god system

Chapter 701 Pursuit

Chapter 701 Pursuit
After dancing twice, Xiao Ye was enveloped by a bloody mask. Facing the demon monk whose aura was soaring, Xiao Ye directly slashed down.

At the same time, Xiao Ye said to Yuanshen and Lingshen: "Lock the sea area, be careful of his soul escaping!"

Yuanshen and Lingshen were startled at the same time. When they saw the abnormal surge of energy in the demon monk's body, they knew that the demon monk was about to self-destruct.

But at this moment, listening to Xiao Yeyi, it seems that the demon monk is not planning to blow himself up, he is using this as a shield to let his soul escape!

Yuanshen and Lingshen did not dare to be negligent, and immediately strengthened the blockade and vigilance. On the other side, Xiao Ye had already split the body of the demon monk with a knife.

In an instant, huge energy exploded from the demon monk's body. Although it was destroyed by Xiao Ye before it reached its peak, the explosion at such a close distance still produced a billowing energy storm.

Being at the very center of the energy storm, the attack Xiao Ye suffered was very terrifying, but he had prepared protection in advance, holding two knives, and remained motionless in the void.

Sure enough, just as Xiao Ye expected, after Yao Monk Mie's body exploded, a gray energy body escaped from it.

Because Xiao Ye was in the energy center, he was temporarily unable to pursue him, but Yuanshen and Lingshen naturally noticed it immediately.

"Old monk, want to run?"

Yuanshen and Lingshen appeared at the first time, and in the frenzy of the explosion, they rushed forward without caring about themselves.

However, at this moment, a black hole suddenly twisted and appeared at the center of the energy explosion. The power of the demon monk's soul rushed into the black hole, and the black hole quickly began to close!
"not good!"

Yuanshen and Lingshen were shocked, they had no time to stop the black hole, the black hole appeared too fast and closed too fast, should they just watch the demon monk escape?

The harm left by the demon monk is small, but the hatred of the demon god is great!

If he ran away like this after being wiped out by the demon monk, Yuanshen and Lingshen would not accept it, and Xiao Ye, who was already using the demonic blood and essence, would not accept it either!
But the demon monk's soul has entered the black hole, and the black hole has closed and upwards, it seems that there is no way to reverse it!

At the last moment, Xiao Ye broke through the energy storm, and the Immemorial Yanhuang Saber made a move, cut through the void, and hit the black hole fiercely!
Boom!There was a loud noise, the void exploded, and the black hole emerged again, but it closed and went upwards quickly. From the black hole, there was a familiar breath from Xiao Ye. At the same time, the black hole seemed to have suffered some kind of damage. transmission is unstable.

"This connected breath..."

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and Xiao Ye was very familiar with the aura coming from the black hole. Isn't that the aura that belongs to the world of corpses and souls?
If the black hole is a treasure, it must have been damaged by Xiao Ye's attack at this moment. He needs to repair it. Presumably, he can only allow the demon monk to complete a shuttle. On the surface of the breath faintly emanating from the black hole space, the black hole and the demon monk should be the same. Went to Soul Soul Realm.

Zhengyuan Continent, Spirit Realm, and Demon Realm, these three realms are almost side by side, very close, and the Soul Realm is not far from the three realms, so it is normal for the monster monk to escape to the Soul Realm.

The world of corpses and souls is Xiao Ye's territory. If the black hole is really damaged and can no longer travel through it, then the world of corpses and souls will be the burial place of the demon monk!

Thinking up to this point, Xiao Ye didn't hesitate at all. He waved his hand and broke the restriction that blocked the sea area, and turned into a ray of light and shot away.

"Boy, where are you going?" Yuanshen and Lingshen were startled.

"Chasing and killing the demon monk!" Xiao Ye replied.

"Do you have a way to track down the demon monk?" Yuanshen and Lingshen were overjoyed, and immediately followed Xiao Ye without caring too much.

And as the ban on the blocked sea area exploded, the remaining aftermath also spread in all directions, and terrible energy exploded around the sea area in an instant.

The powerhouses who were originally far away from the sea area, saw this and moved away again, and centered on the sea area, dozens of miles around were involved in crazy destruction.

The energy fluctuations spread, and no strong person dared to approach, but they didn't even notice that three extremely fast streamers in the void quickly passed by.

"Xiao Jia, I'm fine. You go back for now, and continue to suppress the Demon Center. Don't get involved in other things. Wait for me to come back."

When Xiao Xiaojia was extremely worried, Xiao Ye's voice transmission sounded in her mind. Although the tone of the voice transmission was vaguely domineering, Xiao Xiaojia was sure it was Xiao Ye who sent it.

"Great, Brother Xiao Ye is fine!"

Xiao Xiaojia heaved a sigh of relief, and then told Xiao Ye's voice transmission to Immortal Zixia, Ling Luo, and Ling Zixin. The four girls felt so relieved, and immediately drove to escape, not staying any longer.

And Xiao Ye, Yuanshen, and Lingshen have already entered the interface channel of the Demon Realm, and stepped into the interface line to the Soul Realm.

"Boy, where are we going?" Yuanshen and Lingshen have been following Xiao Ye closely. Ever since Xiao Ye refined the magic blood essence, they have been fighting, and they haven't had time to talk.

