god system

Chapter 568 Channels Connecting 7 Interfaces

Chapter 568 Channels Connecting the Seven Interfaces
Not to mention that the interface channel has been temporarily closed by Gu Feiyang, even if the interface channel is intact and can be entered, these strong men will not pursue it foolishly.

First of all, the interface channel exists even they don't know how it exists, and secondly, the danger in the interface channel is self-evident, even if they enter it, they are likely to be trapped in an unknown space, lost from then on, and spend the rest of their lives.

They didn't have a deep hatred with Xiao Ye. Although there was a demon among them, they would not risk their lives to hunt them down. They would not know who died by then.

Even Xiao Feng, who had been humiliated, chose to leave, let alone these strong men who had never had contact with Xiao Ye or the Demon Race?
Gu Feiyang temporarily closed the interface channel, then there must be a next move, and the strong people are unwilling to leave, they are all waiting in this ice layer.

But to be honest, even if the strength reaches the level of Wu Sheng and Ling Sheng, they are still greatly affected by the cold air at this level.

It is almost impossible for these strong people to cultivate in this level, and they can't stay for too long, otherwise there may be a lack of energy on the way back, and it will be a living tragedy if they die on the eternal iceberg .

Interface channel, when Xiao Ye and others entered, they felt that their bodies became unreal. Their bodies twisted and twisted with the interface channel, and their sights were no longer the real objects they usually saw, but seven bars of different colors. energy lines.

Each energy line emits a suction force with different sizes, and the common purpose is to suck Xiao Ye and others into it.

Xiao Ye is naturally facing this situation for the first time. The interface channel is much more complicated than imagined. Although he knows how to walk through it, each energy line emits different suction and different interface fluctuations. leading them to unpassable interfaces?
"This interface channel is rather special. It is not a connection between individual interfaces. Seven interface lines connect seven different interfaces, and the black one leads to the devil world. Remember, the further you go, the stronger the suction force of the interface line. Big, we must not deviate from the track, because after reaching the front, it is impossible to see the seven interface lines at the same time. Once we leave the track, we will lose our way. If you are lucky, you can return to the original track. The interface line, if you are unlucky, you will always be trapped in the interface channel."

Until now, Huo Wu finally explained the interface channel in front of everyone. The precautions are very scary, because if you are not careful, you will be trapped in the interface channel and you will never be able to get out.

Shuttle interface, this is an extremely difficult thing, the interface is too far apart, and has a completely different geographical environment, weather environment, ethnic environment... In short, basically everything is different.

Shuttle interface, this is a different race, the process of influencing other races is forbidden in this world, so it is also very difficult to shuttle interface.

Of course, some superpowers have cultivated to the peak in their own interface, and their various resources have also reached the peak, so if they want to seek breakthroughs and better resources, they will use their supernatural powers to open up the interface channel for themselves.

When the strength has reached a certain level, you can no longer feel the existence of the space, but the existence of the interface. Only with the feeling can the channel be opened.

At this moment, although Xiao Ye and the others are in the interface channel, they did not open the interface channel, and they did not come here voluntarily, so they were forced to do so.

After all, with their strength, it is very dangerous to shuttle through the interface channel.

"Xiao Jia, senior Zixia, drink the potion first to restore some strength, and then we can go on the road."

After handing the little blue potion to Xiao Xiaojia and Zixia Immortal Venerable respectively, Xiao Ye thought about it, and mobilized the true energy in his body.

Huo Wu seemed to see what Xiao Ye wanted to do, and reached out to stop Xiao Ye: "It's useless, any imprint is useless in the interface channel, and even the breath can't be felt here. So no matter what you plant What kind of imprint, what method to use to contact, are all futile."

Hearing this, Xiao Ye's heart trembled. If this is the case, then this interface channel is really dangerous.

As a result, Xiao Ye's original idea came to nothing. He looked at Ling Zixin, and in this case, Ling Zixin should be included in the package.

Ling Zixin seemed to understand Xiao Ye's thoughts suddenly, she cast her gaze over, she seemed to have no emotion, but it made Xiao Ye feel a sense of resistance.


Xiao Ye's heart trembled slightly. Since Ling Shui was arrested, Ling Zixin's sense of autonomy has become stronger and stronger, and now she can make her own decisions.

She doesn't want to enter the package, she wants to be outside, and she wants to save Ling Shui.

This is a good sign. Although there are risks in the outside world, Xiao Ye still respects Ling Zixin's decision.

After Zixia Xianzun and Xiao Xiaojia took the potion, their energy recovered a lot. Of course, they haven't reached the peak yet, but it's not bad to be able to do this now.

