god system

Chapter 660 Confronting Zhang Huowu

Chapter 660 Dialogue with Fire Dance
Of course, while changing the Lingquan, Xiao Ye did not change the breath of the Lingquan.Lingquan still exudes a strong aura, which is just a performance, an illusion deliberately created by Xu Tianding.

Therefore, whether it is the spirit king or the demons, they all think that the spirit spring has not been tampered with, and the role of the spirit spring has already changed in terms of timing.

Only Xiao Ye knew this, it was Xiao Ye's deliberate act, his original purpose was simply to protect Lingquan.

But at this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly discovered that he had another advantage in doing so, which was to force humans and spirit races to attack the demon world.

They think that without the spiritual spring, the tree of the demon world will definitely grow, so they will have no time to continue the layout. They must preemptively attack the demon world.

If their attacks are good, the Demon Realm will undoubtedly suffer heavy losses. Even if their plan is faulty, a large-scale attack cannot be avoided. Such an attack will also cause heavy losses to the Demon Realm.

Xiao Ye only needs one consequence, and that is that the Demon Realm suffers heavy losses.

The demons think that with the spirit spring, the tree of the demon world will grow, so when humans and the spirit race cooperate to launch an attack, they will definitely avoid fighting as much as possible to reduce losses, and the focus will be on the cultivation of the tree of the demon world .

They did not try their best, facing the crazy attacks of humans and spirit races, some of their grounds must be occupied, plus the original losses, when they realized that the spiritual spring was fake and the tree of the demon world could not grow, they would Lost the opportunity to fight back.

At that time, it will be the desperate situation of the demon clan. They have only one way, and that is to resist stubbornly, and the final outcome is to exterminate the clan.

And when they were carrying out their final resistance, if Xiao Ye brought the spiritual spring, then no matter what the conditions were, the demons would agree.

Of course, at that time, humans and the spirit race will not stop easily, and when that happens, Xiao Ye will have to resort to some tricks.

Xiao Ye vaguely saw the dawn of the completion of the Three Realms Peace Agreement. As long as the plan goes smoothly, I believe this agreement can be signed.

"After three days, let's see what plans the humans and the Spirit Race have. After all, the Demon Realm is a fortress. Although there is the interface channel of the Eternal Iceberg, it is obviously impossible to rely on him to transmit a large number of troops. I don't know how many years they have. No special preparations were made."

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Ye shot all the way to the spirit beast territory.

The Spirit King knew about the Demon Race's plan at the last moment, obviously because someone told him that, as expected, Huo Wu should have come to the spirit world.

The next big battle is about to break out, which is obviously not what Huo Wu wants to see. As the demons, humans and spirits want to attack the demon world, I believe she will definitely stand on the side of the demons.

So Xiao Ye also needs to deal with Huo Wu's affairs. For the sake of long-term peace, it seems that he needs to disclose some information to Huo Wu.

Ahead, they have already seen the territory of the monsters. Seeing Xiao Ye's return, one of the monsters naturally went to report to Feisile.

Soon, Fei Sile, Zixia Xianzun, Huo Wu and others appeared in front of Xiao Ye.


Seeing such a major damage to the team led by Xiao Ye, Fei Si was heartbroken. Before he could ask what happened, Xiao Ye had already explained: "The demons buried their chess pieces 30 years ago and started to lay out their plans. We received a surprise attack from both sides, and the human and Eldar troops were wiped out, and I could only save 11 of them."

Seeing that most of the 29 monsters had died, Feisile and the other demons were furious and prepared to question Xiao Ye, but when they heard that all the humans and spirits were wiped out, they had nothing to say at the moment.

The entire army of the two families was wiped out, and you survived 29 out of [-], which is considered a good fortune.

It is estimated that if there is no Xiao Ye, the eleventh will also have to be paid.

Fessler was naturally sad when his subordinates died, but it was not to the point of being unreasonable. Xiao Ye still had at least 11 people to meet.For specific matters, you can ask these 11 people for confirmation. If they think they were all rescued by Xiao Ye, then Fessler would also like to thank Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye, the king of beasts, will also build a little trust from it. At least these eleven monsters will be grateful to Xiao Ye and spread Xiao Ye's goodness.

This is how trust and dignity are slowly built.

"Young Master Xiao, how is the Lingquan?" Huo Wu finally interjected, she is most concerned about what is happening to the Lingquan.

"Lingquan..." As he spoke, Xiao Ye shook his head, obviously telling them that the Lingquan had been robbed.

Regarding Lingquan's tampering, even Huo Wu had to conceal it, it was the most critical link in Xiao Ye's plan, and there must be no mistakes.

"The spiritual spring was robbed? Then the tree of the demon world will grow up soon, and I have to go back to the demon clan..."

Hearing that the Lingquan had been robbed, Huo Wu's face turned extremely pale instantly. She knew that the battle was about to start, either humans and the spirit race would attack first, or wait for the demon race to invade.

