god system

Chapter 496 Double Commission**

Chapter 496
The bald head of the Spike Mercenary Group yelled. From the perspective of strength, this person is a figure at the peak of a great martial artist, and his strength is quite good.Led by him, the Spike Mercenary Group has always been a well-known presence in Xielong Town.

Their summoning power is also very strong, so when Xiao Ye approached the bald head, there was only one mercenary group left.

"My friend, are you thinking of the Eternal Iceberg? Our Spike Mercenary Corps is extremely powerful. Look at these strong soldiers. Not to mention our reputation, no one in Xielong Town knows, no one knows, If you join us, you only need to collect the spirit scroll for the formalities, and you can reach the Eternal Iceberg safely, why not do it?"

When the bald head saw Xiao Ye coming, he immediately introduced Xiao Ye enthusiastically, and what he saw was almost full of temptation.

"Brother, I'm not ready yet, I just want to understand the situation first, and I need three places in half a month, do you think it's okay?"

Xiao Ye is naive and looks like a junior. His breath is completely suppressed at the moment. In this evil dragon town, he must keep a low profile and not let anyone know that he is here.

Originally, he wanted to observe in Xielong Town and look for opportunities, but now the Spike Mercenary Group gave Xiao Ye hope. Can he use the Spike Mercenary Group to enter the eternal iceberg in peace?
"You want to make a reservation, right? That's no problem, but you have to pay a deposit first, it's not much, a thousand gold scrolls will be fine."

The bald head understood Xiao Ye's intentions, and he was also straightforward, telling the price directly.

"Front is not a problem." Xiao Ye waved his hand and handed over the Golden Spirit Scroll, but it was not one thousand, but ten thousand.

"The rich man?"

The bald head's eyes brightened, and his attitude immediately improved. For this kind of rich donor, they have to take good care of them. As mercenaries, they lick blood on the knife edge and work with death all day long. Everyone wants to make enough money quickly. , and exit the industry.

For a thousand gold spirit scrolls, Xiao Ye directly gave [-], which was a full ten times, so naturally he had to treat him well.

"Ah San, you handle the remaining one."

The bald head handed over the matter at hand to another person, and he himself invited Xiao Ye into an exclusive carriage behind him, and waved his hand to place restrictions around the carriage.

"Under the iron teeth, I don't know what to call my friends?"

In the carriage, the bald head was friendly, and they always treated the rich man as God.

"My surname is Nie." Xiao Ye lied.

"It turned out to be Mr. Nie. Since Mr. Nie wants to set three quotas, please give me the information first, so that I can make arrangements." Tie Ya's laughter was obviously cautious.

As mercenaries, they will meet many people in this industry, which is accompanied by great dangers, so it is almost a must for them to investigate the details of future entrants.

Xiao Ye showed a look of embarrassment: "Captain Tie Ya, my matter may be a bit troublesome, but I am willing to pay ten times the commission. It depends on the captain's own opinion whether to accept this matter."

Tie Ya's heart shuddered, as expected, those who spend generously must have something special about them.

Ten times the commission, for Tie Ya, this is a large sum, and he can get a lot of benefits from it, so he can retire after a few more.

The temptation of money is usually accompanied by danger, whether or not to accept this task, Tie Ya will not immediately decide.

"Mr. Nie told me briefly, so that Tie can be used as a reference."

Xiao Ye could see all these performances of Tie Ya. He knew that he had a high chance of success, and the mercenary group would not be troubled by money. Everything depended on how he made up this lie.

If the compilation is too big, Tie Ya is afraid, so naturally he dare not accept it.If the compilation is too small, Tie Ya will not accept it if he does not believe it, and if he is suspicious.

Let Tie Ya think that the risk factor is small, and believe what Xiao Ye said.

Xiao Ye said: "Actually, we went to Wangu Bingshan to treat illnesses. The lady in our Nie family has a strange disease, festers all over her body, and can infect others. It is helpless to find a famous doctor. The family has no room for the lady, and the lady is expelled. come out, and even kill them all.”

"You went to take refuge in the eternal iceberg?" Tie Ya became cautious when he heard about the strange disease, not to mention that the disease is contagious, which is not a trivial matter.

"Half, maybe the cold air in the eternal iceberg can cure the young lady's strange disease, and I want to try it."

Xiao Ye's tone was low, he sighed, and looked rather depressed, as if what he said was all experienced by himself.

This convinced Tie Ya, but it was not enough for Tie Ya to make a decision. He rolled his eyes and asked, "I don't know if the probability of his disease being contagious is high, Miss?"

"This..." Xiao Ye thought about it for a while, then sighed, "I'm not busy with you, Miss, she has a high chance of infecting her strange disease, so we made special protective clothing and completely sealed off Miss, as long as no one touches her intentionally. Miss, it will definitely not be infected."

Xiao Ye continued: "We will prepare the carriage by ourselves. It will definitely not affect the mercenary group, let alone spread the disease."

"That's the way it is. Whether you accept it or not, Captain Tie Ya decides for himself."

