god system

Chapter 677 Fusion in front of the Demon Castle

Chapter 677 Fusion in front of the Demon Castle
It was none other than the Magical Beast's magic weapon who said this. At some point, the magic weapon had already lazily lay on Zhu Run's back.

The moment Zhu Run finished speaking, Zhu Run's complexion changed. His back was such a sensitive place that no fly could get close to it. When did a creature appear on his back?
Looking at Chimpanzee King Kong again, the blood red in Chimpanzee King Kong's eyes still exists at this moment, but there is a little less madness in the blood redness. He has actually been acting from the beginning, and he is not crazy. Although he has a blood feud with Zhu Run, But King Kong refrained.

He waited for 50 years for revenge, and today is the time for revenge!
"Blade, Pillar of Frozen!"

The magic weapon on Zhu Run's back pierced a sharp blade of ice into Zhu Run's body. At that moment, Zhu Run's magma-like body was quickly frozen with the back as the center!
Zhu Run's complexion turned extremely pale in an instant.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? No, I am immortal, I am immortal!"

Zhu Run roared frantically, but the magic weapon on his back lazily picked out his ears: "As long as you are a creature in this world, there is no immortality. The reason why you are immortal is because your body is reorganized by wireless, you are like magma. Your body can be transformed into countless smiling particles. But as long as you freeze your body and then destroy it, this magic weapon is curious, can you restore it?"

"Gorilla, let's do it. This magic weapon promised you that it will help you kill this idiot in the devil world. Now is the time to fulfill the promise!"

After finishing speaking, the magic weapon shot out and fled far away.

But at this moment, around Chimpanzee King Kong, there was actually a blue halo flashing, and that blue halo seemed to be a kind of blue flame, covering Chimpanzee King Kong inside.

His hair exuded a sacred green light, and with every step, the chimpanzee King Kong rushed towards Zhu Run.

The extremely fast streamer carried the hatred that had been suppressed in King Kong's body for 50 years, and all the hatred hit the punch on the front of the fist, and finally broke out at this moment!
"Woman! Old Hei avenged you today!"

The corners of the chimpanzee King Kong's eyes were actually filled with tears. No one knew the anger and sadness that this mountain-like King Kong was suppressing in his heart, but this punch was absolutely overwhelming.

With a heavy punch, the color of the world changed, the surrounding space distorted, and everything went dark. Zhu Run seemed to be involved in a space vortex, unable to move.

His magma-like fiery red body was covered with shabby at this moment, completely frozen, there was no room for resistance at all!

"This worm is immortal, do you think you can kill this worm? Don't be so naive!"

Zhu Run still refused to admit defeat. He didn't believe that he would die. In this world, nothing could make him die!

"Zhu Run! Try the anger I have suppressed for 50 years!"

Chimpanzee King Kong erupted, and when the punch hit, Zhu Run's body was instantly wiped out, but it was not over yet. After the punch exploded in the void, the surrounding space collapsed continuously, the black hole rotated, one after another Huge energy began to soar!
The earth trembled, and the entire Demon World shook five times in a row under the power of Chimpanzee King Kong's punch.

These five strokes can be said to have caused a large number of underground cracks in the Demon Realm, and the mountains and rivers have also been greatly affected.

The center of Poison Valley that was most affected, the entire Poison Valley was almost shattered under the power of this punch.

Countless poisonous insects from the demon world were shaken up from the poisonous valley, and the chimpanzee King Kong's blood-red eyes swung a punch frantically, to the point where heaven and earth shattered.

The whole demon world was shocked by this punch, and Zhu Run's body was not even scum left.

"just in front!"

Seeing that at this time, a large number of strong men flew from all directions, and it was Chimpanzee King Kong's reinforcements who arrived.

The chimpanzee King Kong retracted his fist, and the distorted space around him recovered. When he looked again, he found a bottomless black hole on the ground. The black hole seemed to lead to the other end of the demon world, and he didn't know how deep it was.

The power of the punch is so terrifying, not to mention the poisonous insects in the demon world, even the monsters, humans and spirit races were deeply shocked.

This punch, Chimpanzee King Kong has been brewing for 50 years, suppressed for 50 years, and now it explodes, not only his own strength, but also the hatred that has been suppressed for 50 years!

King Kong, the chimpanzee, could no longer detect Zhu Run's breath, and with this punch, Zhu Run was sure to die.

The chimpanzee King Kong sat upright in the void where he was, his hands were shaking. Although the battle around him was still going on, he had no intention of fighting anymore.

But it doesn't matter, the reinforcements have arrived, the battle here will end soon, and the Poison Valley of the Demon Realm is bound to be won!

"Gorilla, the vengeance has been avenged, don't think too much. You promised me to look forward, so don't fall for it!"

The magic weapon landed on the shoulder of the chimpanzee King Kong, and comforted him.

"I know, I'm just feeling emotional, let me be quiet." Chimpanzee King Kong was completely immersed in grief at the moment.

grief!Rather than the refreshment after revenge.

