god system

Chapter 525 News about Lu Tianyou

Chapter 525 News about Lu Tianyou
The most important thing is that in this task, Nie Tiandao assisted him. To put it bluntly, he just listened to him. Such a good thing, how could the Emperor of Blood Drinking Knife give up!
"Hurry up, the Zhengyuan Continent is turbulent recently, and there are too many things. Lei Zong has already gone to hunt down Xiao Ye. With his ability, I believe that Xiao Ye will have nowhere to hide. And you just solve this matter." Don't worry about other things."

In the main hall, a majestic voice came out again.

This sound made Li Tian and Nie Tiandao's eyes light up at the same time.

"Even Lei Zong has taken action? Hehe, it seems that Xiao Ye, who is doing evil, will not live long!" The Blood Drinking Knife Emperor smiled coldly: "But that kid is also powerful, even Lei Zong has been attracted. Come out, I really want to have a good fight with him!"

As he said that, Li Tian's contemptuous eyes fell on Nie Tiandao. Xiao Ye had escaped from Nie Tiandao more than once. In the eyes of the Mozong people, this was a disgrace belonging to Nie Tiandao.

Li Tian seized this matter even more, and wanted to hit Nie Tiandao severely. If he could defeat Xiao Ye, or behead Xiao Ye, then in the Demon Sect, his status would undoubtedly directly surpass Nie Tiandao.

After accepting the mission from the Demon Sect, Nie Tiandao and Li Tianxing left the main hall, and immediately went to Wangu Bingshan to find the whereabouts of Bingshan Snow King.

Blood Drinking Knife Emperor Litian decided to do something big this time. After he and Nie Tiandao entered the Eternal Iceberg, he collected all the information at the first time, and also got the aura of the Iceberg Snow King. It is not difficult to find the Bingshan Snow King if you continue to search.

Inside the Wangu Iceberg, although the cold air is very strong and it is too difficult to capture the breath, Nie Tiandao and Blood Drinking Knife Emperor are not ordinary people, and the two have cultivated in the Wangu Iceberg since they were young, so they are already familiar with the breath of the Wangu Iceberg.

Moreover, they are very familiar with the terrain of the Eternal Iceberg, and they know many dangerous places very well. Few people in the Eternal Iceberg can fight with them.

"Nie Tiandao, I'm in charge of this operation. In the Eternal Iceberg, everything must be under my command. You can't take any unauthorized actions, understand?"

After entering the Eternal Iceberg, Li Tian repeatedly announced to Nie Tiandao his status and what Nie Tiandao was going to do, the most important of which was to obey his orders.

To this, Nie Tiandao did not answer. He knew what kind of person Li Tian was. This person had no rules in his actions. If this matter was left to him alone, he might not know what would happen in the end.

It is impossible for him to completely entrust this matter to Li Tian, ​​let alone argue with Li Tian. This battle is not just about finding the Bingshan Snow King, it is a battle between Nie Tian Dao and Li Tian!

The eternal iceberg is no longer peaceful, but at this moment, Xiao Ye and others are still being imprisoned in the stone house of the iceberg yeti tribe.
The sky was getting dark, and there was heavy snow on the iceberg. As more and more humans were captured, the noise was unavoidable.

And as the sky continued to darken, the noise gradually subsided, and the captured humans would eventually be tired. They were worried, and slowly fell asleep in exhaustion.

At this time, Xiao Ye was still resting in the carriage with his eyes closed. At a certain moment, Xiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes. His sharp gaze, like a falcon looking for prey, locked on the right side of the carriage.

At that moment, a purple flame suddenly appeared on the right side of the carriage. It was not bright, but it did exist.

"Hahaha! Brother Xiao, don't you come here unharmed? I didn't expect you to change your appearance like this. It seems that you have been tossing a lot these days because of these trivial matters in the Zhengyuan Continent, right?"

A wave came out from the purple flame, turned into Lu Tianyou's voice, and rang in Xiao Ye's mind.

Immediately afterwards, the flame quickly twisted and deformed, and finally turned into Lu Tianyou's appearance.

"Flame clone?" Xiao Ye squinted his eyes, the one who appeared in front of him was obviously not Lu Tianyou, but a clone of Lu Tianyou.

Unexpectedly, Lu Tianyou's ability has reached such a level, this is indeed a character that cannot be underestimated.

"Brother Lu, are you safe?" Xiao Ye said with a smile.

"Hehe! I, Lu Tianyou, am not entangled in common affairs like Xiao Ye, so I can live freely." Lu Tianyou sat down beside Xiao Ye casually, chatting with Xiao Ye like an old friend.

Don't look at Lu Tianyou's free and easy life, but he knows all the big and small things in the Zhengyuan Continent, such as Xiao Ding's disappearance that day, everyone was kept in the dark, but it was Lu Tianyou who told Xiao Ye.

At that time, Lu Tianyou said that something big would happen in Senluo Palace half a year later, and as a result, a Martial Emperor appeared in Senluo Palace.

Not only can he get comprehensive information, but he also seems to have a predictive ability. Xiao Ye has long understood that this Lu Tianyou is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

He is a character, a mysterious and terrifying character, but Xiao Ye is not interested in knowing his true identity for the time being, because then it doesn't matter to me, at least Lu Tianyou doesn't have any malice towards him at the moment.

