god system

Chapter 690 The Army Arrives in the Sea Area

Chapter 690 The Army Arrives in the Sea Area
"Keep order, don't disperse, follow the previous arrangement, retreat!"

Mrs. Ermine immediately issued an order, and the team of monsters began to be thorough immediately, but when they were evacuating, five monsters came to the end of the team. Together, they formed a very strong defensive barrier at the end of the team, and defended like this At the end.

At the same time, there are monsters on the left and right sides who are responsible for the defense respectively. The formation is neat and the speed is extremely fast.

Mrs. Ermine knew that it was very dangerous when she accepted this task, so she naturally had to dare to take pictures, and she even made careful arrangements for her escape, which came in handy at this moment.

The Grand Canyon is undoubtedly the hiding place of the demons. It is estimated that the demons also know that they are going to be exposed, so they want to eat Mrs. Ermine's team, so they take the initiative to attack.

However, the Warcraft team found out in time and chose to retreat immediately, and they were in order, without any panic.

They were very fast, and rushed out of the sea in the blink of an eye. At that moment, the huge team of demons rushed out of the Grand Canyon and chased them all the way.

The number of demons is at least three times that of the monsters, and they are fierce. They are the team that wants to eat the monsters. They are the chasing party and don't need to defend, so they need to be faster.

The monsters began to flee quickly on the sea surface. The huge team was not satisfied with the speed at all.


The demons also flew out of the sea, chasing them all the way, at a faster speed.

However, the demons belonging to the chasing party did not form a good whole because of the different speeds. Although the speed was pulled in quickly, some demons began to attack. However, these attacks were not cohesive enough, and their strength was not too strong. The restrictions laid down by the Mozu earlier stopped it.

This made the demons tremble, but they were all getting closer quickly. Soon, the entire team of the demons was about three feet away from the monster.

They started to attack together, and in an instant, the defense behind the monster was challenged by the eyes, and it was crumbling.


Mrs. Ermine shouted loudly, and immediately a hundred monsters went to replace the original team and reorganized the defense.And the monster that retreated quickly escaped, and at the same time took the elixir to restore energy.

In this way, with a gap of three times the number, Mrs. Ermine's team unexpectedly resisted temporarily.

This made those demons very upset. They set off to take down these monsters and make them come and go. After all, they discovered the hiding place of the demons.

But now under the pursuit, there are no harvests, how can this be done?

"Go around to their sides and attack from three directions."

The leader of the demon clan gave an order, and immediately the demon clan organization, the two wings of the monster team in front, launched an attack.

However, there were already defensive monsters on the two wings of the monsters. They immediately blocked the defense. Although they did not completely resist, the losses were very small. So far, no monsters have been seriously injured, let alone died.

After the demons dispersed their forces, the pressure on the defensive monsters in the rear was greatly relieved. As a result, the defense of the monsters became more stable.

"No reason!"

The demons are all a little angry. The opponent has already prepared, and they don't want to fight at all. They just want to run away. It's not easy to take them down.

It's not easy to return, this Warcraft team still has to win!

As for going to the front to stop them, the demons still dare not.

Their number is indeed three times that of the monsters, but the monsters gather together and shoot forward indomitably. It is impossible for the demons to come to the front of the enemy in an instant.

They can only intercept in batches, but the monsters shoot so fast, if a small group of demons block in front, I am afraid that the defense will be broken by the monsters in an instant, and the loss will become the demons.

This pursuit made the demons feel very aggrieved, but they couldn't send more people, because the main task of the demons was to build defenses. They had already been discovered, and now it was only a matter of time before they were attacked.

"Master, I don't think it's an option to continue chasing them like this. The monsters have come prepared, and it's unrealistic to cause losses to them. It's futile for us to do so. It's better to go back and prepare for defense."

"Stop talking nonsense. The Demon Emperor sent us to clean up the monster team. How can we go back without gaining anything. I never do things without military achievements."

"Not good! There are a large number of strong men approaching in front of us. There are too many of them. It is a large team of the enemy."

"What? So fast?"

"Chairman, retreat quickly, don't think about any military exploits, if you don't retreat, we will retreat."

"Nonsense! Of course I have to retreat, fuck the military exploits, withdraw for me!"

The army from the Zhengyuan Continent and the spirit world arrived very quickly. As expected by Mrs. Ermine, she found out the location of the demons without losing any of her soldiers. Such a record is not bad.

Facing the army, the demons were instantly terrified. They turned around and ran away. How could they have the slightest intention of fighting?

Before the reinforcements arrived, Mrs. Ermine had already issued an order to chase after the demon team and launched a frenzied attack.

