god system

Chapter 711 Summoning System

Chapter 711 Summoning System (End)

The three big figures represent human beings, monsters and spirit race respectively, and the mission on their shoulders is very heavy, like a mountain, they can't breathe!
At this moment, the people of the three tribes are panicking, and they are all waiting for them to come forward to give an explanation, what is the next step, and what will happen in the future.

So the three of them didn't care about their own dignity, and stayed in the spirit beast clan with rough skin and thick flesh, waiting for Xiao Ye bitterly.

Now that Xiao Ye came back, although he didn't talk to them immediately, they still didn't dare to get angry.As a king, any action or decision may cause rivers of blood to flow, being able to bend and stretch must be a necessary quality!
When Xiao Ye came again, the three of them were still so enthusiastic. Although it made Xiao Ye feel very uncomfortable, Xiao Ye could also understand their mood at the moment. The feeling of grasping at straws is not something ordinary people can understand.

"Beastmaster, what do you think is the current situation in the Demon Realm?"

"I heard that the tree of the demon world has grown, and the demon race has entered a major change. So what are they thinking at this moment? Do they want to continue to invade us?"

"The strong men who came to the Demon Realm before, are they leaving now? Will they pose a threat to us?"

As soon as they sat down, the Human King, Gold Eater and Spirit King eagerly began to ask questions. Perhaps this was a bit reckless and anxious, but they really wanted to know the answer immediately.

Regarding this, Xiao Ye was not prepared to hide it for a long time, he said: "You don't need to ask any more questions, I will clarify the questions one by one next, you just listen carefully, if you have any questions after I finished speaking, Then ask again."

There are obviously too many questions about the Human King, the Gold Eater, and the Spirit King. It is impossible for Xiao Ye to ask them one by one. Moreover, Xiao Ye has nothing to hide when things come to this point. It is time for a complete showdown, so he Will explain clearly.

In fact, when he came back this time, he did not expect such a situation. He originally wanted to find them, and then test their thoughts on the peace agreement of the Three Realms.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the demon god, the sea battle, and the final terrifying coercion had already frightened the three kings, and now they were afraid that the two worlds would be wiped out.

The Human King, the Gold Devourer, and the Spirit King looked at each other, and the three of them could only keep silent and listen to Xiao Ye's words quietly.

Only then did Xiao Ye continue: "The tree of the demon world has indeed grown, and the demon race is also transforming into a stronger side. It won't be long before the strength of the demon race will definitely improve, and this cannot be changed."

"The demons have always been a fighting race. Their desire to invade has never given up since their existence. You should be very clear about this. But this time is different. They have made a new decision, which is to form a peace in the Three Realms , the time limit is 1000 years!"

"You don't need to know the reason, and you don't need to care about it. As for those strong people, they just don't want to see the Three Realms war, and they like to see peace, so as long as this agreement is reached, the Three Realms will naturally live in peace."

"Those strong men seem to have left, but they are actually still in the dark. No one dares to act rashly at this moment. In other words, the three realms are now in a relatively safe state, and once the peace agreement of the three realms is reached, no matter what the demons think. , within the specified time limit, naturally there will be no action."

Xiao Ye went straight to the point, and informed the three kings of the current situation of the demon clan and what they were about to do. As soon as the so-called peace agreement of the three realms was exported, the hearts of the three were relieved at the same time.

This is basically the final answer they want. After all, after the tree of the demon world grows, the demons will become stronger and stronger, and they can't attack the demons at this moment, which means that they will only be beaten in the future.

With this agreement, everything is easy to say and safe.

"Why is the peace agreement stipulated to be 1000 years? Can it be longer?" Human King thought for a while and asked suddenly.

"Hehe! 1000 years has been a very long time. Isn't this 1000 years enough for the Three Realms to resolve their enmity? The peace agreement is just a tactic to slow down the war, and it is impossible to rely on him for a long time. The most important thing is to resolve all the enmity between the Three Realms , become friends, then why do you need this agreement?"

"If 1000 years can't resolve hatred, then no matter how much time is given, you will all go to war in the end! These 1000 years are not for you to become stronger and think about how to deal with the enemy, but for them to coexist peacefully and resolve hatred. Don't misinterpret his intentions."

What Xiao Ye said made Wang Mao suddenly enlightened. This kind of insight is much higher than that of Ren Wang.

When they heard the 1000-year time limit of the peace agreement, they naturally thought of what to do after 1000 years?How to become stronger in these 1000 years, so that your interface will not be threatened.

But they didn't think of the real intention of 1000 years, which is the millennium to resolve the hatred. Once the hatred is resolved, the Three Realms will usher in peaceful coexistence and the resources of the Three Realms will be shared, then the strength of the Three Realms will surely increase by leaps and bounds.

With Xiao Ye's words, the three of them were completely relaxed. The tense nerves these days made it inevitable for them day and night. Now that the matter has a solution, the three of them couldn't help but feel tired for a while.

"In a few days, the Demon Emperor will probably send a letter to discuss major issues with us. I will also participate at that time. Regarding the specific content of the Three Realms Peace Agreement, you should also think about it in the past few days."

