god system

Chapter 494 Refining Demon Thunder

Chapter 494 Refining Demon Thunder
Electric snakes danced wildly, the scene of annihilation, the most central position, Xiao Ye crossed his legs here, let the thunder clouds roll on the top, he was as motionless as a pine.
Xiao Ye's own state has been adjusted to the peak, he has made complete preparations, today, he must refine Yao Lei.
Under the thunder cloud, Yao Lei seemed to have sensed a crisis. Before the thunder and lightning fell, he appeared spontaneously, first wandering back and forth in Xiao Ye's body in panic, and then flew out of Xiao Ye's body in panic.
Yao Lei tried to fly away from far away, but because of being partly refined by Xiao Ye, as long as Xiao Ye didn't die, he couldn't stay a foot away from Xiao Ye.

"Human, I am the spiritual energy body of Yaolei. You don't even know how big my background is and how I was formed. If you dare to refine me, you will be doomed in the future!"

"The size of this world is beyond your imagination. I am not as simple as a spiritual energy body. If you offend me, you will die without life. No one in the sky or on earth can save you!"

"Boy, did you listen to me, stop your stupid behavior..."

Yao Lei went completely crazy, he spoke incoherently, and said some words that threatened Xiao Ye, no matter what he said was true or false, Xiao Ye could not stop at this moment.

Seemingly sensing Xiao Ye's determination, Yao Lei began to become fearful, and finally showed a look of panic on this mysterious guy.

"Human, refining me is not the best choice. After refining, you still have to study how to use it. Why don't we become friends and let you use my energy. It's easier and won't offend anyone."

"With my help, your journey will go further, trust me."

"My friend, win-win is the kingly way. Even if I refine me, there will be bad consequences. You should think twice!"

Acting both hard and soft, Yao Lei tried to shake Xiao Ye's determination, but unfortunately, Xiao Ye had already made a decision, not to mention Yao Lei's few words, even if the sky fell, he probably wouldn't be able to change his decision.

Whether the demon thunder threatens or begs hard, it belongs to his right, Xiao Ye has no right to care about it, what Xiao Ye has to do is to refine the demon thunder, eliminate the hidden threat, and completely control the demon thunder.


Under the thundercloud, a huge electric snake descended with a bang, aiming at Xiao Ye accurately.

"Fourteen times the sense of thunder."

Xiao Ye immediately sensed the power of the thunder and lightning, and he was ready to allow the thunder and lightning empowerment to enter and travel all over his body in an instant.

At that moment, Yao Lei seemed to have lost the ability to move, and had no strength to escape.

The demon thunder is originally a spiritual energy body with the thunder attribute, but similarly, the thunder and lightning are also his nemesis. Xiao Ye didn't want to pursue the reason. He had already fused the thunder and lightning with flesh and blood for the first time, and at the same time mobilized all the energy in his body to cooperate with the thunder and lightning. , completely surrounded Yaolei's body.


Thirteen times the lightning sensation struck down and hit Xiao Ye's body again. Xiao Ye used the lightning and his own strength to restrain the demon thunder, and while using the lightning to temper his body, he refined the demon thunder.

This process is very dangerous, not to Xiao Ye, but to the surroundings. As long as a single lightning bolt deviates, it will cause huge damage to the surroundings.

Ling Zixin and Huo Wu were guarding all around. Needless to say, Ling Zixin didn't change much in her expression, while Huo Wu felt a little shocked by this scene!
She has heard of the Thunder Realm, and she has also heard of the cultivation method of the Thunder Realm. She knows that Lei Niu uses lightning to cultivate. She also saw Lei Niu practice at the mountain outside Maverick Town.

None of this shocked her, because in her consciousness, Lei Niu cultivated in this way, but she had never heard that human beings could also use thunder and lightning to cultivate.

The human body is inherently endowed, and it is recognized by everyone as the most suitable body for cultivation. However, the human body is also relatively weak, and some unorthodox cultivation methods cannot be mastered, including lightning quenching.

Now, Huo Wu watched Xiao Ye use lightning to cultivate with his own eyes, which was beyond Huo Wu's cognition. More importantly, in terms of human body structure, if they mastered such a side door as lightning quenching cultivation method, then his growth will be very terrifying.

Huo Wu can no longer see how far Xiao Ye will cultivate in the future. Xiao Ye's achievements cannot be evaluated. Guangguang human beings have mastered the item of lightning body tempering, which dooms Xiao Ye's future to be full of unknowns.

Huo Wu's thinking has her own reasons, but at the moment Xiao Ye puts all his heart and soul into refining Yao Lei, and he doesn't care about everything outside.

Yao Lei is a difficult guy to deal with. Don't look at his panicked appearance just now, in fact, he is still extremely difficult to deal with now.
Xiao Ye must devote all his energy and energy to refining the spiritual energy body with the power of thunder and lightning.

The more difficult it is to refine, the more excited Xiao Ye is, because this represents the unusualness of Yaolei's spiritual energy body.

The spiritual energy body, as an external resource for human beings to improve their qualifications and enhance their energy at one time, has always been the most precious existence in this world.

