god system

Chapter 561 Absolutely Powerful!Gu Feiyang

Chapter 561 Absolutely Powerful!Gu Feiyang

A strong man, nine people appeared in the end. When these nine people appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be boiled by temperature, twisting continuously, as if it might collapse at any time.

The nine people are very experienced. They spread out to the surroundings immediately to avoid the fusion of energy and breath. In this way, the nine people split into nine directions, condescending, and looked at the eternal iceberg.

"Oh? I didn't expect you, Gu Feiyang, to come forward in person. This is a bit beyond Madam's expectation."

Mrs. Ermine flew up into the sky, and appeared in front of a man in white clothes with a bone-like fairy style and flying long hair.

This man looked to be in his early twenties, extremely handsome, with a pair of golden eyes gleaming, looking down at the world, as if everything in the Zhengyuan Continent could not escape his eyes.

Such a young face, but with a pair of vicissitudes of life, especially in every move, there is a bit of kingly air, even a smile, it is so mature and stable, as if everything is under his control.

This person is Gu Feiyang in Mrs. Ermine's mouth. Even Xiao Ye has never seen the aura of light and light, and the human being who can make Mrs. Ermine talk to him on an equal footing is naturally not an ordinary person. Gu Feiyang is one of the legends among human beings.

"Mrs. Ermine, long time no see."

Gu Feiyang smiled slightly at Mrs. Ermine, without the slightest hint of humility, as if treating his friends as equals.

"Hehe! It's been 50 years, not too long." Mrs. Ermine smiled lightly, her words were familiar. The 50 years thrown out at random can't help but make people laugh. You must know that Xiao Ye is only 22 now. When the person in front of him opened his mouth, he hadn't seen him for 50 years. Isn't that too long?
"Oh? Has it been 50 years? It's really time travel. Time flies. I'm already old, but Mrs. Ermine still looks as good as before. I'm ashamed."

Gu Feiyang doesn't seem to have any concept of time, but he seems to be in his early twenties, but he says he is old.

Mrs. Ermine shook her head noncommittally. The conversation between the monster and the people seemed extremely calm. They were not arrogant or impetuous. It was clear that the eternal iceberg was in front of them, and the interface channel was included. Ordinary people should be anxious.

"Mrs. Silver Mouse, can you elaborate on the interface channel?" Gu Feiyang and Mrs. Silver Mouse exchanged a few polite words before getting to the point. The calm tone was like a king controlling everything.

Mrs. Ermine nodded, flicked her jade finger lightly, and a beam of energy was suspended in the void. The energy exploded and turned into a banner made of energy, with the words "Eternal Iceberg, Interface Channel" written on it.

"I don't know who sent this letter, and my wife got it by accident. Because the matter is so important, I immediately led the children to the Eternal Iceberg. After investigating, I found that there is indeed an interface channel here. The people of the demon race are afraid that they will be killed. It came to the Zhengyuan Continent from the interface channel."

Mrs. Yinshu said: "This means that the demons have discovered this passage. If it is not closed in time, many demons will be mixed into the Zhengyuan Continent. At that time, there will be attacks from both inside and outside, and the continent will be in danger."

Mrs. Ermine has always been too lazy to explain too much. She has always looked at humans with disdain. Now facing Gu Feiyang, Mrs. Ermine is eloquent without any concealment. She is still vaguely consulting Gu Feiyang. Flappy views.

It can be seen how high Gu Feiyang's status is in Mrs. Ermine's heart. To put it another way, Gu Feiyang's status in Zhengyuan Continent is probably not low.

Gu Feiyang squinted his eyes and stared at the banner of Mrs. Ermine, without any movement, and did not answer Mrs. Ermine's words. Instead, after a few breaths of silence, he said slowly: "This is news from the Demon Race." .”

"News from the Demon Race?" Mrs. Ermine was surprised: "Why did they do this?"

Regarding Gu Feiyang's analysis, Mrs. Ermine didn't have any doubts. Since Gu Feiyang dared to say that, he just saw something on the banner, and there was no need to ask about such a trivial matter.

"What is the purpose of the demons, I don't know for the time being, but their ultimate purpose is very clear, which is to use our hands to seal the interface channel."

Gu Feiyang is worthy of being a senior expert, and he hit the key point in one sentence. His way of thinking and thinking angle are not comparable to Mrs. Ermine.

From Mrs. Ermine's point of view, knowing that the Eternal Iceberg has an interface channel, it is urgent to seal him as soon as possible.

But when they got to Gu Feiyang, they directly analyzed that the demons were using them to seal the interface channel with their power.

There is no time to wait, and she is being used. This makes Mrs. Ermine feel that her IQ has been challenged. The damn demons are actually teasing him?

In fact, Mrs. Ermine does not need to blame herself, at least she is not the first person to think this way, you must know that she had communicated with one of the human emperors before, and that Emperor Wu also thought that the matter was urgent and wanted to seal the interface channel, and the first Reported before time.