The demons fled too hastily without much preparation, so under the attack of the monsters, several demons really lost their lives.

The other demons also fled in embarrassment, three times the number of the opponent, and they were chased so embarrassingly in the end, it is estimated that this team will be aggrieved to death.

However, the demons escaped very quickly, and they quickly escaped into the bottom of the sea, so Mrs. Ermine announced that she would stop chasing and wait for the large team at the same place.

It's not good for monsters when they get into the water, who knows if there is an ambush there?It is already a great thing to take advantage of it, and Mrs. Ermine has made a meritorious service this time.


The Golden Rat came from a distance, and was relieved to see that Mrs. Ermine and the monster team were not harmed.

"Ma'am, have you confirmed where the demons are?" asked the Golden Rat.

"The demons are hidden in a canyon in the seabed. The entrance of the canyon is quite huge, but it is still not suitable for the strong to swarm up, otherwise it will become the target of the demons, so my opinion is to go from the sea to the sky. Launch an attack and force the demons out of the canyon!"

Mrs. Ermine immediately revealed the hiding place of the demons and revealed her plan.

This Mrs. Ermine has always been the military adviser of the Golden Rat, and she is a general who advises and advises.

"No hurry! When the Human King and the Spirit King arrive, we can discuss strategies together." This is the battle of the Three Realms, so naturally Mrs. Ermine can't act just by saying a few words.

"Has the Beastmaster been notified about this?" Mrs Ermine asked.

"The spirit beasts didn't want to participate in this battle. It would be futile to tell them, so as not to cause trouble. We didn't inform the beast king. When the battle is over, we will go directly to the center of the demon world and wipe out the remaining demons."

Regarding this matter, the Golden Rat, the Human King and the Spirit King had the same opinion, and there was no need to tell Xiao Ye.

Mrs. Ermine frowned because of this.

"Madam, what do you think is wrong?" The Golden Mouse understood Mrs. Ermine, and her expression showed that she still had opinions on this matter.

"The Beastmaster guards the center of the Demon Race, apparently to help us, but in fact he is protecting those Demon Race civilians. If we do it directly, I'm afraid..." Mrs. Ermine expressed her worry.

"Hehe! Don't worry, no matter what the Beastmaster's plan is, we have made a resolution at the original meeting, and he can't change it alone. Since the demons are going to disappear forever, then when the fighting power of the demons is completely disintegrated, he can't stop it." The demise of the demon race." The Gold Eater didn't care about it.

"But at this moment, I still find it strange." Mrs. Ermine said, "The spirit beasts don't want any benefits in this war, but they still have to contribute. What's their purpose?"

"Is Madam worrying too much? Maybe the spirit beast just sensed the threat from the demons, so it did this."

"If that's the case, then it's easy to solve. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Husband, don't forget that the current beast king of the spirit beast clan is not a spirit beast, but a human being!"

"Because of that young human being, what kind of scheming can he have? Madam thinks him a little high?"

"That's wrong. This human being caused quite a stir in the Zhengyuan Continent, and in less than a year, he suddenly became the king of the spirit beast clan. Although it seems that this is entirely due to luck. , but the human eyes make me feel unusual, he is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

"Ma'am, let's not mention the beast king for now, it's important to eliminate the demons now."

The conversation between Mrs. Ermine and the Golden Mouse sounded very long, but it was actually completed in a few blinks. At this time, the big team had arrived, and the Human King, Spirit King, and Golden Mouse had joined.

Mrs. Ermine immediately recounted the situation again, and got the specific location of the demons. Both the Human King and the Spirit King's eyes lit up.

"Now that the position of the demons has been determined, we will attack. We don't have much time to think about it. The longer the time delays, the more fully prepared the demons will be." Ling Wang said.

"That's right! Mrs. Ermine's plan is feasible. We will launch an attack from the sea, force the demons out, and finally encircle and suppress them!"

"It's not too late, let's act directly!"

The Human King, the Spirit King, and the Golden Rat reached an agreement almost instantly. They all knew that the longer they thought about it, the longer it would be for the demons to breathe.

Now it is time for Thunder to attack and completely take down the Demon Race.

"Zhengyuan Continent, Spirit Realm, although what my demons did to you back then was indeed excessive, but today you want to destroy my demons, but you will never allow it!"

Just when they finished their routines and came to a conclusion, a desolate voice suddenly sounded from the void. Immediately afterwards, all the strong men in the Zhengyuan Continent and the Spiritual World felt their world spinning, and the surrounding scene was distorted quickly. After that, they actually appeared in a strange closed space.

The surrounding area was empty, only the silver-white walls trapped them completely here!

(End of this chapter)

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