god system

Chapter 665 Chapter Zhengyuan Continent

Chapter 665 Returning to Zhengyuan Continent
Xiao Ye was also a little anxious when he asked this question. He accidentally missed the time. In fact, there was nothing he could do about it. He had tried his best to save time on Xiao Ding's matter.

Within his ability, he must have arrived at the first time.

"Spirit King has already gone to the interface channel, and it may be too late to catch up now." Fei Sile immediately pointed out the direction for Xiao Ye, although he wanted to blame Xiao Ye for coming so late, but that's all for later.

"Fessler, please take care of my friend. This meeting is very important. I will talk about everything when I come back. During this time, be careful of the demons' sneak attacks. The demons know that we will take the initiative to attack, and they may catch us by surprise. I gone."

Xiao Ye left a word of warning, and under the action of the Xutian Ding, it turned into a stream of light and quickly escaped.

Originally, Fessler thought that he just had to wait, but now hearing what Xiao Ye said, he instantly became nervous.

The spirit beast family has always been aloof from the world. They are not good at arranging troops, and they don't know that the demons may sneak attack.

Although it was only possible, since Xiao Ye had confessed, he had to guard against it.

"Gopu, gather the children for me right away. First, form a few patrol teams for me. Don't let the enemy slip into my spirit beast's territory. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately. Our spirit beast family must also start to do it." It’s good to protect, and I can’t be as carefree as before.”

Fessler immediately formed a patrol team, and then began to divide and arrange the spirit beasts. Within the boundaries of the spirit beasts, layer upon layer of defense measures began to be constructed.

The spirit beast family has never been so nervous like this moment, they have never even prepared for battle, they are used to it.

Now that they are suddenly so nervous, they are a little uncomfortable, but they are very interested.The past days were indeed carefree, but also boring.

The abilities of many spirit beasts have been useless, but now they are just coming in handy.

Creatures are like this, when something allows them to function, they will be excited, to express themselves, this is life.

Xiao Ye is already advancing at full speed at this moment, he must catch up with King Ling.

Presumably the old bastard, King Ling, was in a hurry, and he was going at full speed at this moment, so he didn't want to waste any more time, right?

Xiao Ye shot all the way, according to Fessler's instructions, the direction was naturally correct. If he missed such an important meeting this time and could not participate in person, then he would not be able to complete and clearly understand the plan of humans and the spirit race. The family will finally tell themselves, but that is definitely not comprehensive.

In order for Xiao Ye to reach a peace agreement for the Three Realms, he had to go over the details, and this meeting was quite important to him.

Finally, a stream of extremely fast light appeared in front of Xiao Ye. It can be so fast in the spirit world. There is no doubt that besides Feissler, there is only the spirit king left.

"Spirit King!"

Xiao Ye called out, and the light in front of him really stopped, and it was indeed the Spirit King.

"This kid..."

Seeing Xiao Ye who was chasing after him, King Ling rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh of relief.

If Xiao Ye catches up, then he can go to this meeting anew. Looking at Xiao Ye's appearance, he also attaches some importance to this meeting. It is still a feasible strategy to bring in the spirit beast clan.

"Beastmaster, three days is not enough for you to prepare. Why did you delay such an important moment?"

King Ling waited for Xiao Ye for a long time, and he couldn't help asking and blaming Xiao Ye for his late arrival.

"Hehe! There are some important things to deal with, and I missed the time for a while, please forgive me." The fault is his own, Xiao Ye generously admits the mistake, as for what he did in the past three days, naturally he will not tell the Lingwang.

"That's all! The important thing is, let's get on the road quickly."

The Spirit King waved his hand, all he wanted was an apology from Xiao Ye. As the Spirit King, it was the first time he waited for someone in the spirit world, and he didn't wait in the end, but was caught up instead. King Ling was quite upset.

Xiao Ye smiled, and without saying anything, the two of them shot away towards the interface channel again.

The interface channel between the spirit world and the Zhengyuan Continent has been connected to each other since the demons had the possibility of attacking. Because the two interfaces cooperate with each other, this interface channel is very stable and there is almost no danger.

Under the watchful eye of the spirit clan army, Xiao Ye and Ling Wang entered this interface channel.

There is only one interface line in the interface channel, and the speed is very fast and very safe. Xiao Ye and Ling Wang flew to the Zhengyuan Continent so quickly.

Somewhere in Zhengyuan Continent, around the interface passage, there are two teams waiting here respectfully at this moment, the human team on the left, and the monster team on the right.

The dramatic thing is that the leader of the monster team on the left is a figure well known to Xiao Ye, Mrs. Ermine, and beside Mrs. Ermine, the lazy magic weapon is lying there.

Xiao Ye, the leader of the human team, has never met before, but Xiao Ye is familiar with some people in the team, such as the blood drinking knife Huang Litian, Ye Xiaotong, the daughter of the owner of Huangfeng Valley, and the The woman from Senluodian who sent Xiao Ye the letter from Xiao Ding, Liu Qi, etc.

