god system

Chapter 735 Xiao Ye's Rules

Chapter 735 Xiao Ye's Rules

"Senior, please follow me closely. Although there is an interface channel in this green world, if you use it, you will definitely be traced. Therefore, we must go to the next interface to take the teleportation array."

As Huangpu Jiang Li said, the strength in his body shook, and he tore open the interface with his bare hands, and the vast universe fell into sight.

Xiao Ye has not flown in the universe yet, so naturally he cannot grasp the orientation in the universe, but he can perceive from the aura emanating from the universe that the stability of the universe is unprecedented, and it can withstand almost all battle fluctuations.


Huangpu Jiang Litun shot out of the interface and entered the universe.

Xiao Ye and Fabao looked at each other, both of them smiled, and then they drove after the light.

Just entering the universe, Xiao Ye rushed to the huge pressure in the surrounding space. This pressure is not comparable to the Zhengyuan Continent, and even the Soul Soul Realm is completely incomparable.

Even if his strength has reached Xiao Ye's level, he still seems very uncomfortable under the pressure of these four weeks, and his energy is passing very quickly.

On the other hand, Huangpu Jiang Li was injured, and his strength was not as good as Xiao Ye's, but because he had already adapted to it after flying in the universe for a long time, he had almost no consumption.

"Master, it seems that you are not as good as this kid." The magic weapon seemed to have noticed something, and immediately began to attack Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye rolled his eyes: "I just need some time to get used to it. If you are better than him, you can fly to me and see for yourself."

"Uh, let's go to sleep, this magic weapon!"

Xiao Ye can't adapt to the space pressure of this universe, how can the magic weapon adapt immediately?As soon as Xiao Ye fought back, the magic weapon lay down his head and fell asleep directly.

Xiao Ye had no choice but to follow Huangpu Jiangli. Although the energy drained quickly, he could easily keep up with Huangpu Jiangli in terms of speed.

"Senior, you have never walked in this universe. There are some things that I have to tell Senior, otherwise when I encounter them, Senior will not be able to handle them, and that will be bad."

"Oh? What's the matter? You just say it." Xiao Ye was startled. Could it be that there are still many things to pay attention to in this vast universe.

"First of all, it's the rules of flight in this universe. Senior, have you seen the blue stone floating above us?"

Huangpu Jiang Li said, Xiao Ye looked up and found that there were blue stones floating at intervals of about three feet above his head.

The blue stone is very translucent, its shape is also irregular, and it looks as beautiful as crystal.

"This is called a star sapphire. In the cosmic space above the star sapphire, the surrounding interface seems to have no pressure, which can support very fast flight. But there is a special flight point for the strong of the Uranus interface. We cannot surpass the star sapphire. .” Huangpu Jiang Li explained.

"Oh? Then what will happen if you accidentally exceed it?" Xiao Ye was curious, how powerful is the Heavenly King interface?

"Death!" A simple word expresses the dominance of the Heavenly King Interface. They have absolute hegemony in the universe. No one can disobey what they stipulate. Once you disobey, no matter what background you have, you will die. Let you die, there is no possibility of bargaining!

"So domineering?" Xiao Ye was shocked: "Forget it, what else?"

Just when Xiao Ye was amazed at the dominance of the interface with the Heavenly King, somewhere above the star blue stone, there happened to be several streaks of light flying towards him quickly.

"He is a strong man in the Heavenly King Interface." Huangpu Jiang Li's complexion changed, and Duan Guang stopped immediately.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye also stopped, but his face was full of confusion.

"In the universe, when encountering the Heavenly King Interface who is on the way, we must first stop our twilight, and be ready to answer the questions of the powerful Heavenly King Interface at any time. If we don't stop, we may encounter disaster." Huangpu Jiang Li explained.

Xiao Ye frowned. Isn't this hegemony too much?It was as if the universe belonged to his Heavenly King Interface, and everyone else was a slave to the Heavenly King Interface.

It was just that they met on the road, and there was no conflict between them, but they had to stop to accept the orders of the powerful men of the Heavenly King Interface, and even answer all their questions.

This is unequal at all, and the gap is very large. Don't the other strong people in the universe have different opinions?Or is it that the strength of Tianwangjie has really reached such a level that the strong in the universe dare not have any complaints?

Thinking in his heart, the three escaping lights had already flown in. He thought they would fly over directly, but unexpectedly, they stopped on top of Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li.

Looking down from a high position, with that strong gaze, just as Fang touched, Xiao Ye completely frowned.

Among these three people are Emperor Wu and two Spirit Saints. They are naturally strong, but their eyes don't seem to be looking at humans at all, but like looking at animals, which makes Xiao Ye very uncomfortable.

"Where are you two going?"

Among the three, the leader was a middle-aged man with his hair tied back and a purple belt tied around his waist. He had slender eyebrows and spoke in a rather tough tone, as if he was interrogating Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li.

