god system

Chapter 697 Demon God VS Little Monk

Chapter 697 Demon God VS Little Monk
How the palm wind and the two knives collided together, Xiao Ye couldn't see clearly at all, Xiao Ye only felt that the world was dark, and then his body was knocked away by the terrible energy.

The world was spinning for a while, when Xiao Ye controlled his body and stabilized, he found that the demon god and the little monk had disappeared from his sight. Looking around, the entire sea area felt like the world was spinning, and the light between the sky and the earth was distorted with the space. , bright and bright, like the scene of doomsday.

Xiao Ye didn't know how far he was thrown, but he was still within the range of the sea area. Even so, he could clearly see the changes in the entire sea area during the battle.

The sea water was tumbling, and part of it rolled into the void, turning into water droplets or water droplets, which were continuously swallowed by the distorted space in the void.

The sword light danced wildly in this world, and wherever it passed, the space was easily cut open. If Xiao Ye hadn't reacted quickly, the sword light that had just crossed from the right side would have taken Xiao Ye's life.

In addition to the sword light, there is also the golden palm print. The palm print is constantly thrown out by the space, and its power is stronger than the sword light.

The world is full of terrifying force collisions, and Xiao Ye is just one of the small boats. As long as he is hit, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

Under the crisis, Xiao Ye immediately mobilized the Xutian Cauldron to let the spiritual energy guard around his body. Even so, he had to carefully avoid these blade lights and palm prints, otherwise, if he was hit, the spiritual energy of the Xutian Cauldron would be destroyed. Not all of them can be resisted.

The attacks were too chaotic, too many, and it was almost impossible to dodge them all. The sea was tumbling, the space exploded, and even the sky was gray, as if they were amazed by this battle.


Suddenly, the void exploded, as if some kind of battle collided, and then Xiao Ye only felt a stream of extremely fast light approaching him, too fast, and he couldn't react at all.

With his spiritual eyes fully open, he narrowly saw that the demon god was holding a knife with his back facing him, as if he had collided with someone, and his body had rubbed flames with the void. He paused in front of Xiao Ye, less than half a foot away.

At that moment, cold sweat covered Xiao Ye's whole body. Although the time was short, he really felt as if he was about to be smashed to pieces by a mountain peak.

Boom boom boom!
However, Xiao Ye hadn't thought much about it yet, a violent airflow suddenly bombarded the aura around him, and Xiao Ye flew away like a leaf swept away by a strong wind.

It turned out that the demon god was knocked into the air too fast. Although he stopped his body, the terrifying impact still formed an air current. Xiao Ye couldn't bear it alone, and was ruthlessly blown away.

Under the protection of spiritual energy, Xiao Ye bumped into something fiercely, and just now he stopped his body, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

"This is……"

Turning around and looking, Xiao Ye realized that what he hit was not something else, but the restriction imposed by the little monk, which meant that he was directly hit and flew to the edge of the sea!
"Ahem!" Xiao Ye clutched his chest, feeling as if the blood in his body was out of control, ready to rush out of his body at any moment.

He didn't dare to take it because of it, and immediately took the little red potion, and his body recovered a little bit!

Looking up, an often powerful energy exploded in the void, and it was caused by the collision between the demon god and the monk.

The energy of the collision is constantly bursting from all directions, and it is so powerful that if you are not careful, you may be smashed to pieces.

"Although this is the farthest from the battle center, it's not the safest place. The battle center is safer than here. After all, they collided at the center. In the most core position, the energy fluctuations are strong, and the strong energy fluctuations can dissolve these aftermath. "

Xiao Ye understands that he is in the most danger now, if he is not careful, he will die on the spot.

The little monk didn't want to kill him with his own hands, but he didn't let him go, he wanted to let him die in the aftermath of this battle.

When he attacked the black hole that day, Xiao Ye had already felt a powerful aura. Originally, as the opponent, he should never be as fussy as he was, but he never thought that the opponent was narrow-minded, and he was not prepared to let him go from the beginning.

In the current situation created, Xiao Ye has completely entered a desperate situation. Although this battle is a battle between the demon god and the monk, Xiao Ye is the most dangerous one. He must survive in this environment.

Thinking about this, the spiritual spring in the Xutian cauldron was completely pulsating. Surrounded by spiritual energy, Xiao Ye dived into the bottom of the sea, approaching the center of the battle from the bottom of the sea.

Although the aftermath of the battle between the two sides is very strong, the space distortion under the seabed is the smallest, and any attack, as long as it is included in the sea surface, will more or less reduce its strength.

Xiao Ye has to calculate carefully now, and calculate every detail perfectly, so that it is possible to survive in this environment.

Moving forward under the sea, he had to dodge from time to time. Xiao Ye couldn't dodge every time. Once he was hit, the aura would twist violently, and his body would be ruthlessly hit into the bottom of the sea. On the rocks of the seabed.