"Corpse and Soul Realm." Xiao Ye replied: "Junior Xiao Ye, since he got the demonic blood essence from Senior Demon God, he is obliged to avenge Senior Demon God. At this time, he will never let the demon monk go easily."

"The Soul Realm?"

When they heard Xiao Ye mention the name of this interface, Yuanshen and Lingshen couldn't help being startled at the same time. They knew exactly what the corpse and soul world was. That place was a dead world with special creatures. Yes, the extremely special status of the corpse soul world in the universe.

"If he really escaped into the world of corpses and souls, we'd better stop chasing him for the time being." Yuanshen frowned and said after some thought.

"That's right! I agree with Yuanshen's statement. Kid, you may not know what the soul world is, and there is no strong person willing to enter there. Because the world of souls has long been under the control of a lunatic, no matter what No matter how strong you are, you have to listen to him when you enter the Soul Realm."

Xiao Ye naturally knew what the two strong men said, wasn't he talking about the God of the Soul Realm?He has already been dealt with by Xiao Ye, and now Xiao Ye is the ruler of the Soul Realm. If the demon monk really escaped to the Soul Realm, how would he escape from Xiao Ye's palm?

There are countless strong people in the universe, and the so-called gods in the soul world are far inferior to the powerhouses such as Yuanshen in terms of strength, but masters who are countless times stronger than Yuanshen and Lingshen, if they enter the world of corpses and souls, they must Bow your head obediently.

Therefore, this world of corpses and souls is something that all strong people do not want to step into.

The most important thing is the so-called god of the soul world, who has a weird personality and puts interests first. If he finds out that there are super masters entering the world of souls, he will probably want to make the most of them. Caught off guard.

Therefore, both Yuanshen and Lingshen are unwilling to enter the world of corpses and souls. It is a big deal to avenge the demon god, but they cannot easily enter the world of corpses and souls, otherwise their own lives will be in danger, so how can they talk about revenge?

"Don't worry, the two seniors. If the demon monk enters the world of corpses and souls, I will let him go and never return. As for whether the world of corpses and souls will affect the two seniors, this junior can also guarantee that as long as the two seniors do not destroy the world of corpses and souls , the two seniors are absolutely safe."

Xiao Ye patted his chest to promise.

"You promise?" Yuanshen and Lingshen both rolled their eyes, how could Xiao Yehede make such a promise?
The Soul World is not a good place, if it is only dangerous, then it is nothing, in order to avenge the Demon God, they must go there as soon as possible.

But the Soul Soul Realm is quite special. Entering the Soul Soul Realm is tantamount to willingly becoming a slave to the God of the Soul Soul Realm, letting him dictate, doing whatever he likes, and you simply cannot resist it.

This is thousands of times more terrifying than death, so Yuanshen and Lingshen are not willing to go.

"The two seniors can turn back. I can go to the Soul Realm alone. I guarantee that as soon as the demon monk reaches the Soul Realm, I will take his life and avenge the Demon God!"

Xiao Ye understands the concerns of the two seniors. He himself must go to the Soul Realm. As for the Primordial God and Spiritual God, it doesn't matter if they don't go.


The two frowned and hesitated. To them, it was natural that they were unwilling, but they also wanted to avenge the demon god. Now is the time of conflict.

"I think we'd better stay out of Soulworld."

The world of corpses and souls does not only bring danger, but the world of corpses and souls brings fear ten times more terrifying than death.

"Boy, I advise you not to force it. We can take revenge in the future, but this soul world is indeed not a good place." Yuanshen and Lingshen had made a decision, and they also persuaded Xiao Ye, hoping that Xiao Ye would not Impulsive and reckless.

"Senior, don't worry, I'll be fine. Just ask the two seniors to return to the Demon Realm for now, and I will bring good news soon." Xiao Ye has made up his mind to go.

The world of corpses and souls belongs to him. If the demon monk is really in the world of corpses and souls, Xiao Ye can easily kill the demon monk even if he doesn't have the magic blood essence.

"Since you are so persistent, we will not force you. We will wait for you in the Demon Realm for five days. If you haven't returned after five days, you will be considered a failure. We will avenge you against the Demon God."

Yuanshen and Lingshen explained a few words, but they still decided to leave.For them, death is not so terrible, but if they are controlled by others and unable to struggle, then their life will be worse than death.

They also didn't want Xiao Ye to take risks, because Xiao Ye had the devil's blood essence in his body, if Xiao Ye died, the devil would never be able to resurrect.

But they couldn't stop Xiao Ye. At this moment, they could only go back by themselves, and let Xiao Ye be more careful.

They did everything they could do, and the two of them didn't stay any longer, they left, leaving Xiao Ye the only one chasing and killing the demon monk.

Xiao Ye was so persistent, not because he wanted to avenge the Demon God, but because the monster monk had played with him to the point of death. Xiao Ye remembered that since there was a chance for revenge, he should not let it go.

What's more, the demon god died in front of him, and his last anger also rushed into the demon blood essence, and also affected Xiao Ye at the same time, so he needs to express this anger!
(End of this chapter)

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