god system

Chapter 481 Overbearing Xiao Jun

Chapter 481 Overbearing Xiao Jun

There is no other choice, only two most terrifying paths!

If you want to blame it, you can blame the Venerable Taijian. Originally, Xiao Jun didn't want to embarrass him. Who knew that the Venerable Taijian was soliciting truths in front of Emperor Wu, and happened to meet the ruthless Xiao Jun.

Will Xiao Jun allow others to frame and humiliate his third brother in front of him?
Anyone who does this, Xiao Jun will never let it go.

Xiao Jun didn't explode on the spot, it was because he took the overall situation into consideration, as the head of the Xiao family, he had to plan for the Xiao family.But it doesn't mean that he will bear this tone and hug him again in the future.

The biggest difference between him and Xiao Ye is that Xiao Ye can't be so ruthless, and he can take revenge in the future if he has a grudge.But Xiao Jun has no concept of the future. If you want to report, you can report now. Who the hell will tell you the future?
Now facing the seven martial sages, Xiao Ye didn't think about the face of Sen Luodian at all. He knew that he must grasp the lifeline of the seven people in front of him, otherwise he would be the troublemaker when they left safely.

As for why they didn't kill them directly, it was because these seven people really had no grievances with Xiao Jun.

It's good that Xiao Jun is ruthless, but he's not a murderer, so if he kills someone for no reason, wouldn't he feel refreshed?

In front of Xiao Jun's aggressive momentum, the seven martial sages were helpless, their hearts were pounding, but they also knew that this state could not last long.


Xiao Jun doesn't care what the other party is thinking, and no matter how nervous they are at the moment, for Xiao Jun, there is no reason to stay here anymore.

This simple number, like Hong Zhong Dalu, rang in the heads of the seven people, and the seven people only felt their heads buzzing, and the whole world seemed to be stepped down.


Ignoring any performance of the seven, and regardless of 21, Xiao Jun's decision will not change. All the seven can do is choose, that's all.

The simplest number is like a horn of murder at this moment, the interval between each number is less than two breaths, but in the eyes of the seven, it feels like a year, and it is extremely difficult!

The foreheads of the seven people were dripping with sweat. They stared at Xiao Ye, clenched their fists, and even gritted their teeth. They were trembling and their souls were trembling.

Even a martial sage, when faced with death, cannot help but fear.


Suddenly, one of the seven martial sages couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere again, so he drove away in the light and fled away!

"Old Seven, don't!"

The expressions of the remaining six people changed greatly when they saw this, but it was too late for their reminders and shouts, and Xiao Jun had already disappeared in place.

"No! Senior, be merciful..."


When the six people asked for it, there was an explosion in front, and the body of the escaped martial artist exploded in the void, and he died completely. Before he died, he didn't even have time to utter the scream like the Taijian Venerable.

To escape is to die!This is the answer given by Xiao Jun, there is no other choice, no second way, and he will not be merciful because of the other party's begging for mercy!
"Seventh brother!"

The six people watched their companion die in front of them. Compared with the one who died just now, what is Venerable Taijian?
They already hated Xiao Jun in their hearts, and at the same time hated Venerable Taijian to the core. If it wasn't for Venerable Taijian, how could they have fallen into this forbidden place.

"Before counting to three, someone has already made a decision. His death bought you some time to think about it. But it's just a few. When I count the next number, I won't say more Nonsense, but direct action. Whether you are lucky or unwilling, these have nothing to do with me, all I want is an ending!"

Xiao Jun took the life of that martial sage, and at the same time felt the hatred of the remaining six people towards him. They must have killed him very fragrantly, but what does this have to do with Xiao Jun?

Xiao Jun just wants a result now, it's that simple!
"This contract, I sign!"

Finally, the leading martial saint with a particularly huge skeleton made a decision. He endured his grief and decided to sign a contract.

"Brother! No!"

Seeing this, the other five martial sages spoke out one after another to stop them, but they were all stopped by this person waving their hands.

He said: "People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Today we signed a contract, and our lives will fall into the hands of the other party. But the other party will not use it as a threat. Maybe we can no longer take revenge in person, but we can train disciples, the revenge of the seventh brother." ,I will not forget!"

As the man said, he gave Xiao Jun a hard look. He wanted to see if Xiao Jun wanted to kill someone after hearing what he said.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. Xiao Jun didn't change his face to his words, and he couldn't scare Xiao Jun at all!As far as Xiao Jun is concerned, if he can't even deal with your disciples, then he, the Patriarch of the Xiao family, will be in vain.

"Brother, even though that's the case, our 500 years of practice..."

