god system

Chapter 554

Chapter 554
What made Lei Zong even more delighted was that there were already reinforcements waiting ahead, so he continued to fly forward, and first encountered two reinforcements.

"Two friends, Xiao Ye is chasing from the rear. The three of you and I can't guarantee that we can kill it. We pretend to flee and continue to join the reinforcements in front. It won't be too late to kill this monster later."

Lei Zong immediately sent a voice transmission to these two reinforcements. This is Wu Zun and Wu Wang. When the two heard the words, their hearts were shocked, they nodded immediately, and fled with Lei Zong.

When Lei Zong was chasing Xiao Ye before, he was domineering and even partly against himself, which made the strong men very unhappy, but now Xiao Ye is chasing after him, and their common goal is to kill Xiao Ye first.

Going forward, I found the aura of three strong men, two Martial Venerables and one Spiritual Venerable. As long as we join them, it will not be a problem to deal with Xiao Ye.

At that moment, the three of Lei Zong chose to slow down at the same time. They wanted to attract Xiao Ye, and at the same time, the three of Lei Zong also sent voice transmission to the three reinforcements ahead.

Six people, this temporary team was ready to fight in an instant, but Xiao Ye didn't seem to notice this at all, he continued to chase and approached quickly.

The magic pattern on Lei Zong's forehead has faded and retreated. His strength has returned to the original level, but he has been seriously injured, and the use of the previous magic pattern consumed a lot of energy. He was weak for a while, and his strength was only four. Chengdu is less than.

Xiao Ye was still approaching, and Lei Zong and the other six were slowly gathering together. They were like hunters who had shot a trap, waiting for their prey to take the bait.

From their faces, there was a cold bloodthirsty expression. Except for Lei Zong, the other five of them had a grudge against Xiao Ye. If they could avenge their vengeance on the Eternal Iceberg today, it would be extremely fun.

Most importantly, with Xiao Ye's current reputation, if Xiao Ye could be killed, their reputation would definitely be greatly shaken. With a prestigious reputation, everything would be much easier to do.

The six of them, including Lei Zong, are complacent at the moment. Xiao Ye is strong, but after being chased to this moment, naturally he cannot maintain his peak state. With the six of them working together, it is not a difficult problem to kill him.


Finally, the ear-piercing sound of escaping into the void rang in the ears of the six people. From a distance, a stream of extremely fast light could be seen approaching. That person was none other than Xiao Ye.

Seeing that Xiao Ye was in such a state of distress, it was obvious that he had spent a lot of money before, which made the six people even more happy, and it was almost imperative to kill him.

The six of them quietly mobilized the power in their bodies, Lei Zong did not know when he came to the rear, at this time he was seriously injured, and he absolutely could not confront Xiao Ye head-on.

And through the fight just now, Lei Zong also understood Xiao Ye's horror. If the six of them wanted to kill Xiao Ye, at least three of them would have to be sacrificed. Lei Zong was not a fool, he would not let himself sacrifice here.

They had good plans, but they didn't know that there was a crisis approaching quickly behind them. They didn't block Xiao Ye's way, let alone block Xiao Ye, and there was no so-called trap.

They just changed from hunters to prey, and they were attacked by Xiao Ye and the magic weapon from both sides!

"Magic weapon! Do it!"

Xiao Ye, who was approaching quickly, was attacked by a sharp sword light from a distance, and at the same time roared.

The six people who were ready were just about to make a move, but there was a scream behind them, and they were all stunned when they saw it.

I saw a little white cat flying in the sky, showing a pitiful smile. The little cat's paw accurately slapped Lei Zong's back, and it directly broke through Lei Zong's defense. The back, scratched directly, and grabbed Lei Zong's body.

"It's you kid who is rampant, right? Go to hell!"

The magic weapon licked the corner of his mouth, still looking terrifying, but when he entered Lei Zong's sharp claws, it contained endless power, making Lei Zong unable to move.

"how is this possible?"

Lei Zong never imagined that his generation of talented killers, the strongest young disciple of the Demon Sect, would be unable to move in the hands of a cat, without the power to resist.

He was not reconciled, he was about to kill Xiao Ye, why did such an accident happen?

In fact, this is not an accident, the battle is either you live or I die, when Lei Zong started to use the strong inside the eternal iceberg to block Xiao Ye, he was destined to be obliterated by the magic weapon that came to help.


Lei Zong's body was turned into pieces in the hands of the magic weapon, and there was no place to die. This scene made the remaining five strong men tremble with fear. In front, Xiao Ye had already sent out slashing attacks, attacking back and forth, and they Only then did he realize that he had fallen into the other party's trap.

"Master, get out of the way!"

When Xiao Ye sent out a slash and was about to start killing, the magic weapon suddenly let out a roar, and immediately behind the magic weapon, there was an extremely terrifying aura, which Xiao Ye was very familiar with, because he had seen it with his own eyes. I saw it once.

It was issued by the toad sword that Mrs. Ermine called Swag. At that time, Dongfang Zhantian almost died on the spot in front of this random move.