The time they have been waiting here has been going on, and the previously agreed time has already passed, but the two teams are still waiting here, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

"I don't think the people from the spirit world will come. I've wasted so much time on this magic weapon. It's better to sleep in the mountains."

Fabao complained as usual, perhaps he was the only one present who dared to complain unscrupulously, even Mrs. Ermine seemed quite cautious at the moment.

What they want to meet is the spirit king and beast king of the spirit world, they are no small characters.

Of course, the identity of the Beastmaster Xiao Ye is only known to the Zhengyuan Continent and the higher-ups. None of the humans present know, and even the magic weapon is not known among the monsters. Only Mrs. Ermine knows Xiao Ye's identity.

The wait continued, and everyone was impatient. After an unknown period of time, fluctuations finally came from the interface channel.

The humans and monsters who were already a little lazy suddenly tensed up, and all of them became serious and tense.

Countless sights fell on the interface channel, and not long after, the Spirit King finally stepped out of the interface channel slowly. The majestic momentum, like a mountain, suddenly pressed down on everyone's hearts, making everyone instantly refreshed stand up.

Immediately afterwards, another figure stepped out of the interface channel. The mighty and domineering beast king that everyone was expecting did not appear. Instead, it was a boy with a rather cold face but an unusually handsome appearance.

"It's him?"


The moment Xiao Ye appeared next to King Ling, both the human team and the Warcraft team were amazed.Among the human team, Litian, the blood-drinking knife emperor, was the most shocked. He came here to meet the beast king. Why did Xiao Ye appear here?

Apart from him, it will belong to Liu Qi.

This Liu Qi had met Xiao Ye at the beginning. Although it had been several years, he still had a deep impression on him. In Liu Qi's eyes, Xiao Ye's life was probably limited to the Xiao family, but then he heard about it. Each of Xiao Ye's countless legends is breathtaking.

Later, I heard that Xiao Ye was dead, and if he died, he was dead. Liu Qi and Xiao Ye were not too familiar with each other, and he didn't care too much.

Who would have thought that Xiao Ye would meet Xiao Ye at such a grand welcome event today? What is Xiao Ye's identity here?What exactly is going on?

In the World of Warcraft team, the magic weapon was also very scared. Less than a year ago, Xiao Ye was hunted down by the Zhengyuan Continent, fled in embarrassment, and almost died.

Now that Xiao Ye came back, not only did he come back aboveboard, but he even joined the Spirit King. Did he get the protection of the Spirit King?
"As expected of the master, he really has a way. In less than a year, he has been doing well. Judging from the state of him and the King of Spirits, he seems to be quite familiar with him." The magic weapon thought in his heart.

The human and monster teams were very shocked at the moment, but they still stared at the interface channel very seriously, as if they were still waiting for something.

Indeed, they are still waiting for the Beast King, the Spirit King has already appeared, why hasn't the Beast King appeared yet?

Looking at the team of humans and monsters, King Ling frowned slightly, and came to Zhengyuan Continent in person as him, didn't he even say hello?

"Hmph! Humans, monsters, I come to the Zhengyuan Continent in person, and you greet me like this? Is it possible that I have to speak first?" Although King Ling has a good temper, as the master of a world, he cannot lose his majesty in another world. .

It is unreasonable for humans and monsters to see themselves, but not to go forward to greet them, but to stay there in a daze.

"Hehe! Spirit King calm down." Mrs. Ermine pursed her lips and smiled, leading the team forward, her eyes swept over Xiao Ye, then slightly bent her body, and said: "Welcome Spirit King and Beast King to Zhengyuan Continent, Just look at Haihan where I was rude."

"Welcome Spirit King and Beast King to Zhengyuan Continent!"

The monsters imitated Mrs. Ermine and bent down. At that moment, many of the magic weapon and humans only felt a buzzing sound in their heads.

What did Mrs. Ermine mean by saying that?The spirit king is here, where is the beast king?
There is no doubt that besides the Spirit King, there is only one Xiao Ye. Could it be that Xiao Ye is the Beast King?

What are you kidding?The boy who was chased and killed by the strong men of the Zhengyuan Continent like a mouse crossing the street is now the king of spirit beasts. How can those who know Xiao Ye accept this?
"Fuck! This is too fierce!" Fabao cursed fiercely in his heart, but he couldn't help but get excited.His master is now the king of spirit beasts?This identity is also worthy of being the master of my magic weapon.

As for Li Tian, ​​Liu Qi and other human beings' hearts at this moment, I'm afraid they have already been overwhelmed.

"Beastmaster, it seems that the humans in the Zhengyuan Continent are not very friendly. Are only monsters here to welcome you and the old man?"

King Ling smiled at Xiao Ye, but there was a hint of arrogance in that laugh. If the human team were rude at this moment, King Ling would really lose face.

"I've seen the spirit king and the beast king. I was distracted just now. Please don't take offense from the spirit king and the beast king." The human leader finally stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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