The most important thing is that human beings are usually only able to absorb one kind of spiritual energy body. Occasionally, there are alien species. When he absorbs two kinds of spiritual energy bodies, he usually disappears in this world.

The reason is not because he encountered any accidents, but after absorbing two kinds of spiritual energy bodies, he will basically be discovered by those who have released the suppression, and take them away, and then walk on to another supreme road.

Xiao Ye has never absorbed a spiritual energy body along the way, but it was the first time he encountered Yaolei, an existence that is extremely difficult to capture and absorb.

Xiao Ye can't predict how strong Yaolei is and what level it can reach after absorbing and refining it.

He only knows that the more he pays, the more he gets, the more difficult it is to refine Yao Lei, so the greater the benefits he will get after refining.

That day, Xiao Ye only absorbed and refined a little bit of Yao Lei's spiritual energy body, and Xiao Ye directly reached the peak of Martial King. Now if he can completely refine Yao Lei, if nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Ye's ascension to Martial Lord is almost a force. It is imperative.

During the process of refining the demon thunder, Xiao Ye could clearly feel that his flesh, meridians and even his dantian were undergoing subtle changes. Looking at his skin, it sometimes turned dark and sometimes pale, like someone who has been poisoned , is always changing.

This is Yao Lei trembling with Xiao Ye. Even with the assistance of Thunder and Lightning, Xiao Ye is capable of refining Yao Lei like a dead man. The tenacity of Yao Lei is completely beyond imagination.

He is an extremely powerful existence in the spiritual energy body. This is what Hu Xiao told Xiao Ye at the beginning, and it is also Xiao Ye's impression of Yao Lei.But now, Xiao Ye has changed his mind.

Yaolei is not an extremely powerful existence in the spiritual energy body, but an extremely difficult existence. Of course, his difficulty also represents his strength. In the end, how powerful he is is not something that can be described by two words. .

Xiao Ye was refining the demon thunder wholeheartedly. At this moment, Ling Zixin's eyebrows were suddenly locked, she slightly grasped the Bihai Centrifugal Sword in her hand, and turned her gaze to the rear, and actually stepped out and walked out.

She found someone approaching this place and went to kill him.

Regarding this, Huo Wu chose to ignore it. She already sensed that the person who came was a third-level martial king. In front of Ling Zixin, she probably couldn't pass two moves.

Thunder and lightning are so reckless, it is inevitable to provoke strong people. Fortunately, this place is relatively remote, and there are not many strong people.Those curious powerhouses naturally couldn't let them get close, it wasn't that Xiao Ye couldn't expose it, but that Huo Wu couldn't expose it.

In this Demon Sect, there are not many people who can recognize Xiao Ye by his breath, and now that Xiao Ye's body is tempered by lightning, who can perceive his breath in the lightning?
The most feared thing is Huo Wu, she is a demon, and the enemy will recognize her with just one glance.Once the news of his activities in the Demon Sect's realm spreads, it will be extremely difficult to reach the Eternal Iceberg.

No screams were heard, but the approaching breath had disappeared, and was beheaded by Ling Zixin. Huo Wu still underestimated Ling Zixin, and she completely wiped out the third-level Martial King with one move.

"Someone is approaching again."

Huo Wu frowned tightly. On the other side, there seemed to be strong men coming from Ling Zixin's direction.It seems that during the thunderstorm, using thunderstones to pull lightning has attracted the attention of many people.

These people may just come to investigate, or to see if there are any treasures descended into the world, but as long as they appear, they must all be killed, otherwise Huo Wu's identity will be exposed.

And they couldn't let Xiao Ye ignore it, after all, Xiao Ye's Xiao Ye couldn't be disturbed by others, otherwise the matter of refining Yao Lei would be in vain!
"Huh! The trouble has to be solved. This should be the first big trouble I encountered before entering the eternal iceberg. I didn't want to be stained with human blood, but now, there is no other way."

Huo Wu muttered a few times, then shot up through the air and shot in the opposite direction to Ling Zixin. After a while, the sound of battle erupted completely.

"The demons, the demons, ah..."

"Damn it, it's said that the demons are in Cangman Mountain, how could they appear here? The news must be passed on, the demons must have some kind of trick..."

"Everyone work together, don't let the demons escape!"

The sound of the battle was accompanied by the panicked roars of the powerful members of the Demon Sect, but it was a pity that when Huo Wu appeared, the surrounding area was blocked, not only the sound could not pass through, but also the signal was completely blocked.

If Huo Wu didn't make a move, it would be like thunder. She really didn't want to be stained with human blood, but that didn't mean she wouldn't kill people.

In order to return to the Demon Race, in order to prevent the Demon Race from invading, she had to make a choice.

"The human beings who died in my hands, I'm sorry!"

Huo Wu's eyes shone with a strange light in this thunderstorm. She didn't see any sharp swords in her hands, but every time she made a move, she saw the blood seal like a sword. There was hardly a strong one. Able to survive a trick in her hands.

Don't forget, her strength is already equivalent to that of a human being, and much stronger than Ling Zixin. How can King Wu survive in front of her?
(End of this chapter)

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