There are still people who are unwilling, revenge is right, but their lives are equally important, is it just handed over like this?
"It is precisely because practice is not easy that we want to live on. One day when we practice enough, we can break the contract and regain our freedom. In short, what we need to do now is to live, not to die like the seventh brother!"

As the boss of the seven martial saints, this person has to make a choice. If they all die here, then nothing can be done, let alone hatred.

A person is dead, so what else?

Only by living can there be opportunities and hope.

"He's right. You have a chance to regain your freedom only if you are alive." Xiao Jun agreed with this person's point of view at this time.

In their view, Xiao Jun is a devil and an enemy, but Xiao Jun's words seem to be considering the six people, which is too hypocritical.

Xiao Jun is not afraid at all, because when these six people have cultivated enough to break the contract, Xiao Jun's strength has already reached an unknown level, so how can he take these six people seriously?
From the beginning to the end, Xiao Jun didn't regard them as enemies, he just didn't want to trouble him!

At this point in the matter, there is nothing to say. One of the seven people died, and if he hesitated, the death would be more wise.Xiao Jun is not the kind of existence that can be justified. He is a ruthless person, and killing people can't change his mood in the slightest.

This is the patriarch of the Xiao family, Xiao Ye's second brother, the terrifying figure who was left behind by Xiao Zhan as the patriarch and unified the Xiao family in just a few years.

His strength is mysterious and unpredictable, and his methods are extremely profound. His name is Xiao Jun, and he is the head of the Xiao family who is domineering inside and out!
After the leading Martial Saint convinced the remaining people, he floated and brought the so-called contract forward.

This contract exudes extremely strong soul fluctuations, and it is Xiao Jun who wants to plant a mark in their souls. Once the six of them have something to defy Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun can kill the six of them anytime and anywhere.

This is a kind of absolute control, which is tantamount to pinching the lives of six people into his own hands.

Of course, Xiao Jun didn't mean to threaten anything with this, but he just didn't want the six of them to cause trouble for him, so as long as they were honest, it didn't really matter whether the contract was signed or not.

"Let go of all your defenses, just put your hands on the contract." Xiao Jun's cold voice came, the martial sage finally sighed because of Xiaohui at the last moment, let go of all his defenses, and put his hands lightly. Stretched out lightly.

The other five people were watching this scene. They saw that their boss' hands were shaking, or their whole body was shaking!
It is conceivable that even after he made the decision, he was still very scared, but he couldn't help it, he had to do it.

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, he finally put his hand on the contract. Immediately, a burst of energy burst out from the contract, and directly entered the soul of the martial sage from the palm of the martial sage.

And without any precautions, Wu Sheng left a mark belonging to Xiao Jun in Wu Sheng's soul.So far, as long as there is any change in this martial saint, Xiao Jun will have a thought, and this person will be out of his wits.


The man closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and then stepped back. His eyes were less fierce and more calm.

Yes, at this moment, the sharp edge can no longer be exposed, because without the capital to be exposed, he is no longer the all-powerful martial arts saint before. Now he is controlled by others at best, and Xiao Jun at worst. of a dog.

The second person stepped forward, he was much more nervous than No.1, he stretched out his hand many times, and retracted it many times!

This is still the mind of a martial saint. If it were someone else with a low cultivation base, he would probably cry at this moment.

In the end, the martial sage still gritted his teeth, leaving Xiao Jun's imprint on his soul, and the sharp light in his eyes was also hidden.

There were four other people. They planted Xiao Jun's imprint in their souls one by one, but the last one seemed particularly straightforward, without even thinking about it, and solved the soul imprint in one go.

It's not that he's not afraid, and it's not that he's brave, but that at this point, watching the people in front of him hesitate will increase the time of pain.

He figured it out, so he made a decisive move. Not to mention, this feeling was not as uncomfortable as the previous five people.

"Let's go, as long as you don't cause trouble to me, your lives are safe." With a wave of Xiao Jun's hand, all the surrounding restrictions were removed, and the six people didn't want to stay, and turned into embarrassing lights, disappearing into the night .

So far, there are a total of eight martial saints in Senluo Temple, Xiao Jun killed two and subdued six. As the head of the Xiao family, this is shocking enough!

Looking at the sky full of stars and the magma river under the ground, Xiao Jun put his hands behind his back and let the night wind blow.

"Third brother, the second brother can't do much for you, and you have to rely on yourself next. With a demon, the road is not easy, right? But the second brother believes that you will be able to do it. You, Me, and eldest brother, we are all father's children, we are destined to be extraordinary, one day, we three brothers need to work together, when that time comes, let's reunite!"

(End of this chapter)

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