god system

Chapter 564 Space Portal

Chapter 564 Space Portal
"Teacher, we succeeded. Now relax your whole body, and don't resist any pain in your body, otherwise it will affect your cultivation."

The temporary cover of the interface channel has been completed, Immortal Zixia immediately came to Xiao Xiaojia's side, looking at the pale and powerless Xiao Xiaojia, feeling distressed, a spiritual energy immediately injected into Xiao Xiaojia's body.

Zixia Immortal Venerable is quite an experienced senior. Before injecting energy, she used words to stabilize Xiao Xiaojia's emotions and let Xiao Xiaojia relax. After the spiritual energy entered Xiao Xiaojia's body, she was shocked to find that the energy in Xiao Xiaojia's body was exhausted.

Due to the depletion of energy, the life breath in Xiao Xiaojia's body became very weak, even the meridians were exhausted, if not adjusted in time, life would be in danger.

For Xiao Ye to do this, Immortal Zixia couldn't help sighing—why bother!

Xiao Xiaojia relaxed her body. Under Zixia Immortal Venerable's careful adjustment, Xiao Xiaojia's body was quickly out of danger. After Xiao Xiaojia let out a deep breath, it was finally all right.

"Thank you, Master."

Xiao Xiaojia sat up straight, looking at the interface channel that had been perfectly covered, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to adjust her energy to sit cross-legged into meditation.

The aura in Xiao Xiaojia's body was completely empty, and because she was too persistent just now, even her body was affected, and the influence on her body has been roughly controlled by Zixia Xianzun, Xiao Xiaojia only needs to adjust it.

The Zixia Immortal Venerable also lost a lot of damage. After confirming that there was no problem with Xiao Xiaojia, she also began to meditate to repair it.

In the other place, the Iceberg Snow King canceled the picture on the ice wall, because the time for the scouting monster to arrive here was very approaching.

The only task of probing Warcraft is to find the interface channel, and they will not pay attention to humans or snowmen, unless they encounter threats.

Therefore, as long as Bingshan Snow King, Ling Zixin and Xiao Xiaojia did not take any action, those probing monsters would not attack them. They were very safe.

On the first layer of the Eternal Iceberg, the cold air turned into a whirlwind, sweeping across this layer crazily, the whistling cold air, wherever it passed, was icy cold!
If human beings come here, the extremely strong cold air will penetrate into the bone marrow. So far, no one has been able to cultivate in the first layer of the eternal iceberg.

Because when you reach the first floor, you can basically do nothing but keep out the cold, and entering the first floor consumes a lot of energy, so it's good to say whether you can go back alive.

Because this is a dangerous place, occasionally strong people come here with curiosity, but they just take a look and leave immediately, no one has ever stayed here.

On the ground of the first layer of the eternal iceberg, many scout monsters fell to the ground and died because they couldn't stand the cold.Less than a breath after they die, they will be sealed in thick ice.

Even if the probing monster has an extremely strong body, as powerful as a Xiaoqiang, it is not so easy to enter the first layer of the eternal iceberg.

Some survived, and naturally some died because of it.

At this moment, the living probing monsters are also struggling. They gathered together and explored on the ground, surrounding a ground with a radius of Zhang Xu, and explored for a long time.

"Under the ice wall is unusual, there are spatial fluctuations."

After a careful search, the probing monsters confirmed that there was something strange on the ground under their feet.

At that moment, the probing monsters gathered together, sending out waves of energy, which merged into the ground.

The ice and snow began to melt, and gradually, the scouting monsters saw a water curtain vortex under the ice and snow, which was a space portal.

The eyes of the monsters who were investigating were greatly enlightened. The first layer of the eternal iceberg was not the lowest. Below this lowest layer, there is a space portal, which must have a lot of meaning.

In fact, where they are now, I don't know how deep they are in the ground.Going down, there is probably no way to go, but now there is a space portal, this eternal iceberg is really special.

Generally speaking, space portals are created artificially, and Wangu Bingshan will not have such a portal by itself.

In other words, if a creature once came to the first layer of the eternal iceberg and created a space portal through special means, he must have a purpose.

Combined with the existence of the interface channel, the person arriving here is probably not a resident of the Zhengyuan Continent, but a master of another interface, or the demon race.

In any case, the probing monsters have discovered this portal, and they are currently melting the ice to see if there is an interface channel on the other side of the portal.

Other things have nothing to do with the detection of Warcraft. The only thing they have to do is to find the interface channel. This is their task.

"Speed ​​up, the first layer of the eternal iceberg is too cold, we can't stay for too long, otherwise we will all die here."

The leader of the Detective Demonic Beast issued an order, and even he felt the terrific cold. At this moment, if they didn't speed up, their team would be wiped out before they found the interface channel.

It is precisely because the coldness of the Eternal Iceberg is so strong that even existences like Hama Sword have not entered the first layer of the Eternal Iceberg. It is conceivable how strong the defenses of these probing monsters are.