The so-called brotherhood between him and Lu Tianping also seemed strange to Xiao Ye, maybe they weren't blood brothers?

But Lu Tianyou wanted Xiao Ye to spare Lu Tianping's life that day, it seemed that Lu Tianyou's feelings for Lu Tianping were not weak.

In short, there were too many mysteries hidden in Lu Tianyou, and Xiao Ye couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Brother Lu, you appeared here for no reason, right?" Xiao Ye looked at Lu Tianyou's avatar beside him, and said with a smile, this was already an inquiry.

"About this question, it seems easy to explain. I, Lu Tianyou, travel everywhere, and it's not surprising that I came to this Wangu Iceberg. After all, Wangu Iceberg has been very lively recently. It is also a demon race, and it is also a righteous way. It is not surprising that I am here. Yes, let’s join in the fun. Who knows that things will be more fun, the snowman king of the iceberg has appeared and was taken away, this is an interesting thing, why don’t I come and have a look?”

Lu Tianyou is just Lu Tianyou, with a few words, he wants to bypass all the problems. Obviously, Lu Tianyou didn't think so when he came here.

"Since we are here to watch the fun, what do you think brother Lu will do next?" Following Lu Tianyou's train of thought, Xiao Ye didn't want to pursue anything, let alone ask too many questions. He just asked Lu Tianyou what he planned to do next.

In Xiao Ye's consciousness, if Lu Tianyou makes a move, all his plans will be disrupted. After all, at this moment, he has no confidence that he will be able to defeat Lu Tianyou. This is a tricky role.

"I'm leaving tonight. I'm going to Wangu Bingshan, where there is not only the Iceberg Snow King, but also more interesting things. I believe that we may meet again there."

Lu Tianyou didn't hide anything, the destination he was going to next was the same as Xiao Ye's, which was the Eternal Iceberg.

"Something more interesting?" Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, "I wonder if Brother Lu can tell you something?"

Lu Tianyou is now in the territory of Bingshan Snowman, but he knows that Wangu Bingshan has more interesting things. Xiao Ye really doubts, where did he get the information?

"Brother Xiao, there is nothing to hide about this matter. It is all because of the Ice Mountain Snow King. Because of his disappearance, the Snowman Clan began to capture humans, which put a lot of pressure on the Demon Sect. Naturally, they wanted to find the Snowman King for the Snowman Clan. The king is inside the Eternal Iceberg, and the Demon Sect took action. As far as I know, the people responsible for this matter are very interesting, and one of them is the one you know, Nie Tiandao."

"Nie Tiandao? He joined in again?"

Xiao Ye frowned. Nie Tiandao seemed to be involved in all the major events he had experienced in these years. Now, Nie Tiandao was involved in the matter of Bingshan Snow King. This world is really small.

"It's not just Nie Tiandao, there is also a person who is as famous as him in the Mozong. It's best not to provoke this person. He is not as easy to get along with as Nie Tiandao. Once this person goes crazy, he doesn't care what the enemy is. People will go crazy and attack to death."

Lu Tianyou seemed to know everything. What happened not long ago, he already knew it like the back of his hand? However, he never forgot to remind Xiao Ye.

"Oh? Someone as famous as Nie Tiandao, it seems that brother Lu knows this person, can you tell me?" Xiao Ye became interested. For him, he had only heard of Nie Tiandao, and he also knew about Nie Tian. Knife is a powerful character.

But he didn't know that Mozong had someone as famous as Nie Tiandao, so Xiao Ye also became interested.

"Nicknamed Blood Drinking Knife Emperor, named Li Tian! This is a lunatic. He has no rules, but his strength is indeed very strong! He and Nie Tiandao are called the 'axes and knives' of the Demon Sect. Of course, in the Demon Sect Among the younger generation, there is also a most powerful figure, he is called 'Sword'."

Lu Tianyou said: "The Nether Sword God, Lei Zong, this is the most powerful character. What's more interesting is, what do you think this Lei Zong is doing now?"

Hearing the "axes, knives, and swords" of the Mozong, Xiao Ye was also thoroughly interested in it, but now he heard that the most powerful of the Mozong's younger generation turned out to be the Nether Sword God, Lei Zong.

"Hehe! Since Lei Zong, the Nether Sword God, is the most powerful of them, he is naturally doing something that the Demon Sect considers very important. As for what it is, I naturally don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing." Xiao Ye shrugged. .

"No! You must be interested in knowing." Lu Tianyou joked. In fact, when he knew what the ghost sword god Lei Zong was doing, he was also taken aback.

After all, he never thought that Xiao Ye was so important to the Mozong that he even sent the Nether Sword God to do this.

"Brother Lu, why don't you tell me." Lu Tianyou, a know-it-all, seemed to know everything, and Xiao Ye didn't want to make unnecessary guesses. He vaguely felt that what Lu Tianyou wanted to tell him was something important.

Lu Tianyou paused for a while, the flames on his body twisted, and he shook his head immediately: "My flame clone is not stable enough, and the time for talking is almost over. Brother Xiao, you have to be careful next time, my friends It’s best not to bring it with you, so as not to hurt innocent people.”

"The Nether Sword God Lei Zong, what he is doing now is chasing and killing you!"

(End of this chapter)

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