god system

Chapter 732 Stubborn Boy

Chapter 732 Stubborn Boy
Before Zhizhi left, Xiao Ye had already explained to Xiao Jun, and told Xiao Jun how to enter the world of corpses and souls.And in Soul Soul Realm, Xiao Ye has already arranged a special space and gave Xiao Jun a map.

If they want to become stronger and want a place to learn from each other, they can go directly to Soul Soul Realm and follow Xiao Ye's map.

The Corpse Soul Realm can withstand their attack fluctuations, this is Xiao Ye's last resort.

I believe that in the near future, there will be a strong person breaking through the realm of Emperor Wu.

The parting words were said a lot, even Huo Wu, Ling Wang and Fei Si Le also came to see Xiao Ye off, and even many strong people wanted to follow Xiao Ye to the universe.

But Xiao Ye said that those who want to go can go by themselves, Xiao Ye only brought the magic weapon this time.

In the vast universe, there are interfaces floating one after another. Most of the interfaces are connected by interface channels, but even if there is no interface channel, the strong can fly in the universe and directly enter the interface through flight.

If the universe wants to enter the universe, it still has to rely on the interface channel. He must first enter the Soul Soul Realm, and then go to another interface from the Soul Soul World.

There is news belonging to the mother, and that is where Xiao Ye is going.

"Master, your Corpse Soul Realm is quite good and has a bright future. It seems that no one is making trouble. If it develops slowly like this, it will shine brightly in the future."

In front of the interface channel of the Soul Realm, Fabao joked that at this moment he was going to follow Xiao Ye to the universe, Fabao was still quite excited.

"Originally, I also thought that I could develop slowly and develop both the Three Realms and the Corpse Soul Realm. But I suddenly discovered that something big seems to be happening in the universe, and time seems to have run out."

As he said that, Xiao Ye shook his head: "I can't wait for them to grow up slowly, I have to take the initiative. And I have to solve the matter of father and mother as soon as possible. If I go late, who knows if there will be any Any room for redemption?"

"Master, let me say something bad! In fact, your parents may be in danger at this moment, and your worry may be just useless."

"Of course I know this. In life, who can guarantee that everything is under his control. I will do my best. If the ending is really not good, then there is nothing I can do about it."

Xiao Ye just did what was supposed to be done. First of all, he didn't think about the outcome, but just did what was supposed to be done, that's all.

"Let's go! The universe is so big and there are so many interfaces, we have no concept at all. Because the world of corpses and souls is isolated from the world, there is no news at all. We have to enter one of the interface lines and go to a brand new interface to see if we can Get the map in the universe, otherwise there is no way to go to the Tianwang interface."

Xiao Ye didn't want to stay any longer, so after leaving those words behind, he took the magic weapon and stepped into the interface channel, not leading to the demon world, not to the spiritual world, and not to the Zhengyuan Continent. Xiao Ye chose another interface line at will , stepped into it.

For Xiao Ye today, crossing the interface channel is no longer difficult, it's just a matter of time.

The interface of this trip seems to be relatively remote, at least not comparable to Zhengyuan Continent, Demon Realm and Spirit Realm.So there is also a huge gap in time.

The magic weapon is easy, just lie on Xiao Ye's shoulder and sleep soundly, but Xiao Ye needs to keep an eye on the surroundings at all times within the boundary line.

After an unknown amount of time, a bright spot appeared at the end of the front, Xiao Ye pursed his lips, as if smelling the breath of the universe, the blood in his body couldn't help but boil.

After a whirlwind, Xiao Ye and Fabao were thrown out of the interface channel.

With their current strength, they stabilized their figures the moment they were thrown.

The first thing Xiao Ye did was to look around, but it was obviously a sealed place, only a little light shone in through the cracks in the stones.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ye found that the spiritual energy in this interface was very strong, but the outside world was completely silent, and the spiritual energy was detected, but no powerful existence was found.


Just as Xiao Ye was observing and analyzing, there was an explosion. It turned out that the magic weapon directly blasted away the surrounding stones, and the sunlight instantly shone on Xiao Ye's face.

Xiao Ye gave the magic weapon a blank look. This guy just came to the new interface, and he doesn't know what it means to be low-key, but he has made such a huge momentum. If there are any superpowers in this interface, it will be dangerous.

"Huh? Master, there seems to be no living things in this world."

When Xiao Ye was rolling his eyes, the words of the magic weapon came, Xiao Ye was startled, and immediately shot into the void.Only then did I discover that the gravity of this interface is stronger than that of Soul Soul Realm, and relatively speaking, the interface is also stronger.

The flight was slightly hindered, Xiao Ye flew up to the sky, looked down, his expression changed involuntarily.

