god system

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

"If I remember correctly, it should be in Lujia Town, which is two towns away from Xielong Town. The Five Elements Seal is the treasure of the Lu family." Ling Luo told him everything he knew.

According to the customers who came to the store, the Five Elements Seal is the treasure of the Lu family in Lujia Town.

"Oh, by the way, the Lu family has ordered a batch of clothes from me, Mr. Xiao, wait a moment."

Speaking of the Lu family, Ling Luo suddenly remembered something. She entered the back room, and soon after, she took out a box, opened it, and there were many fiery red clothes inside.

The clothes are very atmospheric and look very festive.

"This Lu family has a happy event."

"Well! I heard that the old head of the Lu family passed away, and the head of the family changed. These clothes were specially made for the day of the successor head. The Lu family will use them the day after tomorrow. I originally planned to leave today, but after yesterday's incident, it was delayed. .”

Ling Luo said: "The Lu family is my regular customer. If it weren't for that, I really wouldn't have heard such news. It's a pity, the old head of the Lu family is friendly and generous, and the new head..."

Hearing what Ling Luo said, Xiao Ye suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu. This Lu family seemed to be very similar to a story he heard not long ago.

The stories I heard at that time also belonged to the Lu family, and the head of the Lu family was seriously ill, and his lifespan was approaching.

Now that the Patriarch of the Lu family has passed away and the new Patriarch is succeeding, will these two events coincide?

"Is the young master of the Lu family succeeding as the patriarch?" Xiao Ye asked.

"Well! But the young master of the Lu family is not popular among the people, and I don't know what the Lu family thinks. Such an important position as the head of the family should be obtained by the capable. I have met the young master of the Lu family, even talking about it. The price of good clothes is lowered when picking up the goods, how can such a small-minded person be the head of the family, the Lu family will be destroyed by him sooner or later."

Regarding the young master of the Lu family, Ling Luo was not stingy at all with her irony. Such a person would feel ashamed to be an ordinary family disciple, not to mention being the head of the family.

Hearing what Ling Luo said, Xiao Ye even thought of the Lu family he had heard not long ago.

It was in Cangman Mountain that he accidentally met a demon family while avoiding monsters at night, and was taken in for a night.

From an uncle named Nian Tuzhong, he heard stories about the Lu family and the uselessness of the young master of the Lu family.Looking back now, it seems that the Lu family's ancestral exercise "Mountain and River Movement" that the young master of the Lu family and the third girl are competing for is still in their own space.

I still remember that the third girl, as the fiancee of the young master of the Lu family, wanted to compete with the young master of the Lu family for the position of the patriarch, and finally entered Cangman Mountain. The head of the Lu family.

Xiao Ye originally wanted to find a random time to hand over this "Mountain and River Movement" to the third girl. After all, Xiao Ye had a good impression of the third girl. The final candidate to succeed the patriarch became the young master of the Lu family.

But the day after tomorrow is the day when the young master of the Lu family succeeds to the throne. If this Lu family is really the Lu family that I heard about at the beginning, then things will be interesting. I wonder what will happen when the "Mountain and River Movement" technique is released?
Xiao Ye had a playful heart in his heart: "I will send this clothes myself, and break into Lu's house by the way, and get the five-element seal in my hands."

"This is naturally simple. This is the route map to Lu's house." Ling Luo nodded and handed a simple map to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye took the map, looked at the box, and decided to use a carriage to pull the goods. As for the space and spirit world, it is better not to use it. After all, from now on, Xiao Ye is just a delivery worker regardless. .

"I'm going to Lu's house now, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while. This store should not be opened. It just so happens that your sister is also in Xielong Town. Why don't you go to her place and stay for a while."

"Sister? Sister, she..." Ling Luo's delicate body couldn't help but tremble when he heard his sister.

Back then in the ancient forest of the Xiao family, Ling Zixin was drained of energy by Yang Shuo and turned into a piece of human skin. I don't know how Xiao Ye used to revive Ling Zixin, but Ling Luo could clearly feel that Ling Zixin had changed a lot.

Is she still his sister?
The elder brother has already left, and all relatives are dead. If Ling Zixin is still her elder sister, then she is the only relative. If not, she will be really alone.

"Don't have too much hope now, Zixin is slowly getting better and has some independent action ability, but I'm afraid it's impossible for her to remember you now. But you have to believe that one day in the future, She will think of everything. Not all your relatives are gone, you still have your sister."

Xiao Ye seemed to see through Ling Luo's thoughts, all he could say was the truth.

"Hmm! Please, Mr. Xiao, take me to meet my sister."

Ling Luo's mood is a bit complicated at the moment. For Ling Luo, Ling Zixin's death was the loss of a close relative.Now, all close relatives have been lost, but Ling Zixin may still be alive.