Xiao Ye didn't know how to deal with this matter, so he naturally chose to remain silent.

Huangpu Jiang Li replied: "We are going to go to the East China Sea in the distance, and go there to get some sea water."

"Oh? Why don't you take the interface passage to go to the East China Sea interface?" The person continued to ask, and it seemed that he was really interrogating.

"The interface channel fee is too high, I can't afford it, and there is not much distance, so I chose to fly there." Huangpu Jiang Li answered all questions, but he fabricated a lie.

Obviously he was hunted down, and he was going to the Heavenly King Interface, so couldn't it be said?

"So that's the case, and if this is the case, lend me the cosmic spar on your body temporarily, and then you wait at the East China Sea interface, and we will return you in a day."

At this point in the interrogation, the strong man in the Heavenly King interface suddenly made such a request, which made Xiao Yezuo dumbfounded. This is not an excuse, it is clearly robbery, right?

Could it be that the powerhouses of the Heavenly King interface still lack the cosmic spar?
Huangpu Jiang Li didn't dare to neglect, immediately took out a cloth bag from his bosom and handed it over.

"Hmph! You're dishonest." That day's king opened the cloth bag and saw that there were only seven cosmic crystals in it, which was not enough for beggars.

"This is all the universe crystals on this junior." Huangpu Jiang Li said honestly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Seeing that you are covered in injuries, you must have done nothing good. Since you don't want to hand over the spar, then come with us!"

As they said that, the three of them descended suddenly and surrounded Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li.

It wasn't until now that Xiao Ye knew that it was because of Huangpu Jiang Li's injuries that these three powerful men from the Heavenly Kings Interface came to make things difficult.

They knew that Huangpu Jiang Li must have encountered trouble when flying in space, and even caused some catastrophe, and they wanted Huangpu Jiang Li to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

If Huangpu Jiang Li had enough cosmic spar, they would choose to ignore it and let Huangpu Jiang Li survive.

Now that Huangpu Jiang Li doesn't have a universe spar, they have to bring Huangpu Jiang Li back to the Heavenly King Interface for interrogation.

In other words, these three people are one of the teams responsible for patrolling the universe in the Tianwang interface, and they are just making money by taking advantage of their positions.

Now that Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li have been besieged, things seem to be going badly, what should be done next?
Xiao Ye naturally kept silent, waiting for Jiang Li from Huangpu to make a move.

Huangpu Jiang Li also paused in place at this moment, without any movement, as if he was thinking.

"Looking at your guilty looks, you must have done something wrong, obediently follow us back to the Heavenly King interface for interrogation, if you didn't do anything wrong, naturally I won't embarrass you."

At this moment, the three powerhouses had emitted powerful aura fluctuations, enveloping Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li.

The matter has reached an irreversible point, and these three people will never let Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li go easily.

"Senior, what I'm going to do next is not the rules of the universe, but the rules that belong to me! We must kill these three people quickly, we must not leave them alive, and we must not give them a chance to spread the news. be quick!"

Huangpu Jiang Li quietly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Ye.

"It turns out that you can have your own rules, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't want to bear it anymore. The three people in front of him are so arrogant, do they really think they are the king of heaven?Based on their strength, Xiao Ye really didn't pay attention to them.

"I'll count to three, let's make a move together to avoid mistakes." Huangpu Jiang Li said via voice transmission,

Huangpu Jiang Li only counted one "one", but Xiao Ye had already killed him. In the blink of an eye, the two holy saints died in Xiao Ye's hands, and there was no room for resistance.

"Boy, how dare you..."

Emperor Wu was furious, and he wanted to deliver the news immediately, but Xiao Ye's figure appeared behind him like a god of death, and the moment he made a move, the world changed, making it impossible for this Emperor Wu to resist.

"I'm from the Tianwang interface, you dare to touch me..."


Amidst the screams, Xiao Ye pierced the man's heart and took his life. The news he originally wanted to convey was never delivered in time.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. After finishing all this, Xiao Ye looked at the shocked and dazed Huangpu Jiang Li: "Shoot quickly, this is my rule!"

Huangpu Jiang Li smacked his lips, Xiao Ye's strength was still beyond his imagination, if he had known this earlier, he should have let Xiao Ye take action.

"Are you really a miracle doctor?" Huangpu Jiang Li couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hehe! A genius doctor has to survive, how can he be slaughtered by others, do you think so?" Xiao Ye's attack just now was indeed too fast, and the way of killing was extremely precise and decisive. He is a veteran, even Huangpu Jiang Li himself Ashamed.

He did have doubts in his heart, but he will not get to the bottom of this doubt for the time being, after all, he needs Xiao Ye's help.

"Let's go! The powerful people in the Heavenly King Interface have special soul cards on them. Once they die, the people in the Heavenly King Interface will find out immediately. If they stay for a long time, they will never be able to leave again."

Reminded by Huangpu Jiang Li, the two turned into light again and fled away.

(End of this chapter)

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