god system

Chapter 704 Three Realms Peace Agreement

Chapter 704 Three Realms Peace Agreement

As Shadow Fox said, everything was beyond Xiao Ye's expectation. Is there really such an existence as Shadow Realm in this universe?

According to Shadow Fox, this Yingjie has simply become a god in the universe, and the creatures he creates casually can reach the invincibility of the universe.

But there is one thing that Xiao Ye is puzzled about. Why is the task assigned by the Shadow Realm to kill the top [-] powerhouses in the universe?He must have a purpose, but what is the purpose?
"Do you know why Shadow Realm wants to kill the top [-] strong men in the universe?" Xiao Ye asked.

"I don't know, we only know that we need to collect their souls. As for what to do in the end, I don't know. We collected the souls of the top 5 people [-] years ago, but where did the souls end up? I don't know either."

During Shadow Fox's commentary, Xiao Ye felt a deep sense of conspiracy.

The Shadow Realm is too mysterious and too powerful, the most important thing is what does he want the souls of the strong?
He must have some dark secret.

"Hero, I promise that everything I just said is true. If there is even half a lie, you can kill me right now!" Shadow Fox was afraid that Xiao Ye would not believe it, so he patted his chest to promise.

"Believe it or not, wait for me to prove it myself. As for you, since there will be people from the Shadow Clan coming to hunt you down, then enter my Void Heaven Cauldron and let me temporarily seal you up. Do you agree?"

"I agree!"

Shadow Fox didn't even think about it, and nodded in agreement.

Xiao Ye shrugged and said, "But you have to know that this seal may last forever, because as long as the Shadow Clan you speak of exists, you will not be free."

"I know! But in this way, at least I have the possibility to live. It is easy to pass 5 years of self-consistency. I don't care to continue to wait. So what if it is 50 years? As long as there is a chance to live."

Shadow Fox has been the demon monk's pet since he was born. He followed the demon monk to kill strong people everywhere, and he didn't enter a deep sleep state until he killed all the top [-] strong men in the universe.

This is what they were born to do, but if any one of them dies, the other of them will also face the threat of death.

Shadow Fox doesn't want to die, he wants to live, in order to live, he would rather continue to sleep.He can be sealed by Xiao Ye in the Xutian Cauldron, and he can tell Xiao Ye everything, his only requirement is to survive.

Today's Shadow Fox has been injured, but he will recover quickly in the Xutian Cauldron, but in order not to be killed, he must sleep deeply in the Xutian Cauldron.

Then he was actually useless to Xiao Ye, and the only reason Xiao Ye helped him was the Shadow World that Shadow Fox talked about.

The demon monk is dead, but someone stronger than the demon monk will be born. He wants to kill the top [-] strong men in the universe, but the first condition is to kill the shadow fox first and get his own pet.

If Xiao Ye protected the Shadow Fox, then the reborn powerhouse would not be able to attack the top [-] powerhouses in the universe, and Xiao Ye would be able to prevent a bloody massacre.

Of course, Xiao Ye's purpose is not to stop this massacre. To put it bluntly, this massacre has nothing to do with him, but don't forget that the strong man has inherited the memory of his previous life, and he must have remembered Xiao Ye as an enemy.

Then after finishing the top [-], he will definitely come to seek revenge on Xiao Ye, and the final result will be known without thinking.

The reborn strong man may be the number one in the universe at this moment, as Shadow Fox said, so Xiao Ye naturally cannot be provoked, and as long as Xiao Ye keeps hiding Shadow Fox, the matter will naturally be resolved in this way.

But the final and complete solution is actually to find out what the so-called Shadow Realm is, destroy him, and naturally everything will be resolved.

Of course, Xiao Ye didn't want to do such a troublesome thing, if possible, let's settle the matter like this.

No matter what Shadow Fox said is true or not, if he is sealed, all troubles will be gone, but it is a pity that he cannot use the power of Shadow Fox, this is the only regret.

"come in!"

Xiao Ye sacrificed the Xutian Cauldron, and the Shadow Fox did not resist at all, and was directly sucked into the Xutian Cauldron, and then sealed by Xiao Ye.

The demon monk is dead, and the Shadow Fox has been banned. This matter is over for the time being.


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ye suddenly felt powerless all over, and then he closed his eyes, fell into the river, and fell into a temporary deep sleep.

The Demon Blood Essence could have supported Xiao Ye in the fight for three days, but now that one day is not up, Qing'er, the power of the Demon Blood Essence, has withdrawn.

Undoubtedly, this is because the power Xiao Ye acquired far surpassed that of the Demon God, which led to faster consumption, and naturally it was impossible to persist for too long.

In Xiao Ye's dantian, a square piece of blood-colored essence floated there. This essence was in a solidified state, exuding blood light all over his body. He seemed to be unsealing himself, transmitting power to Xiao Ye's blood little by little.

Just as the demon god said, the blood essence will unseal itself, and will continue to attack Xiao Ye's flesh and blood. If Xiao Ye does not become stronger, then Xiao Ye cannot absorb the power of the blood essence, and will eventually control Xiao Ye .