Although this is not the result that Huo Wu wants to see, since it happened and cannot be stopped, there is nothing to say. As a demon, Huo Wu still has to contribute to the demons when the war breaks out.

"Girl Huo Wu, there are some things I want to discuss with you. It's not too late for you to make a decision after that." Xiao Ye said to Huo Wu.

"At this point, Mr. Xiao still has a solution?" Huo Wu seemed to grasp the last straw, staring at Xiao Ye longingly.

"It's a long story, please come with me, Huowu girl." Xiao Ye nodded, and then said to Fei Sile: "Please also bury these eighteen brothers who lost their lives in order to protect the Lingquan. Three days later There will be a meeting, and after the meeting, I will discuss the details with you."

As he said that, Xiao Ye's spiritual energy surged, and he had already left with Huo Wu.

Feisile has lost his subordinates, so he must be in a bad mood at the moment, and it is useless to talk too much, but he has to give Feisile a reassurance and let him understand what Xiao Ye is going to do next.

And there is a time limit for all of this, and that is three days later.

But now, what Fessler had to do was to bury these eighteen subordinates. Those he sent to guard the Lingquan were all elites of the spirit beast clan, not ordinary spirit beasts.

Needless to say, Fei Sile feels uncomfortable now that he has lost [-] generals.

"Let's lift our brother down together." Feisile gave the order, and the spirit beasts let out mournful wailing, seeing off their companions.

The spirit beasts worked together to lift up their companions, and then followed Fessler to the burial place. Brother is dead, let's go to the ground for peace.

But at this moment, Xiao Ye has brought Huo Wu to a relatively hidden place in the spirit beast's territory, and waved a spiritual energy restriction to block the outside world.

"Young Master Xiao, if you have any plans, just tell me." Huo Wu asked eagerly.

"Girl Huowu, I hope you will keep the secret I said next, and you must also be prepared. Now that the spirit spring has been taken away, and the Three Realms are completely peaceful, it is impossible without any loss. My final goal is to let The peace of the Three Realms, the sacrifices made before were all for this purpose, please understand this."

Xiao Ye understands that Huo Wu cares about the peace of the three realms, and at the same time she also cares about the lives of the demons. Now that war is inevitable, Huo Wu must be mentally prepared before explaining.

"Mr. Xiao, please speak up if you have something to say. There are many spiritual springs, and the war of the Three Realms is about to start. At that time, it is inevitable that people will die. I have already thought that the Three Realms cannot be resolved completely peacefully. If a certain price is paid, the Three Realms can be brought to peace. , no matter how much the price is, I believe I can accept it."

To Xiao Ye's surprise, Huo Wu was stronger than she imagined, and she had already made preparations. It was never possible to be completely peaceful in the Three Realms.

"You can think that way."

Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and he said: "First of all, humans and the Spirit Race will hold a meeting in three days. I estimate that after this meeting, the Spirit Race will attack the Demon Realm aggressively. The Demon Race must choose to fight at the beginning of this battle." Get out of the way, because they want the magic of the underworld to grow."

"So the losses in the demon world may be very heavy, and humans and the spirit race must be crazy in order to stop the demon race. The casualties in this process are difficult to estimate."

"Young Master Xiao, if this kind of battle is allowed to start, then there will be no peace in the future, and the tree of the demon world will grow. With the character of the demon clan, they will never compromise, and they will definitely fight back." Huo Wu interjected.

"I know, but all of this is based on the premise that the tree of the devil world grows. What if the tree of the devil world doesn't grow?" Xiao Ye asked mysteriously.

"The tree of the demon world won't grow? Isn't the spiritual spring already taken by the demons?" Huo Wu was puzzled for a while.

"It is true that they took away the spiritual spring, but I have my own way to prevent the growth of the tree of the demon world." Xiao Ye did not explain, there are some things that cannot be told to Huo Wu.

"However, if the tree of the Demon Realm doesn't grow, humans and the Spirit Race will definitely not give up easily. At that time, the Demon Race will have been seriously injured, and they may encounter a catastrophe of genocide. How can peace be achieved?" Huo Wu was still full of doubts.

The Great War of the Three Realms will definitely break out, and humans and the Spirit Race will definitely gain the upper hand in advance, but how will this battle be quelled in the end?

If the tree of the demon world does not grow, the demon clan will be destroyed.The tree of the demon world grows like this, the three worlds are at war, and the world is filled with sorrow, it is still a matter of who can survive in the end.

Since the demons got the spiritual spring, the situation in the Three Realms seems to be endless, and there is no room for turning back.

"Don't worry about this. Humans and the Spirit Race will definitely withdraw their troops in the end, and I will let the Demon Race take the initiative to propose a peace agreement. As for what I will do specifically, there are many secrets involved in it. The dancing girl forgives."

Xiao Ye chose to conceal the most critical issue, which naturally made Huo Wu unacceptable.

If it was someone else who said these words, Huo Wu would definitely get to the bottom of it, and would never believe it unless he asked clearly, but the one who said these words was Xiao Ye, the boy who had helped him since Zhengyuan Continent!
(End of this chapter)

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