijian that you are going to die!

"Hahaha! Junior, just because you want to kill this old man? Let me show you the profound meaning of this old man's swordsmanship, a sword move that will turn the world's eyes away!"

Venerable Taijian laughed wildly, the long sword in his hand absorbed endless energy, and finally dispersed with a "bang", turning into a domineering sword energy, which merged into Venerable Taijian's body.

Venerable Taijian pinched the sword with two fingers, and on those two fingers, a sword force that changed the color of the world broke out.

Taking a step forward, the Venerable Thai Sword went directly to Xiao Jun's Divine Fist, the finger sword and the golden fist collided violently in the void, like a round of dazzling sun, they exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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