But at this moment, this move is obviously much stronger than before, obviously it was due to the mercy of Toad Sword's men!
Xiao Ye didn't dare to think too much. After sending out the sword glow, he immediately backed away to the sides, leaving only the five panicked strong men who hadn't figured out a plan in the center.


At this moment, a roar resounded through the fifth floor of Eternal Iceberg No. 30, and then a huge light burst out from behind the magic weapon, covering the five strong men in an instant.

"not good!"

"Oops, it's a monster!"

"Damn it, I have an old man and a young man, I don't want to die yet!"


Toad Sword's attack, although the five strong men reacted at the last moment, it was too late for them to escape, and they could only be swallowed by energy.

They persisted for a little while in the energy center, but they couldn't hold on after all, and fell into the attack one after another.

The huge energy group has been flickering in the void for dozens of breaths, and then slowly reduced and disappeared without a trace. Xiao Ye also saw the magic weapon and the toad monster that had shrunk by an unknown number of times, the Swag Toad Sword !
"Damn it, Toad Sword, you kid want to scare me to death? Isn't it just to deal with five young men? It takes so much effort, do you use a big move?" The magic weapon reprimanded Toad Sword immediately.

Toad Sword stretched out its short forelimbs, and scratched its head in embarrassment: "Isn't this the one called to kill by Senior Magical Treasure?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ye was shocked.

The strength of this Toad Sword is naturally higher than his own, and it left an impression that he was almost invincible in Cangman Mountain.Such a monster is terrifying and ferocious, but in front of the magic weapon, he is only cute as a junior.

Xiao Ye couldn't help asking——

What the hell is going on?

"What's going on, master? Why are you in the eternal iceberg? And why are you with the demons? Why is someone chasing you again? There is a large group behind you, what is going on?"

Before Xiao Ye could ask any questions, Magic Weapon asked a lot of questions.

Xiao Ye just wanted to answer, but he didn't know how to say it for a while.

"It's a long story, and I'll explain it slowly on the road. By the way, why did you come here? Did you see Zixin's team on the road?"

Ignoring doubts for now, at this moment, the crisis is temporarily resolved, and with the magic weapon and the toad sword, the power on his side has become stronger again. In this eternal iceberg, Xiao Ye no longer needs to be afraid of anyone.

"I see, they don't seem to be very safe. After all, there is a demon. As long as you investigate carefully, you will find it easily. But there seems to be a very powerful woman in their team. I can't see through her. At least the soul is very strong. I want to come It shouldn’t be a problem to protect the demons.”

The magic weapon told what he had heard and seen, and the woman he was talking about was naturally Ling Luo.

Xiao Ye shook his head: "Ling Luo does have strength now, but lacks experience. She has absolutely no problem protecting herself, but she may be powerless to protect them in a melee."

Xiao Ye was still worried about Ling Luo and the others. Ling Luo turned into a fighting state, that was Luo Ling. Luo Ling didn't care about the life or death of Huo Wu and the others. Once they entered a melee, Huo Wu and the others would be very dangerous.

"Let's not talk about this first, master, you came to the Eternal Iceberg to leave the Zhengyuan Continent through the interface channel, right?" The magic weapon came here to tell you something important.

"Hmm! That's exactly how it was planned." Xiao Ye suddenly felt something was wrong as he spoke. He frowned and looked at the magic weapon: "How do you know that there is an interface channel in the eternal iceberg?"

"Master, you are really confused. I came here for the interface channel. We Warcraft received a special message, informing us that there is an interface channel in the Eternal Iceberg. At this time, Mrs. Ermine led the army of Warcraft, and the Eternal Iceberg had been captured. Sealed, no one is allowed to enter or exit. Just wait for the strong human beings to arrive, and work together to block the interface channel of the eternal iceberg, your time is running out."

Fabao quickly and simply explained the process to Xiao Ye.

At that moment, Xiao Ye's complexion sank.

Warcraft received a secret message and was told that there is an interface channel in the eternal iceberg.

Knowing this news, Warcraft naturally attaches great importance to it. They will take action to seal the interface channel, and they are already preparing. Once the interface channel is blocked, it is unlikely that Xiao Ye and others want to leave.

What made Xiao Ye more concerned was who gave the news?
If there is no accident, the one who gave the news to Warcraft is likely to be the Demon Race.

The demons clearly knew the existence of this channel. In order to prevent Huo Wu from returning to the demons, they informed the humans of the news and used human hands to seal off all Huo Wu's escape routes.

In this way, Huo Wu's status in the Demon Race should not be low, at least she will make the Demon Race fear, otherwise the Demon Race would not do this.

After analyzing this point, Xiao Ye thinks that this is already a matter of chance.

"How long will it take for them to seal the interface channel?" Xiao Ye frowned and asked the magic weapon.

"I don't know! But it won't be too long. I entered the Eternal Iceberg to find out the specific location of the interface channel. However, with Mrs. Ermine's character, she must have sent several other teams. Once they find the interface channel, they will take action." Measures. And after the strong human beings arrive, the seal will start, so master, time is running out, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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