god system

Chapter 729 Xiao Ye Zhiwei

Chapter 729 Xiao Ye Zhiwei
Everyone knows that the reason why the Xiao family of the ancient clan was able to come to the holy world is all thanks to Xiao Jun.

It was Xiao Jun who discovered the existence of the Holy Realm and led his family disciples all the way to this point. Xiao Jun had also shown his strength before. When he came to the Holy Realm, his strength had already reached the level of Emperor Wu.

There is no doubt that Xiao Jun was the strongest in the Xiao family back then, but now three years have passed, and the other disciples of the Xiao family are all in a mess. One can imagine how terrifying Xiao Jun's strength has reached.

He is definitely the number one in the Xiao family, but why did he choose to make a move at this moment?

"Xiao Jun, you lost four of the first seven rounds, and if you lose one more round, you will lose! You must win the next two rounds, but if you play early like this, the last round will be completely lost."

Xiao Dong was very surprised by Xiao Jun's early battle, but he immediately sneered. Originally, he was not 100% sure that he would win against Xiao Jun. It's a must win.

"Help someone."

Xiao Jun didn't explain much, he was already waiting for his opponent, so naturally it was impossible to retreat at this time.

Xiao Dong didn't say anything more. According to their original arrangement, the Xiao family in the holy world sent a strong man.

This strong man was enough to rank second in Xiao's family in the holy world, but when the battle with Xiao Jun started again, he suffered terrible suppression. As a result, after five rounds, this man was defeated and injured.

This is the most easily won or lost abnormal battle since today. Xiao Jun's absolute suppressive power, even Xiao Dong dare not say that he will be able to stop it.

But fortunately, Xiao Jun has already appeared on the stage now, so there is no one from the Xiao family of the ancient clan who can threaten Xiao Dong.

"In the eighth round, Xiao Jun won. There are currently eight rounds, and each side has won four rounds. Now we are entering the final round, and the stronger players from both sides will enter the field!"

King Ren announced the result, Xiao Jun also withdrew from the mask, and Xiao Dong flew into the mask immediately.

With his hands behind his back, he raised his head and chest, and glanced at the strong men of the ancient Xiao family, like an invincible god of war, waiting for a challenge.

"Xiao Jun, we have sent people out. It's time to settle the matter of our Xiao family! To be honest, I was surprised by the performance of the ancient Xiao family in the past three days. Don't worry, wait for you to integrate into my holy world Xiao When we are at home, we will definitely treat them fairly, and we will never have any selfishness, after all, we all hope that the Xiao family will become stronger!"

Xiao Dong's words were almost a declaration of victory. The rule of five wins in nine games cannot be changed, and fate cannot be determined by one or two strong players.

The powerful members of the Xiao family of the ancient clan looked at each other, feeling angry with an ominous premonition in their hearts. Could it be that their Xiao family of the ancient clan really wanted to merge into the Xiao family of the holy world, and they still lost in the end?

The powerful members of the Xiao family in the holy world breathed a sigh of relief secretly. To be honest, the Xiao family of the ancient clan put too much pressure on them this time. At this moment, the Xiao family in the holy world has also tried their best.

"Hahaha! What Patriarch Xiao Dong said is exactly what all the disciples of the Xiao family think. I hope you respect every word you say. When your Xiao family in the Holy Realm merges into my ancient Xiao family, don't make too much noise." We will treat any conflicting emotions fairly and will not show favoritism."

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, a hearty laugh rang out, followed by a flash of extremely fast streamer in front of everyone's eyes. When they realized it, Xiao Ye had already appeared within the mask, less than three feet away from Xiao Dong .

"So fast!"

Including Xiao Dong, everyone was taken aback by Xiao Ye's terrifying speed.

Everyone knows that there is such a wonderful existence as Xiao Ye in the Xiao family of the ancient clan, but everyone also knows that Xiao Ye's own strength is not very good, and he just relied on the spirit tripod before.

So from the very beginning, Xiao Dong did not regard Xiao Ye as an imaginary enemy. Xiao Jun has always been his biggest enemy. Who would have thought that Xiao Ye's progress in the past three years has surprised everyone.

"This kid..."

Human King's eyes lit up. Originally, after he awakened his potential, he thought that his strength was already invincible in the three realms. Only by leaving the three realms could he become stronger again in the universe.

But the appearance of Xiao Ye completely changed his mind, because he already felt that Xiao Ye was stronger than himself at the moment, so Xiao Dong was not enough to watch!

And when Xiao Ye appeared, all the disciples of the Xiao family of the ancient clan were so bright that they almost cheered!

Xiao Ye is simply the savior. No wonder Xiao Jun will fight ahead of time. It turns out that Xiao Ye is hiding at the end. This battle may be really suspenseful, but the winner will be their ancient family, the Xiao family!
"Xiao Ye!"

Xiao Dong was almost gnashing his teeth at this moment, the moment Xiao Ye appeared, Xiao Dong's heart trembled, he almost fell from heaven to hell.

"Patriarch Xiao Dong, I am your last opponent, please make a move."

Xiao Ye stretched out his hand to Xiao Dong in a very gentlemanly manner, saying that Xiao Dong should take the lead.

