god system

Chapter 695 Demon God Domineering Appearance

Chapter 695 Demon God Domineering Appearance
Qiushui's status in the demon clan cannot be low. After all, she is the first demon clan to be transformed. Regardless of her potential or her state, she is an extremely special existence in the demon clan.

Now in this battle, the Demon Emperor personally led the team, and on the surface it seemed that he had put all his strength into it, but if you look carefully and guess it, you will find that the Demon Clan led the team here to die!
What made her want to die?What made her rather let the demons be destroyed?As the Demon Emperor, what she fears the most is not her own death, but the demise of the entire Demon Race, but now she is doing the opposite!
"There must be something wrong."

Xiao Ye frowned, looked at the battlefield again, and observed from the expressions of the demons, but couldn't find anything. They fought bloody battles, and they didn't look like they came to die.

The demons have a strong desire to survive, they even want to win, but there is such a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, don't they know that they are here to die, and only the demon emperor knows?
Or is it that the Demon Emperor is hiding some secrets?
"In any case, all I can do right now is watch, there is nothing else I can do." Xiao Ye quickly analyzed in his mind, but he knew what he could do now, just wait and see the battle situation.

Although there seemed to be no accidents in this war, it was hard to say until the last moment.

Bang bang bang!
A magic talisman exploded in front of the Demon Emperor's chest, and the Demon Emperor's body was immediately trapped in a water prison. Immediately afterwards, a steel fork in the hand of the Golden Rat stabbed fiercely, stabbing the Golden Rat's heart.

At this moment in the battle, the life of the Demon Emperor has also come to an end.

"Magic Emperor!"

But at this moment, the Book Name Demon Clan came to reinforce and rescued the Demon Emperor, but three Demon Clans died in the hands of the Golden Rat because of saving the Demon Emperor.

"You..." The Demon Emperor was taken aback, since she participated in this battle, she decided to die on the battlefield.He was about to be freed, but his compatriots sacrificed their lives to save him!

"Demon Emperor, you are the leader of our demon clan. If you die, the demon world will be considered as a real fall. No matter what, you must survive! Run away, let us stop the enemy!"

The Demon Race cast firm eyes on the Demon Emperor one after another. They were ready to die, and no matter what, they must protect the Demon Emperor and let him escape alive.

Facing the powerful demons, the Demon Emperor's heart was bleeding. She led these people to die. Everyone died, but what the Demons did at this time shocked the Demon Emperor.

For a long time, the Demon Emperor has been concentrating on the elite demon clan. To strengthen the demon clan, she seldom listens to the words of the people around her. She doesn't even care much about the life and death of the demon clan around her. kill.

It can be said that she was almost cold-blooded and ruthless for the sake of the demons, but now, the cold-blooded and ruthless her was saved by her compatriots.

Moreover, the strong demons would rather sacrifice themselves in order to let her escape.

For the first time in his life, something called moving appeared in the depths of the Demon Emperor's heart. The feeling was very sour, but there was an indescribable feeling, and the Demon Emperor even enjoyed it.

Because this feeling is so good, it is much, much more than the so-called battle!

"If you want to live together, if you want to die together, die together! Kill me!"

The Demon Emperor, who was already in despair, once again ignited his fighting spirit. She will not run away. She will fight to the last moment in this battle.

Being able to feel the feeling of being moved before she died, the Demon Emperor was very satisfied at the moment. Facing death, she actually smiled, the first time in her life that she smiled from the bottom of her heart.

In the words of the Demon Emperor, the fighting spirit of the Demon Race continued to burn, and the battle continued. Although they were not many in number, they also caused huge damage to the two worlds!

"It's really tough!"

The powerhouses of the two worlds also gradually felt irritated. Obviously they have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they can easily wipe out the enemy, why are they still fighting to this point?

The poisonous insects from the demon world are not the main reason. Although the troubles caused by the poisonous insects from the demon world cannot be underestimated, at most it is to make them spend more time. The main reason is the fighting spirit and uncomfortable will of the demon race.

Life is fragile, but it is also tenacious. Once a life does not want to die, he wants to live, and he wants to fight, then it will not be so easy to take his life!
The battle is still going on, but the mass fall of the demons cannot be changed. This battle cannot be changed by will.

But at this moment, the Demon Emperor, no matter how much she fought or how badly she was injured, she persisted stubbornly.She even has a smile on her face, this is probably the abnormal battle she enjoys the most.


Once again, the Demon Emperor's body was blown away, and this time she completely lost her ability to fight.

The Spirit King and the Golden Rat seized the opportunity and immediately stepped forward to kill them. This time they observed for four weeks, and no demon clan could come to rescue the Demon Emperor again!
"Demon Emperor, you are already very powerful to fight to this extent! But you are outnumbered, and your demon race will eventually perish!" The Spirit King stared at the Demon Emperor indifferently, and the rune in his hand had already been released.