Fifty years ago, Chimpanzee King Kong watched his loved one being beheaded by Zhu Run, but he was powerless. At that time, Chimpanzee King Kong almost collapsed. Later, he suppressed his back and vowed to take revenge.

So from then on, the chimpanzee King Kong practiced crazily, his strength increased, and he searched for Zhu Run's information everywhere.

Whether it is the Zhengyuan Continent, the Demon Realm, or the Spirit Realm, there is always the chimpanzee King Kong looking for.But Zhu Run seemed to have disappeared, completely disappeared in the Three Realms, and never showed up at all.

The chimpanzee King Kong wanted revenge. In order to get revenge, he suppressed his grief for 50 years. Now that his revenge has been avenged, his grief finally emerges again.

At that moment, Chimpanzee King Kong had mixed feelings in his heart, and all he recalled in his mind were things about his beloved.

His every frown, smile, and every movement of him are engraved in Chimpanzee King Kong's heart and will never be forgotten.

Now King Kong Chimpanzee needs to calm down, and the team whose reinforcements have arrived doesn't need King Kong Chimpanzee to do anything else. There is no suspense in this battle.

But this lack of suspense is based on one foundation, that is, the Demon Castle will not support this place vigorously.

Looking at the chimpanzee King Kong, Fabao shook his head and sighed: "Gorilla, please calm down, this Fabao still has some things to do, go back as soon as you go."

Fabao didn't want to affect the chimpanzee King Kong, and after arriving in the Demon Realm, Fabao also had to meet Xiao Ye, so he left temporarily.

The heavy blow in the direction of the Demon Castle, Poison Valley, was also very clearly felt here.At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​the Mozu Castle is already covered with the corpses of the Mozu.

Under the leadership of the Spirit King, all the spirit clans fought bloody battles, breaking down the formations set up by the surrounding demons one by one. Although this process will take a lot of time, for now, the progress of the spirit clan is relatively smooth.

Ahead, before the Demon Clan's castle exposed the spirit king's team, there was no prohibition to stop them, and in this Demon Clan castle, there may be reasons for the Demon Clan's delay.

"Emperor Demon, the general situation of the demon clan is gone. If the demon clan surrenders at this moment, it will be safe for the whole clan."

The Spirit King roared outside the demon castle, and did not let the army attack the demon castle immediately, because they all knew that there was a teleportation array leading to all parts of the demon world in the demon castle, and it was easy for people inside to escape.

In the demon castle, black shadows shot out one after another. It was a demon who looked like a chimpanzee but had wings on his back.

These demons are the real elites, the real powerhouses, and at the center of the demons, they are led by the queen of the demons!
The Queen of the Demon Race was holding a scepter, her huge eyes were staring at the Spirit King, her face was covered with frost.

"King Ling, what kind of calculations are you, an old bastard, thinking that the emperor doesn't know? You want to eradicate our demons completely, so how can you accept my demons' surrender? Besides, my demons are strong and strong, how can they surrender? This war It’s just the beginning, you just have a slight advantage, and the result is still unknown.”

With a movement of the scepter in the hands of the Demon Queen, circles of terrifying space energy scattered away. The strong demons around her looked forward one by one with cold and stern eyes. Biggest joke ever?

"Oh? The Demon Emperor is going to fight to the end? But if you want to fight, it seems that your strength is not enough? Among the power of the demons, you are only a small part. Could it be that the rest have all evacuated?"

King Ling glanced at a group of demon elites in front of him. The number was only about [-]. It was definitely not the backbone of the demons. It seemed that the core of the demons had retreated ahead of schedule as they had imagined.

"Hahaha! You old man also knows that these are not the powers of my demons, so you still jump into the trap obediently? Take a good look around you, King Ling!"

The demon girl laughed loudly, and as she spoke, the space around the team led by the Spirit King was distorted, and groups of demon powerhouses stepped out of it, endlessly, and even a few breaths blocked the spirit king's team The way to go, and the team in front of the Demon Castle formed a combination of inside and outside, sandwiching the team of the King of Spirits in the middle!

The spirit king's old face has changed, and the faces of the strong players in the team have also changed. This is unscientific. Shouldn't the demons in the demon castle preserve their strength and retreat?Why are they all here now?If so, the Spirit King will suffer a big loss this time.

Obviously, it will take some time for the reinforcements to arrive. Even if the reinforcements arrive, there are so many demons here, they will not have the upper hand!

What's the matter?Could it be that the demons gave up preserving their strength, and now they are facing them head-on, are they going to head-to-head with them?
When King Ling's heart trembled, he had already quietly sent the news by special means. In any case, he needed more reasons at this time.

It seems that this demon castle will not be able to win for a while, and a bloody battle is inevitable!
"King Ling, I know that you have sent out a message for help, so I will not do what you want. Kill me!"

Following the order of the Demon Queen, the fierce battle began!

(End of this chapter)

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