god system

Chapter 727 2 Clan Wars

Chapter 727 War Between Two Clans
The awakening of the magical beast consciousness, a symbol of Emperor Wu's strength, represents that Xiao Ye has stepped onto a new level!
The Three Realms can no longer retain Xiao Ye. The Six Clans of the Three Realms will become Xiao Ye's starting point, and this will be his base. With the development of the Three Realms, he will be able to do something in the universe in the future.

Xiao Ye felt very tired after nearly a year of consciousness struggle. Although he broke through too many physical limits in one breath, he just wanted to rest at the moment.

Before he knew it, Xiao Ye fell asleep in the secret room.

Time went by, and the sea was changing. Xiao Ye never imagined how long he had slept.

Consciousness has been fighting with another self for a full year. The energy consumed in this year is something he never imagined. When he woke up from the secret room, he only felt that his mind was empty, and some chores seemed to have fallen asleep. .

"This is……"

Standing up, he suddenly found that the black hair was hanging down to his waist. What's going on?

"How long have I slept?"

Xiao Ye couldn't help asking himself, but naturally no one would answer in the secret room.

With doubts, he retracted the restriction in the secret room, and opened the door of the secret room. In an instant, a dazzling golden light entered the secret room. His strength reached Xiao Ye's level, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of birds singing came from my ears, I took a deep breath, and the rich fragrance of plants poured into my body, like a spiritual spring, flowing through the meridians of my body.

And the soul breath emanating from that plant made Xiao Ye's soul wake up immediately, and he couldn't help being deeply shocked when he looked around.

There is not much change around the secret room, except that the plants are several times denser than before, but if you look into the distance, you will find that there are exquisite tall buildings everywhere, densely packed, majestic and full of a downtown feeling .

Xiao Ye: "..."

The scene in front of him made Xiao Ye feel very strange. When he was retreating, Xiao Jialing Island had only just started construction, and all the buildings were built were some simple residences, which could barely shelter from the wind and rain.

After this retreat, all the simple buildings have been replaced with shotguns, and they have become so tall?
Comparing those buildings with the simple secret room I retreated to, it was like things from two different dynasties, and there was a world of difference.

In the void, the disciples flew back and forth, each with a calm breath and not low strength.

Xiao Ye immediately used the Xutian cauldron to transmit the majestic aura, and when the aura passed through, he sensed waves of incomparably powerful breaths.

"Is this really the Xiao family?"

Xiao Ye couldn't believe it, when did the ancient Xiao family become so powerful?
He tried to find Xiao Jun, but he couldn't find it. He tried to find Xiao Xiaojia, Zixia Xianzun and other women, but he still couldn't find them. Even Xiao Bing, Bai Lao and other acquaintances disappeared without a trace.

"Are they all still in retreat?"

As Xiao Ye thought so, he had already slowly stepped out of the secret room, and immediately saw disciples flying over his head, and there were voices of discussion.

"The war between the two clans has entered the third day, and today is the last day. We each won one day in the previous two days of competition. This third day is the time to decide the outcome. Today, all the powerful members of the Xiao family of our ancient clan will be dispatched , the Patriarch has already taken Hall Master Rui En and others to Xiao’s Island in the Holy Realm.”

"Hey! It's all because we practiced too much yesterday. If we go slower, I'm afraid we will miss the game!"

"Stop talking, let's hurry up!"

While the disciples were talking, a stream of extremely fast light shot out from the ground and brushed past them. Before they understood what was going on, the stream of light had disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? Which strong man from our Xiao family is this, why did he just set off at this time?"

"All the strong should go with the Patriarch."

"Look, what's down there?"

"Huh? Isn't this the forbidden place of our ancient Xiao family, the place where the second Patriarch retreated? How did he open it? Could it be that the second Patriarch has left the seclusion?"

"Hahaha! The second Patriarch must know that today is an important day, so he chose to leave the customs. We will win this time!"

"It's good for the second Patriarch to leave the customs, but it's hard to say if he wins. After all, even Elder Xiao Ming has cultivated to the level of Spirit Emperor. In the past three years, there have been too many Spirit Emperors in our Xiao family. The second Patriarch Can your strength surpass them?"

"Don't talk about it, the more I talk about it, the more itchy I feel. I'm going to watch the game at Xiao's house in the Holy Realm. The owner has already said that no matter whether we win or lose, we must abide by the rules set at the beginning! Let's go!"

Xiaojia Island in the holy world, three years ago, Xiao Ye, Xiao Jun and Xiao Dong made a three-year agreement here. Three years later, the disciples of the two races will compete today. Whoever wins will join the other unconditionally. them.

Now, the competition has already begun, and it has entered the last day. The flames of war are the most tense time.

In the center of Xiaojia Island in the holy world, a red mask with a diameter of more than three hundred feet rose from the ground, covering the void, and he was the venue for this competition.