The gold-eating rat is silent, for the enemy who is about to die, it is the first time to kill it, there is nothing to say!

"Spirit king, gold-eating rat, and human king, I have been wrong all my life, and I didn't realize it until before I died. Although it was late, this king is still worthy of the demons. But what you are doing at this time is following your own path. The old way of the emperor, war is not terrible, what is terrible is holding the idea of ​​​​completely exterminating a race, which is against the law of heaven and is not advisable."

The Demon Emperor knew that she was about to die, but before she died, she seemed like never before, with a smile on her face, as if she had seen through life and death.

"Before you die, you still talk about a bunch of great truths. This is not like your devil emperor's style, but whatever, you are going to die, let's say enough!"

The Ling King smiled coldly, the talisman had already arrived in front of the Demon Emperor, buzzing, and was about to explode.

At the same time, the steel fork of the Golden Rat also arrived, less than a foot away from the Demon Emperor's heart!
Death was so close, but the Demon Emperor was never at peace.

Seeing that the Demon Emperor was about to die, and Xiao Yezheng in the distance was frowning, the void suddenly shook and twisted, and then a blade glow shot from the sky, the huge force pierced through the world, intercepted in front of the Demon Emperor, and shattered it directly. The steel fork of the gold-eating rat destroyed the rune of the spirit king at the same time, and actually saved the devil's life.

"Who?" The Spirit King, the Human King, and the Golden Rat were stunned at the same time, but the sword light did not end there. He landed on the sea area, and the next scene shocked everyone.

It was just a mere knife light, but it broke through the entire sea area. In the center of the sea area, it seemed as if a partition wall appeared. , Breaking open the rocks on the bottom of the sea.

A huge black gap appeared in the depths of the bottom of the sea, and then the whole demon world vibrated crazily. The vibration caused the fusion of the sea area, and the tsunami rolled up crazily.

Returning to the waves, the tornado formed by the sea water seems to be haunted by evil spirits inside the sea area, and the entire sea area cannot stop.

In the void, the Demon Emperor was rescued. He was enveloped by a layer of light blue light, floating quietly, and beside the Demon Emperor, a boy of twelve or thirteen years old with short orange hair calmly floating there.

He carried two exaggerated sabers on his back, vicissitudes in his vision, but he swept around, and then the powerful soul power that surpassed Gu Feiyang by thousands of times suddenly enveloped the void.

All the battles stopped in astonishment, and the complexions of the Human King, the Gold Devouring Rat, and the Spirit King changed in an instant, and Xiao Ye who was not far away was also deeply shocked. be incapacitated.

"So strong! Who is he?"

The shock of Xiao Ye's heart is beyond words. He never imagined that at the last moment, such a strong man would appear inexplicably. Could it be that he is the master who controls the black hole?

"All demons, withdraw."

The boy didn't open his mouth, but the vicissitudes of life sounded in the void.

The Demon Emperor and all the Demon Race only felt the trembling in the depths of their souls, and they knew who the young man in front of them was without even thinking about it.

"Devil God, are you a Demon God?"

"Master Demon God, make the decision for our Demon Realm! Our compatriots died tragically at their hands. Lord Demon God, if you don't come, the Demon Realm will be gone! The Demon Race will be gone!"

"Master Demon God, woo woo woo..."

Including the Demon Emperor, almost all the demons had tears in their eyes, and the boy who suddenly appeared was none other than the myth of their demon world, the legendary demon god.

"I won't participate in the battle of the interface, so go ahead and talk. And you, give me ten days. After these ten days, I don't care what you do. Let's go now."

The Demon God didn't intend to fight any battles, let alone vent his anger on the Zhengyuan Continent and the Spirit World. No one knew why he didn't take action, but he clearly wanted to save the Demon Race at this moment.

"Master Demon God..." The Demon Race wanted to say more, they didn't understand why the legendary Demon God didn't make decisions for them, but facing the Demon God's indifferent back, no one could ask him anything.

The Human King, Spirit King, and Golden Rat were even more shocked at this moment. They never expected that hundreds of thousands of strong men would be unable to move in front of a young man, and they would have no power to fight back. The world will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!

"Devil God, are you really not going to participate in this interface battle?" Ling Wang pursed his lips and asked tentatively.

"What you say is what you say. I won't interfere with whatever you want after ten days." The Demon God replied calmly.

King Ling was overjoyed: "Then ask the demon god to make an oath, as soon as we make the oath, we will retreat immediately!"

As soon as these words came out, the Golden Rat and the Human King frowned at the same time, and the demon god also shrank his pupils, and then the colors of the world changed, and a feeling of doomsday enveloped all the powerful people in the two worlds.

Cold sweat covered King Ling's forehead, he was wrong at the beginning, did he think that the demon god was trying to negotiate terms with him?

"Get out! Immediately!"

Finally, there was a slight anger in the demon god's words. At that moment, all the strong men didn't wait for the order, and everyone fled like this!
(End of this chapter)

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