It is really rare to be able to see through the essence of the matter at a glance in an emergency like Gu Feiyang.

"Damn demons want to use us. They probably don't have the ability to seal this interface channel, so they want our help. If that's the case, then we won't seal this channel."

Mrs. Ermine's heart was burning with anger, and she wished to tear the corpse of the demon who sent the news to pieces.

"No! The interface channel still needs to be sealed." Gu Feiyang shook his head.

"Why? Knowing that you are being used, you still continue?" Mrs. Ermine was puzzled. If you want to seal the interface channel, why is Gu Feiyang talking so much nonsense?
Obviously, Gu Feiyang would not be such an idiot, nor would he waste time on useless things, he must have his reasons.

"The existence of the interface channel means that foreigners can enter the Zhengyuan Continent. This is a crisis, and it must be lifted, and it must be sealed. The question is how to seal it, whether it is a complete seal or a temporary seal."

Gu Feiyang said: "The demons use us, which means that they have no way to seal the interface channel, or it will cost a lot of money to seal it. And why they want to seal the interface channel is worth thinking about."

"Gu Feiyang, don't be tricky, explain the matter clearly to Mrs. Ben. Mrs. Ben doesn't like your devious character."

Mrs. Ermine finally couldn't hold back anymore. Gu Feiyang knew clearly, but he said slowly, this human being is really annoying, is it interesting to make a detour?

Gu Feiyang shook his head and smiled. He said: "What's weird about the interface channel needs further investigation. The only thing that is certain is that the existence of the interface channel has affected the demons. Sealing the interface channel is good for them."

"Talk about the part that is not sure." Mrs. Ermine rolled her eyes, and everyone knows that further investigations, the problem is that further investigations will take time, so let's talk about the analysis first.

Facing Mrs. Yinshu who was eager to know the truth, Gu Feiyang was still as stable as Mount Tai. He said: "Madam, don't worry for now, wait for me to pass the news to the Wangu Iceberg. Now in the Wangu Iceberg, there is a demon clan, and there is another one named Xiao. Ye Zhiren, the goal of these two people is obviously the interface channel, I am afraid they will escape if it is too late."

Speaking of Gu Feiyang, he took a step forward, and the world seemed to feel the shock of this step, and then Gu Feiyang closed his eyes, and soul power burst out from Gu Feiyang's body, rushing into the eternal iceberg crazily .

Just do what you say, it's true that Gu Feiyang is a decisive person.


On the 19th floor of Eternal Iceberg, Xiao Ye and the others, who had the assistance of Snow Beast, were advancing all the way, but at this moment, Ling Luo's complexion suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Xiao Ye frowned. In fact, at that moment, Xiao Ye also faintly felt something was wrong. He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he just had that feeling.

"It's such a powerful soul power. There is a peerless powerhouse outside the Eternal Iceberg. His soul power has passed into the Eternal Iceberg. It should be a super master."

Ling Luo sensed super strong soul fluctuations, which made Ling Luo feel terrified, such soul fluctuations were too strong.

"Soul fluctuations?" Xiao Ye's heart trembled. Ling Luo's words were absolutely true, but he could only faintly feel the fluctuations, which showed that the other party was really strong in a mess.

Who is it?
"Friends in Wangu Iceberg, please listen to me." Gu Feiyang's voice rang in the minds of everyone in Wangu Iceberg. At that moment, no matter who it was, they felt the shock from their souls.

They looked up, and although what they saw was the snow-white ice wall, it seemed that there was a peerless expert hidden in the ice wall, a master who was enough to make them kneel on the ground and bow down!
"Inside the Eternal Iceberg, there is an interface passage, which will be sealed soon. However, the demons and Xiao Ye entered the Eternal Iceberg. Their goal is the interface passage. Before we find the interface passage and seal it, I hope everyone can gather you With the power to block or even kill the demons and Xiao Ye, they must not be allowed to leave the Zhengyuan Continent."

The words stopped here, although they were short, they shocked everyone's minds.

Interface channel, Demon Race, Xiao Ye, these key words fell into the minds of the strong and blocked them. All the peerless masters below the nineteenth floor gave up their cultivation because of this. They began to arrange to block Xiao Ye and the Demon Race.

And the team of strong men who were still chasing after them quickly expanded countless times. Nie Tiandao and Blood Drinking Knife Emperor finally knew Xiao Ye's purpose.

It turned out to be the interface channel, and they wanted to escape from the Zhengyuan Continent.

Now that the situation between the Devil Realm and Zhengyuan Continent is tense, they must have grasped something, so they are eager to escape. If they are allowed to escape, things may be very serious, and even affect the stability of Zhengyuan Continent.

At this moment, it is no longer personal hatred, but what is related to the situation in Zhengyuan Continent.

Gu Feiyang's simple words, like a bomb, attracted all the strong people in the eternal iceberg, and the complexions of everyone in Xiao Ye's team changed because of this!

(End of this chapter)

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