As the magic treasure said, there may be no living things in this world. Looking around, all the greenery is actually huge plants.

The entire interface is surrounded by green, and those huge plants exude a strong aura, many of which are useful spiritual herbs.

It's a pity that Xiao Ye doesn't know much about spiritual herbs, and doesn't know which ones are useful. Looking at the endless green ocean, he can only radiate spiritual energy to check for life fluctuations.

After searching around, I really didn't find any life fluctuations.

"Master, it seems that our luck is not very good. There are no creatures in this interface. Look at the interface channel, it seems to have been sealed for a long time, let's see if there are other interface channels, go to another interface."

Xiao Ye agreed with Fabao's statement, and the two of them took up the escape light and flew in this interface. They wanted to find another interface channel and leave as soon as possible.

This interface is bigger than Xiao Ye imagined, and the density of objects there is also very scary, every inch of the map is covered by objects, and it is very difficult to explore.

Just when Xiao Ye and Fa Baoxun were a little tired, the void on the interface suddenly dimmed, and the interface twisted and shook rapidly.

"Someone forcibly destroyed the interface space from the outside world!"

Xiao Ye saw something was wrong at a glance, and the magic weapon instantly lay down on Xiao Ye's shoulder, staring at the sky.

Someone destroyed it from the outside, which meant that creatures were about to enter the interface. Xiao Ye didn't dare to neglect, and immediately turned into a streamer, sneaked into the plants below, and hid himself.

After a while, the void exploded, and a blood-stained figure seemed to be hit by something, and fell directly from the sky, hitting the ground hard.

Due to the force of the impact, a huge deep crater was left in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, three men in black entered the interface, and they looked down from above.

At this moment, the person who was slammed to the ground has stood up. This is a boy who looks less than 15 years old. His originally gorgeous clothes are full of cracks, and there are countless bloodstains on his body.

He was seriously injured and vomited blood, but the boy still stood straight, his eyes were like knives, staring fiercely at the three men in black above.

"Young master, follow us back, so as not to hurt your life!"

The three men in black were actually three women, and the young man was still the young master they said, but they had vicious eyes and merciless strikes, and had already seriously injured the young man. This injury is basically fatal, and if it is not treated in time There could be big problems.

"Hmph! Didn't he want to kill me? Now is your chance, just do it right away, why bother talking nonsense!" The young man was not afraid of death, nor did he have any fear of the three women.

"Heck! It's a pity that the young master is so rich. In fact, as long as you agree to participate in the newcomer competition in the Tianwang interface, Madam can still spare your life. Why is it so?"

"Don't mention that wicked woman to me, she killed my father, and now he still wants to use me! Killing people is nothing but nodding, let's do it, and I will not let you go in the underworld!"

The stubborn words of the young man finally stopped the three women in black from saying anything more. The energy in the three of them soared, and they were already ready to kill.


But at this moment, a sigh came, and then a stream of light shot out from somewhere, directly killing the three women.


The three women were shocked, but the majestic energy had enveloped them, followed by a series of screams, and the bodies of the three women fell from the sky.

After that, a flame fell and burned the bodies of the three people.

All this happened so quickly that even the young man was a little shocked. Who saved him in this uninhabited interface?

Xiao Ye floated above the young man's head, looking down at the young man.

"Good eyes." Xiao Ye thought to himself.

"Who are you, why did you save me?" The young man was seriously injured, and he endured the pain, but he didn't fall down. He was very vigilant, and he didn't seem to trust Xiao Ye very much.

"My name is Xiao Ye. I passed by here just to see how I feel. There is no reason." Xiao Ye said with a smile.

"Even so, I will take my leave." Hearing this, the young man clasped his fists and drove away in Dunguang.

"You little bastard, why don't you have any manners at all? My master and I saved you without even saying a word of thanks, and with a tied face, with an attitude that I don't know you well, you bastard, you deserve to be hunted down !"

The magic weapon was furious. He had never seen such a rebellious person. After saving his life, he still looked like an old man. Who did he really think he was?

Xiao Ye didn't say much, and the boy didn't pay any attention to it, but continued to fly in the Escaping Light. It's a pity that he was seriously injured, and after all, he closed his eyes and fell from the void.

"Hey! Has retribution come? Let you go crazy, with your injuries, you will surely die within an hour! Master, let's leave this kid alone, let's go."

The magic weapon took pleasure in other's misfortune, and wished that the boy would die immediately.

"From the conversation just now, this person seems to know about the Tianwang interface, and maybe he can take us there. Now that we are in the universe, there is no way out, so let's save his life for the time being!"

(End of this chapter)

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