god system

Chapter 686

Chapter 686
I have to say that the terms Xiao Ye offered were very weird, and it sounded like it was for the benefit of the demons.But since it is a condition, it must be beneficial to Xiao Ye himself.

But no matter how he listened, Qiu Shui couldn't hear Xiao Ye's real intentions.

From the very beginning, Qiu Shui thought everything was under his control, but at this moment he was confused by Xiao Ye's condition.

Originally thought that Xiao Ye was young and easy to deal with, who would have thought that this kid was hiding his secrets, and finally showed his fox tail, which caught Qiu Shui by surprise.

"Okay! I agree to this condition on behalf of the demons, but all of this must be strictly in accordance with your statement. If we find that your statement is different from your practice, this agreement will be invalid at any time."

After much deliberation, Qiu Shui agreed to Xiao Ye's request.

"That's good! I also agreed to the conditions of your demons. Now that an agreement has been reached, do we want to sign an agreement?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

"There is no need for an agreement. You should have heard that our demons are the most honest. Now that we have reached an agreement with the Beastmaster, we will never violate it. As long as the Beastmaster acts according to the agreement, it will be fine."

Qiu Shui didn't care, but they had to know that what they paid for this agreement was Ling Shui and a condition that seemed incomprehensible to their demons.

There was no need to sign an agreement, even if the Beastmaster really didn't abide by it, their loss would be nothing more than a useless monster.

"Then quickly restore my Warcraft to normal." Xiao Ye urged.

"I'm afraid it will take some time." Qiu Shui refused.

"Huh! I think you demons have no intention of negotiating at all. Since the agreement has been agreed, why don't you let go of my monster. If you don't let him go, how can this agreement be considered valid?" Xiao Ye was angry, and his tone was not kind. up.

"The Beastmaster misunderstood." Qiu Shui quickly explained: "This monster is poisoned by my demon clan. It will not be cured for a while, and it will take a while to recuperate. This beast king should be able to understand, right?"

"Devil's Gu poison?" Xiao Ye frowned, looking at Ling Shui's appearance, he was indeed in a bad state, and Xiao Ye couldn't guarantee that he would be able to touch Ling Shui's weird state.

"How long?" Xiao Ye asked with a frown.

"Ten days is enough!" The time given by Qiu Shui is actually the last time for the growth of the technique of the devil world.

If there is no movement from the Demon Realm Tree within ten days, then the Demon Realm Technique will not be able to grow again, and if the Demon Realm Tree grows after ten days, then the Demon Race can begin to prepare a counterattack.

Similarly, ten days is also the key for the Zhengyuan Continent and the Spirit World to break through the ancient forests of the Demon Realm. If they break through, the Demon Race will be in danger.

This time is very interesting.

"Then how can I contact you?" Xiao Ye frowned, secretly remembering the time of ten days.

"Once the poison is cured, I will naturally let him go, and he will come to you." Qiu Shui said.

"No! You have to give me a way to contact. The situation is changing at any time. I must have a way to contact you." Xiao Ye's tone was very strong. He knew very well that when the demons were in crisis, he had to To contact the Mozu.

There was no way before, but now there is a shortcut.

"This..." Qiu Shui thought about it a lot, and suddenly a light green energy floated out of Ling Shui's body and landed in Xiao Ye's hands.

"This power has a spiritual connection with me. If you want to find it, just crush it, and I will naturally find you."

"Okay! I'm relieved. These days, you have to take good care of my demon beast. If I find that he has the slightest damage, then don't blame me for leading the spirit beast clan and fighting your demon clan to the end."

The conversation between Xiao Ye and Qiu Shui didn't take long, but they reached an agreement that both parties thought was beneficial.

Using a monster, the demons can restrain the spirit beasts. This transaction is nothing but beneficial for the monsters, and they have made a lot of money.

As for Xiao Ye, being able to save Ling Shui and get in touch with the Demon Race is a surefire way to make money.

As for the spirit beast clan, Xiao Ye was not prepared to let them directly participate in the battle from the very beginning. Moreover, what Xiao Ye was waiting for was time. His goal was not to eliminate the demon clan, but a peace agreement among the three realms.

After the conversation ended, Qiu Shui left alone. Just as the demons expected, Xiao Ye used the Xutian Cauldron to quietly capture Qiu Shui's departure trajectory.

If he returns to the ancient forest of the demon world, the method of entering the ancient forest of the demon world will be exposed to Xiao Ye.

Obviously the demons are not stupid, Xiao Ye's probing aura quickly disappeared for no reason, and he lost the trace of Qiu Shui.

"The demons used Lingshui to negotiate with me. I'm afraid they are just trying it out. They are so careful, so naturally they won't let me gain anything. But this matter is not harmful to me. Now I am waiting for Zhengyuan Continent We have broken through the ancient forest of the demon world with the spirit world. Ten days is about this time."

Xiao Ye thought for a while, this conversation with Qiushui was the first time he had contact with the high-level demon clan, which was good for him.

