god system

Chapter 662 There is a mother Ye Xutian

Chapter 662 There is a mother Ye Xutian

Xiao Ding's consciousness has fallen into the spirit world, and it is in a broken state. It is not easy to survive. Now that part of it is fused with this big tree, what Xiao Ye has to do is to get this consciousness out of it.

Consciousness itself is a fragile individual, and after being dispersed, it is reasonable to say that it should be annihilated and disappear without a trace.But Xiao Ding survived and lived in a certain state. It is conceivable how strong Xiao Ding's consciousness is.

Now the consciousness of this little tree has been integrated, because it has been too long, it has almost merged with the little tree, and Xiao Ding's consciousness is basically controlling every move of the little tree.

It is precisely because of the unconscious floating that the memory in Xiao Ding's consciousness has long been blurred, and he lives in a daze, thinking that he is the little tree in the first place.

This kind of separation is very difficult, without the help of Xu Tianding, Xiao Ye can say that there is no other way.

The powerful aura merged into Xiaoshu, stripping Xiao Ding's consciousness from Xiaoshu's body little by little.Consciousness is very fragile, Xiao Ye needs to be very careful, once Xiao Ding's consciousness is damaged, the impact on Xiao Ding will be extremely huge.

After a while, beads of sweat started to appear on the tip of Xiao Ye's forehead. He was fully focused, and all his mind was put on the stripping of consciousness.

Slowly, Xiao Ding's consciousness was divided little by little, but Xiao Ding's consciousness was very resistant. He thought Xiao Ye was an enemy, so he never cooperated.

During this process, Xiao Ye did not dare to be violent, for fear of hurting Xiao Ding, so the whole process seemed very difficult.

One must be careful in doing this, to an unimaginable degree, just like being in the mud, it is very difficult to completely separate the sand from the mud without hurting the sand.

Ordinary people will feel a pain in the head just by imagining it, and they will not put it into action at all.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Ye stripped out a ray of yellow gaseous energy from the small tree, which belonged to Xiao Ding's consciousness.

This consciousness is very fragile, Xiao Ye immediately guarded it with spiritual energy, so as not to be hurt by external forces.

Under the gestation of Xiao Ye's spiritual energy, the memory in Xiao Ding's consciousness gradually revived. After an unknown period of time, a voice came from that consciousness and rang in Xiao Ye's mind.

"Third brother..."

"Brother, it's me, how are you doing?" Xiao Ye was overjoyed, he didn't expect Xiao Ding's consciousness to recover so quickly, it seems that Xiao Ding was born with a particularly strong consciousness.

"I... It's okay, let me recover." Xiao Ding's tired voice came. At this time, the memories in his mind were like fragments, and he kept putting them together. Countless memory images flashed, making him think a little bit cannot.

"Brother, rest well, I'll go find all your remaining consciousness." Xiao Ye inhaled Xiao Ding's consciousness into the Xutian Cauldron, allowing the majestic aura of the Xutian Cauldron to repair his damage.

"No need, let me recover for a while, I will guide you to find all my consciousness, now I need a quiet rest." Xiao Ding's fragments of consciousness, as long as you have one of them, this one can guide Xiao Ye to find the rest.

This is good news, at least Xiao Ye doesn't need to search anymore, and with Xiao Ding's conscious guidance, he doesn't need to worry about missing anything.

After Xiao Ye nodded, he crossed his legs on the spot, allowing Xiao Ding's consciousness to recover in the Xutian Cauldron.

Soon, the sky gradually brightened, and a day had passed before he knew it, but Xiao Ye was not so nervous at this moment, at least he had a way to find the fragments of consciousness.

"Third brother, I'm fine."

Finally, Xiao Ding's rather powerful voice came from the Xutian Ding.

"Brother, how many points do you have in the spirit world for your consciousness fragments? Has anyone suffered any damage?" Time was running out, Xiao Ye immediately asked.

"My consciousness fragments have been divided into thirteen parts. One of them has suffered a lot of damage and needs to be repaired before it can be fused. Otherwise, the consciousness will be completely fused, and then the body will be fused. In the end, I may have problems with my thinking. "

Xiao Ding said, and then said: "I never thought that the third brother would come to the spirit world so soon, and he also conquered the treasure of the spirit world, the Xutian Ding. Big brother should congratulate the third brother."

"Oh? Big Brother knows about the Xutian Ding?" Xiao Ye was slightly startled. The Xutian Ding has always been called the Lingding in the spirit world, and Xiao Ye also called it that way to the outside world. The name of the Xutian Ding should only be known to Xiao Ye. , why would Xiao Ding know?
"Hehe! Third brother, fly to the west first, where I have my five consciousnesses. On the way, I will tell you about the relationship between our family and the spirit world. By now, you have already had such ability, some You should know something."

What Xiao Ding said, speaking of Xiao Ye's heart, Xiao Ye has always known that there are secrets in the family that he has never known, and Xiao Zhan, where did he go?