Xiao Ye doesn't need to bother to absorb the magic blood essence at all, he just needs to quickly become stronger, the power of the magic blood essence will be his in the end!
I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Ye felt his head was groggy, as if he was being pressed down by a big mountain, and he just woke up after struggling for a long time.

He is still in the river of the corpse soul world, but the extremely powerful power before has disappeared, but the demonic blood essence in the dantian is real.

"Huh! I didn't expect the magic blood essence to recede so quickly, and I don't know what happened to my body, why it fits so well with the magic blood essence."

Xiao Ye got up, changed into a set of clothes, and couldn't help but recall the scene after he absorbed the magic blood essence and became stronger in his mind.

Xiao Ye didn't know why, but he felt that the magic blood essence should be integrated with it. Even Xiao Ye was baffled by the terrible fit.

Putting many things behind, Xiao Ye should go to solve the peace of the Three Realms at this moment.

After the great war, the peace agreement of the Three Realms has come to an agreement.

Thinking about this, Xiao Yetun shot towards the interface channel, and soon entered it, approaching the Demon Realm.

Demon world!

After experiencing the battle in the sea area, the sea area at this moment is still not calm. Everyone in the Zhengyuan Continent and the strong in the spirit world are in danger. They don't know what happened, and they don't even have the heart to find the location of the demons.

At this moment, the demon clan is also panic-stricken. Although the demon emperor is alive, after the great battle, their demon clan has been seriously injured. If they are discovered by the powerhouses of the two realms, they may face real death.

And Qiu Shui has already sent a signal to Xiao Ye, waiting hard, but Xiao Ye didn't come. Could it be that the Beastmaster has regretted it?

The Demon Race, Human Race, Demon Race, and Spirit Race, these four races are all in the Demon Realm at the moment, but the battle has temporarily stalled.

The appearance of the demon god, the battle in the sea, all these were too frightening, causing the powerhouses to be unable to react for a while, and did not know what to do.

Now that the sea battle is over, the powerhouses of the two worlds are also slowly calming down. They thought of the ten days that the demon god said, and they should have gathered a team to look for the demons.

But since the sea battle, the entire demon world has entered an unstable period, especially the sea area, which is tumbling, and the aftermath of the battle has always affected the entire demon world. As a result, the strong in the two worlds have no way to find the hideout of the demon race point.

So at this moment, the powerhouses of the two worlds are only regrouping, and they have not taken any action yet. They have to wait for the turmoil in the demon world to end, which is expected to take two to three days.

The spirit beast clan is still the most stable, they suppressed the center of the demon clan.

The demons in the center of the demons were originally nervous because of the previous turmoil, but in the end they found that they were not affected, so they slowly calmed down.

Time passed slowly like this, and at a certain moment, Xiao Ye finally returned to the Demon Realm again.

He went to the location of the spirit beast, greeted Feisile, Xiao Xiaojia, Zixia Xianzun, Ling Luo, Ling Zixin, etc., and then began to go to the hiding place of the demons.

Qiu Shui has already crushed the strength left by Xiao Ye and left a mark, Xiao Ye can naturally find it easily.

The place where the demons are hiding at this moment is not in the sea area, but inside a mountain that is inevitable in the sea area. There are many caves inside the mountain. The caves are like a maze, which is really suitable for hiding.

But the goal here is too big, and it will be a matter of time before they are discovered, and it is probably the last strategy of the demons.


When Xiao Ye arrived outside these mountain caves, Qiu Shui noticed it immediately and came out to welcome him.

Qiu Shui is the first transformed strongman of the Demon Race. His appearance is very close to that of a human being. It can be said that he is a human being, and his appearance is so lovely that he can be regarded as a beautiful woman.

But in the past few days, Qiu Shui has aged a lot. It seems that the affairs of the demon clan have worried her a lot.

"There are some important things these few days, and I have delayed them, please don't mind, Miss Qiushui!"

Seeing Qiushui again, Xiao Ye was polite at first, but now that everything is ready, it's almost time for a complete showdown.

"It's a blessing for my demon clan that the beast king can come. The demon king has been waiting for a long time, please go and talk to the beast king." Qiu Shui's attitude towards Xiao Ye is obviously much better at the moment. In their opinion, Xiao Ye is probably their last hope.

The demon god appeared that day, and the demon clan thought that the opportunity had come. Who would have thought that the demon god was just buying time. Now that the war in the sea area is over, the demon god has disappeared without a trace, and the hope of their demon clan has once again been annihilated.

Now there is only one hope left for Xiao Ye, and the demons naturally have to hold on to it.

"Let's lead the way."

As Xiao Ye said, Qiu Shui was leading the way ahead.

After going through the previous battles, the demons suffered huge losses, and now they are even more cautious. If Qiushui did not lead the way, Xiao Ye would definitely be attacked here.

"Beastmaster, when I met the Demon Emperor, I just want to confirm one thing. I wonder if the Beastmaster can answer?" Qiu Shui asked while leading the way.

"Please speak." Xiao Ye said calmly.

"Our demons have fallen into the current situation. Even if the tree of the demon world grows, I am afraid that the two worlds will not give us any more time. Can our demons be saved now?"


Facing Qiushui's question, Xiao Ye's answer was only one word, but he seemed very confident. Just this one word gave Qiushui more or less confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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