At this moment, Xiao Ye was confident, and he didn't regard Xiao Dong as an opponent at all, but when the lion fights the rabbit and goes all out, Xiao Ye will naturally not neglect!


Xiao Dong was completely furious. At this point, he had no choice but to fight to the death.

The zhenqi all over his body was condensed, and Xiao Dong's aura climbed up again and again, but it did not fall behind the talented Xiao Jun just now.

With such strength, Xiao Jun didn't dare to say that he was 100% sure of winning. Next, let's watch Xiao Ye's performance.

However, just as everyone was waiting for Xiao Dong to make a move, Xiao Dong froze in place, and his face was ferocious, as if he was struggling.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but Xiao Ye smiled on the spot with his hands behind his back, and didn't move at all. What's going on?

Xiao Dong seemed to be in great pain, his true energy was still circulating, but he seemed unable to use it, and he didn't know what he was struggling with. In short, he was in great pain and couldn't move.

"Patriarch Xiao Dong, don't be too forceful. This is just a competition. Winning or losing is common. Don't hurt your vitality, get sick, and affect your future cultivation. Your potential has not been released yet. Wait until you join our ancient Clan Xiao family, I will let the disciples of the Xiao family in the holy world awaken their potential more deeply, you still have a bright future, don't ruin yourself!"

Xiao Ye smiled and persuaded Xiao Dong to surrender, as if he knew Xiao Dong's state at the moment.

This shocked all the disciples. Could it be that Xiao Ye was responsible for all this?Xiao Ye has already made a move?

"This is……"

Renwang squinted his eyes, and faintly saw a slight change in the space around Xiao Dong. It was an extremely powerful space law, even though he didn't grasp it, but Xiao Ye did.

Xiao Ye used this method to make Xiao Dong unable to move.

"It's amazing!" Human King's eyes glowed, and at the same time, another thought came into his mind: "This kid's strength surpasses mine, which means his potential also surpasses mine. Sure enough, he saved a hand, this cunning boy!"

Xiao Dong is still struggling, but Xiao Ye has never moved from the moment he stepped into the mask and stood still, and he has not seen any huge energy fluctuations in his body. Even so, his opponent has already been unable to move. , as if caught in a quagmire.

Such a state made the disciples of the Xiao family in the Holy Realm feel their hearts rise in their throats. Could it be that Xiao Dong just lost like this?

If they lose, they will become members of the Xiao family of the ancient clan. Although they were originally members of the same clan, this still makes them somewhat unacceptable, and they don't want to.

"Patriarch, come on!"

The powerful members of the Xiao family in the Holy Realm couldn't help shouting. In fact, they didn't need to shout. Xiao Dong's persistence was just cheering for himself. Although Xiao Dong knew that he had no chance, he didn't persist until the last moment. He didn't want to. let go.

Slowly, Xiao Dong was able to move a few times, he tried to fly towards Xiao Ye, the speed was very, very slow, slower than a snail.

"I admire your persistence. If that's the case, I'll give you a happy one!"

Xiao Ye nodded in appreciation, and then his body turned into a streamer, appearing in front of Xiao Dong.

He raised his fist without accumulating strength, and simply punched Xiao Dong.

Xiao Dong's body seemed to be soaked, and he hit the mask hard. If the king hadn't controlled it in time, the mask might have been shattered.

Looking at Xiao Dong again, the corner of his mouth was already bleeding, and his body fell limply on the mask, completely losing his fighting power.

This makes everyone amazed, isn't it just a simple punch?Why is the power so great that it directly made Xiao Dong lose his ability to resist? Isn't it too foolish?

"I surrender……"

Finally, the voice of Xiao Dong admitting defeat was heard from inside the mask. At the moment he surrendered, the disciples of the Xiao family of the ancient clan cheered, while the disciples of the Xiao family of the holy world were downcast. Losing the competition, their dignity And then lost.

"In the ninth round, Xiao Ye won. The Xiao family of the ancient clan won the contest between the two clans. From today onwards, the Xiao family of the Holy Realm will be removed from the name and merged into the Xiao family of the ancient clan.

The human king announced the final result, and every word was like a steel needle, piercing the heart of the strong Xiao family in the holy world.

They actually lost to the Xiao family of the ancient clan, to the family they abandoned?This is a great shame, a great shame!

The strong men supported Xiao Dong, but Xiao Dong shook his head: "From today onwards, I am just an ordinary disciple in the Xiao family of the ancient clan, and I am no longer your Patriarch. There is only one Patriarch of yours, and that is Xiao Jun .”

"Patriarch, we..."

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. We have completely lost in terms of strength, and we should accept all of this without any complaints. Come with me and meet the new Patriarch!"

Xiao Dong shook off the disciple who was supporting him, and he knelt down on one knee, fisted with both hands, facing Xiao Jun: "I have seen the new Patriarch!"

Seeing Xiao Dong's appearance, the powerful members of the Xiao family in the holy world felt sore, but they were still unwilling to accept such a reality.

"Still kneeling down? Cough..." Xiao Dong was furious. It doesn't matter if you lose, but you can't lose even the most basic credit and dignity!
(End of this chapter)

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