Xiao Ye returned to the team again, and continued to capture the demons, asking for more information.

At this moment, Qiu Shui also returned to the Demon Realm through various careful means, and passed on a series of conversations with Xiao Ye to the Demon Emperor.

"Oh? According to what you said, this spirit beast family really doesn't have any plans to attack us?" The Demon Emperor was slightly taken aback.

"It should be so. I guess the reason why the spirit beasts came to the Demon Realm may be because of this little monster. It seems that the Beastmaster has a deep bond with this little thing, otherwise he would not let the whole spirit beast for the sake of the monster." The family gave up attacking us." Qiu Shui expressed his analysis.

"Hehe! So, the little thing you brought back with the help of a sheep, really did a lot of credit." The Demon Emperor laughed.

"It's just luck! No one thought it would be like this." Qiu Shui dared not take credit.

"Since this demonic beast is so useful, the emperor thinks that he should be used more. With him in hand, he can negotiate conditions with the beast king at any time, so he should not be easily returned to the beast king's side." The demon emperor suggested.

"No! I don't think this matter is right! Although the monster is somewhat important to the beast king, if we push forward and don't follow the agreement, it will definitely backfire. Now that we have gained huge benefits, if we make a fuss about this monster , it will only anger the Beastmaster."

"The Demon Emperor should know that our current situation is not optimistic, and we should not choose to take risks at this time. Isn't it just a monster? As long as our demons can survive this war, the Zhengyuan Continent and the spirit world will be destroyed in the future, and finally It’s good to take care of the spirit beasts slowly, there’s no need to take risks at this time.”

The importance of Lingshui to Xiao Ye, the Demon Emperor and Qiushui both have opinions. The Demon Emperor means to continue to use Lingshui in exchange for greater benefits.

This has always been the style of the Demon Emperor, but Qiu Shui suggested to put it aside. It's not that Qiu Shui's ambition is not enough, but that Qiu Shui can see through the current situation better than the Demon Emperor.

It is enough for the spirit beast family to let them stay still, there is no need to make in-depth demands, and it will be very simple to deal with them in the future.

According to the Demon Emperor's personality, she would naturally not agree, but now that the Demon World Tree was silent, her thoughts were basically on the Demon World Tree, and the matter was handed over to Qiu Shui in the end.

And Qiushui's purpose is very simple, that is, to follow the agreement and not create any extra problems!
Things just settled down like this, and time passed by every minute.

The tree of the Demon Realm has remained silent, and the exploration of the ancient forest of the Demon Realm by humans, monsters and spirits has gradually begun to take shape.

A sense of crisis enveloped the demons, but their most important seeds of the demon world remained motionless. Sometimes they even doubted the authenticity of the spiritual spring.

The demons' sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, and the entire demons are shrouded in darkness. Humans, spirits, and monsters are moving faster and faster. With some time, they will definitely be able to solve the doubts in the ancient forest of the demon world.

In the center of the Demon Realm, everything was calm, and the spirit beasts led by Xiao Ye did not encounter any resistance. Their place is probably the only peaceful place in the Demon Realm.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the situation in the demon world was changing anytime and anywhere. It could be described as turbulent, and even a little bit of news from the ancient forest in the demon world would attract a lot of attention.

Now that the secrets of the ancient forest of the demon world have been basically discovered, everyone was surprised to find that the images in the ancient forest of the demon world were nothing more than phantoms.

Except for the poisonous gas, everything in the ancient forest of the demon world is illusory, but this illusory is extremely real, and the vegetation and the like cannot be connected with the illusion at all.

However, the restrictions still exist, so that the strong have spent a lot of effort to enter this illusory land, breaking the restrictions one by one, it can be said that they have racked their brains.

While breaking the restriction, they were also approaching the ancient forest of the demon world. They didn't realize that everything was a phantom. It wasn't until they probed to a certain extent that they finally aroused suspicion, and finally figured out that the ancient forest of the demon world was a phantom at all.

From the very beginning, their investigation was in the wrong direction, and they were wasted a lot of time by an empty city.

But the ancient forest of the demon world in front of him is just a phantom, so where are the demons hiding at this moment?
Everyone was puzzled.

It is impossible for the demons to disappear for no reason. They must still be in the demon world, but where are they in the demon world?

Humans, spirit races, and monsters immediately searched the demon world on a large scale, but there were no clues of the demon race.

"I understand!"

Suddenly, Gu Feiyang seemed to think of something.

"Feiyang, let me tell you what you think of, what we need now is time."

The eyes of the Human King, Gold Eater and Spirit King were all attracted by Gu Feiyang, did Gu Feiyang know where the demons were hiding?

"The southern sea area, yes! It's the southern sea area, the demons must be hiding there! Use the sea area to block their breath. And the sea area has always been detached from the outside world. It was removed from our sight from the beginning. It is indeed the best place for the demons." hiding place!"

(End of this chapter)

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