Fortunately, with the little red potion, Xiao Ye is fine for the time being. As he approaches the center of the battle, the aftermath of the battle becomes stronger and more dangerous. Xiao Ye must go through the most dangerous section of the road before he can reach the opposite safe center.

Gritting his teeth and controlling all the power he could use, Xiao Ye finally broke through the most terrifying aftermath and came to the center of the battle.

Breaking through the water and looking into the void, you can see the little monk and the demon god turning into two afterimages in the void.

The Demon God's sword technique is too exquisite, because of the gap in levels, Xiao Ye couldn't see the Demon God's movements at all, only saw the sword shadow flickering constantly, and the entire void was shrouded in the interweaving of the sword shadow.

But the little monk is unarmed, his body is the most powerful weapon, his golden body can throw palms and punches at will, and he can block all the attacks of the demon god, and the demon god will be blasted far away from time to time .

The two quickly fought together, and the little monk clearly had the absolute upper hand. Xiao Ye couldn't see or understand the devastating battle, but Xiao Ye probably knew the cause of the battle.

It was the little monk, that is, the owner of the black hole, who seemed to have captured a certain friend of the Demon God, and then asked that friend to send a signal to the Demon God, asking him to go to the Demon Realm.

As a result, the friend of the Demon God was killed, but it was a monk who was waiting for the Demon God.

So the two fought together, and the monk had an absolute advantage.

"Unexpectedly, in just 500 years, the strength of the strong in the universe has improved so much. I really miscalculated." The monk said his judgment calmly while fighting.

Indeed, before this, the little monk thought that he could easily kill the demon god in seconds. Who would have thought that the demon god could tremble with him.

Although he had the absolute upper hand, it was a bit impossible for the little monk to kill the demon god immediately.

Unless the little monk tried his best to get hurt.

The increase in the strength of the enemy made him feel unbelievable. Perhaps it was the reason why he had not walked in the universe for 500 years. The strength of all the strong in the universe had achieved a qualitative leap, which was far beyond his expectations.

The demon god didn't talk nonsense with him, although his strength was far inferior to his opponent's and the surrounding sea area had been blocked, but he did not give up, relying on his own strength, he fought frantically with the little monk.

The sky of this battle was dark and the time was far beyond Xiao Ye's imagination.

Xiao Ye survived at the bottom of the sea. It can be said that every minute and every second was facing a huge crisis, especially the violent collision between the demon god and the monk. Almost every time Xiao Ye narrowly escaped death.

Two extremely strong men were fighting, but Xiao Ye's persistence was no less than the two of them.

At this time, outside the sea area, many strong men from the Zhengyuan Continent and the spirit world had already gathered. Through the restriction of the sea area, according to the changes in the sea area, their complexions changed.

What kind of collision was that, what a surprise, if he escaped too slowly, he would probably have been smashed to pieces right now?
After a long time, many people from the spirit beast clan also came. Xiao Xiaojia, Zixia Immortal, Ling Luo and Ling Zixin all came. They searched all around, but found no trace of Xiao Ye. It all changed too.

In this way, in the crazy battle in the sea, time passed quickly, and it was already three days in the blink of an eye.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights, but the winner was still not determined. Moreover, the more violent the battle became, the more difficult it was for Xiao Ye to survive.

The demon god's ability is far beyond the little monk's expectation. He never imagined that the universe has changed so much even if he hasn't walked in this universe for 500 years. The strength of a mere demon god has reached an unbelievable level.

"Devil God! It seems that I have underestimated you. It will take some time to kill you, but within ten days, I will definitely take your life!" Although the little monk was shocked by the strength of the Demon God, he had an absolute advantage. He just didn't want to be killed because of the Demon God. was seriously injured.

So he has been fighting steadily, not in a hurry, so as not to make huge mistakes.

At the bottom of the sea area, there are already potholes here, and Xiao Ye is like a flat boat, surviving in the storm.

He has Little Red Potion, Xutian Ding, and many treasures. He even feels that Qiushui has crushed the energy left by him, but he can't escape.

"Damn, how long are these two bastards going to fight?"

Xiao Ye was furious in his heart. He knew that his reinforcements were waiting outside the Demon Realm. If they entered the Demon Realm, they might be able to save him, but Xiao Ye's consciousness was blocked by the monk's restraint, and he couldn't contact the outside reinforcements at all!
Now Xiao Ye can only resist bitterly, even he himself does not know whether he will be able to persevere to the end of this long struggle.

Time continued to pass like this, day by day, the battle became more and more terrifying day by day, and the demon god's injuries became more and more day by day. In a blink of an eye, the ten days that the little monk said came.

(End of this chapter)

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