god system

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

"This old man will definitely not be mistaken. The fluctuations in the surrounding battles are enough to prove that this old man has already fought against them. Based on the analysis of the information from the fight, this person must be Xiao Ye."

The Holy Cicada affirmed his statement, but at this time, the face of the Withered Bone Sword Master showed a trace of bloodthirsty, he opened his mouth, and let out a low and dry voice.

"It's just right here, let's kill together."

In the view of Withered Bone Sword Master, Han Dongshui is not qualified to be a traitor. He has always been skeptical about this matter. Now that Xiao Ye joins the team, it means that Xiao Ye was also a traitor back then.

That day, this was just a guess. For Withered Bone Sword Master, guessing was enough for him to kill people, it was as simple as that.

"So you want me to spread the news and attract more strong men to surround and kill Xiao Ye?" Yuxiao Qinglong was also shocked by Xiao Ye's appearance, but he calmed down quickly, and he saw that The idea of ​​the empty cicada saint.

"That's right." The Holy Cicada nodded: "Things have changed now, and it's no longer as simple as killing Han Dongshui. I believe you all know Xiao Ye, and now no one can see through this person's cultivation. He just fought against this person. He is extremely powerful." Strong, and it looks like he still has reservations. So this matter must be notified to Zhengmo and Dao, so that more strong people can participate, otherwise why these people, I am afraid it will be a little embarrassing."

The Holy Cicada said, seeing the serious faces of Yuxiao Qinglong and Withered Bone Sword Venerable, he continued: "Besides, Xiao Ye is not the only one who saves lives, there are two other people who are equally strong, and one of them has the same aura as Dry Bone Sword Venerable." It is very similar, and it is also a difficult character. There is one person who has not made a move, and his strength is unknown. In addition, there is actually another person. According to the preliminary investigation of the old man, this last person's strength is mediocre. But that kind of strength should not enter the eternal iceberg, so There may be something hidden in that person."

After the empty cicada sage vomited everything, Sword Master Withered Bone, Yuxiao Qinglong and Su Ling realized the seriousness of the matter. It turned out that the enemy was not just Xiao Ye.

The Holy Cicada deliberately made Xiao Ye's assistant so powerful that they didn't dare to neglect him.

"Since this is the case, I will let me convey this matter. I believe that with Xiao Ye's reputation now, once this matter gets out, there will be many strong people who will come at the first time! No matter how good Xiao Ye is, if he wants to do it again It is absolutely impossible to leave the eternal iceberg."

As Yuxiao Qinglong said, he had already set up Dunguang immediately, and he was going to spread the news that Xiao Ye was in the eternal iceberg.

"Teacher, there are also many strong people who are cultivating in this eternal iceberg. On the way to pursue, you will pass on the news that Xiao Ye is here. I believe we will have many helpers in the future."

As the Holy Cicada said, a roar suddenly came from the void, and when he looked up, it was snow beasts flying overhead.

There are western flying dragons, phoenixes, falcons, and various shapes of snow beasts, covering the entire void.

The sixth floor of Eternal Iceberg No. 80 is an ice layer where flying snow beasts ravage. It is a dead layer. Because of the battle between Xiao Ye and the empty cicada saint, these flying snow beasts dare not approach.

Now that the battle is over, they naturally gathered here.

For humans who dare to come to this layer, the snow beasts have only one word, "kill"!
hoo hoo hoo!
The snow beasts swooped down and killed Kong Chan Sheng Zhe and others.


Withered Bone Sword Master's eyes turned cold, and at the point of the thin sword in his hand, a series of explosions came from the void, and hundreds of snow beasts died in the hands of Withered Bone Sword Master.

"Stop talking nonsense, chase!"

Withered Bone Sword Master took the lead and chased after Xiao Ye.His steps are very strange, not step by step like humans, but gliding, a very weird kind of gliding.

Although the speed is not as fast as flying, the trajectory is ever-changing, which is not easy.

Sword Master Withered Bone takes the lead, and Saint Kongchan is very happy. In fact, he has no intention of fighting Xiao Ye at this moment, but he has a task and needs to put on a show.

"Master, what should we do?"

As an apprentice, Su Ling knew the Holy Cicada the best. When the Holy Cicada mentioned Xiao Ye, Su Ling knew that his master had no intention of making a move, and most of his choices were to watch.

"Follow the master and play by ear. Maybe we can't keep watching this time, and we should take action when we have the chance."

As the empty cicada said, he had already stepped up to the withered bone sword master.

However, Su Ling was very puzzled about the words and actions of the empty cicada saint this time, which did not conform to the character of his master.

However, the Holy Cicada never liked being asked too much, so Su Ling also chose to remain silent.Of course she didn't know that the Holy Cicada had taken a fancy to the treasures on Xiao Ye, and if he could take them away, the Holy Cicada's strength would have to be improved a lot.

For this point, the Holy Cicada still attaches great importance to it, so if there is a chance, he will attack Xiao Ye.

On the sixth floor of Eternal Iceberg No.80, there are a lot of flying snow beasts. They will attack humans, especially humans flying in the void, which are the first targets they choose.

In the void, a stream of light wrapped in the power of lightning quickly passed by, and countless flying snow beasts in front of it blocked the way, but this stream of light just rushed past, and all the snow beasts blocking the way were smashed to pieces.