Ling Luo couldn't accept this huge gap and change, but in any case, she at least wanted to meet Ling Zixin.

After solving some trivial matters, Xiao Ye took Ling Luo to the hotel.

In the hotel room, Ling Zixin was cross-legged on the bed, breathing in and out of energy, and she was practicing independently.

After Ling Shui was kidnapped by the demon girl, Ling Zixin changed more and more, Xiao Ye could see clearly, he believed that one day Ling Zixin would find herself because of this change.

Ling Zixin opened her eyes sharply, and her cold gaze fell on a man and a woman in the room, it was Xiao Ye and Ling Luo.When her eyes swept over Ling Luo, Ling Zixin didn't change much, as if she was looking at a stranger.


Ling Luo tried to call out, but facing Ling Zixin who was so indifferent, she called out a little after all, and didn't really say it.

For her, Ling Zixin really cannot be regarded as her sister at present.

"Zi Xin, this is your sister Ling Luo. From now on, she will live with you for a while, and you must protect her with all your strength until I come back."

Xiao Ye spoke to Ling Zixin in a very easy-going tone, but to Ling Zixin it was an order, she nodded seriously, and then protected Ling Luo behind her.


After such a scene, Xiao Ye finally sighed, but things will gradually improve, I hope Ling Luo will have a process of adaptation.

"Miss Ling Luo, take care of yourself. If you want revenge and practice, you will go to a new world and come into contact with a world that was unimaginable before. So, you will actually have a process of rebirth. In order to meet this process, do Get ready."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, I will gradually come to my senses. For revenge, I can do anything."

The sisters Ling Luo and Ling Zixin reunited, but they were strangers. For Ling Zixin, she had no feelings at all, but for Ling Luo, the tiny hope in her heart was shattered.

Ling Luo's death looks too immature, such she will definitely suffer a big loss in the battle of the strong like Lin, Xiao Ye now has to keep training Ling Luo's mental quality.

No one is born capable of everything, they are all grown up step by step and trained. If Ling Luo wants to become stronger, his state of mind needs to be transformed once or even many times!

Xiao Ye left. Before leaving, he went to see Huo Wu and explained what was the matter of leaving. Of course, the rent was paid in full, so he guaranteed that there would be no trouble.

After arranging everything in Xielong Town, Xiao Ye went to Xielong Town to buy an ordinary carriage, threw the clothes customized by the Lu family on the carriage, changed into a set of driver's clothes, and drove The carriage drove out of Xielong Town.

"The mission is released, go to Lujia Town, the mission rewards are a bottle of red potion, [-] reputation, [-] gold coins, and start the procedure to open the reputation store."

The long-lost mission has finally been released. In Zhengyuan Continent, Xiao Ye may not have many missions left, but it is by no means zero.The long-awaited prestige store is finally about to open.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the scorching sun scorched the earth. When the sun fell on the eternal iceberg, it would be covered by the cold air of the eternal iceberg. Therefore, even though the carriage was driving under the sun, it did not feel stuffy at all, but felt a sense of sweltering. Cool.

Lujia Town, this town is named after the Lu family, which shows what kind of status the Lu family has in Lujia Town. He is not only the king of Lujia Town, but also a small force of the Demon Sect, who has received strong support from the Demon Sect.

Of course, to get such support, they also need to hand over enough golden scrolls to Mozong every month as offerings.

Recently, all the masters in Lujiazhen, that is, the head of the Lujia, Lu Zhentian passed away. Such a news shocked the Lujia, and also shocked the Lujiazhen.

When Lu Zhentian was alive, he acted for the people and did good deeds, making Lujia Town very peaceful. The people of Lujia Town loved Lu Zhentian very much. As long as Lu Zhentian was around, life in Lujia Town would not be miserable.

But Lu Zhentian was still unable to meet his fate after all, and died of exhaustion of life essence.

Such a painful incident deeply hit Lujia Town, and all the people were immersed in grief.

What is even more unacceptable to all the people in Lujia Town is that the next generation head of the Lu family will be handed over to Lu Zhentian's stomach, and Lu Shaoping will be in charge.

Everyone in Lujia Town knows who Lu Shaoping is. He is a lazy and incompetent dude. If he becomes the head of the Lu family, Lujia Town will be in chaos.

Therefore, the people of Lujia Town were very dissatisfied with this result. They organized forces to protest against the Lu family, and even acted radically, directly attacking the Lu family.

Regarding this matter, the Lu family was actually very unwilling, but they got the order from the Demon Sect, and Lu Shaoping was the head of the Lu family. If "Mountain and River Movement" was not found, the Lu family could only follow suit.

As for the dissatisfaction of the people, the Lu family did not take any measures. However, Lu Shaoping used the power of the Demon Sect to carry out a large-scale suppression!
(End of this chapter)

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