god system

Chapter 504 Nie Tiandao and Su Mu

Chapter 504 Nie Tiandao and Su Mu

In Xiao Ye's perception, it was none other than Nie Tiandao who came.

Nie Tiandao reminded Xiao Ye in Cangman Mountain that day. Obviously, he was helping Xiao Ye!Come again this time, even if Xiao Ye is found, he probably won't reveal it.

However, times have changed and no one can guarantee what will happen. Xiao Ye must be careful, he must hide his tracks and not let anyone know.

After taking the Yinqi Pill, Xiao Ye completely disappeared under the heavy snow, and Xiao Ye's existence could not be discovered by other methods except to push the heavy snow away.

At that moment, Su Mu took a deep breath, all the control over his body came back, and Xiao Ye's energy also exited Su Mu's body.

"Peak of King Wu?" Su Mu sensed his own ability, and was immediately overjoyed. Under the snow, he clasped his fists at Xiao Ye and said, "Thank you for your help, senior. I will never forget the great kindness today."

"Let's talk about it in the future, someone will come to investigate soon, I will hide here, don't let them discover my existence."

Nie Tiandao was about to arrive, Xiao Ye didn't have time to talk nonsense with Su Mu, so he just dropped the words and hid them completely.

Su Mu didn't dare to neglect, he broke through the snow immediately and floated in the air.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky have dispersed, and the snow has stopped, but the mountain peaks have turned into snow peaks, and the surrounding temperature is still terribly low.

The grass and trees were obviously frozen to death, and the mountain peak was still covered in thick white snow. Looking at what he had caused around him, Su Mu took a deep breath.

The power of the ice puck was somewhat beyond his expectation. He had obtained it by accident before, but he didn't know how to control it. Now, after Xiao Ye's conditioning, he finally mastered some supernatural powers of the ice puck.

Regardless of the fact that he is now at the pinnacle of King Wu, his true strength may not even be afraid of Lord Wu.

Su Mu knew what this transformation represented. His life was in danger forever, and he activated the ice hockey, and his strength directly reached the peak of Martial King.

These three elements are all due to the existence of Xiao Ye. If there is no Xiao Ye, he is still relying on ice blue crystals to barely survive, and one day he can buy ice blue crystals, or if there is no golden scroll, then his train of thought will come to an end.

Moreover, his strength has been staying in place because of the ice blue crystallization, so his life will be dark in the future.

It is different now, he can be said to have gained a new life, such a great opportunity was given to him by Xiao Ye, although he is a member of the Demon Sect, he is willing to repay kindness and revenge, and there is a mark left by Xiao Ye in his body , he must do his best to help Xiao Ye.

Thinking about it in his heart, Su Mu finally sensed that there was a rapid escape light approaching in the distant sky. It was three strong martial kings, and one of them had very strong breath fluctuations, not even weaker than himself.

"Senior's perceptual ability is not trivial, and it has been detected at such a distance, which is definitely not something that ordinary Wu Zun can do."

Su Mu thought in his heart, put his eyes on his back, and floated on the spot with a cold face. He was waiting for the arrival of Nie Tiandao and the others. Since Xiao Ye was unwilling to reveal their identities and positions, then it was as he wished.

The rapid flow of light pulled a long tail of light beams across the sky. Nie Tiandao took the lead, followed by a man and a woman. The three Martial Kings got the news from the eternal iceberg and shot all the way.

From a distance, they saw the weirdness of the iceberg, and naturally noticed the existence of Su Mu immediately.

Nie Tiandao made a gesture, and the two people behind him spread out, one left and one right, outflanking Su Mu.

Nie Tiandao sped up the light, and the three of them pointed in three directions. The moment they stopped, they formed a triangle, surrounding Su Mu in the center.

"The vision here is your fault?"

Nie Tiandao made a quick inspection and found that Su Mu was extraordinary. Their encirclement circle was useless at all. For a strong man like Su Mu, if he wanted to break through from other places besides Nie Tiandao's direction, it would be impossible for him to break through at any time. Anywhere.

"I'm just cultivating here, why are you talking about playing tricks? You're making such a big fuss, aren't you looking for trouble?" Facing Nie Tiandao, Su Mu was neither humble nor overbearing.

Of course he knew Nie Tiandao. In the Demon Sect, Nie Tiandao was quite a special existence. The former genius was taken away by the flame man, and he hid many secrets in Nie Tiandao.

Nie Tiandao at this moment represents the power of the Eternal Iceberg of the Mozong, and the key to protecting the security of the Mozong lies with them. Pay attention to.

If in the past, a Martial King practiced and caused the mountain to be covered with ice and snow, such things would be ignored at all, but this is a special situation, and they must investigate clearly the vision near the eternal iceberg.

"What's your name?" Nie Tiandao went straight to the point. If ordinary disciples of the Demon Sect cultivated here and caused some abnormal phenomena without causing other consequences, then the matter would naturally be left alone.

But he must first understand the cause and effect of the matter, and Su Mu also knows about this, he said: "Su Mu."

"Su Mu? This name..."