What Xiao Ye said at the end made the King of People, the Golden Rat, and the King of Spirits all roll their eyes. It can be said that these agreements were created by Xiao Ye, and the final terms were basically presided over by Xiao Ye. In fact, no matter what they think, In the end it didn't work either.

Although none of them knew why Xiao Ye did this, as long as the matter can be resolved, it would be a good thing.

Xiao Ye is just an ordinary human being. Before taking over as the king of the spirit beast clan, not to mention the human kings, even Feissler didn't pay much attention to him, let alone the human kings, gold-eating rats, and spirit beasts. A king like Wang?
They never took Xiao Ye seriously, and Xiao Ye was kicked out of Zhengyuan Continent back then, Gu Feiyang even almost took Xiao Ye's life.

Such a character, in just one year, has actually been on an equal footing with an existence like the King of Kings, which has to be embarrassing.

Although there is still some distance between Xiao Ye and them in terms of strength, his status is absolutely equal, even at this moment, Xiao Ye is even higher than them.

Regardless of whether they admit it or not, Xiao Ye has completely entered their sight after experiencing the Great War of the Three Realms. Regarding Xiao Ye's mystery and Xiao Ye's methods, Human King, Gold Eater and Spirit King dare not neglect at all.

The three of them then asked some more questions, and Xiao Ye answered them one by one. When they left the territory of the spirit beast clan, all the knots in their hearts were basically opened.

As for the Three Realms Peace Agreement, they naturally have to wait for the news from the Demon Emperor. After all, the tree of the Demon Realm has not yet matured, and it will take time to brew it.

Xiao Ye stayed in the territory of the spirit beast clan, and rarely had free time.

He appeared in front of the spirit beasts during the day and established a good relationship with the spirit beasts, and stayed with Xiao Xiaojia at night, feeling very uncomfortable.

Huo Wu is still staying in the territory of the spirit beast clan at this moment, while Zixia Immortal Venerable is using the abundant spiritual energy in the spirit world to cultivate.

After Ling Zixin reunited with Ling Shui, her desire to control her consciousness became stronger and stronger, and even Ling Shui began to cooperate with Ling Zixin to carry out training methods to strengthen her consciousness.

And Ling Luo also has her own affairs, her soul power is very strong, and there is Luo Ling in her body, so she will naturally practice hard.

A short period of calm came. When the Zhengyuan Continent and the Spiritual Realm did not receive the information from the Demon Emperor, they temporarily kept the so-called peace agreement secret according to Xiao Ye's request, but they each issued soothing words, at least making the relationship between the two realms more peaceful. People are at ease for the time being.

Time passed quietly like this, and after thirteen days, the Demon Emperor finally sent a message, she invited Human King, Gold Eater, Spirit King and Xiao Ye to go to Demon Realm together to discuss the peace agreement.

Everyone who had been prepared for this, naturally chose to go to the Demon Realm immediately, and Huo Wu was also accompanying Xiao Ye.

The demons had already prepared a secret place to hold a meeting. There were almost no contradictions in this meeting. With Xiao Ye's full support, the Three Realms peace agreement was finally reached.

The Three Realms will be peaceful for 1000 years. During this year, the Three Realms are not allowed to launch any wars. Each of the Three Realms builds interface channels and shares resources with each other. The strong of the Three Realms can simply register and spread legends among the Three Realms at will.

The millennium peace agreement is a huge step forward, and the six races of the Three Realms know that when this peace agreement is reached, the Three Realms are destined to go in a higher direction.

Of course, the role played by the demons in this is quite special, because they have been transformed by the tree of the demon world, and their aptitude is already very important.

"The D-level task is completed, and you will be rewarded with [-] bottles of Dazhen Qi Water, [-] bottles of Da Ling Qi Water, [-] bottles of Medium Blue Potion, [-] bottles of Zhonghong Potion, a set of Whirlwind Battle Armor, a book of Sumeru Sound Wave Kung Fu, Seal the summoning system."

When Xiao Ye finished all this and returned to the spirit world again, the D-level mission was finally completed, and the rich mission reward fell into Xiao Ye's pocket.

Among them, the summoning system is undoubtedly the most important reward for Xiao Ye, but Xiao Ye checked the summoning system, and couldn't help but smile again.

To use the summoning system once, you need to spend [-] gold coins, which is really a lot of money. The most important thing is that you don't know if the things you summon are useful. Is this price a bit of a trap?

However, the summoning system is still very powerful. It is possible to summon an extremely powerful existence at any time, which often has the effect of turning the tide.

As for the whirlwind battle armor, it is a set of wind-attributed inner armor, which has become Xiao Ye's talisman, directly inhaled into his body, once used, he can ride the wind, and the wind will become his weapon, which is very impressive.

Xumi Sound Wave Kungfu was also learned by Xiao Ye for the first time. This is probably the first time Xiao Ye came into contact with the skill of attacking the soul. This sound wave skill can almost instantly kill masters with weak soul power. It is a terrifying method .

(End of this chapter)

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