The snow beasts kept exploding, and Xiao Ye used the most direct and brutal way to open the way, regardless of energy consumption.

Even these snow beasts are scared when they see Xiao Ye. What kind of lunatic is this? He dares to be so rampant in my eternal iceberg.

Xiao Ye, who was running wildly all the way, looked very heavy at the moment. He knew that his identity would definitely be exposed after entering the Eternal Iceberg, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

If the empty cicada saint is not too stupid, he will be able to analyze his identity after reuniting with Kugu Jianzun and others, then a series of troubles will follow.

"Heh, I'm leaving Zhengyuan Continent anyway. Since there are troubles, let's come together! Let me solve it once and for all. No matter who it is, since they want to deal with me, they must prepare for my revenge!"

Although Xiao Ye has many magic weapons that cannot be used temporarily, those are not all Xiao Ye's methods.For Xiao Ye who has the title of Snowman, Eternal Bingshan is the most suitable battlefield for him.

Moreover, the effects of Little Red Potion and Little Blue Potion are almost doubled in dangerous places like the Eternal Iceberg. The deeper you go into the Eternal Iceberg, the more powerful and weak you are. Xiao Ye really can't believe it. In this Eternal Iceberg , who can take his own life.

Xiao Ye felt a sense of war in his heart, and it hadn't been like this for a long time since he came out of the closed door.Sure enough, in his bones, he was still eager to fight.

How can a life of gaming be without the company of fighting? If there is no excitement of fighting in the blood, then it is better to give up cultivation and live an ordinary life.

Wife and children are hot on the kang, why not be happy?

Everyone has their own ambitions, and practitioners want to become stronger. For them, fighting is the most interesting and exciting game!
Xiao Ye was extremely fast, broke through the sixth floor of No.80, and entered the fifth floor of the eternal iceberg No.80, and continued to move forward while maintaining his speed.

The Eternal Iceberg will not go smoothly all the way. There are snow beasts here, there are restrictions, and occasionally there will be people who have nothing to do to make trouble. Maybe Xiao Ye will encounter these, but now, what he has to do is to reach the deeper layer quickly.

The snowman's title of person prevents the cold from consuming Xiao Ye's energy, and Xiao Ye carries so much, and he relies entirely on spiritual energy to fly, which seems very simple.

Xiao Ye started his great escape, while Sword Master Withered Bones, Holy Cicada and Su Ling were chasing after him quickly. Before he reached the first floor, Su Ling would shout: "Xiao Ye, you melted Tailong Mountain with fire, and the world will not tolerate it. Today you enter the eternal world!" Bingshan, don’t even think about getting out alive.”

Her figure, with the fluctuation of true energy, can instantly spread across a layer of eternal icebergs, and all the strong practitioners will hear such words.

Many of these strong men are from the Demon Sect. They hate Xiao Ye, so they naturally joined the hunting team very quickly.

And there are still many who want to be famous and join in the fun. In short, more and more people are joining the hunt.

A big chase slowly took shape in the Wangu Iceberg. The Wangu Iceberg, which had been relatively calm all this time, ushered in the craziest riot in history.

All this is because of Xiao Ye!
"Xiao Ye? Why did he come here? He's still so high-profile, doesn't he want to live anymore?"

Nie Tiandao and Blood Drinking Knife Emperor were searching for traces of Ice Mountain Snow King on a certain floor, but suddenly heard the news that Xiao Ye had arrived at the Eternal Ice Mountain. This news made Nie Tiandao frowned, while Blood Drinking Knife Emperor faintly became excited .

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, my luck has come, whether it is Bingshan Snow King or Xiao Ye, they are all in my pocket. Nie Tiandao, what you can't do, I will do it It must be completed in the eternal iceberg!"

The blood-drinking knife emperor's excitement was not unreasonable. Nie Tiandao had never done well with Xiao Ye's matter, so the blood-drinking knife emperor always wanted to use Xiao Ye to prove that he was better than Nie Tiandao.

Poor Xiao Ye, he has never met the Emperor of Blood Drinking Knife, but he treats him as an enemy, it is really speechless.

The eternal iceberg boiled, and at this time, Xiao Ye also passed it to the Zhengyuan Continent through the jade flute and green dragon. The Demon Sect who got the news first did not make any movement, but the righteous people immediately sent a large number of experts. Refers to the eternal iceberg.

In an instant, because of Xiao Ye, the Wangu Iceberg came into everyone's sight again. This time, everyone was very curious. After the Tailongshan incident, will Xiao Ye shock the Zhengyuan Continent again this time, or will he be directly obliterated in Wangu Inside the iceberg.

In the realm of the Demon Sect, somewhere thousands of miles away from the Eternal Iceberg, there is a black shadow under the shade of a tree. You can only vaguely see this black shadow with long hair and many birds standing on its shoulders and palms.

The picture is peaceful, and the birds seem to like the easy-going aura of this person.

"Is it in the eternal iceberg?"

The corner of the man's mouth turned up, and the birds seemed to sense something, and they flew away one after another. Then the man's body moved, as if it turned into a divine sword, and pointed directly at the eternal iceberg. The speed was so fast that half of the breath disappeared. no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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