Ever since meeting the Spirit Clan in Cangman Mountain, Xiao Ye knew that his life experience might be related to the Spirit Clan. After all, he had never even seen what his mother looked like since he was a child.

Xiao Ding is the eldest, and Xiao Jun is the second child. They must have known their mother when they were young, but Xiao Ye has never seen her mother since she was born.

So in this regard, Xiao Ye doesn't know at all, Xiao Ding must know the most, and Xiao Jun may know a little, but certainly not much.

Now that Xiao Ye came to the spirit world and found Xiao Ding's consciousness, Xiao Ding understood that it was time for Xiao Ye to know the truth.

"Third brother should know that we are related to the spirit world, and I am afraid that I know the most about the specific connection among the three brothers. From now on, you must listen carefully, and listen carefully to the relationship between us and the spirit world. The entanglement of the world."

"It may be a little different from what you imagined. Our mother is not a creature of the spirit world, neither a spirit race nor a spirit beast family, but she is inextricably linked with the spirit world. She is a virtual creature from your hand. Tianding!"

Finally, when Xiao Ding revealed the identity of Xiao Ye's mother, despite his preparations, Xiao Ye couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart.

Indeed, as Xiao Ding thought, Xiao Ye thought at first that the biggest possibility was that his mother was a Spirit Race, and it was also possible that it was a human being who had already transformed.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ding said that his mother was from Xutianding. This result was totally unexpected to Xiao Ye.

"In the Xutian Ding, there is endless aura, and these auras have accumulated for thousands of years, giving birth to a living body. She is a human being, but she is different from a human because her aura is too huge. Because she was born in the Xutian Ding Therefore, it was named Xutian, and the surname was taken from a leaf. So our mother is called Ye Xutian."

"You must think that this is a rather weird name, and it doesn't look like a girl's name, but you must know that our mother is definitely one of the few beautiful women at this time. She has countless pursuers in the spirit world, and we Father came to the spirit world because of his fame..."

Ye Xutian, born from the Xutian Cauldron, was born with a majestic aura, powerful and abnormal, but her appearance is one of the few in this time, she is a Qi girl who is pursued by countless people in the spirit world.

Xiao Zhan in Zhengyuan Continent was amazing when he was young, and he had an extremely famous reputation in Zhengyuan Continent. Of course, Xiao Zhan was relatively low-key at that time. Disguised and disguised.

"Our father was a rare genius in the Xiao family since he was a child, but his father didn't want to be too ostentatious, so he kept hiding his identity and created legends everywhere in Zhengyuan Continent. In their time, Zhengyuan Continent There are four masters, namely Zhao Yao, Guang Du, Liao Wu, and Zhang Xuezhong, whose talent once shocked the Zhengyuan Continent. In fact, all of these four masters were played by our father."

Xiao Ding explained to Xiao Ye that at this time, Xiao Ye already understood how good Xiao Zhan was when he was young. He alone created a legend belonging to four people, and his true identity has not yet been revealed.

How terrible is this?
Such a talented person finally heard the news and went to the spirit world. Without a doubt, he naturally met the proud daughter of heaven in the spirit world, Ye Xutian.

"How did my father and Ye Xutian meet? I didn't hear my father mention it. I only know that my mother came to Xiao's house and gave birth to me, my second brother and you. Originally, our family would be extremely happy. It happened..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding seemed to think of something terrible.

"Strong! Very strong! I was still young at the time, and I only knew that an extremely strong man came to our Xiao family and forcibly took away my mother. Father's strength at that time was already unfathomable, stronger than you and me now. I don't know How many times, but with one palm, he almost died at the hands of that person. Although he survived in the end, he left serious internal injuries that could not be healed..."

Xiao Ye already had old injuries on Xiao Zhan's body, Xiao Ye knew this clearly, and this old injury has never recovered, and even almost took Xiao Zhan's life many times.

Those who can leave such injuries are naturally not ordinary people.

"I will never forget the reluctant look in my mother's eyes when she was taken away. She went with that person to protect the three of us and our father." The dead are broken into pieces.

Over the years, he knew that Xiao Zhan had never stopped looking for the identity of the strong man, and even had some kind of clue, but Xiao Zhan hid it and did not tell any of the three brothers. Fight alone!
"I will never forget the characteristics of the person who took my mother away. He only has one left arm, and he is wearing a red robe embroidered with clouds. His eyes are very special. The left eye should have two pupils."

"From the moment he appeared, the man didn't say a word. We don't know why he took his mother away. But I know, I must go to our mother, and I will kill that ruined mother." The happy people of our family."

"Third brother, do you understand what I said?"

When it came to the end, Xiao Ding couldn't help being agitated. Why did he participate in the death trial of Sen Luo Temple?The purpose is to become stronger, because he knows how terrible his enemy is!
(End of this chapter)

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