After Xiao Ye finished talking about all this, he threw the problem to Tie Ya. The strange disease was contagious, and the news would definitely cause panic. But since Xiao Ye dared to follow their lady and was not infected, it shows that he has a way controlling.

Xiao Ye wants to use his own carriage, and has made clothes for the young lady to prevent the spread of the virus, which sounds quite safe.

But for the mercenary group, this is a ticking time bomb.

How to decide whether to earn this ten times commission or not?
Tie Ya fell into deep thought, while Xiao Ye was not in a hurry. Using the mercenary group was a temporary idea. If feasible, then it is possible to enter the eternal iceberg quietly. If it is not credible, you can customize other methods. .

Tie Ya fell into deep thought, and now he suddenly felt that the [-] gold scrolls in his pocket were a hot potato!If Cai didn't accept it just now, then Tie Ya might directly refuse at this moment.

But the golden scroll is already in the pocket, do you really want to spit it out?

Tie Ya was thinking about it, he was absolutely unwilling to let the cooked duck fly away, but this matter sounded very dangerous, so he took it hastily for fear of causing trouble.

Spirit scrolls are not so easy to earn, Tie Ya knows this, and he is usually quite cautious in doing things, but this time he encountered a special situation.

Because Tie Ya has already given birth to the intention of quitting the mercenary, according to his spiritual scroll, if he accepts Xiao Ye's order of ten times the commission and draws from it, then he will go to the Eternal Iceberg in half a month, and he will be able to make a contribution. Retired.

If he doesn't pick it up, then he has to run at least five times to the eternal iceberg.

The temptation this time can make Tie Ya quit the mercenary directly, which is something he can't give up, not to mention the spirit scroll is in his pocket, do he really want to return it?
"Mr. Nie, I have a few more questions. I wonder if Mr. Nie can answer?" After thinking about it, Tie Ya's attention returned to Xiao Ye.

Guangguang relies on the information just now, Tie Ya can't make a final judgment yet, he has to confirm a few more questions.

"Please say."

Xiao Ye also saw that Tie Ya was very tempted, and the next few questions were the key, so Tie Ya couldn't be worried anymore, and he agreed to the matter readily.

The more cautious Tie Ya is, the more confidence Xiao Ye has in his heart, which shows that Tie Ya will not take money for nothing and is a reliable person.

"What's your family's attitude towards your young lady's disease now? Are they going to hunt and kill you?" Tie Ya first asked the most concerned question.

"Yes!" Xiao Ye replied with certainty: "The strength was very strong before, but now the strength is so weak that it can be ignored."

Such an answer brightened Tie Ya's eyes. He was most afraid that people from the family would come to cause trouble, and that the Tie Ya mercenary group would suffer.

"What does your lady's illness look like? Do you have any special symptoms, such as shouting indiscriminately?" Tie Ya continued to ask.

"Don't worry, my young lady will keep quiet all the time, neither screaming nor doing anything. She will stay in the carriage until she reaches the Eternal Iceberg."

Tie Ya is more satisfied with such an answer. If infectious diseases are exchanged indiscriminately, or even have some weird actions, it is really difficult to control.

After consulting these two questions, Tie Ya basically had an answer in his mind. He thought about it for a while, and finally said with a smile: "Okay! My Tie Ya Mercenary Group will take over Mr. Nie's business. I will give it to Brother Nie." Set up a written proof, after half a month, it will still be here, brother Nie will come directly."

After Tie Ya agreed, he readily gave Xiao Ye a written statement. In fact, if the written statement is not recognized, Xiao Ye has nothing to do, everything depends on integrity.

"I won't bother Captain Iron Fang anymore."

Xiao Ye resigned and left the carriage. As for whether he will return in half a month, that is still unknown. After all, the world is impermanent, and this is just a road. Xiao Ye does not want to go one road to the end.

He has to settle down in Xielong Town first, and there is still half a month left. Finding other ways to enter the Eternal Iceberg is also a way out.

Xiao Ye returned to the carriage, let Ling Zixin enter the carriage, and then drove to Xielong Town to find a place to stay.

There are many hotels in Xielong Town, but there are more tourists. Most of the places are already overcrowded. After searching for an hour, Xiao Ye found a vacant seat in the hotel.

Huo Wu couldn't see people, so her body was tightly wrapped and she went directly into the guest room.

Xiao Ye parked the carriage, then entered the guest room and greeted Huo Wu with the previous incident, explaining that this is a feasible way to enter the eternal iceberg.

By the way, explain to Huo Wu that from now on, she will stay in the hotel, Xiao Ye will tailor a set of clothes for Huo Wu to cover her face, and get ready for half a month later.

Regarding all these arrangements of Xiao Ye, Huo Wu has no objection for the time being.

As for Ling Zixin, she was arranged by Xiao Ye in another room. Xiao Ye wanted to let Ling Zixin have more independent action ability, and slowly train her in this way. One day in the future, Ling Zixin will have a sense of autonomy, and she will definitely recovery!

(End of this chapter)

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