"Let's go, everyone control the rhythm, don't be too anxious, you must move forward along the black interface channel, and don't leave the team when you go. If someone leaves, no matter what the situation is, you can't go to help."

Before setting off, Xiao Ye made a final explanation. No one can guarantee safety in this journey, but no matter what, the whole army cannot be wiped out.

If someone breaks away from the black boundary line and other people go to help, everyone will leave in the end, and the whole army will be wiped out.

Although cruel, Xiao Ye had to say that he couldn't bet on everyone's life.

Zixia Xianzun, Xiao Xiaojia, Huo Wu, Ling Zixin, Ling Luo and Han Dongshui all expressed their understanding of what Xiao Ye said, no matter how cruel the reality is, this is the only way to go at this moment.

Speaking of which, Xiao Ye's popularity with women is not good, but by chance, there are six women traveling through the interface with him, which can't help but make people sigh.

"Mission release, shuttle interface, mission rewards, a bottle of invincible potion, and the glory store opens."

Before departure, the divine outfit system issued a mission, which was very important because he opened the Glory Store and a small bottle of invincibility potion.

Small invincible potion, this is an extremely perverted potion in the system, after taking it, it will be in an invincible state for a certain period of time.Not only is it absolutely invincible in defense, but it is also invincible when facing the enemy.

Of course, this kind of invincibility cannot be used to hurt people, even if it hits the enemy, it will not cause harm, let alone killing people.

After taking over the task, under the leadership of Xiao Ye, everyone finally escaped into the black interface passage, which is the road leading to the devil world, and his suction power can only be regarded as moderate.

As for what the strength of suction means, Xiao Ye doesn't know yet.

The black interface line, after entering it, there will be a stream of air that will pull you forward, but there is often repulsive energy in this air stream, if you are not careful, this energy will throw you out of the interface line.

As long as you move forward along the airflow, it's not too difficult, but as you move forward, as you go deeper, the other interfaces will gradually disappear from your sight.

It is not disappearing in parallel, because every interface line has its own trajectory, either upwards, downwards, leftwards, or straight forward.

After a while, all the interface lines disappeared in the eyes, and the surrounding suction also disappeared, leaving only the black interface lines with stronger and stronger suction.

In addition to the airflow that drives everyone forward, there is a colorful twisted space all around.It's like pieces of dyed cloth of various colors fluttering in the wind, looking very strange.

These spaces seem to be no big deal, but if you touch him, there is no doubt that you will be instantly killed by that powerful space force.

This is the interface channel, not a touristy place, everyone must be careful.

Along the way, everyone put their full attention on it, except for the occasional voice transmission, the rest of the time they were fully focused.

According to Huo Wu's analysis, they had to stay in the interface channel for at least an hour before they could reach the Demon Realm.After arriving in the Demon Realm, they will all be instantly teleported to a certain place because of the terrible teleportation ability of the interface channel.

In other words, they will separate at that moment, and Huo Wu shows a gathering place, which is very easy to identify, just look at the sky, if there is a purple-black cloud, just reach there.

Regarding the Demon Realm, Huo Wu didn't say much for the time being, but asked everyone to gather first and then look for a safe place.

Regarding this point, everyone could only accept it. After all, when they arrived in the Demon Realm, that was Huo Wu's territory. The others were all outsiders, and they didn't even know how to survive.

The progress of the interface channel seems to be stable, but outside the interface channel, Xiao Ye and others don't know who came here.

There is no doubt that it is Gu Feiyang and Mrs. Ermine.

At this moment, all the powerhouses fell to the ground, and only Gu Feiyang and Mrs. Ermine were in the air. This was the powerhouses' respect for the two of them.

At this moment, Gu Feiyang has removed the soul seal, and just glanced at the interface channel, and Gu Feiyang's face showed a hint of astonishment.

"This interface channel can easily reach the Demon Race from the Zhengyuan Continent, but it cannot allow the people of the Demon Race to easily reach the Zhengyuan Continent. This is one of the reasons for the seal of the Demon Race. Demons, in any case, the interface channel needs to be temporarily closed, but we must be able to open it at any time."

Gu Feiyang quickly made a judgment and came up with a plan, and Mrs. Ermine had no objection to this.

"Now that Xiao Ye and the demons have escaped into the interface channel, I cannot let them leave easily, and I will leave the next thing to me. Mrs. Ermine, please take the trouble to watch the interface channel outside and don't allow anyone to approach."

Who is Gu Feiyang? Although Xiao Ye and others have escaped into the interface passage for a long time, Gu Feiyang still has no intention of releasing life.

"Don't worry." Mrs. Ermine nodded.

Without hesitation, Gu Feiyang escaped into the interface channel.

(End of this chapter)

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