The detection of Warcraft has discovered the portal, and it will be a matter of time before the ice seal is released and it enters.

At this moment, on the seventh floor of the Eternal Iceberg, Xiao Ye is shooting rapidly. The difference is that his power at this moment is not as violent as before, and besides him are not only many more snow beasts, but magic weapons also appear there.

There is a certain time limit for borrowing energy. Now that the time has come, the magic weapon and Xiao Ye are naturally separated.And they are moving forward together now, to enter the first layer of the eternal iceberg as quickly as possible.

The snow beast is their greatest helper, the cold air seems to have nothing to do with them, no one has ever entered the depths of the eternal iceberg so easily, Xiao Ye and the others can be regarded as the first such team.

But at this moment, they didn't dare to relax, because they knew that there must be strong people chasing them from behind, and they were still racing against time, either fleeing or dying on the eternal iceberg.

"Senior magic weapon."

In front of him, Toad Sword appeared, and there were no monsters around him, which made Xiao Ye and the others tremble.

"Toad Sword, where's the investigation team?" Fabao asked.

"I have already reached the ice layer below, I guess I have reached the first ice layer! I have tried my best, but the ice layer below is too cold for me to go." Toad Sword explained.

"Thank you for your help." Xiao Ye still maintained the fastest speed. After thanking Ha Toad Jian, he said to the magic weapon: "Baby weapon, let's stop here. You stay with Ha Toad Sword, so as not to be criticized."

"Master, the ice layer below is very dangerous, let me accompany you for a while." The treasure didn't want to leave just like that.

"No! There are no people cultivating on the ice below, and the cold air and snow beasts are our help. Basically, there is no danger. All we have to do is to leave as quickly as possible."

"Master, if you leave the Zhengyuan Continent this time, when will you come back? Even the demons are going to fight the Zhengyuan Continent. In this case, it is impossible for you not to participate?"

Babao knew that it was time to separate. He regarded Xiao Ye as a friend, and at this moment his heart was full of reluctance. He wanted to know when he could see Xiao Ye again.

"If I can leave safely, I will naturally come back. Even if I am in another interface, I will try my best to prevent the demons from invading. If unfortunately this battle is really unavoidable, then naturally the only way is to fight the demons. Specifically It's hard to say the time and the situation now, but you already have some status in Warcraft, baby, and you can develop well, and you can play a big role by then."

No one can say what will happen in the future, and whether he can leave the Eternal Iceberg safely is still a matter of debate.

At this moment, Xiao Ye couldn't utter certain words, but one thing was certain, that is, no matter how the humans and monsters in Zhengyuan Continent viewed him, Xiao Ye would not give up as he had his relatives and friends here.

If the Zhengyuan Continent is killed, Xiao Ye will definitely provide reinforcements with all his strength, it's as simple as that.

Now the magic weapon and Chimpanzee King Kong are very close. If they can make good use of this relationship, the magic weapon will have a great say in the future, so the magic weapon cannot leave the Zhengyuan Continent.

"Hehe! People in the world betray me, and I don't betray people in the world. Master, when did you become so decent? You should be more selfish." Fabao smiled, Xiao Ye is indeed mature now.

Xiao Ye is not as great as the magic weapon said. The reason why he did this was because he didn't want his relatives and friends to be hurt. As for other people in the Zhengyuan Continent, Xiao Ye naturally didn't care much.

He can dissolve Tailong Mountain with fire, which explains everything.

There are always some fetters in the world that cannot be let go, because of these fetters, you have to do something that is not too selfish.

"Okay, master, Toad Sword and I will go first, be careful on the road ahead!"

The magic weapon left the team and merged with Hama Sword. Xiao Ye, Ling Zixin, Han Dongshui, Huo Wu and Ling Luo walked together on the next road.

At this moment, because of Su Ling's death, a big stone in Han Dongshui's heart has been put down, and she can leave Zhengyuan Continent with Xiao Ye and others more freely.

Although I don't know what will greet them after leaving the Zhengyuan Continent, but the Zhengyuan Continent is too cruel to them, strong.

Xiao Ye didn't say anything, he saved countless people, and was hunted down by countless people in the end.

Han Dongshui was wronged and almost died of injustice.

Ling Luo's relatives were killed, and the great revenge was not avenged.

Ling Zixin was killed by Yang Shuo, and now she can't really be said to be alive, but even Ling Shui, who was closest to her, was captured by the demons.

Not to mention Huo Wu, as a demon, she could survive in the Zhengyuan Continent.

Four women and one man, they all have to leave Zhengyuan Continent, leave this land of right and wrong, no matter whether they can make a comeback, at least let themselves live first!
"Everyone, speed up! The destination is almost here!"

Xiao Ye's eyes focused, and the team's escape speed increased to another level!
(End of this chapter)

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