Nie Tiandao frowned. He really had some impression of the name Su Mu, and when he looked at Su Mu's appearance, Nie Tiandao couldn't help but shudder.

"You are the grandson of Elder Su." Nie Tiandao remembered Su Mu's identity. It turned out that Nie Tiandao had met Su Mu a long time ago.

"Hmph! I dare not be the outcast of the family. I am Su Mu, I have no other identity, and I have nothing to do with that Elder Su!" Su Mu's pupils shrank, exuding a strong killing intent, not fighting against Nie Tiandao, but It was Elder Su he was talking about, Su Mu's grandfather.

Hearing such a conversation, under the heavy snow, Xiao Ye's heart trembled. It turned out that Su Mu was also the number one figure before, but he was the grandson of the elder of the Mozong, but he seemed to be abandoned, which caused Su Mu to treat that The Mozong elders developed hatred.

The person he helped inadvertently has an unusual identity and story, and he actually met Nie Tiandao, which seems to be destined by heaven.

"Su Mu, with your current strength, if you return to the Demon Sect, you will definitely be reused. I believe that Elder Su will also see the facts clearly. You are the most qualified genius in the Su family!"

After learning of Su Mu's true identity, Nie Tiandao completely gave up on the pursuit of the mountain incident, and instead persuaded Su Mu to return to the Demon Sect.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Su Mu laughed wildly: "Joke! When I, Su Mu, was kicked out of the Su family, I no longer had any relationship with the Su family. Whether it is the Mozong or the Su family, what does it have to do with me, Su Mu? Now the mainland In troubled times, what I, Su Mu, have to do is fight for the quota of energy release, as for the Demon Sect, do I need to go back?"

"Orthodox and demons are about to merge, and there will be no such thing as a demon sect in the future. The strength of this world is king. When I break through the limit and reach the commanding heights, what does the mere Su family count? What does the demon sect count? Even Zhengyuan Continent counts." What?"

Su Mu is very arrogant. He has long given up on the Su family and the Mozong. At this moment, what he is looking at is the strong people in each interface, not the mere Zhengyuan Continent.

"Su Mu, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, at least for now, if you want to get a place, returning to the Demon Sect is the best and most direct way."

Nie Tiandao was still persuading Su Mu. He saw that Su Mu's aptitude was extraordinary. If Su Mu was willing to return to the Demon Sect, it would be a great help.

Right now, the Zhengyuan Continent is in turmoil, and a strong man like Su Mu is needed.

Indeed, there are many young disciples with amazing talents in Zhengyuan Continent, but their strength is too weak, and they are used to the style of lone rangers, so they are unwilling to join the sect.

Their abilities have not been better utilized, they have no backup, no organization, so they are like a rope, even if they are themselves and their thickness, they will still be easily torn apart.

Nie Tiandao hopes that these people will join the sect forces, so that the Zhengyuan Continent will be more united and fight against the demons together.

Nie Tiandao was very active in fighting against the demons, and even reminded Xiao Ye that although he was a disciple of the demons and had no sense of justice, he still had a deep awareness of fighting against other places.

The great enemy is now, and the civil war is just to make the outsiders laugh, and Nie Tiandao will definitely stand at the forefront against the outsiders.

But he is not enough alone, he needs to call more people to join the sect, join the team against the demons, Su Mu is a piece of material in his eyes.

It was the same with Xiao Ye at the beginning, but it is a pity that those in power disregarded the overall situation and wanted to cause civil strife under such circumstances. Maybe they didn't look up to Xiao Ye at all, but Nie Tiandao could understand that Xiao Ye's future achievements were not trivial. If you don't like him, a few years later, he will surprise those high-level officials who don't like him.

"Nie Tiandao, you have your method, and I have a clever plan! I will naturally do it to fight against the demons. After all, I am a citizen of the Zhengyuan Continent. But it is not up to you to point out how to do it. Point. I don't want to talk nonsense with you, have you investigated the matter here? Farewell."

After Su Mu said a few words, he didn't want to continue to entangle with Nie Tiandao. He turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by two of Nie Tiandao's men.

"Hmph! You guys can stop me?"

Su Mu let out a cold snort, and the icy air in his body dispersed, and the violent energy, like two ice walls, pushed the two Martial Kings to the left and right.

In front of this huge energy, King Wu unexpectedly has no ability to resist.

"Retire." Nie Tiandao sighed: "Su Mu, if you want to leave, I won't stop you. You can do it yourself."

"Hmph! You can't stop it, let's go!"

From the beginning to the end, Su Mu didn't give Nie Tiandao any face. He drove the light, left this place directly, and disappeared into the distant sky in a blink of an eye.

"Commander Nie, this man is so rampant, why should he be angry with him?"

"That's right, just grab it back, I don't think he's crazy about it?"

After Su Mu left, the two Martial Kings became angry.

Regarding this, Nie Tiandao shook his head: "Let him go, the Demon Sect can't restrain this guy, as long as he has the heart to fight against the Demon Sect."

As he said that, Nie Tiandao looked at the snow-capped mountains below, and frowned: "Empty the snow for me, I want to see what the hell he is doing here."

(End of this chapter)

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