The two sides in this competition have already been able to step in the air, so the battle location will naturally not be on the ground, and because the battle fluctuations are too strong, such a mask is needed to absorb the aftermath of the battle.

In the void outside the mask, Xiao Dong led all the powerful members of the Xiao family in the Holy Realm, floating there mightily.At this moment, all the strong men under Xiao Dong had serious expressions on their faces.

After the two days of fighting, they finally sensed the threat from the Xiao family of the ancient clan, and the real war is coming recently, and they are no longer 100% sure.

Among the crowd, there was a disciple holding his arm with a strip of white cloth, with a look of grievance on his face. This person was none other than Xiao Feng who fought yesterday and was defeated.

His opponent was either a big shot in the Xiao family, or Xiao Mu, but in Xiao Mu's hands, Xiao Feng was completely suppressed, and he was defeated on the spot.

This made Xiao Feng feel humiliated. At this point, the spirit in Xiao Feng's heart has been slowly worn away. He no longer looks down on the Xiao family of the ancient family as he did before, and now he has no right to be presumptuous in front of Xiao Jun. At this moment, he just wanted to see the final outcome of this battle.

On the other side, it is the disciples of the Xiao family of the ancient clan led by Xiao Jun who are opposed to Xiao Dong and other strong men.

At this moment, Xiao Jun was wearing a battle robe and holding a battle knife, floating majestically in the void, followed by many strong men, and behind him were Xiao Xiaojia, Zixia Xianzun and other women.

Not only have the disciples of the Xiao family of the ancient clan undergone tremendous changes in these years, but the strength of Zixia Xianzun, Ling Luo and other women has also increased. Among them, Xiao Xiaojia has also cultivated to the realm of Lingdi without accident.

Emperor Ling, that is a realm that Immortal Zixia never dared to imagine, but now it has advanced by leaps and bounds in just three years.

The potential of the soul pool is indeed terrifying, but their potential is still deeply awakened, which is even more terrifying. They have become Emperor Wu in just three years, and their strength is still improving.

If Xiao Ye stipulated that the time limit was four years, then there is no doubt that the Xiao family in the holy world would be completely powerless to resist.

A ray of light floated behind the light mask, it was the King of Kings with a particularly huge build.

Three years have passed, and the current Wang Chunfeng is full of face, and his strength is far from what it was back then.Of course, he is still in the realm of Emperor Wu, and he seems to understand that staying in the Three Realms is impossible to break through.

The Human King is the referee who presided over this battle, and because of the excitement of the previous two days, the entire holy world knew the terrible changes of the ancient Xiao family, so on Xiaojia Island in the holy world, there were also many strong people coming forward at this time. Come to watch the battle, including Gu Feiyang and other powerhouses.

"The battle between the two clans of the Xiao family has entered its final day today. There will be nine competitions, and the winner of five will be the final winner. Now the first competition begins, please send strong players to the field!"

The Human King announced the start of the competition, and in an instant, a stream of light shot out from the ancient family Xiao's house and entered the inside of the mask.

"Which child came to die?"

This arrogant person is Xiao Ruien from the Xiao family of the ancient clan, and he will lead the battle today!
"Don't be arrogant!"

Behind Xiao Dong also shot out a strong man, with a hulking back and a hunchback, although his stature was short, but his strength was astonishing, and his rock-like muscles revealed extremely strong explosive power.

"Hahaha! Xiao Shou, you are here to die!" Xiao Ruien smiled coldly.

"Hmph! I'm defeated, today I'm going to defeat you for the second time!" Xiao Shou also sneered. In fact, Xiao Shou had easily defeated Xiao Rui'en a long time ago.

At that time, Xiao Shou was already a strong Emperor Wu, but Xiao Rui'en was not strong at that time, no matter where Xiao Shou's opponent was, he was not at the same level at all.

So that's no humiliation.

"See the real chapter under my hand!"

Xiao Ruien stopped talking nonsense, he directly turned into a ray of light, the space around his body immediately distorted quickly, and with an acceleration, he had already arrived in front of Xiao Shou.

The battle was about to break out, and the two quickly fought together.

Xiao Shou's head-on confrontation is very strong, which can be seen from his muscles, but Xiao Rui'en is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The growth in the past three years is no small matter. Falling behind.

"Hahaha! Have fun! Come again!"

The most important thing is that Xiao Shou is already a little old, but Xiao Ruien is young and vigorous. In the long-lasting collision, Xiao Ruien quickly gained the upper hand.

Around, the powerful Xiao family members in the Holy Realm watching the battle all frowned.

"What's going on with the Xiao family? All the disciples have grown so much in the past three years. Could it be that just the rich aura can have such an effect?"

"I'm afraid Xiao Shou will be in trouble for this battle."

The battle was going on quickly, the battle between Emperor Wu was not so gorgeous, the collision between the two was very terrifying, it shook the space, and the Zhengyuan Continent had already been affected.

When they collide, the ordinary world outside will occasionally vibrate, making people wonder if an earthquake is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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